If you would like to contribute generators for the algorithms of your choice to the project or you would like to refine our implementation, you are welcome to download sample implementation from this page.

Here is a sample implementation of AVL tree generator

Source code

PPT slides template

Xml input

To run the generator, one needs to compile the source code. Then run the executable by supplying three command line arguments: name of the ppt slides template file, the name of the xml input file and the name of the generated slides file.


Here is a sample implementation of Quicksort generator

Source code

PPT slides template

How to run? Quicksort templatefilename, 10, outputfilename



Work together! Benefit the community!

If you have a new generator, it will helpful for you to send it to us. This will be a permanent and centralized platform to host the teaching materials generators. Your contribution will be acknowledged on our website. Your effort will be appreciated by many users of the materials produced by your generators through our platform.



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