Homework #2
Date Assigned: Thursday 1/16/03
Date Due: Thursday 1/23/03
Title: Notice examples illustrating attitudes toward aging and the elderly, and bring in one example.
1. During the week, notice examples of how the elderly are described and portrayed in the media and all around us. Also notice any comments or descriptions of aging as a process that is desirable or undesirable. Pay attention to a wide variety of things: TV and radio shows, TV and radio advertisements, newspaper and magazine articles, newspaper and magazine advertisements, song lyrics, birthday cards, movies, comments people make, discussions and conversations around you.
2. Bring to class ONE example that you find interesting. If the example is something you can bring physically (e.g. a copy of an advertisement in a magazine), then bring that. If it is something you can't bring directly (such as a conversation you overheard or a TV ad you watched), write up a brief description in a paragraph or two.
NOTE: if you copy are bring something from a newspaper or magazine, be sure to write on it all the relevant reference material: title of newpaper or magazine, date, page number, etc. This is good practice for the future when you might want to later cite something as a reference.
Minimum one page. Maximum one page of writing or more if you bring a copy of an article..