CSCI 100 Homework 2

Using your book for this course, complete all of the following tasks. Note that you do NOT have to do any of the exercises at the end of the chapter unless you are specifically told to do so or you want to find some extra exercises.  

  1. Read through and create Tutorial 1, found in the "Word Tutorial 1" section of your book. You should create the tutorial by following all of the instructions in the tutorial. When you have finished, the tutorial will be complete and correct. The tutorial begins on page WD1 and ends on page WD60. Please consider to use a consistent naming convention to name all the documents resulted from doing tutorials. (For example, you can name word tutorial 1 as wdt1.docx and second Word tutorial as wdt2.docx, etc.)


Due to that many of you do not have an envelope, let us make the envelope address part optional. In other words, it will not be required to print out the address on an envelope; however, you need to be aware that address information can be printed out on an envelope in a certain predefined layout. I believe there are some people who might be interested in going through that part. If you happen to be one of those who want to work on printing an envelope, and you do not have an envelope, you might want to print the address on a regular letter-sized paper. Therefore, here are instructions you might want to follow.

STEP 1. you will do as what is said on the tutorial , but before you hit print button, you need to customize printing options as following.

Step 2:  hit options… button

Step 3: make sure you click envelope options and change page size to US letter

Step 4:  make sure you click printing options and change feed from to tray 2. NOT TRAY 1, which is manual feed.

Step 5: now, you are ready to hit print. This way, an envelope will be printed out from tray 2 on a regular letter-sized paper, not on an envelope from tray 1.

  1. Read through and create Tutorial 2, found in the "Word tutorial 2" section of your book. You should create the tutorial by following all of the instructions in the tutorial. When you have finished, the tutorial will be complete and correct. (Since the data file cannot be found on your desktop, I am hosting it in my website for the time being. I am expecting the folder will be on your desktop soon. )
  2. Place a footer at the bottom of each page, of the project, that contains your name on the left side and the date in the center.

What to Hand In

Staple together, in the following order,

  1. An official CSCI 100 cover sheet. You can find a link to the official cover sheet in the links section of the CSCI 100 home page.
  2. Your resulting tutorials 1 and 2.

Hand in this package to your instructor on or before the due date listed on my website. Remember, it is expected (the minimum) that your package will be extremely neat, in the order required, and stapled.

If you have comments or corrections, contact me.