Syllabus for Psyc 294: Seminar on Careers in Psychology
Fall 2003
Walter vom Saal
SYLLABUS Part I: Requirements and General Information
Course: Psyc 294, Section 01. Seminar on Careers in Psychology. Fall 2003. Dr. vom Saal. CRN #982. 2 credits.
Catalog Description: This is an experimental course offered for the first time in the fall of 2003 under the designation Psyc 294 - Special Topics in Psychology. The course was described in announcements distributed spring 2003, which included the following description:
This student-led seminar will explore options for careers in psychology, both for those going on to graduate school and for those looking to seek employment directly after graduation. Participants will investigate ways to find out about careers, prepare for careers, get a job, find graduate schools, prepare for graduate school, apply to graduate school, and other related topics. Prerequisites: Psychology major; Psyc 100 passed with C or better; permission of instructor. 2 credits.
Class meeting times: Tu 2:00 - 3:40 pm, Fitzelle 318.
Final examination period: Thursday, 12/18/03, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm.
Required Text: None. There will be readings based on books distributed in class, as well as books available in the library and readings on the internet.
Walter vom Saal, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology 502 Fitzelle Hall SUNY College at Oneonta Oneonta, NY 13820-4015 |
office phone: 607-436-3704 |
Office hours are posted on the home page of my website.
Course description: The following description was distributed along with the course announcement in spring 2003:
This new course will be offered on an experimental basis in the fall 2003 semester. The course will be offered in a seminar format. The seminar will explore options for careers in psychology, both for those going on to graduate school and for those looking to seek employment directly after graduation. Participants will investigate ways to find out about careers, ways to prepare for careers, issues surrounding getting a job, finding out about graduate school options, preparing for graduate school, and gaining admittance to graduate school, along with other related topics.
This class will be structured as a student-led seminar. We will begin by brainstorming the topics we want to investigate, then we will assign teams to investigate those topics. Our goal will be to prepare a set of information that can be used both by class members and by others in the future. To give our activities focus, we will design and establish a website that contains both information we have gathered, material we have written, and links to additional information. Class activities may also include visits to facilities and agencies, contact with graduate schools, and visits or guest lectures by invited guests.
This will be a small seminar with students of different backgrounds and career goals. The seminar will be limited to ten juniors and ten seniors.
Course Requirements and Grading:
Attendance policy: Students are expected to attend all classes. If you miss a class, even if excused, you are responsible for finding out about any class announcements, including those about changed requirements or due dates. If you miss a class, please contact a classmate or the teaching assistant regarding material you missed.
Final examination period: We will meet as a class during the final examination period, and this will be an important class meeting that you will be expected to attend.
Web page: You are responsible for checking the course web
page for announcements and assignments. You should check the web page on a regular
basis as described in class. To see the web page:
-- go to:; OR
-- go to Oneonta home page, click Academics, click Faculty Web Pages, scroll
down to Psychology, click Walter vom Saal; OR
-- do a Google search for Walter vom Saal (spelled correctly!)
Attendance and class participation: Much of the learning in this course will occur in the classroom. Attendance is expected at all classes. A grade for class participation will be assigned, based on attendance along with my judgment regarding the quality and quantity of involvement in class activities and discussions.
Group work: Much of the work in this class will be done in pairs or small groups. You should be prepared for group work, and understand that some portion of your grade for the course will depend on the quality of work produced by the group or groups that you work with.
Oral presentations: Student teams will give presentations on various topics as determined by the class and instructor. Criteria for high quality presentations will be developed in class.
Written summary of contributions: Each student individually will submit at the end of the semester a written summary of contributions. The contributions described will include contributions during the seminar meetings, material prepared out of class, and any other contributions. This written document will be prepared in a manner analogous to how one might prepare an annual report or a written statement of activities and contributions in a job setting.
Website material: Each student will work as a member of a team to prepare materials suitable for presentation on a general website on career preparation to be developed by the class. Selected students may have additional or alternative assignments that replace or add to this responsibility. Such alternative assignments may include (a) responsibility for overall development and coordination of the website; (b) responsibility for arranging for guest presenters; and (c) other responsibilities as assigned by the instructor in consultation with the student.
Additional options: Students desiring to replace or supplement the standard course requirements or to submit additional evidence of learning may submit a written proposal before November 19, 2003. Proposals will not be accepted past the due date. Approval of proposals will be based on the quality of the written proposal (including quality of presentation, neatness, style, grammar, etc.) and evidence that the student is capable of independent work.
Grading procedure: The grade will be based roughly on the following weightings:
course component: | points: |
Attendance, class participation, contributions to discussions, and oral presentations. Includes written materials prepared for group oral presentations. | 50 |
Written materials prepared for class website. In the case of students responsible for alternative responsibilies, this component will be reduced or replaced by the assigned alternative responsibility. (Examples include arranging for guest presenters, organizing and creating the website, and other specific responsibilities as assigned.) |
50 |
100 |
Students should keep a copy of everything submitted, and also keep all drafts used in preparation for papers or other work submitted. Back up your computer files on a regular basis. This is an important habit to develop. Loss of computer files will not be an acceptable justification for failure to complete assignments on time.
PROOFREAD YOUR WORK! Materials submitted should be high in quality. Read the handout on Guidelines for Writing Papers and the handout on Writing and Grammar, and be sure your written work follows those guidelines.