Homework #8
Date Assigned: Tuesday 3/4/03
Date Due: Tuesday 3/11/03
Title: Retirement today
Skim the chapter on on work (Chapter 7). Skim the chapter on retirement (Chapter 8).
Write 3 sentences on something you found of interest in those chapters.
Write a paragraph on "retirement today." From your reading or from your own thinking, try to list several ways in which retirement today is different from what it was 30-50 years ago.
Total Assignment length: Minimum one page. Maximum one page.
NOTE: this assignment is what was given verbally in class for Section 02. It is slightly different from what whas given verbally in class for Section 01. For Section 01 only, the assignment will be acceptable if it follows the instructions given in class instead of these instructions. It will also be acceptable if it follows the instructions given here.