IITG 2014
Established, March, 2014
Update History, May 1, 3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2014
Aug. 15, 2014
Sept. 6, 7, 8, 2014
Sept. 10, 13, 20, 27 2014
On a weekly basis, Oct. 2014 to present (2015)
I will add your feedback to this page, so the items will be expanded and completed as we work on the project.
IITG Proposal 2014
Some references to share
- STEPS of course DESIGN
- course design
- online course design
- online course design
Steps of Course Design (to do list)
- survey multiple CS teachers, sure we need to design a survey first, who would like to join the effort of survey development?
- How to design a survey?
- How to design interview questions?
- study existing curriculum
- How to design a post survey
- study exisiting text
- collect student learning outcomes
- prioritize them and narrow down to a 3credit course frame
- draft syllabus, 3 credits, 2 or 1
- better define the project scope
- identify topics and outlines
- identify reading list s
- prepare sample lectures
- prepare sample discussion
- prepare sample practice questions
- prepare sample homework
- prepare sample assessment
- prepare list of books
- prepare list of online supporting materials
- project report, everybody please keep a journal about your work so you can easily draft your individual report and we can assemble them together easily!!
- recommendation
Course design philosophy
- semi standardized, so it has potential to be adopted by SUNY as system, and still each campus can have a chance to customize the course.
- Accessible, assuming students will NOT major in CS
- Online friendly, Selfpaced friendly, also face to face friendly
- Engaging, managable, every student should get B and above
- Foundamental
- Intresting
- serving multiple related disciplines
What this course is NOT:
- NOT an MS office suite course that trains students to use application programs such as word processors and Internet browsers.
- NOT simply a literacy course
- NOT a programming course
- NOT CS technology
Project Outcome
- SUNY courses - March 2014
- survey design to be done
Thank you everybody for contributing questions. The Survey is currently being finalized by Arthur and Sen (as of Sept. 7, 2014).
A snapshot of survey results by Sept. 26, 2014.
- stuent learning outcomes by Sen and Howard, May 19, 2014
- syllabus- a starting point. Thanks Howard! May 19, 2014. Notice that Information Technology is added to the topic, we start to depart from our original title, but probably this is a healthy evolution as part of the project. Please share your thoughts about this evolution.
- A tentative list of topics, tentatively created, to be reorganized, May 22
- An expanded list of topics by Arthur, Aug. 14th
- activities
- a list of sample slides (extracted from our past learning
- Sample new course proposal from Cynthia Marcello (SUNY Sullivan)
- sample new course proposal from Arthur Hoskey
sample syllabus from Arthur Hoskey fARMINGDALE
- sample new course proposal from Sen Zhang, also an outcome of local campus TLTC project
- sample syllabus, also an outcome of local campus TLTC project from Sen Zhang
- a list of recommended text, please see the sample syllabus for the list
- New!!! Sept. 10, 2014 a list of recommended online e-resources Thank you Andy for testing the form first. To add an entry, please go to
here, thank you
- General Survey Questions for all SUNY students
- Interview questions to Faculty members, CIOs and administrators, being drafted, providing students to conduct the interview as an experiential learning experience
- Interview questions to SUNY students, being drafted, providing students to conduct the interview as an experiential learning experience
- Pre and post survey of students who take the proposed intro course, being drafted
- Assessment for the course: Question bank, under development, being drafted
- We are going to design an exam, which will be given twice to serve as pre and post exam, under development
- An Auto-sending survey link to be finalize soon. Attention here, before you use the form, please talk to Sen, since this is a rough form not fully debugged yet. Sen will release it formally later in Oct.
- Assessment for the course: Sample homework, under development any good ideas?
- Sample Partipating Faculty Survey
- Sample Partcipating Faculty Survey of Teaching Course (different from the project point of view) but maybe combined within the above survey.
- Pre(Entrance) and Post(Exit) Surveys for students
- Exit Survey for students
- Evaluation of the project (underway)
- Dissemination
- any presentation on your local campus, can be added to here. Please send the information to Sen, who will add it to here.
- poster to SIGCSE, 2015
- to SUNY CIT 2015
- to CCSCNE 2015
- paper
Leverage the project for NSF
- Literature review : please suggest some papers relevant to the proposal
- identify the main research question(s) limit to three
- crystal clear languages summarizing the most significant outcomes
- treatment and comparison groups
- valid, reliable data
- The course this project is working on the first course for every student including CS major, as many of them don't know what CS is about yet. Students may choose to waive this course if they have high school equivalent.
- CS AP principle as the second course for CS major, since this is programming intensive
What will be a good course name? Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology or Introduction to Computer Science?
Credits: 1-3, customizable
Prerequisites: None
Audience: non-majors, all, freshmen in particular, the early the better
Format: flexible, face to face, blended, online, self-paced, distance learning, flipped, etc.
type: seminar, special topics, regular course
Here is the tentative dissemination plan
Since potentially the course may get a version to be offered online, I also put up some links that might be relevant
- online
- honest
Literatures (not formatted well, just copied here in rush)
A Breadth-First Introductory Curriculum in Computing, Computer Science Education
Allen B. Tuckera* & David K. Garnicka, pages 271-295
Course Portfolio (Updated April 2015)