Psyc 345.               Possible topics for group projects or individual papers.

* = prior presentation on file.


- activities: senior citizen recreation.*

- addiction.*

- alcohol and substance abuse.*

- Alzheimer’s disease.*

- cross cultural views on the elderly.*

- death: advance directives, living wills, health proxies, etc.

- death: dealing with loss and death (bereavement; suicide; death of spouse; Alzheimer's)

- death: death of a spouse; child; elderly parents.

- death: physician assisted suicide; euthanasia; right to die.

- death: preparation for death; anticipating your own death

- depression (also loneliness; aloneness)

- discrimination against the elderly. (Biases and discrimination).*

- elder abuse.*

- family relationships: strengthening vs. deterioration.

- financial issues in aging.

- gender differences in aging.

- happiness and quality of life as they relate to aging.

- illness: specific diseases: Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; etc.

- living arrangements and housing for the elderly.

- living arrangements: nursing homes, other options.*

- media: images of elderly in the media, #1: advertisements.*

- media: images of elderly in the media, #2: TV and movies.*

- medical facilities and support.

- personality changes in the elderly.*

- physical changes in the elderly: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke.

- physiological bases of aging and physiological changes with aging.

- recreation for the elderly.  See also Activities.

- relationships (guidelines for successful relationships; how relationships change with age; friends vs. family; parent-child relationships).*

- religion in the elderly.  Do people turn to religion as they get older?

- retirement (early vs late; forced vs voluntary; and life satisfaction).

- services for the elderly.  Panel of providers from agencies, etc.*

- sex and sexuality (changes in males vs. females; changes in sex drive; physical sexuality vs. emotional closeness; new medications and treatment).

- sex roles and how they change with aging.

- sex roles and how they change.

- stereotypes about aging.  Examine: books; magazines; TV; movies; changes over time; cultural differences in attitudes and stereotypes.*

- stroke and it’s after-effects.

- suicide.

- wisdom: what is it, and how does it increase or decrease with aging.

Topics F99:

Section 01

A1  10/28/99  elder abuse

A2  11/2/99    mental, cognitive: Alzheimer's

A3  11/4/99    personality: depression; drug and alcohol abuse. Living arrangements; death of friends and spouse

A4  11/9/99    men vs. women in relationships.

A5  11/16/99  stereotypes of work and retirement in aging; media portrayal; emotional effects.

A6  11/18/99  change, stress, death and dying: hospice, tied in with wills, bereavements, euthanasia.


Section 02

B1  10/28/99  cultural and religious views on death.  Two groups.

B2  11/2/99    cultural and religious views on death.  Two groups.

B3  11/4/99    elderly abuse.  (hospital neglect; in home abuse; stealing).

B4  11/9/99    sexuality and aging.  Gay-lesbian issues.  Decline in sex drive.

B5  11/16/99  living facilities and arrangements for the elderly.

B6  11/18/99  Alzheimer's.