This is a new handout being developed. Additional information on other facilities
may be added here in the future.
Updated 3/4/03
Contact person: Ms. Kathy Clarkson, Administrative Assistant and Recreation Director (436-9974).
How to get there: Start from Route 7 in Oneonta (for example, Main St. or Friendly’s or Fox Hospital). Take Route 7 east a little over two miles. You will pass Brooks Barbecue and then Price Chopper on your right. At the next light after Price Chopper, turn right. Pass over the entrance to Route 88 and continue a little over a mile (total about 1.3 miles from the light). St. James Manor will be on your right. Go into the second entrance, and follow the visitor signs to the center building (the building with the canopy for cars to pull up). Park your car and go in the building with the canopy.
Leave about 15 minutes for the drive.
Contact person:
How to get there: Take Main Street past the Police Station and Fire Station, over the small bridge to the traffic light at Stewart's gas station and convenence store. Turn right at the light onto River Street. Take your second left onto Mitchell Street. Nader Towers is at the end of the street. There is parking in the rear.
NOTE SPRING 2003: An ice cream social is scheduled for Monday 3/10/03. The time is tentatively set for 7 pm, but check in class or ask the TA for the final time. It should last about an hour. If you come: (a) be on time; (b) dress appropriately; (c) bring a paper and pen; (d) bring your calendar.