Online Tutoring Request Form

  • Please enter as much information about the skills you need to learn for your  assignment, as you possibly can.

  • A tutor will contact you shortly to arrange a session.  All tutoring sessions take place at the TIPS desk (TIPS office, in the TEchnology Center, Milne Library Basement)

Student Information

Last Name
First Name
SUCO UserName
Phone Number

Class Information

Class Name or Code (ex: Computers and Society, or CSCI 100):
Professor's Last Name:

Request Information

I need help with the following application:
I need help with the following topic:
I want to receive help in the following way: 1 to 1 tutor      Group session
Please describe, in as much detail as possible, exactly what skills, required by your assignment, do you wish to learn during your session.  This will help us better prepare your tutoring lesson.