List of computing related courses offered by SUNY campuses 

Data Collected by SUNY faculty members: Sen Zhang, Howard Reed,  Cynthia Marcello, and Arthur Hoskey

Sen, will finish from A up to E … in red

Arthur, could you please cover F-M, in green

Howard, could you please cover N-P in Yellow

Cynthia , could you please cover R-W in black

Not 100% accurate, as the relevant courses are offered under many different names. However, we felt that the data we were able to get shows the big picture already.

To be cleaned and analyzed later ...


SUNY Adirondack

CIS 111 - Computers and Applications

An introduction to the terminology and concepts associated with personal computer technology. Computer systems, hardware, software, and applications that focus around the personal computer (PC) will be discussed. Hands-on assignments introducing students to computer concepts such as file management, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, slideshows, e-mail, searching the Internet, ftp file transfer, and building and deploying a Web page are included in the course. Taught in a lab setting.

CIS 119 - Spreadsheets

An introduction to spreadsheets on the personal computer designed for business majors. Spreadsheet creation, modification, printing, graphing, and preparing what-if scenarios are discussed in detail. This course utilizes Microsoft Excel software. Not open to students who have completed or are planning to take CIS 125. Prerequisite: Familiarity with using a PC, keyboard and mouse, and file management (creating folders and copying and pasting files into folders) in a Windows environment.

CIS 120 - PC Hardware Fundamentals

An introduction to the installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of personal computer hardware. Topics include system hardware components, their functions, and what to do when failure occurs, and how to install and maintain PC operating systems. Students will apply what they learn in hands-on labs. This course is appropriate for persons working or planning to work in any technical or computer support position. This course closely follows the A+ curriculum for Microcomputer Hardware. Prerequisites: Familiarity with using a PC, keyboard, and mouse in a Windows environment.

CIS 122 - Introduction to Internet Development

A study of the techniques used in elementary internet programming and web site development. Topics include HTML, CSS, an introduction to an integrated web development environment, along with sequence, selection, iteration and subprogram structures, arrays, data validation, and string processing. This course is open to anyone who desires a first course in Internet design/programming. The course is required for IT majors and recommended for Computer Science majors who may not have the mathematics prerequisite to enter CIS 143. Prerequisites: Familiarity using a Windows-based PC, file management techniques and a word processor.


CIS 123 - PC Software Fundamentals

An introduction to the installation and maintenance of personal computer software. Topics will include: PC operating systems, computer hardware interaction and related software installation and troubleshooting. The content closely mirrors the A+ curriculum for Microcomputer Software. Appropriate for persons working or planning to work in any technical or computer support position.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 120 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 125 - Office Productivity Software

An introduction to office software in a Windows environment. Topics include: spreadsheet creation and modification including formulas, functions, graphing, and "what-if" scenarios; database creation and modification including tables, queries, forms, and reports; and enhanced text presentations including graphics, charts, outlining, slide sorting, and speaker notes. Taught in a lab setting. This course utilizes Microsoft Office software. Not open to students who have completed CIS 119 or CIS 150. Prerequisites: Familiarity using a PC, keyboard, and mouse, and file management (creating folders and copying and pasting files into folders) in a Windows environment.

CIS 126 - Advanced PC Applications

This course focuses on advanced topics and commands not covered in CIS 125. The relational database Microsoft Access and spreadsheet Microsoft Excel will be studied in depth. Menu driven systems and disk organization will conclude the course. Three major projects are required. This course utilizes Microsoft Office software.

Prerequisites:  (ACC Credit level CIS 125 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level CIS 150 Minimum Grade of D-) or ACC Credit level CIS 150 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 129 - Help Desk Fundamentals

An introduction to basic help desk concepts, procedures, and practices. Students will use the knowledge acquired in CIS 120, CIS 123, and other courses in the curriculum to help customers define, troubleshoot, and correct problems with PC hardware and software. They will learn how to deal with customers of varying levels of knowledge, temperament, and skills through a laboratory component which includes role-playing scenarios. It is appropriate for a person working or planning to work as help desk or customer service representatives in any technical or computer support position where customer oriented skills are required.


Prerequisites:  ACC Credit level CIS 120 Minimum Grade of D- and ACC Credit level CIS 123 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 131 - Introduction to Networking

A course where students will develop an understanding of networking as it applies to information processing. Topics include basic concepts and terminology, types of network hardware, operating system software, network administration, network applications and current trends in networking. Prerequisites: Familiarity using a PC, keyboard, and mouse in a Windows environment or permission of instructor or CIS 111.


CIS 133 - Network Fundamentals (CCNA1)

This course builds a theoretical foundation in describing and recognizing components and services supporting computer network communications and the Internet. Students are introduced to computer hardware and software, electronics and signaling, OSI and TCP/IP network models, topologies, standards, and protocols. Instruction and hands-on experience are provided in the proper care, safety, and maintenance of equipment, cabling, and tools. Students build small Ethernet network designs and configurations using routers, switches, and implementing IP address schemes. Particular attention is given to the use of decision making and problem-solving techniques in applying technical and mathematical concepts to solve networking problems and analyzing data traffic. Pre/Corequisites: CIS 131 or permission of instructor.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 131 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 134 - Routing Protocols and Concepts (CCNA2)

This course describes the architecture, components, and operation of routers, and explains the principles of routing and routing protocols. Students analyze, configure, secure, verify, and troubleshoot the primary routing protocols RIPvl, RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF. By the end of this course, students will be able to recognize and correct common routing issues and problems. Efficient IP address utilization using Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) and private addressing are covered. Packet Tracer (PT) activities reinforce new concepts and allow students to model and analyze routing processes that may be difficult to visualize or understand. A multi-semester local industry case study begins with team building and decision-making techniques. Student teams evaluate, research, and design a campus LAN cabling and network infrastructure case study implementing user requirements and learned technologies. Each team will present a proposal. Prerequisites: CIS 133, or Cisco Certified Entry Level Technician (CCENT) certification, or permission of instructor.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 133 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 135 - Network Security I

Students will be introduced to network security terms, laws, principles, components and models. Means of external and internal attacks and breaches, and how to recover and reduce future vulnerabilities using network security tools and writing policies will be highlighted. Students will evaluate legal and ethical aspects; as well as, compare hardware, software and encryption methods such as firewalls, proxies, intrusion detection systems, VPN, authentication, anti-virus, HTTPs, SSH, etc. to design a secure network. Elements of risk management will also be introduced.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 131 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 137 - LAN Switching and Wireless (CCNA3)

This course helps students develop an in-depth understanding of how switches and wireless technologies operate and are implemented in the LAN environment for small and large networks. Beginning with a foundational overview of Ethernet, this course provides detailed explanations of LAN switch operation, VLAN implementation, Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP), Inter-VLAN routing, and wireless WIFI Protected Access (WPA) network operations. Students develop practical experience in configuring, securing, and testing an inter-VLAN switched and wireless environment. Campus network design and Layer 3 switching concepts are introduced. Student teams analyze user requirements, design, and append to their CIS 134 case study LAN switching and wireless implementations. Each team will provide a written proposal.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 134 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 138 - Accessing the WAN (CCNA4)

This course explains the principles of traffic control and access control lists (ACLs) and provides an overview of the services and protocols for wide-area access. Students learn about user access technologies and devices and develop practical experience implementing and configuring Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPP over Ethernet (PPoE), DSL, Frame Relay, ISDN, along with DHCP, DNS, and Network/Port Address Translation (NAT/PAT). The course introduces special network services required by converged applications such as Voice over IP (VoIP), and introduction to quality of service (QoS), WAN security concepts, tunneling, and VPN basics. Student teams analyze user requirements, design, and append to their CIS 137 case study a WAN implementation. Each team will give a final presentation.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 137 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 143 - Introduction to Programming

An introduction to programming techniques and methods. Computer programming is used to explore simple data types, control structures and numerical computation. Other topics include: hardware, software, files, testing and debugging. Stylistic concerns such as naming conventions, code layout and documentation are emphasized. Prerequisite: MAT 108 or equivalent or CIS 122.


Prerequisites: (ACC Credit level MAT 108 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 119 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 123 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 129 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 131 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 132 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 231 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level MAT 232 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level CIS 122 Minimum Grade of D- or Algebra 2/Trigonometry 070)

CIS 150 - Topics in Computing

An overview of many of the important areas in the field of computing combined with an introduction to office productivity applications, such as spreadsheets and databases. Topics include the history of computing, data representation, computer organization and architecture, algorithm analysis, logic circuits, finite state machines, public key encryption, and an overview of the Linux operating system. Hands-on computer assignments will utilize spreadsheets, databases, HTML, C++, PHP, and Linux.


Prerequisites: ACC Credit level CIS 143 Minimum Grade of D-

CIS 151 - Server Side Scripting

A study of the techniques used in creating dynamic database driven Web pages for e-commerce and other Web applications utilizing PHP and MySQL. The course introduces the PHP framework, syntax and programming structure, and covers in-depth the most important functions used to build dynamic data enriched Web applications.


Prerequisites: (ACC Credit level CIS 143 Minimum Grade of D- or ACC Credit level CIS 122 Minimum Grade of D-)

CIS 178 - Information Technology Internship

An unpaid cooperative work experience. Students will complete a minimum of 120 hours at a cooperating employer performing IT related tasks. Students will be required to keep a daily journal of their experiences and undergo an on-site observation by their supervising instructor. Upon conclusion of the internship, students will be required to give a presentation detailing their internship experiences. The internship should be taken the last semester of the student's enrollment at ACC.


SUNY Albany

I CSI 100 Computing and Disability (3)
The relation between people with disabilities and computers. Lectures, tutorials, and laboratory will deal with topics such as how computers may be used by persons with disabilities, assistive devices, software, and applications such as word processing, database inquiries, spreadsheets, and telecommunications. For students with disabilities and for professionals who teach and assist people with disabilities.

I CSI 101 Elements of Computing (3)
Introduction to the principles and practice of problem solving with computer programming through flowcharting, pseudo-code and ultimately the use of a general purpose programming language such as Visual Basic.NET. Concepts introduced include algorithms, arrays, files, structured programming, top-down design, and objects. Course also includes brief introductions to computer and network technology, applications, and architecture from both a historical and modern perspectives.

I CSI 102 Microcomputer Software (3)
Theory and practice of general purpose microcomputer software systems such as spreadsheet and relational database packages. Query languages for database access. Word processing with emphasis on spelling and grammar checking.

I CSI 103 Topics in Computer Literacy (3)
Each offering of this course will address one or more topics that are germane to the use of computers in everyday life. The main emphasis of this course will be on the use of available software packages.

I CSI 105 Computing and Information (3)
A broad introduction to computer and information sciences and related disciplines. All of these fields study various aspects of information and the modern digital computer. Among the central topics of this course, students will learn basic computer programming because understanding how computers work is a key to understanding their use across all of the disciplines in Computing and Information. The topics include what we can and cannot known through computing, interactions between technology and humans, and a series of contemporary applications of the disciplines. The course includes critical readings, multiple perspectives, formulation and defense of opinions, common themes among diverse topics, and skills and practice of teamwork.

I CSI 110 Programmed Computing, Worlds, and Problems (3)
A general introduction to computer science by way of programming and algorithmic problem solving in contexts that provide attractive visualizations of results. Assumes no prior background in programming. The application contexts (animation, robotics, interactive graphics, virtual worlds, games, simulations, etc.) vary from semester to semester. Fundamentals of planning; objects and state; operations, expressions, control structures, logic and procedural decomposition; hierarchies and interactivity are introduced each semester. Provides a background for understanding information technology in terms of its organization, operation, and customization, as well as for further study in computer science and related disciplines. Lecture/workshop and lab meetings. May not be offered in 2013-2014.

I CSI 116 Honors Programmable Computing, Worlds, and Problems (3)
Honors version of I CSI 110. Includes the same topics and approach as I CSI 110 but with greater depth and emphasis on surveying computer science as an intellectual discipline. It will quickly teach the fundamentals of programming so that students who have never done it before can encounter the challenges and rewards of algorithmic problem solving in the same manner as the professionals. The introduction with virtual world programming will be followed by study, discussion, problem solving, and practice with different embodiments of computing, including finite automata, neural networks, cellular automata, Turing machines, numerical simulations, and practical programming languages in different families such as Java, Scheme/Lisp and Prolog Processes. Team based creative and research projects will be carried out and presented. Prerequisite(s): excellent proficiency with secondary school mathematics. May not be offered in 2013-2014.

I CSI 120 Computational Principles and Issues (3)
Principles and issues arising in a variety of computational situations. Discussion of topics from computation theory, artificial intelligence, and systems design. From computation theory, an emphasis on impediments to computation, such as undecidability and NP-hardness. From artificial intelligence, an emphasis on knowledge representation. From systems, an emphasis on computer design and on synchronization problems. May not be offered in 2013-2014.

I CSI 124X Computer Security Basics (3)
An introduction to security in computers and networks for a general audience. The operation of computers and networks is explained to show how they are the basis for attacks. The course will confer a basic but comprehensive understanding of how computer and network attacks (e.g., viruses, worms, denial of service) work. Also, how a general user of computers can defend her or himself from current and future attacks.

I CSI 201 Introduction to Computer Science (4)
Computer algorithms and their representation. The principle of information hiding and its relation to program block structure. File structure and access methods. The efficient use of computational resources. Program development and style. Normally offered fall, spring, summer.

I CSI 203 Data Processing Principles (3)
Introduction to systems analysis and structured programming techniques using COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language). Basic COBOL, table handling, sorting, file structures and maintenance, storage media, and basic functions of a multi-programming operating system. Prerequisite(s): I CSI 101 or 110 or 201. Normally offered spring semester only.

I CSI 204 Scientific Computing (3)
Programming in the scientific languages Fortran 77 and APL. The effect of internal storage representation on precision and accuracy. Symbolic computation using Macsyma. Elementary numerical methods and the graphical presentation of scientific data. Software libraries of interest to scientists. Prerequisite(s): I CSI 101 or 110 or 201, and A MAT 113 or 119.


Alfred State College

CISY 1001 - Word Processing

This course provides comprehensive exposure to contemporary word processing software, and will develop critical word processing skills. Emphasis will be on creating, editing, saving, and printing written documents using current word processing applications software.

CISY 1003 - Intro to Microcomputer Appl

An introductory course in business computing, focusing on microcomputer technology utilizing operating system commands, word processing, spreadsheets, and database software used in business organizations.

CISY 1011 - Spreadsheets

This course provides comprehensive exposure to contemporary spreadsheet software, and will develop critical spreadsheet skills. Emphasis will be on creating, editing, saving, and printing electronic spreadsheets.

CISY 1023 - Intro to Information Technology

An introductory course in computer applications, focusing on microcomputer technology emphasizing file management utilizing various operating systems, operating system commands, spreadsheets, database, and other Internet applications used in business and scientific environments. Students cannot earn credit for both CISY 1003 and CISY 1023.

CISY 1031 - Database

This course provides comprehensive exposure to contemporary database software. Topics include: creating tables, sorting, queries, reports, and forms.

CISY 1041 - Internet & The Electronic Highways

This course provides a comprehensive exposure to contemporary electronic communications. Emphasis will be on accessing the various networks and searching for relevant information using specific network programs and tools.

CISY 1051 - Presentation Technologies

This course provides comprehensive exposure to contemporary presentation graphics technology. Topics include: creating slides, changing test attributes, tables, charts, special effects, effective presentation techniques. This is a five-week course.

CISY 1061 - Office Integration

A comprehensive approach to the use of word-processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software. Integrating office applications, Internet tools in projects, and use of more advanced features, techniques, and data format. Office applications are the products students are most likely to encounter in their careers. Integration feature helps students understand how different applications work together.

CISY 1081 - Microcomputer Applications

An introductory course in computer applications utilizing current software/network packages. Students will create documents to support traditional and electronic forms of communication. Major topics include: operating system/network commands, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software.

CISY 1103 - Info Technology Management

This course will introduce the student to multiple aspects of information technology management including: representing, storing, manipulating, and using digital information. Topics include: computer hardware and software fundamentals, essential applications, networking and the Internet, and computer user security and risks. Students will develop skills in collecting, analyzing, and using information from a variety of resources in order to complete class projects.

CISY 1111 - IT Freshman Seminar

Students will be introduced to and implement strategies for future employment. Students will be introduced to critical thinking and other skills that will make them successful in computer science, computer information systems, and information technology programs. Students will complete a series of written assignments and classroom activities in career exploration, goals determination and evaluation, diversity in school and the workplace, professionalism, and critical thinking. Basics of library skills and Internet-based research will be covered.

CISY 1113 - Intro to Computer Programming

An introduction to and application of algorithmic processes. The development of solutions through a set of logical steps, including structured design will be emphasized. A high-level language will be used to implement these solutions on a computer. Students will write, debug, and execute programs in the business or scientific areas.

CISY 1123 - Intro to Programming for IT

An introductory programming course for information technology or CIS majors. The development of solutions through a set of logical steps and basic control structures (including selection and iteration) will be introduced. Students will write, debug, and execute programs using a high level visual programming language.

CISY 1213 - Prob Sol Appr for Programmers

This course is designed to enhance and develop problem-solving skills. It concentrates on creative problem solving by: (1) studying the process of problem-solving (2) solving a wide and progressively more difficult set of problems and (3) translating the manual solutions to computer programming or application software solutions. Both procedural and object-oriented problem solving methods will be used.



Intro To Computing (LEC) - 10045 - CS 105 - A 0

Computing and its place in our society, including ethics and privacy. Basic concepts of computer hardware and systems. Data flow in computer systems. Understanding and using common application programs: word processors, spreadsheets and databases. Computers in communications. Basic concepts of algorithms, programming and the programming process. CS majors may only use this as free-elective credit. Does not provide any prerequisites for courses in the CS major or minor. (every sem.)

Pgming Concepts&Applic (LEC) - 10375 - CS 110 - A 0

An introductory course for students with little or no programming experience. Basic control flow, data types, simple data structures and functions using a scripting language. Developing code using an integrated environment. The basics of directories, files and file types, including text files. Simple examples of the applications enabled by a modern, platform-independent scripting language such as GUIs, event handling, and database access. This course is open to all students who have not taken any other CS courses (with the exception of CS 105 and CS 205) and under these conditions, can count as free-elective credit for CS majors. *Please note the ONLY grading option for this course is Watson Standard Letter Grade.


Computer Systems I:Machine Org - 23995 - CS 120 - A 0

The design and implementation of digital systems. Number representation and computer arithmetic. Design of a small computing system including an ALU, control unit, RAM, registers, bus system, instruction decoder, program counter, multiplexer, channels and clocking. Programmable logic arrays. Introduction to assembly language and C. Relationship of a higher-order programming language (C) to assembly language, and assembly language to machine code. Implementation of machine code in hardware. Use of computer-aided design and simulation tools. Supervised laboratory work involves digital system design and implementation, assembly language and C programming. Prerequisite: CS 100 or CS 110, or familiarity with programming.


Programming with Objects (LEC) - 10385 - CS 140 - A 0

Assumes a foundation in procedural programming as covered in CS 100 or CS 110. Provides the foundations of software development using Java. Problem solving using object-oriented programming techniques is emphasized. Topics include primitive and reference data types, variables, expressions, assignment, functions/methods, parameters, selection, iteration, recursion, exception handling, generic linear data structures and maps, file types, file I/O, simple GUIs, programming to an interface, use of inheritance, javadoc documentation, and introduction to Java threads. Required laboratory provides supervised problem solving, programming using the command line as well as Eclipse or Netbeans development environments, code backup in a version control repository, debugging and JUnit testing techniques. Prerequisite: CS 100 or CS 110 every sem.

Living/Learning Computer Proj - 10343 - CS 185A - 01

Projects developed in the context of Residential Life's Learning Communities. Projects minimally include technology, community service and group learning and depend on the interests of instructor and needs of the sponsoring Living Community. Only counts as free-elective credit for CS majors.




CSC 104 Computers in the Business World (A). Provides a general introduction to the different uses of computers in business. Includes these topics: computer system concepts, data representation and storage, processor and peripheral hardware, data processing and word processing systems, spreadsheets, report generation, database queries, and management packages. 3 Cr.

CSC 105 Internet and Web Publishing (A). Prerequisite: CSC 104 or CIS 106 or GEP 150 or equivalent. Provides a general introduction to cyberspace. Includes these topics: Internet, e-mail, lists, news groups, Gopher, Telnet, FTP, World Wide Web, net browsers, and creating Web home pages using HTML. 3 Cr.

CSC 120 Introduction to Computer Science (A). Prerequisite: MTH 111 or higher. Provides a breadth-first introduction to computer science. Includes these topics: algorithms and their properties; binary, octal and hexadecimal: arithmetic and conversion; representation of integer and real numbers; elementary computer organization, architecture and programming of a simple machine; digital logic; Java programming: declarations, assignments, expressions, I/O and loops; operating systems and networks; database, spreadsheet, etc.; ethical, legal and social issues of computing. Preparation for CSC 203. 3 Cr. Every Semester.

CIS 106 End-User Computing (A). Develops students' acumen in key end-user computing technologies, to a level that will allow students to utilize technology successfully in the workplace and to meet the contemporary expectations of employers. Includes topics such as word processing, operating systems, spreadsheets, office presentation, network applications, and databases. Requires extensive lab work. 3 Cr. Every Semester.

CIS 117 Introduction to Web Development (A). Provides introduction to the infrastructure of the World Wide Web (WWW). Develops proficiency in creating static web pages. Includes these topics: client-server architecture, World Web Web, Internet protocols, Web document structure, XHTML tags, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Requires extensive hands-on laboratory exercises. 1 Cr. Every Semester.

CPS 101 Introduction to Computation (A,N). Prerequisites: MTH 121 or instructor's approval. An introduction to computation as used in science and engineering. Emphasizes practical applications of formulas to real-life problems and on tools for their solution. Topics include: (1) some basic techniques used in computational modeling (linear regression for data-fitting, determination of areas and volumes, rate of change, and use of graphical calculator), (2) essentials of programming in FORTRAN 90; and (3) essentials of the UNIX operating system (basic commands, editors, file manipulation). 3 Cr.

CPS 105 Scalable Game Design with Agent-based Modeling (A,N). This course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience of developing computer games and simulations using agent-based modeling tools such as Agent Sheets (AS) which requires no previous experience in programming. Game design is gaining popularity as a way of introduction to modeling and computer programming. This course will broaden participation in computing at the entry level by shifting the pedagogical focus from programming to more general design comprehension for students. The notion of scalable design will allow students to create interactive games first and then move up to educational games as well as more complex simulations and traditional programming practices. 3 Cr. Every Semester.


CST 090 - Computer Science I

CST 091 - Computer Science II

CST 092 - Network Basics I

CST 093 - Network Basics II

CST 102 - Computer Skills and Literacy

CST 103 - General Security Concepts

CST 104 - Remote Security Methods

CST 105 - Computer Applications

CST 106 - Computers in Technology

CST 109 - Computer and Malware History

CST 113 - Introduction to Programming

CST 117 - Problem Solving & Communication Tools

CST 119 - Computer Concepts and Applications

CST 120 - Java Programming

CST 123 - Visual Basic for Technology

CST 124 - Introduction to CGI Programming

CST 127 - Introduction to C++ for Engineers

CST 131 - Internet Programming Languages

CST 133 - Structured Programming

CST 138 - Structured Programming in C++ for Engineers

CST 140 - Computer Maintenance

CST 150 W - Object Oriented Programming

CST 151 - iPhone/iPad Application Development

CST 153 - Robotics and C Programming

CST 158 - Data Analysis with Spreadsheets



CIS101   COMPUTER FUND           3  100% ONLINE COURSE.


CIS151   INF PROCESS I   3             CIS101 OR EQUIVALENT. 100% ONLINE.



Buffalo university

SE 101 Computers: A General Introduction

Credits: 4
Semester(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading: Graded (A-F)

Course critically examines popular concepts of information age computing,including:smart devices,societal implications,history,hardware function,sensors,networks,problem solving, and software concepts. Internet technologies such as Web 2.0, rich internet applications,responsible use of social networking,and cloud computing are examined. Privacy and security is an underpinning across all topics. Students will gain practical,lab-based experience with spreadsheets,database systems,HTML design,and various operating systems including Windows,Mac OS X,Linux and Android.


View Schedule for CSE 101

CSE 111 Great Ideas in Computer Science

Credits: 4
Semester(s): Fall, Spring
Grading: Graded (A-F)

Designed to satisfy the mathematics core requirements. Students study algorithmic problem-solving techniques and gain an appreciation for some of the most interesting and significant results of computer science, as well as its intellectual and social significance. The course has both a mathematical and a laboratory component. Topics may include algorithm design, introduction to programming, structured programming, software tools, software engineering, text manipulation, numerical computation, transistors, very large-scale integrated circuits, machine architecture, language translation, operating systems, and artificial intelligence. Admitted computer science and computer engineering majors should not enroll in this course sequence.


View Schedule for CSE 111

CSE 113 Introduction to Computer Programming I

Credits: 4
Semester(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Grading: Graded (A-F)

Introduction to computers and computer programming intended for nonmajors. Appropriate for those seeking a practical introduction to computer programming. Topics include the use of data types and variables, programming control constructs supported by modern languages, input/output, basic concepts of object-oriented programming (such as classes, objects, encapsulation, information hiding, and code reuse), as well as graphical user interfaces. No previous computer experience assumed. Not suitable for intended computer science or computer engineering majors. Admitted computer science and computer engineering students should not take this course.

Transfer Equivalency
Credits: 0-999
Semester(s): (No information on typically offered semesters)

CSE 115 Credit by Petition


View Schedule for CSE 113

CSE 115 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I

Credits: 4
Semester(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Pre-requisites: None. No previous programming experience required. Students must have completed high school pre-calculus (algebra and trigonometry)
Grading: Graded (A-F)

Provides the fundamentals of the field to computer science and computer engineering majors, introducing students to algorithm design and implementation in a modern, high-level programming language. Emphasizes problem solving by abstraction. Topics include object-oriented design using a formal modeling language; fundamental object-oriented principles such as classes, objects, interfaces, inheritance and polymorphism; simple event-driven programming; data types; variables; expressions; basic imperative programming techniques, including assignment, input/output, subprograms, parameters, sequencing, selection and iteration; the use of aggregate data structures, such as arrays or more general collections; simple design patterns.

SUNY Canton


CITA       108         101            1           INTRO TO SPREADSHEETS            

CITA       110         001            3           INTRO TO INFO TECH

CITA       152         001            3           COMPUTER LOGIC

CITA       163         0H1           3           SURVEY OF INFO TECH

CITA       170         001            3           COMPUTER CONCEPTS & OP SYSTEMS

CITA       171         001            3           OPERATING SYSTEM USE & ADMIN

CITA       180         001            4           INTRO TO PROGRAMMING

SUNY Cayuga Community College

31178    CS           080-040                Microcomputer Maintenance

31879    CS           082-040                Help Desk/Software Concerns

31181    CS           110-001                Exploring Computer Technology

30988    CS           120-001                Foundations:Computer Science

30190    CS           200-001                Programming Visual Basic


csc 100 KeyboArDinG 1 creDit

Teaches effective keyboarding skills while familiarizing

students with common computer applications. The course

facilitates writing research papers, compositions, and

reports, as well as inputting information requiring use of the

computer keyboard.


csc 101 coMputer orientAtion 1 creDit

this course covers the computer terminology, computer

hardware components and accessories, and the history of

computers. Students will also get a brief hands-on

introduction to word-processing and spreadsheet applications.


csc 102 introDuction to MicrocoMputer ApplicAtions  3 creDits

This course focuses on the latest application software and

operating systems used in the business world. The course will

prepare students to be intelligent users of computers and

to understand the basics of word processing, spreadsheets,

database, and the internet through “hands-on” laboratory



csc 121 funDAMentAl concepts of coMputinG 3 creDits

this course introduces students to the fundamental ideas in

computer programming. Students will be exposed to both

object oriented and non-object oriented programming

languages. Topics include flow charts, variables, loops, if

statements, events, string commands and functions. Major

emphasis is placed on problem solving, sound programming

techniques, and good program design.



CITA 110 | Microcomputer Application I(C)
An introduction to the use of microcomputers and application software. Topics will include microcomputer terminology, hardware system components, disk operating systems and MS Windows. The student will learn through hands-on experience the skills necessary to use windows-based word processing, spreadsheets and data base systems. [Fall, Spring] [3 credits]

CITA 112 | Spreadsheet & Database Appl(C)
This course emphasizes the use of advanced concepts in spreadsheet and database applications. Students will gain understanding of concepts and skills required to develop complex business applications. Using software applications such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access to store, organize, and retrieve business information that is critical to decision making. Concepts explored include developing complex business models, interaction with other software applications, and using visual programming tools. Prerequisite: Familiarity with Microsoft Windows, Word and Power Point or permission of the instructor. [Fall, Spring] [3 credits]

CITA 115 | Computer Operating Systems (C)
A study of advanced computer operating systems, students will be introduced to the Linux operating system. They will also study the features and functionality of Microsoft Windows operating systems in detail. Topics will include installation, the file system, profiles and policies, security, protocols, internetworking, remote access, printing, and troubleshooting. It will provide an overview of the Windows networking family. Successful completion of this and associated courses will prepare the student for industry certification. Co-requisite: CITA115X Course fee of $45 is required. [Fall, Spring] [2 credits]

CITA 115X | Computer Operating Systems Lab
Laboratory experience directly related to the material in CITA115. Students will install operating systems, create profiles and policies, establish security, setup protocols, interconnect networks, setup remove accessing and printing and carry out troubleshooting. Co-requisite: CITA115 [Fall, Spring] [1 credits]

CITA 120 | Computer Hardware Concepts (C)
A study of the terminology and concepts associated with computer systems hardware and software. Topics will include: system hardware components, memory organization and management, operating systems, troubleshooting fundamentals, etc. Students will construct PC's, and install, configure, test and troubleshoot system software to apply the various concepts covered in the course. Course fee of $45 is required. Co-requisite: CITA 120X [Spring] [2 credits]

CITA 120X | Comp Concepts & Op Systems Lab
Laboratory experience directly related to the material in CITA120. Students will construct PCs, and install, configure, test and troubleshoot system software to apply the various concepts covered in the lecture. Co-requisite: CITA120 [Spring] [1 credits]

CITA 130 | Web Publishing I (C)
This course is a study of the planning and creating of web pages using XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language). Topics include: The World Wide Web, XHTML standards, XHTML tags, hypertext links, planning and designing a web page, using colors and graphics, a web page with tables, a web page with forms, using frames in a website, image maps and Cascading Style Sheets. Students will plan, design and create web pages. [Fall, Spring] [3 credits]

CITA 140 | Intro to Programming (C)
A study of fundamental computer terminology, concepts and problem solving techniques. Emphasis is placed on the development of problem solving skills using a programming language. Students will write, test and debug programs related to appropriate disciplines using computer equipment. Course fee of $45 is required. [Fall, Spring] [3 credits]

CITA 190 | Linux Operating System (C)
A comprehensive study of the Linux operating system. Students will also examine the history of the development of Linux and its relationship to Unix. Prerequisite: CITA115 or permission of the instructor. Co-requisite: CITA190X Course fee of $45 is required. [Fall, Spring] [2 credits]

CITA 190X | Linux Operating System Lab
Laboratory experience directly related to the material in CITA190. Students will use a hands-on approach to learn how to install, configure, and administer Linux-based computers. Co-requisite: CITA 190 [Fall, Spring] [1 credits]


Columbia-Greene Community College

CI 101 01 Computer Essentials Broast T R 02:00PM-03:20PM 3.00

CI 105 43 * Computer Applications Broast T 08:00AM-09:20AM 3.00 I-NET HYBRID

CI 110 01 * Adv Computer Applications Fitzgerald M W 12:45PM-02:05PM 3.0010• C-GCC • SPRING 2012 SCHEDULE


CI 141 01 * Desktop Publishing Fitzgerald T R 11:00AM-12:20PM 3.00


CS 116 41 Contemporary Computer Concepts Mossman M W 09:05AM-10:00AM 3.00I-NET HYBRID

CS 125 40 Web Page Authoring Jones TBA INTERNET 3.00

CS 134 01 Comput & Informatics Sci I Mossman M W 11:15AM-01:45PM 4.00

CS 154 01 JAVA Programming Scampoli M W 02:15PM-03:35PM 3.00

Cornell University, NYS College of Agriculture & Life Sciences at
Cornell University, NYS College of Veterinary Medicine at
Cornell, NYS College of Human Ecology at
Cornell, NYS School of Industrial & Labor Relations at

No information found for these four



Computer Science (CSCS)

CSCS 1200 Computer Essentials 4

Theories and applications of computers. Includes computer architecture, hardware, software, number coding, problem solving paradigms, microcomputer applications, network technology, computer ethics, computer careers, e-commerce, and system software. (4 cr. hrs.) (Fall, Spring). Prerequisite: Ready to take a college-level composition course and have no developmental reading and mathematics requirements. Recommended for computer majors only; non-majors see CSIT 1390. Lecture/laboratory. Shelf Life Alert.


CSCS 1240 Structrd&Objt-Orient Prob-Solv

Logic for analyzing problems and communicating problem-solving procedures to the computer. Data types and variables, control structures, arrays, sorting and searching, "common sense" analysis, problem-solving, logic flow charting, pseudocoding, and Unified Modeling Language (UML). (3 cr. hrs.) (Fall, Spring). Prerequisites: Ready to take a college-level composition course and have no developmental reading and be taking Math 1015. Lecture/laboratory. Shelf Life Alert.


CSCS 1320 C/C++ Programming 4

C/C++ Programming for systems, commercial, and scientific applications. Topics include: procedural vs. object-oriented programming, data types, operators, standard control structures, functions, pointers, arrays, structures, classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, templates and libraries. (4 cr. hrs.) (Spring). Prerequisite: CSCS 1240 or instructor consent. Shelf Life Alert. Lecture/laboratory.


Student will complete projects integrating spreadsheets, databases, word processing, and graphic presentations with embedding and linking applications. Graphical User Interface (Windows operating system) will be utilized throughout the semester. Hardware analysis, operating system comparison, binary number system manipulation, and telecommunication and network technology literacy will be studied. (4 cr hrs) (Fall, Spring). Lecture/laboratory. Prerequisites: Ready to take a college-level composition course and have no developmental reading requirements. Shelf Life Alert


Network Fundamentals (CSNT)


A theoretical overview of networks. Introduction to the OSI model, communications media, various network equipment, data transmission, protocols, topoligies, achitectures, Local area networks, Wide area networks, Routing and Routing protocals, IP addressing and structured cabling. (4 cr. hrs.) (Fall/Spring). Lecture/laboratory.



CSNT 1400 Routing Protocols & Concepts CREDIT HOURS 4

Discussion, design and configuration of various Routers and Routing Protocols. Other topics include Classful and Classless IP addressing, subnetting, VLSM and CIDR. Students receive practical hands-on experience configuring and implementing the lecture topics. (4 cr. hrs.) (Spring). Prerequisite: CSNT 1200. Lecture/ laboratory.


Computer Service Technology(CSST)

CSST 1031 Intro Graphical User Interface 1

CSST 1051 Introduction to Spreadsheets 1

CSST 1052 Intermed Spreadsheet Concepts 1

CSST 1053 Advanced Spreadsheet Concepts 1

CSST 1091 Intro Microcomputer Graphics 1

CSST 1101 Microcomputer Database Concept 1

CSST 1161 Introduction to the Internet 1

CSST 1600 Object Oriented Prog-Nonmajor 3


Computer Web Technology (CSWT)

CSWT 1051 Interactive Web Technologies 1

CSWT 1200 Web Site Development Fundmntal 3




CSNS 1610 Fundamentals of Info Security CREDIT HOURS 4

An introduction to the fundamental issues, concepts and tools common to areas of security. Topics include who are the attackers, their motivations, and risk tolerance. Essential tools will be introduced covering the areas of anti-virus, monitoring, virtual machines, account control, and access rights management. Security models such as access control lists, role-based access control, Bell-La Padula, and others will be studied. Concept areas such as confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy will be studied. <I>(Lecture/Lab) (Spring). Pre-requisite: CSNT 1200 </I>


Computer Repair System Technology (CRST)

CRST 1010 Computer Hardware Technologies 4

Course is designed to help prepare students for the PC hardware portion of A+ Certification exams. Topics follow objectives as defined by current CompTIA standards. Topics include computer proper PC assembly/ disassembly techniques, motherboards, CPUs, memory, mass storage devices, power supplies, network harware, and safety. (4 cr. hrs.) (Fall,Spring). Lecture/laboratory. Course fee $50. Course not recommended for students enrolled in developmental Math/English/Reading courses. Shelf Life Alert.


CRST 1030 Operating System Technologies 4

Course is designed to help prepare studetns for the Operating Systems portion of A+ Certification exams. Topics follow objectives as defined by current CompTIA standards. Topics include Operating Systems fundamentals, installation, configuration and upgrading of Windows based systems, basic diagnosis and troubleshooting of operating system problems and an introduction to Windows networking. (4 cr. hrs.) (Fall). Lecture/laboratory. Course not recommended for students enrolled in developmental math/English/reading courses. Lab fee. Shelf Life Alert.


CAP Computer Applications

CAP 100 Intro: Computer Applications


(A) Computing applications in various academic disciplines; topics include operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, database, communications, the Internet, current topics, and a brief introduction to computers and their impact on society. Not open to students with credit for CAP 110 or CAP 111. Lecture and laboratory required. (3 cr. hr.)


CAP 104 Computers and Society


Examination of the social, political, ethical, and economic implications of living in a computer-dominated world. Emphasis on assessing the impact of technology and developing an understanding of its future role. Topics include computer crime, computer and information ethics, computers and the Constitution, privacy and Artificial Intelligence. (3 cr. hrs.).

Empire State College

computer science

 Computer Application I 3 

 Computer Application II 3

 Introduction to Computer Programming (C,C++)

information systems

information technology

Environmental Science and Forestry, College of

Computer and Information Technology Minor

The computer and information technology minor is available to all ESF undergraduates who want to develop greater

skill in computer science and information technology applications. By understanding the basic principles behind

software development, students can more effectively use these tools in their chosen fields. To be eligible for this minor, a

student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or better by the end of the sophomore year. Interested

students must submit a petition form, with courses listed, to their academic advisor and undergraduate coordinator, with

final approval from the dean of Instruction and Graduate Studies.

Eighteen credit hours (6 courses) in computer science and information technology courses are required. Required

courses: APM 153 Computing Methods for Engineers and Physical Scientists (3) or APM 360 Introduction to Computer

Programming (3); ESF 200 Information Literacy (1); CIS 252 Introduction to Computer Science (4); CIS 351 Data

Structures (4). Elective courses: at least two courses (6 credits) chosen from among courses available from both ESF and

Syracuse University including Applied Mathematics (APM), Environmental Resource Engineering, Forestry, Wood

Products Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Computer Engineering, and Computational Science. The

complete list is available from faculty advisors.


Information Management and Technology Minor

In collaboration with the Syracuse University School of Information Studies, ESF also offers an undergraduate minor in 39

Information Management and Technology for ESF students. This minor is designed to give students knowledge of

information technology and an understanding of information and communications problems. It complements many

majors because all organizations need people who understand information resources and information technology. To be

eligible for this minor, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.750 or better and apply for the minor

after completing at least one semester at ESF, but as soon after that as possible to ensure all courses can be completed.

Normally, students are allowed to take only one information management course per semester, with one semester of two

management courses, so careful planning is required. It is preferable students begin the minor during their sophomore


The following 18 credits of courses are required: ITS 195 Information Technologies (3); 9 credits of ITS elective

coursework; and one course from each of the following two general areas of study:


• IST 233 Introduction to Computer Networking (3)

• IST 352 Applications of Information Systems (3)

• IST 459 Introduction to Database Management Systems (3)
Erie Community College

CS 101 - Computer Literacy

Credit Hours: 3


The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of computers. It will expose the student to an operating system; the use of computers in our lives; computer components and software applications including word processor, spreadsheet, database, presentation, e-mail and the Internet. This course is intended to provide general computer literacy and basic information management. It may be used as a liberal arts elective. It cannot be used as a computer science requirement or an elective in the computer science curriculum.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


use computer equipment and terminology;

use operating system commands;

identify and solve simple hardware and software problems;

use the computer to solve problems;

use computer application software to promote the student’s academic success;

receive and send e-mail messages, both with and without attachments;

use a Web browser to navigate and search the Internet; and

demonstrate an awareness of the effect of computers on individual’s lives and society as a whole.


CS 103 - Web Development and Programming Fundamentals

Credit Hours: 3


This course covers the fundamentals of Web development and programming. Topics include concepts of the Internet, development of a Web site and Web pages, development of dynamic and interactive Web-based capabilities, client-side technologies (e.g., JavaScript), privacy and security issues. Server-side technology is an optional topic. The course will focus on Web related programming. Modern tools and languages will be used. Hands-on Web development and programming exercises will be included. The course is open to students in any curriculum.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


demonstrate basic competency in Web development and programming;

explain the basic concepts of the Internet, client-server architecture, features, and tools;

explain technological features of client-server interaction including the HTTP protocol, cookies, maintaining state, and limitations thereof;

explain and distinguish the types of software capabilities that can be programmed for the client side and the server side;

develop a basic Web site and set of Web pages using a modern Web development tool;

explain and apply basic Web design and usability principles;

develop and incorporate software capabilities in Web pages using the JavaScript programming language;

develop and incorporate dynamic capabilities in Web pages using JavaScript;

develop Web pages that include the use of forms and use JavaScript for client-side operations (e.g., data entry validation);

explain the operation of server-side software and give examples; (OPTIONAL)

explain the processing of forms by server-side software and give examples;(OPTIONAL)

deploy a basic Web site on a Web server;(OPTIONAL)

explain basic privacy and security issues;

explain applications of Web-based technology in the real world and give examples; and

technology objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate “hands on” proficiency in using state-of-the-art computer software tools and/or languages to accomplish the above course objectives. All of the above course objectives involve the use of computer and Web technology.



Prerequisites: Proficiency in the use of a computer.

F/S (C, N, S)



CS 111 - Introduction to Computer Science

Credit Hours: 3.5


The purpose of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of computer programming, software and hardware, with an emphasis on preparing students to major in computer science. Computer history and the effect of the computer on today’s society are also discussed. Students will be required to complete programming projects in a structured high-level language, such as C++.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


demonstrate a fundamental awareness of the history of computers and computing;

identify basic components and organization of a computer;

demonstrate the use of the keyboard to enter data into a current software package to solve problems;

demonstrate the use of an operating system and an editor to write and execute programs;

develop algorithms for solving problems on a computer utilizing a top down approach with stepwise refinement;

write, debug, and execute programs in a structured programming language;

use basic data types, expressions, and built in functions to write elementary programs;

differentiate between procedures and functions, and value and variable parameters, and use each appropriately in programs; and

implement the control structures of the language.

identify problems where the use of arrays to store data is appropriate, and define and use data types using arrays;

demonstrate an awareness of the impact of computers on society and individuals; and

technology objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate “hands on” proficiency in using current hardware, software tools and languages to accomplish all of the above course objectives.



F/S (C, N, S)


No previous computer experience is assumed. No credit will be given if taken after passing CS 121.


CS 121 - Computer Science ICredit Hours: 4


An introductory level survey course in computer science which will include the following topics: basic components and organization of a computer, machine representation of data, number systems, nature and design of algorithms, top down development of programs, data types, control structures and basic data structures. A structured programming language (such as C++) will be studied and utilized along with operating system and editor commands. Students will be required to complete several programming projects.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


identify basic components and organization of a computer;

demonstrate the use of the operating system and an editor to write and execute programs;

develop algorithms for solving problems on a computer utilizing a top-down approach with stepwise refinement;

write, debug and execute programs in a structured programming language;

use basic datatypes, expressions, and built-in functions to write elementary programs;

use user created and library functions. Differentiate between input and output (value, reference) arguments;

differentiate between iteration and recursion, and trace functions of each type;

implement the control structures of the language;

write modular solutions by use of multiple files for implementation of abstract data types; and

use user created classes.

identify problems where the use of arrays to store data is appropriate, and define the data types using arrays;

compare and analyze basic sorting algorithms: selection, insertion, exchange;

compare and analyze searching techniques: linear, binary;

write user documentation for programs explaining the purpose of the program to a user;

write programmer documentation explaining the implementation of the program to another programmer; and

technology objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate “hands on”proficiency in using current hardware, software tools and languages to accomplish all of the above course objectives.



Prerequisites: Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry and some experience with a high-level programming language.

F/S (N, S)



Computer Repair Technology

CP 112 - Technology Methods   

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CP 112 - Technology Methods

Credit Hours: 2


Introduction to the calculator, meters, oscilloscope, problem solving, graphing techniques, data presentation, soldering, wire wrapping and printed circuits. Introduction to computer usage.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


use electrical instrumentation, test equipment, and measuring techniques;

use hand tools, solder and solderless connections, and printed circuits;

computer design and component layout; and

library use, research skills, and technical reports.



Concurrent Registration: CP 113

F (S)







  CP 113 - Lab for CP 112             

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CP 113 - Lab for CP 112

Credit Hours: 1


Experiments and demonstrations using the calculator, meter, oscilloscope, problem solving, graphing techniques, data presentation, soldering, wire wrapping, printed circuits.  Introduction to computer usage.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


use electrical instrumentation, test equipment, and measuring techniques;

use hand tools, solder and solderless connections, and printed circuits;

computer design and component layout; and

library use, research skills, and technical reports.



Concurrent Registration: CP 112

F (S)







  CP 114 - Electrical Circuits        

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CP 114 - Electrical Circuits

Credit Hours: 4


The study of both D.C. circuits (Ohm’s Law, power, Kirchhoff’s Law, Thevenin’s Law, Norton Law, maximum power transfer, resistance, magnetism) and A.C. circuits (sine wave voltage effects, capacitance, inductance, resonance, and transformers).


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of course, the student will be able to demonstrate:


an understanding of the nature of AC and DC electricity in regards to voltage, current, resistance, and power.

an ability to calculate and solve electrical problems using Ohms law, power formulas, and resistance formulas, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, transformer turns ratio, formulas for frequency/time period of the wavelength of a waveform, inductive reactance capacitive reactance, resonance, RC, RL, periods, impedance, and phase angles of a circuit.

an understanding of the following concepts: series and parallel circuits, opens and shorts, chassis-ground, designing loaded voltage dividers, internal resistance, maximum power transfer, magnetism, AC current and voltage, inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, impedance, resonance.



Concurrent Registration: CP 115

F (S)







  CP 115 - Lab for CP 114             

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CP 115 - Lab for CP 114

Credit Hours: 1


Experiments in measurement of D.C. and A.C. voltage, current, power, and impedance.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the following outcomes:


construction and wiring series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits;

effective use of ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter in any circuit to measure the current, voltage, and resistance of that circuit;

identify the resistance and tolerance of a resistor by its color code; and

use of a scope and the ability to measure the amplitude and time period of sine.



Concurrent Registration: CP 114

F (S)







  CP 120 - Logic I             

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CP 120 - Logic I

Credit Hours: 3


Introduction to binary numbers, logic functions, Boolean algebra, logic circuits applications, flip-flops, registers, counters, arithmetic circuits.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


introduce the basic characteristics of digital functions and the digital circuits which perform those functions; and

to review and analyze the purpose of and the interrelation between the basic digital functions which are commonly used in most current digital computers and in other popular digital applications.



Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115

Concurrent Registration: CP 121

S (S)







  CP 121 - Lab for CP 120             

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CP 121 - Lab for CP 120

Credit Hours: 1


Experiments and demonstrations using integrated circuit logic gates to develop logic designs and combinational logic circuits, flip-flops, data registers, counters, encoding and decoding circuits, and arithmetic circuits.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


interpret schematic diagrams;

construct circuits from schematic diagrams; and

test and troubleshoot circuits.



Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115

Concurrent Registration: CP 120

S (S)







  CP 122 - Electronics I 

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CP 122 - Electronics I

Credit Hours: 3


A study of electronic device characters including solid state diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Covers basic principles, circuit analysis and application.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


demonstrate an understanding of the operation of electronically active devices;

demonstrate an understanding of the operation and how to troubleshoot transistor amplifier stages;

construct the following: half-wave; full-wave, and bridge rectifier with filter networks, voltage doublers and triplers; and

an understanding of the operation and advantages of the following classes of operation: class A, B, C, and AB.



Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115

Concurrent Registration: CP 123

S (S)







  CP 123 - Lab for CP 122             

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CP 123 - Lab for CP 122

Credit Hours: 1


Experiments and demonstrations using solid state diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Observations and analysis of their characteristics in computer circuit applications.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


demonstrate an understanding of the operation of electronically active devices;

demonstrate an understanding of the operation and how to troubleshoot transistor amplifier stages;

construct the following: half-wave; full-wave, and bridge rectifier with filter networks, voltage doublers and triplers; and

demonstrate an understanding of the operation and advantages of the following classes of operation: class A, B, C, and AB.



Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115

Concurrent Registration: CP 122

S (S)







  CP 148 - Basic Electricty for Mechanical Drafting            

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CP 148 - Basic Electricty for Mechanical Drafting

Credit Hours: 3


Course is offered to give a basic understanding of electrical concepts. Electrical symbols and codes are introduced as well as schematic diagrams. Both DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) concepts are introduced.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate a general knowledge of:


basic electrical concepts;

electrical codes and component symbols; and

following schematic diagrams.



F (S)


This course is not a substitution for CP 112 or CP 114.






  CP 165 - Computer Applications for Computer Technicians      

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CP 165 - Computer Applications for Computer Technicians

Credit Hours: 2


An introductory course in essential state-of-the-art service and repair-related computer program skills. For today’s computer technician, the need for understanding of both hardware and software is of paramount importance. The use of computer programs to design circuits, compile reports, develop presentations, create and keep records is an everyday necessity. Lessons will include how to log on to the college network , use e-mail, use the Internet to look up reference material and make presentations to the class. Programs will include Multisim™ Circuit Design, word processing, spreadsheets and presentation programs. Projects and presentations will be assigned to provide the student with hands-on experience.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Use the MultiSim™ program to:


construct simple circuit designs;

read and follow schematic drawings;

simulate a circuit including instrumentation and test equipment;

place and properly use oscilloscopes, Volt Meters, Amp Meters, Ohm Meters (DMM’s) and Function Generators; and

Use Microsoft® Office to:

write a 5- to 10-page research paper;

be able to set margins, tabs, indents, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and format per instructions;

insert clip art, photographs, symbols, charts, Excel spreadsheet data and other objects;

find and retrieve data from various sources including scanners, Internet and periodicals;

create a multipage spreadsheet, create charts, enter formulas, use functions and use the name box and other features;

create a presentation for use in class;

insert text, clipart, and photographs; and

use builds, animations, slide transitions, backgrounds, and fills.



S (S)







  CP 180 - Casino Gaming Machine System Maintenance             

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CP 180 - Casino Gaming Machine System Maintenance

Credit Hours: 4


This course is offered as a capstone course combining information and skills mastered in its pre- and co-requisites. The operation and the proper procedures for set up and maintenance of IGT Class 3-based slot machines will be presented. This course will include both in-class machine operations and off-campus visitations.


Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


demonstrate safe and proper procedures when servicing casino gaming machines;

diagnose and locate faults associated with the IGT S-Plus machine;

set-up, maintain, and verify proper machine use; and

identify and correct network faults.



Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115, CP 165

Corequisites: CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123

S (S)




CITA 120 Computer Concepts and Operating Systems (Similar to CSCI 200 at Oneonta)

CITA 130 Introduction to Database Systems

CITA 140 Introduction to Programming 1

CITA 150 Introduction to Information Technology


Downstate Medical Center

Not found



CIS 100 CIS Introductory Seminar 1

 CIS 111 Computer Systems and Applications 3

 CIS 112 Computer Programming I CIS112, as an introductory  programming course, is strongly recommended for most students. In particular, students undecided about choosing the Information Management  degree or the Computer Information Systems degree should choose CIS112.

SUNY Colleges CS Courses F-M

Compiled by Arthur Hoskey

I included all freshman and sophomore level courses. There are a handful of upper-level courses. I tried to find all computer-related courses even if they were not a member of a “Computer Degree Program”. I wanted to make sure I got everything computer related.


Farmingdale State College


BUS 220 Financial Information Systems      This course will further the understanding of accounting theory and will provide the opportunity to achieve competency in the use of computerized applications. The course will introduce students to internal control theory within a computerized financial information system. Use of the Web for accessing relevant information will also be introduced.  Prerequisite(s):  BUS 101  Corequisite(s):  BUS 102  (3,0) Credits: 3

Business Computer Systems

BCS 101 Programming Concepts and Problem Solving      This course will provide an introduction to programming logic and problem solving techniques using different programming languages. The topics covered in this course will provide the skills needed to learn languages such as Visual Basic, C+ + and JAVA. Topics include such items as constants and variables, data types, scope of variables, basic logic constructs, subroutines and functions. Students who have completed BCS 120, BCS 185 or equivalent cannot take BCS 101.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 102 Computer Concepts and Applications      This is an introductory course in the use of personal computers in today’s society. Students will receive instruction in basic computer concepts and terminology, the fundamentals of the Windows operating system and have hands on experience at the beginning to intermediate level using Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The Internet will be used to supplement textbook and lecture materials. Computer Systems students cannot use BCS102 to meet a BCS Elective requirement.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 120 Foundations of Computer Programming I      This course introduces the C++ Programming Language as a means of developing structured programs. Students will be taught to develop algorithms using top-down stepwise refinement. Students will be introduced to the concept of Object Oriented programming through the use of pre- defined classes. In addition, students will get a thorough exposure to C++ syntax and debugging techniques. Note: BCS 101 cannot be taken concurrently with BCS 120.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 130 Website Development I      This is an introductory course in Web page authoring in which students will create Web pages using HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). In addition to the introductory topics of changing text appearance, creating hyperlinks, and inserting images into a Web page, advanced topics such as layout, tables, and form will also be covered.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 160 Computers, Society and Technology      This is an introductory course that provides students with the knowledge to stay current and informed in a technology-oriented, global society. Students will receive instruction in basic computer concepts and terminology, the fundamentals of the Windows operating system and have hands-on experience at the beginning to intermediate level using Microsoft Excel and Access. The Internet will be used to supplement textbook and lecture materials. Note: Students taking this course may not receive credit for BCS 102 or 202.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 185 Programming in Visual Basic      The Visual Basic language is used to develop Windows applications in a fast, reliable and efficient manner.  This course will present the main components of a Visual Basic program, and will use these components to develop increasingly more complex Windows applications.  The standard Windows forms and controls will be explored in providing the skills and knowledge necessary to write these event driven graphical interfaces. BCS 101 cannot be taken concurrently with BCS 185.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 101  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 202 Computer Applications for Business/ Sport Management      In this course students will learn the fundamentals of computer applications for business including sport management. This course will cover file management and have hands on experience at the beginning through advanced level using microcomputer spreadsheet and database applications. Students will use a spreadsheet program to enter formulas, create charts, execute functions and macros, create, sort and query lists, create pivot tables, create templates, and work with multiple worksheets and workbooks. Students will use a database program to create data table structures, queries, reports, and forms, create switchboards, pivot tables, and pivot charts. Please note: This course may not be used to satisfy the requirements of the B.S. in Computer Programming and Information degree. Students completing this course may not receive credit for SMT 202.  Prerequisite(s):  BCS102 with a C or better  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 208 Networking Fundamentals I      This course covers a basic introduction to networking terminology and concepts.  It begins with an overview of Industry standards and the OSI reference model.  It then moves on to cover different network topologies and IP addressing.  The students are then introduced to the concept of subnetworks using subnet masks.  Basic networking design, different networking components, and safety issues are covered extensively.  OSI model layers and network layers with routing and best path selection theory are also presented.  Dynamic routing operations, as well as Link State versus Distance Vector Protocols are covered in detail.  The practical part of the course is implementing and testing basic LAN infrastructure configurations. This course may also be applied towards CISCO certification. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing.  Corequisite(s):  BCS 208L  (2,2) Credits: 3

BCS 209 Networking Fundamentals II      The course picks up from where BCS 208 leaves off, then moves on to configuring routers, using different models and routing protocols and commands, as well as exploring the features of the hardware and software components of the routers.  Theories of routing protocols and their algorithms, including RIP and IGRP are explored in depth. The practical part of the course involves a full series of hands-on exercises and Labs using CISCO routers and switches to demonstrate the proper configuration.  ACL settings, wiring and verification/testing of operational networks as required.  Network Management issues are also addressed.  This course may be applied towards CISCO certification.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 208 Minimum Grade: C   Corequisite(s):  BCS 209L  (3,2) Credits: 3

BCS 215 UNIX Operating Systems      This course develops the fundamental knowledge of computer operating systems using UNIX.  Topics include basic understanding of the UNIX system, utilizing the file system, programming language and security system. BCS 120 may be taken as a Prerequisite or Corequisite.  Prerequisite(s):  BCS 120  Corequisite(s):  BCS 120  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 230 Foundations of Computer Programming II      This course expands the knowledge and skills of Foundations of Computer Programming I.  Among the topics covered are: arrays, pointers, strings, classes, data abstraction, inheritance, composition and overloading.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 120 or DPR 120 with a grade of C or better  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 232 Electronic Commerce      This cross-listed business management and business computer systems course covers electronic commerce (EC) foundations, retailing methodologies, and marketing research. Focus will be on the various forms, strategies, and implementations of EC including business- to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and consumer-to- consumer (C2C). Also covered will be social networking, electronic payment systems, and public policy issues including privacy and intellectual property matters as well as recent information technology advancements. Students may receive credit for either BUS 232 or BCS 232 but not for both.  Prerequisite(s):   BUS 109 and BCS 101 or BCS 102  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 240 Website Development II      This is a course for future Web developers on creating successful Web sites. Topics covered will include planning, analysis, designing and developing well-organized Web sites that combine effective navigation with the use of graphics, text and color.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 130 with a grade of C or better.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 240W Website Development II (Writing Intensive)      This is a course for future developers and designers on creating successful Web sites. Topics covered will include planning, analysis, designing, and developing well-organized Web sites that combine effective navigation with the use of graphics, text, and color. This is a writing-intensive course.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 130 and EGL 101 all with a grade of C or better   (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 250 JavaScript This course introduces students to JavaScript and frameworks such as jQuery. Students will learn about variables, objects events to create dynamic Web pages. Students will learn techniques such as conditional statements, loops, arrays, event handlers, traversing the Document Object Model, and client-side forms validation.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 130 and (BCS 120 or BCS 185) all with a grade of C or better.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 260 Data Base      This course provides the fundamental knowledge of database concepts. Topics studied will include the history and advantages of database systems, and the process of database design including entity-relationship diagrams and database normalization. Students will have hands-on experience using SQL (Structured Query Language). Prerequisites:(BCS 120 or BCS 185) and (BCS 160 or BCS 202) all with a grade of C or better  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 262 Data Communications      This course is an introduction to the concepts and applications of computer networking and its role in the business world today.  Topics include:  history of networking and applications, voice and data communications, hardware, transmission, network topologies, network analysis, the OSI model, design, implementation and management issues.  (3,0) Credits: 3

BCS 285 Advanced Programming Visual Basic      This course provides an in-depth study of the skills and knowledge of Visual Basic programming.  It is intended to reinforce and build upon the introductory Visual Basic by extending coverage of the programming language and introducing more advanced features of the language.  Some of the advanced topics covered will include multitier applications, database programming, programming for the web and web forms, using report mechanisms, object- oriented terminology, creating classes and instantiating objects.  Prerequisite(s):   BCS 185 with a grade of C or better.   (3,0) Credits: 3

Criminal Justice

CRJ 115 Computer Forensics      This course is an orientation to the study of computer forensic methods.  The course will include an analysis of computer hardware that is utilized in forensic investigations such as motherboards, BIOS settings, hard and floppy disk drives and controllers, SCSI controllers and drives and implementations, RAID controllers, boot sequences and related components.  Also, this course will introduce the student to methods used in analyzing data storage devices and will include an examination of the physical structures, surfaces and formats of hard disks and other media.  (3,0) Credits: 3

CRJ 217 Computer Forensics II      Computer Forensics II is a continuation of CRJ 115. This course covers topics such as disk geometry and organization. Master boot sector record and volume record creation and organization, file signatures for data type identification, cyclic redundancy checksum for data integrity validation, and RSA’s MD5 hash values for file authentication. Other subjects introduced include the UNIX “grep” search utility, search string techniques and file signature matching, and recovery of files that are intentionally deleted, hidden, or renamed. The course examines advanced computer-based evidentiary and “discovery” data methodologies, and includes a study of evidence identification, documentation, and chain of custody procedures.  Prerequisite(s):  CRJ 115  (3,0) Credits: 3

CRJ 218 Computer Forensics III      This course examines federal, state, and local computer fraud statutes to provide the student with a legal foundation to approach computer investigations. The course includes lecture elements that provide the student with the skills necessary to conduct successful computer- related investigations, and includes an examination of the processes involved in preparing an affidavit for a search warrant.  Prerequisite(s):  CRJ 217 or CRJ 215  (3,0) Credits: 3

Electrical Engineering Technology

EET 110 Computer Applications      An introduction to computer programming with applications. Examples and assignments are drawn from problems in Electrical Engineering Technology. The course uses Windows based PC’s, the “C/C++” programming language (visual C++), and IEEE-488 Standard interfacing to programmable instrumentation.  Prerequisite(s):  EET 111  (2,3) Credits: 3

Computing Graphics

GPH 104 Introduction to Computer Graphics      This is a laboratory course to provide basic understanding and skills in the College’s computer graphics CAD software. Students will learn how to run Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) software on PC’s to produce mechanical drawings.  They will be taught commands and concepts, and develop the skills required.  Some of the topics covered include: setup, drawing, erasing, saving, printing, lines, geometric construction, object snap, text, editing and basic dimensioning.  (0,2) Credits: 1

Mechanical Engineering Technology

MET 104 Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD)      This course introduces computer aided drafting and design (CADD) in 2D drafting and 3D solid modeling. Students will learn traditional drafting techniques, such as ortho-graphic projection, dimensioning, and tolerancing, and apply their drafting skill though 2D CAD software. Students will also learn 3D solid modeling based on parametric constraints, dimensions and features such as extrude, revolve, sweep, loft, hole, fillet and shell. In addition, the course teaches students how to create assemblies and 2D engineering drawings from the existing 3D solids. Laboratory exercises will be assigned to the students for hands- on experience with the related topics. This course is equivalent to the combination of GPH103, GPH104, and MET211.   Corequisite(s):  MET 104L  (2,2) Credits: 3

MET 109 Computer Programming and Applications      This is an introductory course in a computer programming language.  Programs are specifically written to be used in the areas of statics, strength of materials, machine design, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics.  Corequisite(s):  MET 109L  (1,2) Credits: 2

Software Technology

SET 220 Internetworking      The course will provide an in-depth understanding of internet and its applications. Lab projects will provide hands-on experience in network configuration, installation and utilization. The topical outline includes the following: internet mechanism, communication on the internet, application of internet, use of search engines, online communication, internet security, hardware for network communication, and control computer networks.  Prerequisite(s):  EET 104  (2,2) Credits: 3

SET 230 Wireless Technology and Applications      The course will focus on developing the skills needed to design, build and utilize wireless networks. The topics will include function of a wireless system, basic technologies for wireless, wireless applications, wireless internet, hardware and standards for wireless networks, and building and maintaining a wireless system.  Prerequisite(s):  EET 104  (3,0) Credits: 3

Visual Communications

VIS 150 Computing and Internet Essentials      An introduction to computer operation on both the Macintosh and Windows computer platforms.  This course is intended to give students an understanding of fundamental use of computers and cross-platform issues, especially as they pertain to the Internet.  File management, scanning, fonts, communications, application software and web browsers will be some of the topics covered.  (3,1) Credits: 3

VIS 265 Web Design for Non-Majors       Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. This course will introduce students to the planning, designing and constructing of layouts in web development and interactive design for the internet and screen devices.  Course content includes discussions of layout, composition, planning, constructing and maintaining a website.  (2,2) Credits: 3

VIS 280 Introduction to Illustrator          Adobe Illustrator graphic design software is used by graphic designers, web designers, and artists to create vector drawings and imagery for use in different media and platforms. This course will introduce students to the creation of original vector images and artwork, and explore digital illustration techniques to create imagery for a variety of projects and products. These skills will enable the student to properly use the industry’s premier vector drawing program. This course runs for five (5) weeks.  Registration must be completed during normal registration period.  (3,0) Credits: 1

VIS 281 Introduction to Photoshop       Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard photo editing software used by photographers, graphic and web designers, videographers, and  artists to enhance and manipulate photos and create original digital artwork. This course will introduce students to the use of this software to create original artwork, edit, restore and retouch existing photography, correct and modify color and explore different digital image techniques to create composites and simulating a variety of special effects. This course runs for five (5) weeks.  Registration must be completed during normal registration period.  (3,0) Credits: 1

VIS 282 Photoshop for the Web      Adobe Photoshop is a powerful photo editing software package used by web designers to create original imagery and artwork for web sites and development. This course will further enhance students understanding of this software to create original artwork and prepare it for use on the Internet and screen devices.  This course runs for five (5) weeks.  Registration must be completed during normal registration period.  Prerequisite(s):  VIS 281  (3,0) Credits: 1

VIS 283 Introduction to Dreamweaver      Adobe Dreamweaver is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software providing both visual and code-level capabilities for web development and design. This course will introduce students to the use of the fundamentals of Dreamweaver to create and manage web pages and fully functional web sites with an emphasis on best practices and current web standards.  This course runs for five (5) weeks.  Registration must be completed during normal registration period.  (3,0) Credits: 1

VIS 284 Introduction to InDesign      Adobe InDesign is a design and layout program used to create publications for print, interactive pdf documents, digital magazines, and EPUBs. By combining text, imagery, and graphic elements created from a variety of sources InDesign allows you to create engaging layouts from single pages to multiple page documents and publications.  In this introductory course, you will discover the flexibility and outstanding typography features of this program, work with color, imagery and graphics, and prepare professional-level publications for output for multiple platforms. This course runs for five (5) weeks.  Registration must be completed during normal registration period.  (3,0) Credits: 1

VIS 285 Basic HTML/CSS Graphic Design      Understanding the principles behind web design as expressed through HTML and CSS is a necessity for designers. Having an understanding of HTML/CSS translates to designs and interfaces that function well. This course will introduce the language, structure and semantic language of HTML and CSS. It will also include instruction on how to utilize and style text, images, forms, and layout. This course runs for five (5) weeks.  Registration must be completed during normal registration period.  (3,0) Credits: 1


Fashion Institute of Technology

CG 111 — Survey of Computer Graphics


Students are exposed to a broad array of software environments and concepts that they may encounter in real-world collaborative environments as well as higher-level courses. This course is suggested as a companion to first-level computer-based studio courses

CG 121 — Applications for Social Media


Students explore the tools and applications of social media and the implications of their use. Best practices and supporting research are also addressed, as well as the dynamics of group collaboration, experienced through class projects and online collaboration tools

CG 211 — Computer-Assisted Design


Paint- and image-processing software is used as an artist's tool to solve basic design problems and create original, innovative work. Emphasis is on exploring the visual elements inherent in good design


BT: Business and Technology Studies

BT 299 — Independent Study in Business and Technology Studies


Prerequisite(s): a minimum 3.5 GPA and approval of instructor, chairperson, and dean for Business and Technology

BT 499 — Independent Study in Business and Technology Studies


Prerequisite(s): a minimum 3.5 GPA and approval of instructor, chairperson, and dean for Business and Technology


CG: Computer Graphics

CG 111 — Survey of Computer Graphics


Students are exposed to a broad array of software environments and concepts that they may encounter in real-world collaborative environments as well as higher-level courses. This course is suggested as a companion to first-level computer-based studio courses

CG 121 — Applications for Social Media


Students explore the tools and applications of social media and the implications of their use. Best practices and supporting research are also addressed, as well as the dynamics of group collaboration, experienced through class projects and online collaboration tools

CG 211 — Computer-Assisted Design


Paint- and image-processing software is used as an artist's tool to solve basic design problems and create original, innovative work. Emphasis is on exploring the visual elements inherent in good design

CG 212 — Introduction to 3D Computer Modeling


The theory and concepts needed to understand and construct 3D models are introduced. Focus is on acquiring the techniques used to create 3D models and how to apply real-world effects to their work through material application and lighting. Software: 3ds Max.
CG 211 or PH 272 or IL 125 (waived for Jewelry Design students)

CG 213 — 2D Computer Animation


Exploration of 2D computer animation and its use in websites and the broadcast and entertainment industries. Focus is on animation, design, compositing, and production issues using Adobe Photoshop and After Effects applications.
CG 211 or IL 125 or PH 272

CG 214 — Web Page Construction


Students learn to construct and implement web pages, from content creation through production. Current HTML and state-of-the-art graphical web designing software, such as Dreamweaver, is discussed, demonstrated, and used to create deliverable web pages.
CG 111 or PH 114 or TD 111, or approval of chairperson

CG 215 — Web Page Construction II


Students use styles (CSS--cascading style sheets) to create enhanced web pages. Other DHTML tools such as JavaScript are introduced in order to produce dynamic websites. Students must have working knowledge of HTML.
CG 214 or approval of instructor

CG 221 — Design and Authoring for Interactive Media I


Introduction to designing for interactive media using Flash and ActionScript 3.0 to produce finished projects, including websites, DVDs, games, and animation for various delivery media. Importing various kinds of graphics, video, animation, special effects, and sound is explored. Basic scripting techniques are used to build menus and control program flow.
CG 111

CG 222 — Game Design for Digital Media


The theory and implementation of game design is explored through the creation of small games using Adobe Flash and ActionScript 3.0. Students must know basic Flash and ActionScript.
CG 221 or CD 441 or approval of chairperson

CG 241 — Flash Animation


Introduction to designing character animation using Adobe Flash to produce finished animation for websites, games, broadcast, and various other delivery media. Emphasis is on the integration of graphics, video, special effects, and sound. Students must have proficiency in high-level graphics software, e.g. Photoshop

CG 251 — Digital Editing for Film and Video


The concepts involved in editing video and animation are explored with an emphasis on telling a story through the editing process. Students learn how to assemble audio and video elements and gain studio experience in managing media assets, nested timelines, and basic workflow procedures. Use stock footage or provide own camera.
CG 111 or PH 114, or approval of chairperson

CG 299 — Independent Study in Computer Graphics


Prerequisite(s): a minimum 3.5 GPA and approval of instructor, chairperson, and dean for Art and Design

DE: Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design

DE 125 — CAD for Visual Presentation


This course introduces two-dimensional computer drafting. Using Vectorworks, students draw plans and elevations for visual presentation and exhibition design projects.
DE 123 and DE 141 or approval of chairperson

DE 141 — Display Graphics I


Students are introduced to the role of graphics in the display and exhibit design field. The importance of typography as the root of visual communication is explored using the Macintosh platform as the graphic design tool

DE 142 — Display Graphics II


Students develop problem-solving and project-management skills by designing a storewide promotion for an upscale retail environment. They design a logo, advertising, signage, and other graphics using digital and traditional design and production techniques. Projects present students the opportunity to further develop their computer skills using Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, and Adobe Photoshop.
DE 141

DE 226 — CAD for Visual Presentation II


This course presents 3D CAD techniques in Vectorworks, enabling designers to develop and present their concepts in 3D drawings and renderings.
DE 125 or approval of chairperson

DE 242 — Display Graphics III


Students create graphic identities for three-dimensional display projects that are worked on concurrently in DE 125 and DE 232. The latest computer software is used to execute design solutions.
DE 142
DE 125 and DE 232

GD: Graphic Design

GD 244 — Introduction to Web Design


Students acquire a fundamental understanding of internet technology and attain basic web design skills. Topics addressed include hypertext markup language, cascading style sheets, digital imaging for the web, email marketing and the principles of web design.
CD 126 or CD 225


Finger Lakes Community College


BUS 212 MS Excel for Business Applications (3-0) 3 hrs. This course offers students the opportunity to master the advanced functionality of Microsoft Excel, and to apply those skills to genuine business applications such as financial modeling, reporting, and the automation of accounting and financial tasks. Although the basic functions of Excel will be covered, areas of focus include graphs and charts, the use of advanced financial functions and analytical tools, reporting templates, linking of worksheets and workbooks, importing and manipulating data, macros (automation of tasks), auditing tools, and other features especially useful to the financial or accounting professional. Prerequisites: ACC 101, MAT 110 (or higher), OFT 150 .....................................S (Also listed as CSC 212)

Computing Sciences

CSC 100 Computing in the Information Age (3-0) 3 hrs. This course will prepare the student to use computers and technology in attaining solutions to issues they face in the information society of today. Students are guided through the latest developments in computer concepts, technology, and emerging issues. The course content includes presentation and hands-on practice activities that support the concepts presented. Internet applications (on the WWW) are also practiced and students use a software suite which includes word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to demonstrate skills ..........................B (Will not carry CSC credit for A.A.S. Information Technology, A.S. Information Systems, or A.S. Computer Science degrees).

CSC 102 Tools for Internet Users (3-0) 3 hrs. This is a results oriented course designed to teach students the use of the basic tools of the Internet for research, knowledge and enjoyment. An overview of the Internet and WWW, and Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies will be covered. Included in this overview will be a discussion of what it is, reasons for its tremendous growth, and connection options. A security overview and ethics will also be discussed. Other course topics for discussion and hands-on activity will include e-mail options, Web browsers, groups, social networking, blogging, wikis, chat, search engines, finding people, finding a job, finding government and financial resources, and some elementary web page creation will be covered ...............B (Will not carry CSC credit for any CS degree program.)

CSC 103 Computing Sciences Portal (2-0) 2 hrs. This course is designed to establish a core knowledge base for all Computing Sciences students, no matter what their background and competency level is, by providing exposure to foundational Computing Sciences topics. An introduction to the FLCC computing facilities, individualized student support, college survival skills, and career planning will also be included in the course. B Registration for this course is restricted to computing sciences majors (CS, IT, IS, Game Programming). It is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading scheme. ........................S/U

CSC 105 Core Word, Core Excel, PowerPoint (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is designed to teach the student core skills in MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint, which are MS Office Applications. The course will include topics appropriate to prepare the student to take the MOS (Microsoft Specialist) certification test upon completion. This course is offered on-line only. Familiarity with Windows including Win file management is highly recommended before taking this course. ........B

CSC 115 Introduction to Programming and Computing (3-1) 3 hrs. Introduction to programming and computing serves as a first course for all computer related majors. This course emphasizes the development of languages and software, problem solving, and programming in a structured, object oriented language. This course is for beginning programmers. The Java programming language is used throughout the course, to give the student a solid foundation in the fundamentals of programming and an introduction to programming in an object-oriented programming language. Prerequisite: DST 042. ......................B

CSC 116 Introduction to Visual Basic (3-0) 3 hrs. This course focuses on developing good problem-solving skills, and building a strong foundation that will give students a sustainable overview of computer programming. The course starts with a brief review of the preliminaries of Windows, and then focuses on problem-solving using the Visual Basic language. Visual Basic is an object-oriented computer programming language where programs are developed in an integrated development environment (IDE). All programs have a graphical user interface. A broad range of real-world examples, case studies, and programming projects gives students significant hands-on experience. This course is intended for a general audience with little or no prior formal programming experience. This course does not carry CS credit for any computing sciences majors. ........................................F

CSC 122 Introduction to Web Page Development (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is an introduction to the design and development of basic Web pages for non-computing sciences majors. Students will learn how to design and create Web pages that are in compliance with currently accepted standards. Students will learn how to use markup and formatting languages to create and customize Web pages. Sound Web design techniques will be examined and implemented as Web pages are developed. Web authoring tools will be introduced for the creation of Web pages, the manipulation of images and the creation of basic multimedia elements. Simple text editors, Web page converters and Web page editors will be employed to demonstrate their advantages and disadvantages in developing Web pages. Multiple browsers will be examined to demonstrate the differences in Web pages as they are rendered. Students will also learn how to evaluate and select services for publishing Web sites. ...........B

CSC 134 Core Word (1-0) 1 hr. This course is designed to teach the student Word, a Microsoft Office application software product. The course will include topics appropriate to prepare the student to take the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) certification test upon completion. Topics covered include file management, creating and formatting documents, styles and templates, tables, desktop publishing features, web publishing features, mail merge, and collaboration. This course is considered an introductory course; however, familiarity with Windows including Win file management is highly recommended before taking this course. ......................B

CSC 135 Core Excel (1-0) 1 hr. This course is designed to teach the student Excel, a Microsoft Office application software product. The course will include topics appropriate to prepare the student to take the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) certification test upon completion. Topics covered include creation of worksheets, workbooks, graphing, formula creation and collaboration. This course is considered an introductory course; however, familiarity with Windows including Win file management is highly recommended before taking this course. ................................................B

CSC 136 PowerPoint (1-0) 1 hr. This course is designed to teach the student PowerPoint, a Microsoft Office application software product. The course will include topics appropriate to prepare the student to take the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) certification test upon completion. Topics covered include creation of worksheets, workbooks, graphing, formula creation and collaboration. This course is considered an introductory course; however, familiarity with Windows including Win file management is highly recommended before taking this course. ................................................B

CSC 139 MS Access (1-0) 1 hr. This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of the Microsoft Office application Access. A database management system (DBMS) such as Access provides the user with the software tools he/she needs to organize that data in a flexible manner. Access includes facilities to add, modify or delete data from the database, ask questions (or queries) about the data stored in the database and produce forms and reports summarizing selected contents. Microsoft Access provides users with one of the simplest and most flexible desktop DBMS solutions on the market today. ........B

CSC 141 Introduction to the Game Industry (3-0) 3 hrs. This course provides an introduction to the game industry. Topics covered include how games are made, the evolution of games, an overview of game genres and game platforms. The production cycle including the development of the production team, game development schedule and budget will be examined. The process for creating and developing a game including the elements of game play, committing ideas to paper, game design document, technical review, coding, visualizing, hearing, interface design, math and logic, artificial Intelligence, storytelling, prototyping and building playfields will be studied. Additionally, the course will examine marketing games, economics of the game industry, and breaking into the game industry. ...................................................B

CSC 190 Data Structures I (3-1) 3 hrs. This course is designed to present to the student the basic data structures necessary to design and write structured programs. The topics covered include classes, arrays, inheritance, interfaces, OOP design, file input/ output, exceptions, advanced GUI’s and graphics. Prerequisite: CSC 115 with a grade of C or better. .........................................B

CSC 200 Data Structures II (3-2) 4 hrs. This course is a study of the more common data structures and advanced topics utilized in computing science applications. Data structures covered include linked lists, sets, maps, queues, stacks, tree structures, and heaps. Advanced topics covered include searching and sorting techniques, recusion, generics, threading, networking, and using XML for permanent data storage. Development of algorithms for practical applications will demonstrate the advantages of the above topics. Prerequisite: CSC 190 ...B

CSC 212 MS Excel for Business Applications (3-0) 3 hrs. This course offers students the opportunity to master the advanced functionality of Microsoft Excel, and to apply those skills to genuine business applications such as financial modeling, reporting, and the automation of accounting and financial tasks. Although the basic functions of Excel will be covered, areas of focus include graphs and charts, the use of advanced financial functions and analytical tools, reporting templates, linking of worksheets and workbooks, importing and manipulating data, macros (automation of tasks), auditing tools, and other features especially useful to the financial or accounting professional. Prerequisites: ACC 101 and MAT 110 (or higher) OFT 150 ..................................S (Also listed as BUS 212)

CSC 215 Visual Basic (3-0) 3 hrs. Visual Basic is a Windows programming language whose function is to help the users build their own special-purpose Windows applications. The current version of VB will be used to implement programming concepts and development. Topics to be covered include basic programming constructs, file access, creating classes and objects, GUI design, and accessing data from a database. Prerequisite: CSC 115 with a grade of C or better or programming experience. .................................S

CSC 216 Introduction to C# (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is designed to present to the student the basic data structures necessary to design and write structured programs in C#. The topics covered DataTypes, Methods/Behaviors, Classes, Decisions, Looping Structures, Arrays, Collections, Windows Programming Events, Databases and Web-Based Applications. Prerequisite: CSC 115 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. ...........................................................B

CSC 222 Web Development I (3-0) 3 hrs. Web Development I is an introduction to, and the first of a 2-course sequence in web page development. Students will learn how to design and develop basic Web pages using current technologies and tools. Topics covered include the World Wide Web, HTML, XHTML, CSS, and basic digital imaging techniques. This course will serve as an introduction to Internet technologies used to support browsing, file transfers, e-commerce, and standardization. Other topics addressed include web site publishing, accessibility, social communication, and intellectual property rights as they relate to Web content. Prerequisite: Either CSC 115 or CSC 116 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent experience. ........................B

CSC 223 Web Development II (3-0) 3 hrs. Web Development II builds on the basic web page development concepts presented in Web Development I, and is the second of a 2-course sequence in web page development. Assuming a basic knowledge of HTML coding and CSS, the goal of this course is to create large-scale, interactive, professional Web sites that are in accordance with current standards. The focus of this course is on dynamic HTML, a collection of web technologies such as HTML and scripting languages used together to create interactive and animated Web pages. Students will learn to program client-side scripts using JavaScript and the Document Object Model in order to transform static Web pages created with HTML and CSS into dynamic Web pages. In addition to the substantial programming element in this course, students will learn to use an industry-leading Web Authoring and Management tool to expedite the design and development of large-scale Web sites. Other Web design topics include information architecture, scalability, multimedia integration, browser compatibility, standardization, and maintenance. Prerequisite: CSC 222 Web Development I, or equivalent experience. ......................................................F

CSC 224 User Interface Design (3-0) 3 hrs. This course will provide a general introduction to the theory and practice of computer user interface design. The student will learn how to create high-quality user interfaces. The emphasis will be on the design of 2D graphical user interfaces, in three environments: stand-alone, Web and mobile devices. The study of several important paradigms and principles of design and how these can be applied to the screen will be explored. This will provide a framework within which we can analyze existing user interfaces and design new ones. Prerequisite: CSC 115 with a grade of C or better or equivalent experience. ....................................S

CSC 231 Systems Administration (3-0) 3 hrs. The interconnections of computer systems, including hardware, software, and networks, on both small and large scales, requires a systems administrator’s management and troubleshooting skills. The installation and maintenance of clients and servers, storage, backup, processing, and in some cases, networking, fall square on the shoulders of the systems administrator. When things go wrong and are in immediate need of a fix, the systems administrator’s problem solving skills are tested, usually with no time to spare and lots of stress. This extensive hands-on course is designed to provide students the essential knowledge and skills to be successful system administrators. Students will install and configure a network operating system (NOS); use Active Directory to manage accounts; configure, manage, and troubleshoot resource access; configure network printing; configure and manage data storage; manage network services; configure remote access services; secure operating systems; monitor servers and networks; and manage system reliability and availability. In addition, virtualization software, Hyper-V, will be installed, configured, and used. Prerequisite: CSC 260 or equivalent experience. ..S

CSC 232 Programming Mobile Applications (3-0) 3 hrs. Application development on mobile and wireless devices differs from programming of “traditional” computing systems in various ways and requires trained professionals that are familiar with the unique requirements of mobile systems and their development platforms to design and develop these apps. This course provides a comprehensive project experience in the development of mobile applications on a popular software platform. Currently, the course will be taught using HTML5 so that applications can be written for a variety of mobile platforms. Introductions to hardware capabilities and limitations and the development environment will be covered. Students will practice mobile application development and execute the prototypes in a team-based and individual setting. Development activity includes the generation of design documentation, specifications, UI mockups, diagrams for execution and communications, presentations, and reports at various stages. Pre-requisite: CSC 222 Web Development I or equivalent experience. ............................S

CSC 235 Server-Side Scripting (3-0) 3 hrs. This course will familiarize the student with different approaches for creating server-side scripts using common popular database driven website technologies. Successful completion of this course will allow the student to build, implement, and execute scripts that will create fully functional, interactive and dynamic Web applications. Included in the course will be developing web sites that depend on databases. Prerequisite: CSC 222. ..B

CSC 241 Fundamentals of Game Design (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is a guide through the concepts, principles, and techniques for designing an entire video game. Students will study a variety of design technologies relevant to games including operating systems, file systems, networks, simulation engines, and multi-media design systems. Students will also study some of the underlying scientific concepts from computer science and related fields including: simulation and modeling, graphics, artificial intelligence, real-time processing, and game theory. Topics that may also be included in the course are design principles for developing useable and engaging games including: software engineering, human computer interaction, thematic structure, graphic design, choreography, music and sound effects, and game aesthetics. Prerequisite: CSC 141. ...B

CSC 242 Introduction to 3D Computer Animation (3-0) 3 hrs. This course will cover the concepts, principles, and techniques for designing and creating 3D computer images and animation. Topics include 3D animation, modeling, texturing, rendering, lighting, cinematography, and the study of motion. Prerequisite: CSC 141. ......................B

CSC 243 Systems Analysis and Design I (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is an introduction to systems analysis and design. It includes such topics as: defining the scope and objectives of a system project, investigative techniques, performing a feasibility analysis, design of input/ output forms, database concepts and transaction file organization. Tools that the analyst uses are also introduced, i.e., data flow diagrams, system flowcharts, and use case diagrams. A variety of exercises and a case study will be performed by the students in teams, which will serve to emphasize the material covered in the text. Prerequisite: CSC 115 or equivalent experience. ......................................................B

CSC 247 Electronic Commerce (3-0) 3 hrs. This course provides the learner with an overview of the basic principles of electronic commerce and the related concepts, which are reflected in current environment of the global economy. In the course, the student will develop a deeper understanding of the critical attributes of a successful participant in today’s ever-changing markets. During this course the learner will utilize fundamental concepts learned in economic and marketing classes, integrated with computer skills to create an online business. Included in the content of this course will are current issues related to the electronic commerce issues. Security, digital money, and the evolving internet will be among some of these issues. Ethical, legal and environmental issues will also be explored ...........................B (Also listed as BUS 247)

CSC 248 Command Line Network Administration (3-0) 3 hrs. This course covers system administration and engineering through the DOS command line environment. Students will learn how to automate tasks, maintain enhanced control over systems, and master advanced administration capabilities. Commands learned will include DOS holdovers, commands that mirror GUI tasks, and advanced commands for administrators. Students will learn how to use the command line to establish a proper computing environment. Automation skills within the command environment will allow students to run commands in the form of batch files, without user intervention, saving both time and money. Automation, in terms of administration, will also be explored. Command line data and file manipulation, often chosen over GUI methods, will be examined. In addition, network administration, including the determination of connectivity status and network connection analysis, which requires the use of commands that have no GUI counterparts will be explored. Prerequisite: CSC 260 or equivalent experience. ...........B

CSC 250 Computing Sciences Internship 3 hrs. The Computing Science Internship will provide the student with an opportunity to gain “real-world” experience. The student will apply learned skills acquired through course work in any of the computing science degree programs to a work experience. The internship will also supply an awareness of career opportunities in the computing science and information technology fields. Lastly, it will give the student a much needed advantage on acquiring a job after graduation because an internship is a full-time work experience. Student must have a 2.0 GPA to take this course. Prerequisites: permission of instructor. ..............................B

CSC 251 Applied Database Concepts (3-0) 3 hrs. An introduction to database design and development. Database normalization, data integrity, concurrent updates, and data security will also be discussed and practiced. Emphasis will be on using at least two popular database management systems to build and maintain relational databases. The student will create databases, queries, custom forms and reports. Additionally, SQL programming will be used extensively. Prerequisite: CSC 115 with a “C” or better. ...........................S

CSC 252 Multimedia Development (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is an introduction to Web-based interactive media development. Students will learn to create interactive media using industry-standard authoring tools. The focus of this course will be on the integration of text, images, animation, audio, and video into Web-based applications. Students will learn to create programming scripts for interactive user interfaces and complex components. Topics covered in this course include: uses of Web-based multimedia, differences between Web-based and standalone multimedia, vector-based image creation and animation, how to incorporate audio, video, and animated components into Web pages, how to deploy multimedia applications over multiple platforms, and object-based scripting. Prerequisite: Either CSC 115 or CSC 116 with a grade of C or better. .....................................B

CSC 255 Game Programming Team Capstone Project (3-0) 3 hrs. This course provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate that they have achieved the goals for learning established by FLCC and the computing sciences department. This course is offered in a student- centered and student-directed manner which requires the command, analysis and synthesis of game programming knowledge and skills. It requires the application of learning to a team project game which serves as an instrument of evaluation. Prerequisites: CSC 241, CSC 242. Corequisite: CSC 200. ........................................................S

CSC 260 Networking Technologies (3-0) 3 hrs. The increasing computerization of today’s workplace has created the need for knowledgeable technicians, managers, and administrators well- grounded in the techniques of connecting multiple computer platforms, enabling networking in diverse hardware and software environments, and providing reliable communication between all parts of the organization. This course provides an overview of the essential fundamentals of networking and system administration required in today’s local area network (LAN) environment as well as a solid foundation for the student’s pursuit of industry certification, such as CompTIA’s Network+ and Cisco’s CCNA. Specifically, the course will focus on the networking technology, including telecommunication basics, LAN fundamentals, and wide area network (WAN) principles that comprise today’s complex networking environment. Prerequisite: CSC 115 with a grade of C or better or or equivalent experience. ............................................B

CSC 261 Routing and Switching (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is a study of Routing and Switching fundamentals, and how the Internet is integrated into the computing environment to enable organizations to share resources, collaborate, and meet organizational goals. The networking essentials and the creation of simple Local Area Networks (LANs) introduced in CSC 260, Networking Technologies, are expanded upon to incorporate the linking of these simple networks to each other and to the Internet, to create an internetwork. Routing and Switching devices such as switches and routers will be examined in great detail. Students will focus on techniques to analyze, plan, and manage an enterprise network. In support of these techniques, lab activities will include subnetting, packet-sniffing, and switch and router configuration. Prerequisite: CSC 260 or equivalent experience. ......................B

CSC 262 Web Site Development for New Media (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is an introduction to Web site development. Students will learn how to design and development Web pages using current technologies and tools. Topics covered will include the World Wide Web, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), current browsers, and Adobe’s Web site creation and management application, Dreamweaver. Other topics include Web publishing, Web standards, and intellectual property law. Prerequisite: CSC 115 or CSC 116 with a grade of ‘C’ or better or permission of instructor. .......................................................B

CSC 270 Principles of Information Security (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is an introduction to the various technical and administrative aspects of Information Security and Assurance. This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. Students will be exposed to the spectrum of Security activities, methods, methodologies, and procedures, technical and managerial responses and an overview of the information security planning and staffing functions. ................................................B

CSC 271 A+ Hardware and Operating Systems Technologies (3-1) 3 hrs. A+ Hardware and Operating Systems Technologies is a course designed to prepare students to successfully complete the CompTia A+ Exams. CompTia A+ exams are generalized exams designed to evaluate the knowledge and skills of entry level computer professionals. While completion of the test is optional, many employers look to the certification as proof of the skills of perspective employees. (Currently following the 2009 exams as amended 1/11.) This course requires students to assemble, repair, configure and optimize modern computer systems. Students will be given a broad overview of computer systems, problems and solutions, which may be encountered during employment. Emphasis will be made to allow students to experience actual challenges with a computer, and design their solution. Working with the general public to assist in diagnosing and repairing computer systems are included in this course. Prerequisite: CSC 115, with a grade of ‘C’ or better, or permission of instructor. ..........B

CSC 272 Linux (3-0) 3 hrs. This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the architecture and management of today’s commonly used computer operating systems. The course surveys the operating systems and included tools and utilities to acquire an understanding of how the operating systems work and how to use the tools and techniques to manage and automate computing system tasks. This course will use the Windows Command line and UNIX/Linux shell programming as teaching tools to provide the fundamental skills needed to prepare and use scripts to manage and automate daily computer/network management tasks and provide a deeper knowledge of operating system functions. Prerequisite: CSC 260 or equivalent experience. ..................................B

CSC 273 Ethical Hacking (3-0) 3 hrs. This course provides an in-depth look at network security concepts and techniques. It will adopt a practical, hands-on approach when examining networking security techniques. Along with examining different network strategies, the student will explore the advancement of network implementation as well as exploring problem solving strategies necessary in the field of info security. Prerequisites: CSC 260 or equivalent experience. ......................................................S

CSC 274 Computer Forensics and Investigations (3-0) 3 hrs. Computer Forensics and Investigation presents principles and techniques of conducting computing investigations. Computer forensics involves obtaining and analyzing digital information for use as evidence in civil, criminal, or administrative cases. Topics include: ethics, current computer forensics tools, digital evidence controls, processing crime and incident scenes, data acquisition, e-mail investigations, and becoming an expert witness. Hands-on experience, using a forensic software package will be part of the course. Prerequisites: CSC 260 or equivalent experience. ....S

CSC 275 Preparing for Security+ Certification (2-0) 2 hrs. Upon completion of the course the participant will be able to successfully complete the requirements for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Security+ Certification. The Security+ certification is an internationally recognized validation of the technical knowledge required of foundation-level security practitioners. A Security+ certified individual has successfully proven that he/she has acquired a foundation-level of skill and knowledge in general security concepts, communication security, infrastructure security, and understands the basics of cryptography and operational / organizational security. Prerequisite: students must be in the last semester of the AAS Information Technology degree program, the Networking and Security advisement area or have equivalent experience .....................................SU

CSC 290 Preparing for A+ Certification (2-0) 2 hrs. This course prepares the student to take the CompTia A+ Certification examinations. It is intended for the experienced PC Repair Technician or the student who has completed the FLCC Information Technology degree program. This course focuses on the topics covered in the A+ certification examinations and is intended to be a refresher course as well as a supplement to the student’s prior studies and/or experience. Prerequisite:  CSC 271 or equivalent experience. Prerequisite: CSC 271 or equivalent experience ......................................................SU

CSC 291 Preparing for Network+ Certification (2-0) 2 hrs. Upon completion of the course the participant will be able to successfully complete the requirements for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Network+ Certification. The Network+ certification is an internationally recognized validation of the technical knowledge required of foundation-level network technicians. Prerequisite: CSC260 and CSC261 or equivalent experience ..................WS/SU

CSC 295 Current Topics in Computing and Technology (3-0) 3 hrs. This course covers new topics and developments in the field of computing sciences. These topics are beyond the scope of standard CSC courses, and are of interest to faculty and students. Some topics of current interest in the industry may include game programming, a new programming language, and programming hand-held technology devices. This course may be taken more than once, as long as the course content changes. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Course offered as appropriate.

Geographic Information Systems

GIS 130 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (2-2) 3 hrs. An introductory level geospatial technology course designed to introduce students to the concepts and theories of geographic information systems (GIS) and the practice of geospatial analysis. This course consists of a lecture component and a laboratory component. Students will learn to apply GIS concepts through hands-on exercises designed to explore and analyze spatial data. Students will use leading geospatial software used by numerous professions including natural resources conservation and sustainability, business management, criminal justice, and community planning.  ......F (Also listed as CON 130).

Office Technologies

OFT 100 Computer Keyboarding (2-0) 1 hr. A seven-week course to develop “touch” keyboarding skills. It is designed for students entering a variety of occupational fields that utilize the keyboard to input information. Concentration is placed on correct techniques, accuracy, and speed building of alphabetic and numeric characters. Assignments and timed speed drills form the basis for grading. Not open to Office Technologies students. (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory grade.) ..........................................................B

OFT 131 Keyboarding Improvement (1-2) 1 hr. The course, which is designed to improve students’ typing speed and accuracy, integrates the microcomputer and the leading-edge technology, Windows®. The seven-week course is based on a diagnostic approach for improving keyboarding skills. Each unit consists of pretests, timings, individualized assignments based on each student’s weaknesses, and post- test timings for evaluation and measurement of improvement. The course is graded on a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: OFT 100 or OFT 140 or equivalent. ............................................B

OFT 140 College Keyboarding I (4-0) 3 hrs. This course integrates the microcomputer; the leading-edge technology, Windows®; and primary word processing application software to develop keyboarding skills. Students learn the alphabetic, numeric and symbol characters, and the keypad by the “touch” method. Also included is formatting and editing of simple business/personal correspondence, reports, term papers, and tables. The desired speed at the end of the course for the Administrative Assistant major is 30 words per minute and 20 words per minute for all other majors. ..............................F

OFT 141 College Keyboarding II (4-0) 3 hrs. This course integrates the microcomputer, the leading-edge technology Windows®; and primary application software to refine keyboarding skills. Emphasis is also placed on formatting and the development of speed and accuracy in preparing advanced business correspondences, reports, tabulations, and other business documents. The desired speed at the end of the semester is 45 words per minute. Prerequisite: OFT 140 (speed requirement 30 words per minute). .................................S

OFT 210 Word Processing I (4-0) 3 hrs. This course provides comprehensive, hands-on instruction in Microsoft Word. Students learn the theories and practical applications of document creation for business or home use. Students will learn to create, edit, print, format, and store office documents. This course also introduces additional word processing functions including mail merge, sorting, document management, charts, and macros.  ..................................S Note: Students are required to have basic keyboarding knowledge and the ability to format basic documents, if not students should take OFT 140 or OFT 141.

OFT 211 Word Processing II (4-0) 3 hrs. This course provides hands-on training in word processing and presentation application software to learn desktop publishing techniques. Students build on their knowledge developed in OFT 210 to create professional-looking documents including flyers, brochures, and newsletters. Prerequisite: OFT 210. .................................F

OFT 213 Office Automation (4-0) 3 hrs. This course provides comprehensive, hands-on training in the integration features of the Microsoft Office Suite. Students will learn the integration of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access. Prerequisite: OFT 210. ............S

OFT 247 Office Procedures I (4-0) 3 hrs. This is a course which provides preparation for the administrative business office. This course includes techniques and topics such as the work environment, communication skills, computer hardware and software, records management, ethics, business documents, mail handling, and office machines. ..................................................F

OFT 248 Office Procedures II (3-1) 3 hrs. A continuation of OFT 247. Course content includes telework, telecommunications, time management, business presentations, travel arrangements, meetings and conferences, telephone efficiency, leadership skills, and planning your career path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S (OFT 248 may be taken before OFT 247)


PLG 110 Computer Law and Policy (3-0) 3 hrs. This course provides fundamental information needed to have a basic understanding of issues in cyberlaw such as intellectual property, ethics, security, privacy, content control, computer crime, and e-commerce, among other topics. ...............................................F

PLG 115 Computers in the Law Office (3-1) 3 hrs. This course introduces the fundamental of how to use computer technology to accomplish tasks performed by legal assistants or paralegals in a law office. Computer applications will include word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, timekeeping and billing, and case management. Prerequisite: PLG 100 and basic computer knowledge. ................B


TECH 106 Engineering Drawing II (2D AutoCAD) (1-5) 3 hrs. Techniques for creating, viewing, and plotting 2D AutoCAD drawings will be presented. Lectures, demonstrations, and labs in a variety of applications will enhance the student’s CAD ability and professional development. Topics include drawing, editing, and dimensioning commands; drawing setup; blocks; attributes; and plotting. Prerequisite: TECH 105 or permission of instructor. ..............................S

TECH 219 3D AutoCAD (2-4) 4 hrs. Techniques for creating, viewing, plotting, and displaying 3D AutoCAD models will be presented. Lectures, demonstrations, and labs in a variety of in-depth application projects will enhance the student’s CAD creative ability and professional development. Topics include 3-D display, User Coordinate Systems, point filters, extrusion, surfaces, solid modeling, plotting, rendering, and software customization. Prerequisite: TECH 106. ............................................................S


Fredonia, State University College at Fredonia

CSIT Computer Info Sciences

CSIT 100 Freshman Seminar

Introduction to computing environments available on campus; e-mail, Internet access and web; campus computing policies; computing and information technology ethics; other campus resources and their effective use; building a support network with faculty, staff and peers; improving study skills inside and outside the classroom. Corequisite: Freshman standing.


CSIT 101 Programming with 3-D Graphics and Multimedia

Introductory programming course using a high-level, object -oriented language, such as ALICE. The course covers object-oriented and event driven programming concepts, in addition to algorithms and elementary programming techniques that are needed to develop elementary graphics and multimedia applications. Prerequisite: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.


CSIT 104 Introduction to Microcomputer Software

Introduction to microcomputers; elementary concepts and operations of spreadsheets and database management systems; analysis of a variety of problems, their design, and implementation of solutions using commercially available window-based software. Three units of high school mathematics required.


CSIT 105 Visual BASIC I

Object-oriented and event-driven programming, concepts using Visual Basic (VB); VB development environment; intrinsic controls and programming structures: data types, declarations, input/output, decision-making and loops; formatting; functions and subroutines. Three units of high school mathematics required.


CSIT 106 Scientific Programming Using C/C++

Scientific problem solving; structured program development: simple algorithm design, arithmetic operations, data types and their declarations; control statements, loops, input and output including text files; arrays, functions, mathematical functions and round off error estimation. Applications to engineering, sciences and mathematics. Credit will not be given for both CSIT 106 and 121. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.



MATH 120 or MATH 122

CSIT 107 Web Programming I

An introductory course in client-side web technologies: HTML, cascading style sheets and JavaScript; designing and publishing a web site. Other topics include history of the Internet and World Wide Web, HTML editors, and graphics.


CSIT 120 Computer Science Overview

A comprehensive overview of the scope and dynamics of computer science. Survey of the field of computer science. Topics include: history of computing, computer organization and components, operating systems, programming languages, introduction to programming and program development, data structures, problem solving, software engineering, computer ethics, and computer applications. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.


CSIT 121 Computer Science I

Hands-on exposure to the following major topics: Problem solving, algorithm design and development, structured programming: top-down design and functional decomposition; elementary data types; expressions, I/O functions and control structures; functions: scope rules, pass by value, pass by reference; built-in functions; arrays; strings; function overloading; elementary sort and search algorithms. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Algebra II and Trigonometry (or Math B), or equivalent.


CSIT 151 Introduction to Information Systems

The course introduces information technology used in day-to-day business operations. It covers business applications software for office management, communication, project management, relational databases, eCommerce, web development, data transmission and networks, etc. The course also covers such basic information systems concepts as querying simple databases, data analysis and database design. Laboratory instruction is used to complement the course with hands-on experience with a set of above applications. The course is designed for students who will work as end-users, user-managers, leaders, or information systems professionals.


CSIT 201 Computer Security and Ethics

Introduces desktop, internet, and network security issues and how they interact with the ethical values of individuals, organizations, and society. Includes methods of avoiding, detecting, and analyzing network intrusions as well as the ethics related to computer security and privacy. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Integrated Algebra and Geometry, or Math A, or equivalent.


CSIT 203 Multimedia Systems

The course introduces multimedia systems from a theoretical and practical perspective. Topics covered include: computer manipulation of images, music, animation, and video, including theoretical aspects of lighting, color, elementary acoustics principles, motion, perspective, graphical and sound file formats, and network transmission. Various software packages will be introduced: for raster and vector graphics; for 2-D- and 3-D-modeling and animation; for sound recording and editing. Using these software packages and applying the principles learned in the course, students will practice creating, processing, and modifying graphics and sound. Students will gain practical hands-on experience through the course work and understand the operating principles of multimedia systems. No programming background is assumed.


CSIT 205 Visual BASIC II

Advanced visual BASIC programming techniques; Active X controls, multiple forms, file I/O, interacting with databases, and error handling; Windows API calls and Windows registry functions; and advanced event-driven business applications.



CSIT 105 or CSIT 121

CSIT 207 Web Programming II

An advanced course in server-side web programming. Topics include: cookies, file and database access, portals and web applications; server side scripting. Knowledge of HTML, and of C++, Java, or Visual Basic are required.



CSIT 107 and (CSIT 105 or CSIT 121)

CSIT 208 Computer Game Design and Implementation

This course will provide an introduction to current and future techniques for computer game design and implementation. Topics will cover graphics game engines, motion generation, behavioral control for autonomous characters, layered game architecture, interaction structure, and interface issues of multi-user play. The course will emphasize a practical approach to the development of games. A variety of game development technologies will be considered. No programming background is assumed.


CSIT 221 Computer Science II

Hands-on exposure to major topics in data structures and control, including file I/O; abstract data types; static and dynamic data structures; pointers and pointer arithmetic; binary numbers and bitwise operations; class concepts; multi-dimensional arrays; linked lists; doubly-linked lists; stacks, queues and their implementations and applications; exception handling. The course provides a computer laboratory component to ensure practice with the above concepts.



CSIT 121

CSIT 224 Problem Solving Using Objects

Object-oriented design methodologies; object-oriented programming; class concepts, encapsulation; polymorphism, composition and inheritance; virtual functions; delayed binding; class-interfaces and message passing; generics/templates; function overloading; and exception handling; binary file I/O; advanced OO programming.



CSIT 221

CSIT 225 Java Programming

Basic programming constructs: primitive types, expressions, and statements; class hierarchies; elementary predefined classes such as String and Math; object-oriented programming; packages and interfaces; exception handling; I/O and file access; graphics; applets; studio processing and other applications.



CSIT 221

CSIT 231 Systems Programming

UNIX commands, shells, utilities, editors; file types and modes; shell scripts; make-files; memory and storage management; C programming tools; processes, IPC (signals, sockets, pipes); development tools; streams; networking; UNIX internals, system administration and other topics as time permits.



CSIT 221

CSIT 241 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science I

Study of mathematical topics needed for further study of computer science at the advanced undergraduate level, including: logic, sets, proof techniques, matrices, basic number theory, modular arithmetic, functions, linear transformations, relations, basic combinatorics.



(MATH 108 or MATH 120 or MATH 122) and (CSIT 105 or CSIT 121)

CSIT 242 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II

A continuation of CSIT 241. Topics include combinatorics, digraphs, and trees; recurrence relations; switching circuits and logic gates; automata, grammars and languages; other topics as time permits.



CSIT 221 and CSIT 241

CSIT 251 Information Systems Structures

Overview of information systems (IS) for operational, tactical and strategic functions of business organizations; IS practices and challenges for business competitiveness; data, information and knowledge processing; information systems theory and quality decision, systems analysis and design, database management, network and network management; electronic commerce and social and ethical issues; IS and IT planning and implementation.



CSIT 151 or BUAD 161 or CSIT 104

CSIT 291 Special Topics

Selected topics in computer and information sciences based on instructor or student interest requiring basic understanding of computer information systems operations.



GIS - Geographic Info Systems

GIS 201 Geographic Information Systems I

The essential theory, components, and applications of Geographic Information Systems, including data structures, database management, spatial analysis, and automated mapping technology. The lab work will introduce students to commercially available Geographic Information Systems software.


SPMG - Sport Management


SPMG 218 Technology in Sports

The course introduces the student to the fundamentals of videoing and video editing utilizing the Dartfish Software platforms. Additionally the course covers video breakdown for game strategy, situations, sound and music enhancements and creating highlight and recruiting videos. Further exploration includes the use of technology in a variety of sport contexts including social media and the evolving role of technology in the sport industry.



CSIT 120 or CSIT 121


COMM - Communication

COMM 110 Desktop Motion

Students will learn the applications and techniques necessary to create animations and graphics for video in Apple's Motion, part of the Final Cut Pro Suite. The course covers basic graphic editing, such as manipulating layers and objects, as well as more advanced techniques. This includes using replicators, particle emitters, sequence replicators, keyframes, and virtual cameras and lighting. Along with working within the Motion software, students will also learn how to incorporate Motion files into video editing software and DVD authoring software.


COMM 111 Web Design

Five week mini-course dealing with the skills and concepts involved in creating and publishing pages on the World Wide Web. Emphasis is placed on learning Adobe Dreamweaver, one of the most commonly used HTML editors. Students will also become familiar with techniques to incorporate other media into a web page.


COMM 112 Desktop Video

Five week mini-course dealing with skills and concepts involved in preparing video for computer multimedia presentation. Digitizing, non-linear editing of video and sound, effects and transitions, incorporation of computer graphics, and computer animation.


COMM 113 Flash

Five week mini course introducing students to Adobe Flash, a vector based multimedia web design application. Students will learn to create projects for the web incorporating animated graphics, photographs, audio and video.


COMM 114 Electronic Darkroom

Five week mini-course covering the basics of computer imaging, retouching, and color painting. Emphasis is placed on learning the powerful features of Adobe Photoshop for manipulating images and ways to integrate image editing into multimedia applications.


COMM 115 Advanced Electronic Darkroom

Five week mini-course in advanced techniques for manipulating still images using Adobe Photoshop. Topics covered include using the pen tool, special effects, creative layering, masks, paths and shapes.

COMM 116 Desktop Publishing

Five week mini-course introducing the use of desktop computers to prepare and produce print and electronic publications such as newsletters, brochures, charts, magazines, and books. Material covered includes page design and layout, typography, integrating graphics and text software, pre-press, and professional publishing practices.


COMM 118 Desktop Audio

Learn to create and edit audio on a MacIntosh computer. Work with the latest audio software and hardware for hard disc recording and CD production techniques in a desktop computer environment.


COMM 253 Digital Audio Production

Students in this class will master the basics of Pro Tools and Adobe Audition. Students will learn to utilize the audio software systems to produce audio productions for radio television and video productions.



COMM 251

COMM 257 Video Games: Their Evolution and Impact

In this class, we explore all of these dynamics, studying the history of video games and the impact games have had culturally. Modes of instruction will include historical readings, literature on the impacts of video games, and online discussion. As games represent a personal textual experience, students will be required to play video games from different historical eras and keep an online journal detailing their playing experiences. Links to websites hosting these historically significant games will provided in class (i.e. Zork, Pong, Pac-Man, Pitfall, the Mario games, etc.). Students will also be expected to submit an substantial research paper at the end of the course exploring some aspect of the history and cultural impact of video games.



Fulton-Montgomery Community College



ACC 137 Computerized Accounting: Principles and Applications 4 s.h. A hands-on introductory accounting course that pro- vides students with real-world exposure and the use of leading microcomputer accounting solutions. The primary computerized accounting principles that are covered include  Receivables, Payables, Inventory, and Payroll, culminating in the generation of end-of-period financial statements in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Additional topics may include Fixed Assets Depreciation, Bond Interest Amortization and Present Value Analysis. Prerequisites: CIS 105 and ACC 101 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 4

Business Technology Applications

BTA 134 Information Processing 4 s.h. This course uses a self-paced, individualized method of instruction. The course begins with instruction on proper keyboarding techniques and self-paced practices to assist students in enhancing keyboarding skills. There is emphasis on the use of the touch system in building speed and accuracy, sound ergonomic practices, numeric key pad input, and the composition skills necessary for effective computer keyboarding. Throughout the course speed and accuracy continue to be stressed while the students learn to create business documents using keyboarding skills and basic Micro- soft® word processing functions, such as creating, editing, and printing, formatting characters, paragraphs, documents and sections, and multi-page documents, table, outlines, and columns. Students are required to apply these concepts and skills in the production of common office communications, including letters, memos, reports, newsletters, labels and envelopes, and Web pages. Documents include e-mail, memos, letters, and reports. Proofreading and composing at the computer are included. Hours of class per week: 4.

BTA 137 Introduction to Business Technology 3 s.h. This course is an overview of business office concepts, operations and procedures. Students will study and apply various office procedures and skills and responsibilities that reflect the use of current technology used in the modern business office. Hours of class per week: 3.

BTA 139 Business Systems and Applications3  s.h. Students will learn concepts and procedures used in an electronic business office. Topics include use of electronic mail, scheduling and task management (Microsoft® Outlook), records management, Internet research and reference procedures, business presentation technology (Microsoft® PowerPoint), business office network systems and telecommunication systems, and office machines. Lab exercises are completed on a personal computer in an updated Business Technology Lab. Hours of class per week: 3.

BTA 244 Advanced Microsoft® Word 3 s.h. Advanced office output applications are taught on personal computers using Microsoft® Word software. Stu- dents learn expert-level concepts and skills. Topics be- gin with a review of basic Word skills, such as creating, editing, formatting, multi-page documents, tables, out- line columns, templates and wizards, autotext, manipulating tabs and text within and between documents, help tools, borders, images and drawing, creating Web pages and hyperlinks, and sharing documents, using comments, tracking changes, and comparing and merging documents. After this direct review, more advanced topics include: footnotes and endnotes, merging, sort- ing and selecting, hyphenation, finding and replacing special characters, auto summarizing, line numbering, objects and images, watermarks and dropped caps, WordArt, styles, macros, custom dictionaries, master documents and subdocuments, index, table of figures, table of authorities, forms, shared documents, includ- ing creating multiple versions, protecting documents, customizing documents properties, sharing data be- tween documents, and XML. Students are required to apply these concepts and skills in the production of office documents and communications, such as long re- ports, merged letters, and flyers. Prerequisite: CIS 105 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3.

BTA 248 Integrated Software Applications 3 s.h. This course provides experience using an integrated software suite. Microsoft® Office applications are used to complete advanced word processing functions to pre- pare documents that integrate files from various suite applications and the Internet. Topics include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access. This course uses these concepts and applications to solve realistic business problems. The project-based, real-world applications give students hands-on knowledge of these applications in the workplace. Use of language skills, decision making, and working without direct supervision will be emphasized. Prerequisites: CIS 105 or BTA 139 or equivalent. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional hours are required in the Business Technology Lab.

BTA 249 Business Systems Practicum 3 s.h. This is a capstone course for Business Technology and Applications students and is a  restrictive elective option for Medical Administrative Assistant students. It offers an experiential learning component completed on campus in the model office center. Students will complete actual work projects for area non-profit agencies and FMCC departments. Additional simulated business or medical office projects may be included. Students are required to attend a two hour weekly semi- nar that includes professional development activities, client meetings, and work project planning. In addition, students must complete 45 hours during the semester working in the model office on scheduled projects. Prerequisite: BTA244 and BTA 248. Hours of class per week: 2. Model Office Lab Hours Required: 45.

Computer Aided Drafting

CAD 174 Computer Aided Drafting: Auto CAD 3 s.h. This course teaches the basics of computer aided drafting, using the AutoCAD software package, as applied to engineering type drawings. Topics include geometric construction basics, object properties, polar and delta positioning, orthographic views, dimensioning and auxiliary and sectional views. Three-dimensional drawing and solid modeling will be introduced, using the AutoDesk Inventor software. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 2.

Computer Information Systems

CIS 105 Computer Applications 3 s.h. This course provides an introduction to microcomputers and end-user system/application software. The personal computer is demonstrated as a tool to support other academic or professional disciplines. Topics include basic computer hardware, operating systems, the Internet, word processing software, spreadsheet software, and presentation graphics software. The course emphasizes familiarization with computer components and the operation of the overall computer system. Hours of class per week: 3.

CIS 112 Advanced Applications 3 s.h. This course expands on introductory concepts and ex- plores more powerful applications of spreadsheet and database productivity software. Students will develop macros and user defined functions, utilize a higher-lev- el programming language, apply advanced techniques, such as grouping, aggregates, multi-page forms, and worksheets, and utilize data conversion and exchange to develop software solutions. Students are required to use the microcomputer lab to complete various proj- ects assigned. Prerequisite: CIS 105 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional com- puter hours, as needed.

CIS110 Spreadsheets and Databases for Professionals 3 s.h. Designed for students who have prior hands-on experi- ence with computers and software such as Windows, word processing applications, and presentation/slide- show applications, this course explores the power of spreadsheet and database productivity software. Spe- cific course topics may include basic spreadsheet con- cepts, formulas, advanced functions, data analysis, large workbooks, macros, VBA, PivotTables, and Pivot- Chart reports as well as basic database concepts, tables, forms, queries, and reports. Students are required to use the microcomputer lab to complete various projects assigned. Prerequisite: Non majors must have per- mission of the Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3.

CIS 115 Programming Logic and Design 3 s.h. This course uses a language-independent approach to teach the basic concepts of problem-solving and programming logic. This course will cover the fundamental concepts and terminology used by programmers. By using pseudocode, flowcharts, and other tools, students will learn how to develop the logic of a program with- out focusing on program language syntax. Students will acquire skills that allow them to create rudimentary computer programs. Fundamental topics, including variables, constants, data types, operators, arguments, control structures, and arrays, will be covered. Other topics include GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications and event-driven programming. This course as- sumes no previous programming knowledge or experience. Co-requisites: CIS 105 or CIS 110. Hours of class per week: 3.

CIS 120 Computer Science I 3 s.h. This course will cover introduction to computers and Java programming fundamentals. Students will code program flow and control statements to implement selection/decision logic and looping to develop solutions to problems. Students will be required to use Java methods (modularization) and system classes to process files, execute basic GUI applications (ex. JOptionPane), arrays, and ArrayLists. Non-system class creation will be used to expand Object Oriented Programming tech- niques, such as composition, inheritance, and method overriding, involving base/super classes and derived/ sub classes. Other topics include exception handling for number format exceptions. The Java Platform, Stan- dard Edition Development Kit (JDK) will be used for hands-on exercises and projects. This course expands on the concepts covered in CIS 115. This course uses Java programming language to teach the prerequisite skills needed for the advanced programming course: CIS 220. Prerequisite: CIS 115. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 2.

CIS 125 C++ Programming 3 s.h. Students write computer programs for software engineering applications, using C++. The course emphasizes techniques to write, modify, test, and validate programs as well as interpret design specifications. Other topics include the use of an integrated development environment, standard C++ classes, user-defined classes (objects), with encapsulated data members, and member functions for object-oriented programming, expressions, control structures, arrays, and pointers. Prerequisite: CIS 115 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 129 Visual Basic Programming 3 s.h. This course teaches the basics of visual programming with Visual Basic (VB). This course is for all levels of programmers who wish to apply their knowledge in an object-oriented, event-driven environment. The course will identify the major steps in developing a VBsolution. Topics include Visual Studio development environment, fundamentals of event-driven programming, controls, and Visual Basic syntax. Advanced topics include cre- ating objects, accessing databases, creating multi-form applications, menus, and executable applications, de- bugging, and error handling. Prerequisite: CIS 115 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 131 Java Programming 3 s.h. Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that provides functionality, using classes from which user defined objects are instantiated. Code can be modularized as free-standing applications and/or web browser executable applets. The course content will in- clude classes, expressions and flow control, selection structures, control structures, methods, the Java Virtual Machine, stream I/O, exception handling, and building GUIs. Students will gain a working knowledge of in- heritance vs. composition, subclasses vs. superclasses, polymorphism, and encapsulation. A Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK) will be used for hands-on exercises and projects. The class may be taught in a multi-platform environment. Prerequisites: CIS 115, or equivalent, or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 160 Database Design and Programming 3 s.h. The course expands on introductory database concepts and explores more powerful applications of database design and management. Students design relational tables, queries, forms and reports, using database software and maintain data dictionaries. Students will apply entity relationships and data normalization. Students will create programs in Structured Query Language (SQL), create stored procedures, and implement Open and Object Linked and Embedded Database Connectivity. Through hands-on experience, students master concepts in data mining, report generation and presentation through a front end application, such as Crystal Reports. Students will write server-side scripts in either PHP or ASP to connect with MySQL  and SQL servers. Students will perform database backups on the server. Prerequisite: CIS 115 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 170 Web Site Development 3 s.h. Students will develop and manage integrated Web pages, using HTML/XHTML and Web page developing tools. Students will utilize graphics-processing software to incorporate images. Students will construct Web pages using HTML to incorporate text, lists, tables, frames, and hyperlinks and publish to a server in a multi-browser compatible format. There will be an emphasis on writing client-side scripts (JavaScript) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Advanced topics include incorporating multi-media files, processing user requests and generating dynamic Web pages. Other topics include Web server implementation, and ADA compliance. Prerequisite: CIS 105 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 220 Computer Science II 3 s.h. This course will cover a selection of data structures and advanced Java programming techniques. Topics may include file and exception handling, sorting and searching of arrays, algorithm analysis, recursion, lists, stacks, queues, trees, collections, generics, GUI com- ponents, and multithrreading techniques. Laboratory work will be done to reinforce concepts. It is assumed that the student has functional knowledge of material taught in Computer Science I. Prerequisite: CIS 120. Co-requisite: MAT 128 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 2.

CIS 230 Internet Programming 3 s.h. This course will cover client and server-side programming concepts and multi-tier architecture that allow students to produce effective, interactive Web applications. Students will create and access MySQL databases, through PHP server-side scripting and SQL SERVER databases through Active Server Pages. Students will demonstrate functional ability with HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets. Additional topics include object-oriented programming, authenticating users, and programming automated tasks. Prerequisites: CIS 160 and CIS 170 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 235 Systems Analysis and Design 3 s.h. In this course, students will utilize professional methods and techniques to analyze, design, and implement a pilot of an information system. Topics include business concepts and processes, project management, information gathering, data design, written and oral communication, problem-solving, input and output design techniques, cost/benefit analysis, presentation methods, and workplace skills. The course is designed to develop interpersonal and team-building skills. Prerequisite: CIS 105 and any one of the following: CIS 129, CIS 131, CIS 125, CIS 160 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 236 Systems Development and Implementation 3 s.h. In this course, students will develop and implement a software solution for an application, emphasizing joint application design, test case development, testing vs. production environments, data conversion, changeover, user training, and cost vs. benefit analysis. Students will expand interpersonal, teamwork, project management, and oral and written communication skills in professional scenarios. Prerequisite: CIS 235 or per- mission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 240 Hardware Concepts 3 s.h. The course provides a hands-on introduction to personal computer hardware setup. Students will install, configure, upgrade, diagnose and troubleshoot desk- top personal computers. Students will disassemble and reassemble personal computers, perform preventive maintenance procedures, and maintain safety in a lab environment, and interact with others in a professional manner. Topics include hardware/software concepts, boot process, command prompts, memory, hard drive configuration, expansion cards, fundamentals of prompts, memory, hard drive configuration, expansion cards, fundamentals of installing/supporting operating systems, and using firmware and diagnostic software. Prerequisites: CIS 110. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 2. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 241 Networking Concepts 3 s.h. This course enables students to recognize networking media and topology. The course will identify protocols and Open Source Initiative (OSI) models. Students will identify hardware and software problems of a network and provide network support. Installing and configuring the hardware and software on a local area network of computers is an integral part of the course. Students will install and use proprietary and open-source network operating systems in virtual machines. Prerequisite: CIS 240. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 2. Additional computer hours, as needed.

CIS 250 Project Management 3 s.h. This course will provide information on how good project management skills and effective use of technology can help you manage projects from an information technology perspective. Students will have an understanding of the ten project management knowledge areas including project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communications, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management as well as all five process groups which include initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Project management software will be introduced and used through- out the course. Prerequisite: CIS 110 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3.

Computer Technology

COT 131 Cisco Networking I 4 s.h. This course is the first in a four-course series on Cisco networking. Using a combination of instructor-led, web-based, and hands-on lab materials, students begin to learn how to design, install, and maintain internet- works. Topics include the OSI Model, Internetworking Devices, IP Addressing, LAN Media and Topologies, Structured Cabling, PC hardware and software, patch cables, installation of structured cabling, cable management techniques, and the use of test equipment. In the course, students will maintain an engineering journal, work in engineering teams, and learn to man- age networking projects. Hours of class per week: 3. Hours of lab per week: 3.

COT 132 Cisco Networking II 4 s.h. This course is the second in a four-course series on Cisco networking. Using a combination of instructor- led, web-based, and hands-on lab materials, students continue to learn how to design, install, and maintain internetworks. Topics include the OSI Mosel Layers 1-7, WANs, routing, using a router, and routing components, router startup and setup, router configurations, IOS, TCP/IP, IP addressing, and routing protocols. Stu- dents will continue to maintain an engineering journal, work in engineering teams, and learn to manage networking projects. Prerequisite: COT 131. Hours of class per week: 3. Hours of lab per week: 3.

COT 133 Cisco Networking III 4 s.h. This course is the third in a four-course series on Cisco networking. Using a combination of instructor-led, web- based, and hands-on lab materials, students continue to learn how to design, install, and maintain internet- works. Topics include a review of past material, LAN switching, VLANs, LAN Design, IGRP, Access Lists, and IPX. Threaded Case Studies (TCSs) are used extensively in this course, as students continue working in engineering teams and learn to design, install and manage networking projects. Prerequisite: COT 132. Hours of class per week: 3. Hours of lab per week: 3.

COT 134 Cisco Networking IV 4 s.h. This course is the fourth in a four-course series on Cisco networking. Using a combination of instructor-led, web based, and hands-on lab materials, students continue to learn how to design, install, and maintain internet- works. Topics include a review of past material, WANs, WAN Design, PPP, ISDN, Frame Relay, and review for the Cisco CCNA Exam. Students continue to use Threaded Case Studies (TCSs) and work in teams de- signing, installing and managing networking projects. Prerequisite: COT 133. Hours of class per week: 3. Hours of lab per week: 3.

Digital Media Technology

DMT 102 Introduction to Web Design 3 s.h. Introduction to web design introduces students to web tools, design insight and technical training focused on creating web pages. Students learn page-authoring soft- ware to build and preview text in browsers, create CSS style sheets, optimize images and create page links. Students learn how to apply standard HTML formatted templates to create their own web page. Basic flatbed scanning techniques are taught to convert original art- work and photos into graphic file formats acceptable for viewing on the World Wide Web. Adobe® Dreamweaver software is used with Adobe® image editing software to create a smooth web page workflow. ®Apple OSX® and Windows® knowledge, or Instructors approval. Hours of class per week: 3.

DMT 120 Digital Photography/ Adobe Photoshop® 3 s.h. This course introduces students to digital SLR cameras, ISO, memory, white balance, aperture priority, shutter priority, lenses, DNG, RAW files and manual camera settings. It includes photography fundamentals such as light, motion, depth of field, composition and exposure. Students learn how to use digital photography as a way to think visually to communicate and craft photo themes that tell a story. Visual creativity is emphasized to enhance and stimulate original thought processes for technical and aesthetic qualities found in digital photography. Adobe Photoshop® is introduced as a powerful pixel-based image editing application. The application features a wide range of image editing tools for enhancing photos and artwork. Students learn file management through Adobe® Bridge and learn creative and technical digital workflows. Adobe Photoshop® is an essential application used to apply color correction and retouching techniques to photos. Photoshop® is a versatile application used by graphic designers, digital photographers, web designers and videographers. This course is for beginners to intermediate users who want to become familiar with digital SLR cameras, photo editing applications and tools. Techniques are taught using the Apple® OSX system. A digital SLR camera is required for this course. Apple® or Windows® experi- ence. Hours of class per week: 4.

DMT 130 Multimedia Applications 3 s.h. This course provides an introduction to multimedia applications and digital technologies. Definitions of terms and concepts as well as trends in the development and use of multimedia content will be covered. There is a special focus on the tools used to create digital content including: digital images, digital sound, digital video, 2-D animation and introductory multimedia authoring concepts. Hours of class per week: 4.

DMT 140 Digital Publishing 3 s.h. This course is an intermediate approach to digital publishing and graphic design using Adobe® InDesign CS software. This course build on software and technical skills previously learned. Special emphasis is placed on creative thinking, graphic design principles and visual storytelling to craft successful designs for marketing and promoting business brands. Students’ compare and contrast brand concepts, strategies, audiences and construct design approaches through case studies and discussion. Students learn practical team building skills for brand processes and brand identity. Students create cross media solutions for an advertising campaign using print media, interactive media and packaging design. Apple® OSX computer systems and related software applications are taught. Prerequisite: DMT 101 or DMT 120 of permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 3.

DMT 203 Adobe® After Effects 3 s.h. This course provides hands-on, interactive instruction for those who are looking to learn more about creating motion graphics and compositing using the industry standards Adobe® After Effects. How to animate, alter and composite media in 2-D and 3-D space with various built-in tools and third party plug-ins is the primary focus of this course. The integration with other Adobe® titles such as Photoshop, Premier Pro and Flash will also be covered.  Hours of class per week: 4.

DMT 204 Multimedia Portfolio 3 s.h. This course provides the student with a capstone opportunity to use multimedia software to develop complex multimedia projects. Student work results in the production of an interactive multimedia titles and cumulative portfolio. Prerequisite: DMT 203. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 2.

DMT 208 Studio Photography 3 s.h. The emphasis of this course is to build student experiences using studio lighting equipment. Students photo- graph objects and subjects in a studio environment and work with the complexities of artificial lighting. Special emphasis is focused on digital cameras in the studio, light sources, light modifiers, lighting sets, measuring and controlling light. Students are also engaged in learning Adobe® professional software to manage digital photos, TIFF, JPEG, and RAW camera files. Original photographic images are used to present a visual story related to a photographic theme. Adobe® software is used as a tool to craft studio images into creative advertisements for promoting and marketing products. In addition, students will have an opportunity to prepare photographic images and interactive media for entry into the FM Annual Juried Student Art Show. Prerequisites: DMT 120, DMT 140, Macintosh® PC experience or permission of Instructor. Students must have their own digital SLR camera. Hours of class per week: 4.

DMT 210 Advanced Web Design 3 s.h. This course focuses on creating and viewing “multimedia rich” content on the web using the timeline-based authoring tool Adobe® Flash. Adobe® Flash is the leading software platform for the creation of online-based, interactive media. In this course, you will learn the tools and concepts of this program and its many interactive possibilities, including drawing, image, text, animation, sound, and basic Action Script integration. Prerequisites: DMT 102 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 4.

DMT 212 Media Design Seminar 3 s.h. This course emphasizes a capstone approach to digital and traditional portfolio design. Students plan their own design agency and corporate identity from conceptual stages to the final presentation. Students create pdf print media brochures, digital ads, marketing materials, publishing and interactive media using Adobe® CS applications. Students research college transfer requirements and employment opportunities. The course also emphasizes the concepts and basic principles of building a free-lance media business. Topics include studio layout, the DBA, the sole proprietor, partnerships, corporations, equipment costing, leasing and copyright issues. In addition, students will have an opportunity to prepare graphic designs and interactive media for entry into the FM Annual Juried Student Art Show. Prerequisites: DMT 101, DMT 112, DMT 120, DMT 140 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 1. Hours of lab per week: 3.

Electrical Technology

ELT 131 Industrial Automation and Robotics I 3 s.h. Students study the theory and operation of devices and systems that are used in industrial controls, including fundamentals and applications of automation and robotics. Students become familiar with and are able to troubleshoot and repair systems that contain devices such as photoelectric sensors, inductive and capacitive proximity sensors, timing circuits, relays, pneumatic and hydraulic solenoids, and basic controls. Students will understand and work with systems incorporating instrumentation, pneumatics, and hydraulics. Prerequisite: ELT 125 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 3.

ELT 231 Industrial Automation and Robotics II 3 s.h. Students build on ELT131’s study of sensors and actuators by studying the theory, programming, and operation of devices and systems that are used in industrial controls, including closed loop control, PID control, PLC’s using ladder logic, robotics, HMI’s, and SCADA systems. They become familiar with and are able to troubleshoot and repair systems containing various motor types including DC and AC motor controls, servo systems, and coordinated motion control systems. Understanding and troubleshooting systems (electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic), with the use of schematics and SPC (Statistical Process Control) analysis, are covered. Prerequisite: ELT 131 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 2. Hours of lab per week: 3.

ELT 236 Microcontroller Fundamentals 4 s.h. This course provides an understanding of microcontroller computer architecture. Students learn the hardware and programming details of a microcontroller sys- tem, using industry recognized development systems. Topics include microcontroller system organization, registers, memory, addressing, machine language programming, interrupts and interfacing. Additional topics include memory technologies, memory system interfacing and programmable logic devices (PLDs). Prerequisite: ELT 132 or permission of Instructor. Hours of class per week: 3. Hours of lab per week: 3.


Genesee Community College

Computer Information Systems


CIS102 - Introduction to Computers

Credits: 3
Catalog Description: Includes the most recent developments in the computer industry, computer applications, the Internet, and the components of a computer system. Laboratory exercises stress application programs such as word processing, spreadsheet, and database. Requires use of the computer facilities to complete computer projects. Not open to students with credit in CIS 116 or higher.

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CIS106 - Introduction to Second Life

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: An Introduction to the Second Life online environment. Students will enhance computer skills for dealing with virtual reality. Students are asked to do a variety of tasks in the Second Life environment. Students will be expected to make use of home computers or the computer facilities to complete projects. Not open to students with credit in CIS198.

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CIS109 - Intro to Web Development

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: An introduction to creating a website including HTML coding and use of dynamic web templates. Not open to students with credit in CIS113 or CIS204; not an approved course for the Web Design degree or Certificate.

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CIS112 - Systems Analysis and Design

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Studies the evolution of system analysis specification, selection, and implementation. Includes the effective use and management of data processing equipment in meeting the information needs of today's business enterprise. Spring only. Prerequisite: CIS125.

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CIS113 - Web Publishing

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Introduces the techniques, skills, and tools used to publish and manage a website. Develops the skills needed for publishing a simple web page and introduces HTML coding; builds on these authoring techniques and introduces other topics such as web design, web project management, and web maintenance; and acquires skills to build a maintainable web project. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIS 102 or higher or ART 209.

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CIS116 - Microcomputer Applications

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Develops skills to solve problems using common microcomputer software. Topics include microcomputer fundamentals, word processing, electronic spreadsheets, databases, and other software. Prerequisite: CIS102 or CIS125.

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CIS120 - Advanced Microcomputer Applications

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Advanced skill development to solve problems using common microcomputer software. Topics include desktop publishing, presentation software, advanced spreadsheet concepts, and database programming. Spring only. Prerequisite: CIS116.

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CIS125 - Programming and Problem Solving

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Develops computer skills for problem solving using Visual Basic programming software. Solves a variety of problems by developing a strategy, applying appropriate techniques, and testing results. Students should plan sufficient time to complete the necessary programming projects using the college's computing facilities. Prerequisite or corequisite: MAT102 or higher or by math placement exam.

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CIS204 - Web Design and Implementation

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Assuming a basic knowledge of HTML coding and web page design, this class moves into large-scale site development and an introduction to advanced web technologies. Building on the web page design concepts introduced in CIS203, this course focuses on site design issues, including scalability, maintenance, and integration of web technologies into the business or organizational context. Technologies introduced in this course include Perl, cascading style sheets, dynamic HTML, basic JavaScript, and streaming media. Each student will be required to purchase a domain name to create a website. Spring only. Prerequisites: CIS113 and CIS223.

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CIS208 - Database

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: A presentation of the fundamental concepts used in data modeling and database implementation. The data modeling process, basic relational concepts, and the process of normalization, relational algebra, SQL, and guidelines for mapping a data model into a relational database will be covered. Students will model a multimedia and/or text-only problem and implement it on a single machine with a commercially available database package. Prerequisite: CIS 112, or CIS113, or CIS 125, or CIS 215, or CIS 219.

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CIS215 - Web Scripting

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Introduces scripting languages, using them to accomplish a variety of tasks with an emphasis on dynamic web page generation. Students will work with both server-side and client-side languages, and should plan sufficient time to complete the necessary programming projects using the college's computing facilities. Spring only. Prerequisite: CIS125.

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CIS219 - Computer Programming1

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Introduces computer concepts and programming in a modern, high-level language. Demonstrates computing system concepts, problem solving, and systematic program development in problems from a variety of application areas. Topics include problem analysis, algorithm design, top-down development, program testing and documentation, data types, input/output, sequence, selection, loops, data manipulation, functions, arrays, records, sets, strings, files, recursion, and an introduction to sorting, searching and other basic algorithms. Students should plan sufficient time to complete the necessary programming projects using the college's computing facilities. Prerequisite: CIS125.

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CIS221 - Computer Programming2

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: A continuation of CIS219. Demonstrates advanced computing system concepts, problem solving and systematic program development in problems from a variety of application areas. Topics include program development, program testing and documentation, functions, files, advanced data structures, pointers, stacks, queues, linked lists, recursion, trees, sorting, searching, and object-oriented concepts. Students should plan sufficient time to complete the necessary programming projects using the college's computing facilities. Spring only. Prerequisite: CIS219.

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CIS223 - Multimedia With Flash

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Presents FLASH, an extremely powerful vector graphics software for creating dynamic, animated content ranging from basic linear animations to entire websites. Develops skills to create simple, yet impressive animations that can be added to web sites or published as soft-running FLASH Player files. Creates professional and eye-catching interactive content using symbols and instances, actions, sound and FLASH's testing capabilities. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIS 113 or ART 209.

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Communications and Media Arts Courses

COM223 - Multimedia With Flash

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Presents FLASH, an extremely powerful vector graphics software for creating dynamic, animated content ranging from basic linear animations to entire websites. Develops skills to create simple, yet impressive animations that can be added to web sites or published as soft-running FLASH Player files. Creates professional and eye-catching interactive content using symbols and instances, actions, sound and FLASH’s testing capabilities. Prerequisite or corequisite: CIS 113 or ART 209.

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Computer Systems and Network Technology


CSN115 - Introduction to Operating Systems

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Examines several operating systems with emphasis on a modern UNIX-based distribution. Topics include memory and process management, I/O systems, storage, multi-processing,networking, and system commands. Requires hands-on projects in system administration tasks such as managing file systems, creating and configuring user accounts and groups, managing file/directory permissions, creating shell scripts, and setting up services. Prerequisite: Some PC experience is recommended.

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CSN120 - Network Fundamentals

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Explores computer networks using the OSI and TCP models, network protocols, IP, Ethernet and application services. Uses a combination of lectures and laboratory experiences to analyze protocols, network operations, cabling, routers and switches. Prerequisite: Completion of the Genesee Community College math proficiency.

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CSN150 - Computer Repair

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Introduces the microcomputer and its operating system components. Includes hardware installation, repair, systematic troubleshooting, bus structures, operating system installation, and navigation tools. Lab work includes PC assembly and repair projects. Three class hours, three lab hours.

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CSN190 - Operating Systems 2: Advanced Linux

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: This course is a follow up to the Introduction to Operating Systems course, and provides students with an in-depth examination of a modern Linux-based operating system. Topics include the boot process, file system administration, package management, system administration tools, kernel configuration, networking services, the X window system, shell scripting, troubleshooting, and security. Students will be required to complete several hands-on projects during the course of the semester. Prerequisite: CSN115

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CSN201 - Network Client Operating Systems

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Explores concepts and requirements of network client operating systems with an emphasis on the current Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. Introduces the various tools for installing, administering, configuring and supporting Windows. Prepares students to take the current Microsoft Windows certification examination. Spring only. Two class hours, two lab hours. Prerequisite: CSN120 or permission of instructor.

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CSN202 - Network Operating Systems

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Explores concepts and requirements of network operating systems with an emphasis on the current Microsoft Windows family of server operating systems and the problems and techniques involved with successfully implementing a computer network in a corporate environment. Introduces the various tools for installing, administering, configuring and supporting Windows Server Operating Systems. Prepares students to take the corresponding Microsoft certification examination. Fall only. Two class hours, two lab hours. Prerequisite: CSN201.

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CSN205 - Network Routing Protocols and Concepts

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Introduces WAN architecture, network routing protocols, advanced IP addressing and interconnecting networks. Lectures followed by laboratory experiences in configuration, implementation, and troubleshooting of routers. Spring only. Two class hours, two lab hours. Prerequisite: CSN120.

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CSN206 - LAN Switching and Wireless Networking

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Introduces technologies and protocols needed to design and implement converged switched and wireless networks. Topics include Ethernet switching, VLAN, switch trunking, interVLAN routing, VTP, RSTP, wireless networking and wireless security. Students complete procedural labs on configuration, implementation, and troubleshooting of enterprise level network switches and wireless LANs. Fall only. Two class hours, two lab hours. Prerequisite: CSN120

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CSN207 - Wide Area Networking

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Presents WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in enterprise networks. Lectures and labs cover protocols, WAN security, Voice Over IP, principles of traffic, access control, and addressing services. Skills include configuration, implementation, detection, troubleshooting and corrective actions. Spring only. Two class hours, two lab hours. Prerequisite: CSN205 and CSN206

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CSN208 - Overview:Comp/Network Security

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Provides a solid foundation of the core concepts and terminology used in the field. Includes topics such as authentication, identifying and describing risks, and intrusion detection. Fall only. Prerequisite: CSN 201 or CSN 205 or permission of the instructor.

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CSN217 - Cooperative Education

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Participation in a cooperative business/organization for the purpose of gaining experience in business operations, management, and networking computing which are related to career and academic objectives. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CSN 202 or 12 credit hours of CSN and/or CIS courses.

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CSN220 - Inter/Intra Networking

Credits: 4

Catalog Description: Introduces LAN/WAN architecture, network routing protocols, IP addressing and interconnecting networks. Also introduces technologies and protocols needed to design and implement converged switched networks. Topics include Ethernet switching, VLAN, switch trunking and interVLAN routing. Four lecture hours, 1 lab hour. Prerequisite: CSN120.

full catalog description »


Engineering Science


EGR118 - Computer Assisted Drafting 1

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Creates 2-D engineering drawings using basic CAD concepts and industrial level software. Focuses on the principles and practices common to all CAD systems used in drafting. Develops skills with operating systems, computer terminology, and functions of hardware and peripheral components within a workstation environment and using proper drafting standards. Requires drawings using different techniques, drawing constructions and dimensioning. Two class hours, two lab hours. Fall only.

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EGR119 - Computer Assisted Drafting 2

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Uses an industrial/engineering level CAD software to generate 2-D drawings. Performs advanced techniques of the software on different drawings. Focuses on CAD software capabilities and graphic problem solving techniques. Requires drawings using various input devices and produce hard copy drawings. Two class hours, two lab hours. Spring only. Prerequisite: EGR118.

full catalog description »


EGR198 - Electrical/Electronic Drafting

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Electronic drawings stressing modern representation used for block diagrams, schematic diagrams, logic diagrams, wiring/assembly drawings, printed circuit board layouts, motor control diagrams, power distribution diagrams, and electrical one-line diagrams. Exposure to CAD standards, MS Excel database and block attribute data would also be presented. Two class hours, two lab hours. Prerequisite: EGR 118

full catalog description »


Office Technology/Secretarial

OFT260 - Desktop Publishing

Credits: 3

Catalog Description: Introduces desktop publishing including creating and editing single-page and multi-page publications, using wizards, commercial printing considerations, editing text colors and design objects, personal information sets, logos, to create flyers, newsletters, brochures, logs, calendars, and web pages. Covers business forms, business cards, invoices, fax covers, tables, web forms for e-commerce, and object linking and embedding. Prerequisites: OFT102 and CIS116.

full catalog description »


Geneseo, State University College at Geneseo


Computer Science

CSCI 104 Problem Solving with Computers The purpose of this course is to develop computer concepts and applications as tools for critical thinking and problem solving. The course includes hardware and software fundamentals, “hands-on” experience with selected computer software materials, and a presentation of some of the issues associated with computer technology. Assigned projects illustrate major computer tools such as word processors, spreadsheets, and databases. Not open to students with more than 6 credits of previous college-level computer science course work. Credits: 3(3-0) CSCI 114 R/Survey of Computer Science This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and problem areas of computer science through a survey of the major sub-areas of the field. Included are historical foundations; computer systems and applications; concepts of computer programming, programming languages, design of micro- processors; theoretical computer science (e.g., abstraction); social, economic, and political implications. Each area will be explored in lecture and in laboratories. Not open to students with more than 6 credits of previous college-level computer science course work. Credits: 3(3-0)

CSCI 115 R/Digital Futures, Human Futures Computers pervade most modern cultures, often in forms not recognized as computers - cell phones, CD and DVD players, identification cards, etc. Spreading use of computers raises important societal questions of privacy, security, property rights and more. This course introduces students with no technical background to algorithms and programs; analyzing algorithms; computer representation of information; such applications of these ideas as digital media, networks, and databases; the social choices and problems such applications raise; and technical and social grounds for evaluating choices and resolving problems.Credits: 3(2-1)

CSCI 119 R/Object-Oriented Programming:  (subtitle) An introduction to object oriented programming for students with little or no prior programming experience. Covers algorithms and their relationship to basic object oriented programming concepts; objects and classes; core algorithmic concepts used in defining objects’ behavior (e.g., control structure, input and output, exception handling, expressions); subclasses and inheritance. This material is taught in the context of the particular object oriented programming language indicated in the subtitle, and rein- forced with programming exercises in that language.Credits: 3(2-2)

CSCI 120 R/Procedural Programming:  (subtitle) An introduction to procedural programming for students with little or no prior programming experience. Covers algorithms and their relationship to basic procedural programming concepts; core concepts used in defining algorithms (e.g., input and output, expressions, selection, repetition, sequencing); top-down design and decomposition of programs into subprograms; standard data types, both scalar (e.g., numbers, characters, and boolean values) and composite (arrays, records, files). This material is taught in the context of the particular procedural programming language indicated in the subtitle, and reinforced with programming exercises in that language. Credits: 3(3-0) CSCI 142 Principles of Computer Science This course deals with abstract data types and data structures.  This course covers recursion, subclasses and inheritance, and the classic data structures such as lists, queues, stacks, and trees.  Prerequisites: CSCI 119.  Credits: 4(3-2)

CSCI 216 Statistical Software This course is designed to cover the use of computerized statistical and data analysis packages available to social and behavioral scientists for the reduction and analysis of social science data. Topics include instrument design, data preparation, file organization, and standard statistical routines such as anova, correlation, regression, and factor analysis. Emphasizes computer techniques used in applied statistics with a background in basic statistics assumed. Lectures are supplemented with many programming projects.  Prerequisites: An introductory statistics course or MATH 160 or MATH 360 or MATH 361 or SOCL 211 or PSYC 250 or BIOL 250 or ECON 202 or ANTH 283.  Credits: 3(3-0)  Offered every fall

CSCI 219 Object-Oriented Design & Programming This course introduces students to the design and implementation of computer programs from the object-oriented point of view. The focus of the course will be on (1) the discovery and design of classes that model real world problems; (2) the feature set of a modern object-oriented programming language; (3) the implementation of classes by the effective use of the language features. The object-oriented design process, which in general involves identification of classes, identification of the functionality of these classes, and identification of the relation- ship between these classes, will also receive careful attention.  Prerequisites: CSCI 119.  Credits: 3(3-0)

CSCI 230 Digital Electronics An introduction to digital electronics. The concepts studied are different number systems (e.g. binary and hexadecimal), Boolean algebra, complex logic decisions using simple logic statements, minimizing complex logic systems, logic gates, combinational networks, flip-flops, counters, and registers. Credits: 3(2-2)  Offered every year

CSCI 232 Numeric Methods This course deals with numerical algorithms of mathematical problems that arise as models of phenomena in the physical sciences and engineering. Problems of accurately computing algebraically exact solutions in the presence of rounding errors and of computing discrete approximations that are defined on the continuum are discussed. Emphasis focuses on computational aspects relevant to practical scientific problems. The concept of vectorization and programming techniques to increase the speed of Fortran programs on a supercomputer is introduced.  Prerequisites:  MATH 221; CSCI 119 or CSCI 120.  Credits: 3(3-0)  Offered every year

CSCI 240 Foundations of Algorithms Develops fundamental methods of inquiry for studying algorithms, specifically math- ematical analysis of performance and correctness, formal tools for algorithm design, and experimentation. Specific topics include the use of induction and recurrence relations in algorithm analysis; design from preconditions, postconditions, and loop invariants; and the role of the scientific method in computer science.  Prerequisites: CSCI 142 (may be taken concurrently) or permission of instructor. Credits: 4(3-2)

CSCI 241 Principles of Computer Organization This course stresses the hierarchical structure of computer architecture. Topics include levels of computer organization; digital logic, microprogramming, machine language, macro language, and operating systems; processors; instruction execution, memory, registers, addressing, input/output, control, and synchronization; instruction sets, addressing, data flow, control flow, interrupts; assembly language programming; macros.   Prerequisites: CSCI 142. Credits: 4(3-2)

CSCI 242 Analysis of Algorithms A systematic study of algorithms and their complexity. Topics include measuring algorithm complexity; O-notation; searching and sorting algorithms and their complexity; mathematical algorithms (matrices, polynomials, and algebra) and their complexity; tree and graph traversal algorithms and their complexity; the classes P, NP, and NP- complete problems and intractable problems.   Prerequisites: CSCI 240 and MATH 237 or MATH 239.  Credits: 3(3-0)

CSCI 243 C Programming and Unix This course introduces the programming language C, the Unix operating system and its facilities. Topics include C language concepts, dynamic structures, flow of control, Unix features, and shell programming.  Pre- requisites: CSCI 142.  Credits: 1(1-0)

CSCI 259 Software Engineering and Its Tools An introduction to software engineering.  Topics include software development process models and lifecycle; requirements capture, analysis, and specification; system design and architectures; system implementation; verification and validaiton; testing; component integration and reuse; performance and cost benefit analysis; deployment and maintenance; documentation; ethical and professional responsibilities; and management and organization of software development projects.  The role of software engineering notations and tools in each of these activities will also be discussed.  Students will participate in a large scale semester-long team software development project.  Prerequisites: CSCI 241 and CSCI 242.  Credits: 3(3-0)  Offered every 3-4 semesters.

CSCI 276 Lisp as a Second Language This course teaches the fundamentals of the Lisp language and introduces the concepts of functional programming and symbol manipulation. Included are data abstraction principles, function definition tools, macros, lambda calculus, dynamic and lexical binding issues, destructive and non-destructive storage mechanisms, and the Lisp user sup- port environment.  Prerequisites: CSCI 142.  Credits: 1(1-0) Offered every other year


GEOG 286 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems This course provides an introduction to the theory and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for mapping and basic spatial analysis.  It examines fundamental concepts of spatial relationships, spatial data representation, geographic data models, spatial data acquisition, spatial analysis, and map design.  Laboratory exercises emphasize hands-on applications on a variety of topics that require students to perform common GIS tasks and design and produce professional quality maps.  Restricted to Geography Majors.  Course is available for non-Geography majors by permission of instructor.  Credits: 4(3-2).  Offered every fall


Herkimer County Community College
Just took 100 level courses for this school

Information Science

IS 101 Introduction to the Internet

Students will be introduced to the Internet and the Word Wide Web. Browsers will be used for basic e-mail concepts along with searching on the web. Students will be introduced to HTML to create a basic Web page. Contact Hours: (1,0) Credits 1


IS 102 Intro to Personal Computers

Students will gain computer understanding needed to live in an information society. This course will examine the organization, function, capabilities and limitations of computers as productivity and communications tools. A student who successfully completes the sequence IS 102, IS 103, IS 104, IS 105 and IS 106 may substitute these courses for IS 115; however, students may receive graduation credit for successful completion of either IS 115 or IS 102-106, but not for both. Contact Hours: (1,0) Credits 1


IS 103 Intro to Microsoft Windows

This course introduces the capabilities of Microsoft Windows. Through hands-on lab use, students will understand how the operating system functions and relates to application software. A student who successfully completes the sequence IS 102, IS 103, IS 104, IS 105 and IS 106 may substitute these courses for IS 115; however, students may receive graduation credit for successful completion of either IS 115 or IS 102-106, but not for both. Contact Hours: (1,0) Credits 1


IS 105 Intro to Microsoft Excel

Students are introduced to the capabilities of electronic spreadsheets through the use of hands-on lab activities. Students learn how to create, format, save and retrieve spreadsheets. Formulas, functions and graphs will be created to develop various spreadsheets. The class meets three hours per week for five weeks. A student who successfully completes the sequence IS 102, IS 103, IS 104, IS 105 and IS 106 may substitute these courses for IS 115; however, students may receive graduation credit for successful completion of either IS 115 or IS 102-106, but not for both. Contact Hours: (1,0) Credits 1

IS 105 Intro to Microsoft Excel

Students are introduced to the capabilities of electronic spreadsheets through the use of hands-on lab activities. Students learn how to create, format, save and retrieve spreadsheets. Formulas, functions and graphs will be created to develop various spreadsheets. The class meets three hours per week for five weeks. A student who successfully completes the sequence IS 102, IS 103, IS 104, IS 105 and IS 106 may substitute these courses for IS 115; however, students may receive graduation credit for successful completion of either IS 115 or IS 102-106, but not for both. Contact Hours: (1,0) Credits 1

IS 106 Intro to Microsoft Access

This course introduces the basic concepts of a database through the use of hands-on lab activities. Students will create, maintain, query database tables, design forms and reports. The class meets three hours weekly for five weeks. A student who successfully completes the sequence IS 102, IS 103, IS 104, IS 105 and IS 106 may substitute these courses for IS 115; however, students may receive graduation credit for successful completion of either IS 115 or IS 102-106, but not for both. Contact Hours: (1,0) Credits 1

IS 111 Keyboarding Essentials

This course is designed to develop correct keyboard usage through the use of course specific software as well as Microsoft Word. Instruction includes basic word processing techniques in the preparation of simple business documents. A minimum speed of 20 wpm on a three-minute timing is expected. A proficiency exam is available for a nominal fee. Contact Hours: (1,1) Credits 1

IS 113 Keyboarding w/Document Proc

This course is designed to develop correct keyboard usage through the use of course specific software as well as Microsoft Word. Instruction includes in-depth preparation of simple business letters, memos, tables and reports. Strong emphasis is placed on accuracy. A minimum speed of 35 wpm during a five- minute timing is expected. A proficiency exam is available for a nominal fee. Contact Hours: (1,3) Credits 2

IS 115 Computer Applications I

This course examines the impact of computers in society covering terms and concepts to provide a fundamental knowledge of the computer age. Windows-based application software will be used. Hands-on sessions utilizing popular software products will allow students to become familiar with word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentations software. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 117 Computer Applications II

Advanced features in word processing, spreadsheet and database software will be developed. Topics include working with advanced functions, automating tasks using macros, analyzing data and building applications. Web-page development will be introduced using HTML. Prerequisite: IS 115. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3 Prerequisites  IS 115

IS 118 Intro to Geograph Info Systems

Geographic Information Systems are computer-based applications for the collection, storage, analysis and presentation of spatial and attribute data in a visual format, often through the use of maps. They have become integrated into every aspect of society including the monitoring and management of the environment, business and marketing, crime analysis, transportation, emergency response, civil engineering, tax assessment, precision agriculture, siting of facilities and more. Various topics including cartographic principles, data classification and collection, thematic map design, and GIS related software is covered. Students taking this course should have prior skills with the Windows Operating System, and should feel comfortable using the Internet. NOTE: Offered fall semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,3) Credits 3

IS 119 Comp Software for the Law Off

This course examines the software used in the legal field. Students will develop skills using computer programs that will enable them to gather, organize, and search data, draft legal documents, and prepare summaries. To help with managing the legal office, students will learn timekeeping and billing software and set up a case management program to track and control cases. NOTE: Offered spring semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 120 Fund Prog Development

The student will understand more fully the programmer's job, become familiar with many of the tools at the student's disposal and know more about the environment in which programs operate. The student will acquire the basic capabilities of programming logic and development through the use of object-oriented programming. NOTE: Offered fall semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 123 Programming in Visual Basic

Students will develop applications using Visual Basic. Some of the topics covered include sequential access files, database, string manipulation, arrays, and functions. Prerequisite: IS 120 or IS 171 or IS 124. Note: Offered spring semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3 Prerequisites IS 120

IS 124 Princ Programming in C

This course provides an introduction to programming in C++. Topics include an overview of the C++ programming language, data types, operators, control structures and input/output functions. Students prepare programs in C++. NOTE: Offered fall semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 125 Princ Prog in C II

This course examines further topics in program development and object-oriented programming. Emphasis is placed on the role of data structures in program design, multidimensional arrays, pointers and dynamic data types. Students prepare programs in C++. Prerequisite: IS 124. NOTE: Offered spring semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3 Prerequisites IS 124

IS 130 Mobile App Development I

This course is an introduction to writing apps for mobile devices. It familiarizes the student with the development software needed for creating mobile apps, the programming logic used in the apps, and the code that puts the software design and logic into practice. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 131 Mobile App Development II

This course is a second course in writing apps for mobile devices. Topics covered include programming business applications for tablets, databases on tablets, communicating with the cloud, and apps with connections (i.e., camera, USB ports, and external storage). Prerequisite: IS 130 or IS 125. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 132 Mobile App Development III

This is a capstone course in developing mobile applications. Students will have the opportunity to fine-tune their skills in creating mobile applications. Prerequisite: IS 131. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3

IS 140 Networking Essentials

This course teaches students fundamental computer networking concepts and terminology. Network design issues such as topology, protocols, cabling and devices are covered in detail. Students also study network troubleshooting and security issues. This course closely follows the Network+ Certification curriculum. Contact Hours: (3,2) Credits 4

IS 141 Intr Hardware & Software Cncpt

This course provides students with an understanding of computer system hardware and software concepts with an emphasis on the role these items play in program development. Among the topics to be discussed are the representation of data, the attributes of various hardware components, the interconnection of components in making a complete system, the role of the computer operating system and modern software engineering practices. NOTE: Offered spring semesters only. Contact Hours: (3,0) Credits 3

IS 160 Funds of Comp Netwrk Architect

Survey of networking concepts. Topics include: introduction to topologies, protocols, cabling and network transmissions. Understanding hardware concepts such as upgrading, repairing and providing routine maintenance with diagnostic tools will also be presented. Contact Hours: (3,0) Credits 3

IS 171 Computer Science

Beginning programming designed to provide a brief introduction to the development, structure, operation, and application of computer programs is explored. Emphasis is given to writing and running student-written programs in an object oriented programming language. Emphasis is on mathematical applications. The laboratory experience provides hands-on practice. Note: Offered fall semesters only. Contact Hours: (2,2) Credits 3


Hudson Valley Community College

Administrative Information Management and Technology

AITC 163 INTEGRATED APPLICATIONS Spring The student will continue to develop speed and accuracy in post-advanced concepts and techniques of Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Integration between applications and Web features will be stressed and upon completing projects and exercises, students will be pre- pared to take the Microsoft Office User Specialist exam. Lab time outside of class is required. Pre-requisite: CMPT 112, Advanced Information Processing with Business Communication or per- mission of department.

AITC 165 ADVANCED WORDPERFECT Fall, Spring This course will reinforce the skills acquired in CMPT 100 and take students to a more advanced level. Students will enhance the visual display and presentation of documents by inserting graphics, creating graphic elements, producing charts, outlines, documents with special features, and others. The hands-on, step-by-step approach will enable students to have a thorough, integrative learning experience in word processing using WordPerfect. Prerequisite: CMPT 100, Word Processing with WordPerfect or permission of department.

Advanced Manufacturing Technology

MFTS 115 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN MANUFACTURING Fall, Summer  This course is an introduction to computer systems and applications utilized in modern manufacturing, including an overview of basic PC hardware and software. Students will use common office software applications to create documents, spreadsheets, charts, graphs and presentations for use in manufacturing operations.  3-0-3.

MFTS 120 CAD APPLICATIONS IN MANUFACTURING Fall, Summer  This course is designed to teach students about the relevance and applications of computer aided drafting within the field of manufacturing. Students will learn about 2D orthographic drawings, parametric sketching, 3D solid modeling, material application, mold design, surface modeling, rapid prototyping  and computer aided manufacturing. 3-0-3.

Civil Engineering Technology

CIVL 110   ENGINEERING GRAPHICS Fall, Spring This is a fundamental course in graphic expression, covering topics relevant to civil engineering technology, architecture, and construction. CAD and freehand sketching are developed at the start to provide a foundation for the application of theory. Geometric construction, orthographic projection, auxiliary views, sections, surface intersections and developments are covered. Students solve graphical problems according to current industrial practices and conventions which include the use of symbols, notations and dimensions. 2-3-3.

CIVL 113 MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS Spring Using AutoCAD, students in this course will produce drawings relevant to the fields of civil engineering technology, architecture and construction. Pre-requisite:  CIVL 110, Engineering Graphics. 0-4-2.

Computer - General

CMPT 099 COMPUTER LITERACY Fall, Spring, Summer The course presents introductory concepts and techniques in computing fundamentals. Students learn the technology of Microsoft operating systems, keyboard and keyboard shortcuts, use of the mouse, launching application programs, creating and managing files and folders, document naming conventions, establishing user accounts, managing open windows, moving, copying, deleting, renaming files and folders, and navigating the world wide web (www). Lab time outside class is required. 1-0-1 ND

CMPT 100 WORD PROCESSING WITH WORDPERFECT     Fall, Spring, Summer This course will teach computer concepts and micro- computer applications using Corel WordPerfect. Students will identify the components of the WordPerfect graphical user interface, in addition to learning data and document management. Students will be given the opportunity to gain in-depth understanding of creating and modifying a wide variety of documents by performing step-by-step exercises. 3-0-3.

CMPT 101 COMPUTER CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS I Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course provides both a practical and conceptual background in computing and information processing and management fundamentals.  Students receive hands-on experience while learning the latest graphical interface technology and how it interacts with word processing, spreadsheets, database management, presentation graphics and the internet. Microsoft Windows and Windows applications are the software products used. Lab time outside of class is required. Students must have some familiarity with the Windows Operation System or computers using graphical user interfaces (e.g. Mac OS or Linux). Students with no computing experience should take AITC 101, Computer Literacy prior to enrolling in CMPT 101. 3-0-3.

CMPT 105 COMPUTER CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS II Fall, Spring, DL This course introduces students to advanced information processing concepts and applications. Students will receive hands-on experience learning and applying the latest graphical user interface (GUI) technology, advanced features in word processing, spreadsheets and database management, and the Internet. The Microsoft Office Suite and Windows Operating Systems are the software products used. Lab time outside of class is required. Pre-requisite: CMPT 101, Computer Concepts and Applications I or permission of department. 3-0-3.

CMPT 110 DOCUMENT FORMATTING ON MICROCOMPUTERS Fall, Spring A review of Windows and file management will precede an introduction to word processing. This course will enable the student to develop keyboarding skills by keying the alphabetic, numeric, and symbol keys by touch in addition to computer skills mastery. The students will use MS Word to create, format and edit letter styles, envelopes, tables, memos, and reports, as well as other business documents. 3-0-3.

CMPT 111 INFORMATION PROCESSING Fall, Spring Students will learn word processing concepts and procedures while using the latest Graphical User Interface (GUI) technology.  This course concentrates on the instruction and preparation of the most frequently requested office documents, including electronic documents.  Various Internet projects will improve students’ knowledge and research skills while using the World Wide Web. Students will continue the development of keyboarding and grammatical skills. Pre-requisite: CMPT 110, Document Formatting on Microcomputers or permission of department. 3-0-3.

CMPT 112 ADVANCED INFORMATION PROCESSING WITH BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Fall, DL Using Microsoft Office suite, students will utilize the proper procedures to create more advanced documents, workbooks, databases, and presentations suitable for professional purposes. Students also will learn correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar to incorporate in their documents. Prerequisite: CMPT 111, Information Processing or permission of department. 3-0-3.

CMPT 115 EXCEL 3-0-3 Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course teaches Microsoft Excel spreadsheet soft- ware within the Windows environment using a hands- on approach with step-by-step tutorial lessons and reinforcement exercises.  It begins with the basics and progresses to the development of a framework for learning Excel’s more sophisticated features, providing a practical knowledge of business spreadsheeting.  Lab time outside of class is required. Pre-requisite: Previous experience with the Windows operating system. 3-0-3.

CMPT 118 WEB PAGE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course provides both a practical and conceptual introduction to the basic components of  the World Wide Web, HTML and the Dreamweaver Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Students will create Web pages while learning the basics of Web page design and the techniques for using graphics and images. Lab time outside of class is required. Pre-requisite: Previous experience with Windows Operating System. 3-0-3.

CMPT 119 MULTIMEDIA AND GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR THE WEB Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course provides students with an introduction to graphic design for the Web using Macromedia Fireworks and Flash. Students will use these tools to develop graphics and animations for the Web, including basic graphic design skills, Flash movie development and an introduction to using ActionScript. Pre-requisite: CMPT 118, Web Page Design and Management or permission of department chair. Pre- or co- requisite: CISS 100, Introduction to Computing and Information Sciences or permission of department chair. 3-0-3.

CMPT 120 DATABASE CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course introduces students to database concepts and applications using Microsoft Access. Students will learn to create tables, forms, reports, and switchboards. They will learn the proper procedures for creating, maintaining, and querying databases, and will be exposed to a variety of practical business-based applications which emphasize skills most in demand by employers today. This course does not involve database programming or systems development. Pre-requisite: Previous experience with the Windows operating system. 3-0-3.

CMPT 125 ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING AND DESIGN Fall, Spring, Summer, DL Using Adobe InDesign, the student will design and produce professional quality documents by using text, graphics, illustrations, and photos. With the use of the addition- al desktop publishing tools like design templates, graphic manipulation tools, color schemes, and wizards, students will create, edit, and modify newsletters, brochures, merged documents, clipart plus others. Students will create professional-looking layouts that incorporate illustrations and bitmap graphics as well as sophisticated presentations of text and typography and publish these documents to the web. Pre-requisite: CMPT 101, Computer Concepts and Applications I or permission of department. 3-0-3.

CMPT 135 INFORMATION DESIGN AND APPLIED DIGITAL MEDIA Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course focuses on the structural, conceptual and heuristic design of information and its presentation using contemporary integrated digital media. Course content includes: information architecture; user–centered design (UCD) and human computer interface (HCI); search engine optimization (SEO); navigation and way-finding; accessibility; and applied integrated digital media. The course will help prepare students for knowledge management and information technology careers in management, marketing, communications, Web design, and software development. This case-based course will teach students how to think through information based projects, using the principles of information design and project management and use digital media applications to turn theory into practical projects. 3-0-3.

CMPT 150 ADVANCED TOPICS IN OFFICE TECHNOLOGY Spring In this course, students will study the history and evolution of technology in today’s automated office. The course also will discuss management styles and theories, electronic communication systems, security, PDA’s, scanners, electronic filing systems, records management, an introduction to MS Outlook, time management, ergonomics, career opportunities and professional certification. Students will create representational portfolios. 3-0-3.

Computer Aided Drafting

CADD 100 TOPICS IN 2D AUTOCAD Fall, Spring, Summer Utilizing current computer aided drafting (CAD) software, students will apply standard drafting theory to a diverse set of two-dimensional computer aided drafting applications. Topics included in this comprehensive, introductory level course are: preliminary CAD software techniques, basic computer skills, creation and editing of geometry, plotting, single and multiple view drawings, coordinate systems, dimensioning, and basic block use. 3-3-4.

CADD 105 MICROCOMPUTER DRAFTING - AUTOCAD Fall, Spring, DL This course will allow students to develop basic skills in the use of AutoCAD drafting software. Topics include the knowledge and understanding of file management, setup of the drawing screen, and the use of menus and commands in AutoCAD.  Drawing, editing, dimensioning, and plotting techniques also will be practiced, and mechanical and architectural applications will be introduced. Contact the Civil, Construction, Industrial and Mechanical Technologies department to confirm current software. 1-4-3.

CADD 110 ADVANCED TOPICS IN AUTOCAD Fall, Spring, Summer Utilizing current computer aided drafting (CAD) software, students will apply standard drafting theory to advanced two-dimensional and three-dimensional computer aided drafting applications.  Topics included in this course are a continuation of those in CADD 100, including efficient creation and editing of advanced geometry, block attributes, external reference files, three-dimensional wire frame, surface and solid models, paper space, and customization of the software. Prerequisite: CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or equivalent. 3-3-4.

CADD 115 MACHINING PROCESSES Fall Lab fee will be required This course is an introduction to machine shop equipment and practices.  The purpose and principles of engineering design are discussed to prepare the student for interpretive knowledge necessary to create working drawings.  Some lab time is spent in the machine shop learning the capabilities and limitations of machines. 2-3-3.

CADD 120 TOPOGRAPHICAL DETAILING IN CAD Fall, Spring This course is an introduction to software used in the civil engineering and land surveying field. It is intended to familiarize the student with the software used in this field so they can work with and understand surveyors and civil engineers in order to produce drawings based on information given to them by these professionals. Pre-requisite: CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or equivalent. 3-3-4.

CADD 200 ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS IN CAD Fall, Spring Utilizing current computer aided drafting (CAD) soft- ware and industry add-on software, students will learn additional drafting standards as they apply to the architectural drafting field.  Students will apply these standards to stock designs and their own designs. Prerequisite: CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or equivalent. 3-3-4.

CADD 207 COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING II Spring This course will use a nationally-recognized “solids modeling” software as a tool for mechanical design. Students will use the solids concept to design parts and verify assemblies. Contact the Civil, Construction, Industrial and Mechanical Technologies Department to confirm current software. Prerequisite: CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD. 3-3-4.

CADD 208 INVENTOR/CAD BASICS Fall, Spring, DL This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practice to produce technical working drawings, files compatible with numerical control for production and inspection of mechanical parts with Autodesk Inventor software. Prerequisites: CADD 105, Microcomputer Drafting - AutoCAD or CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or computer and drafting experience or permission of instructor. 2-3-3.

CADD 210 SOLID MODELING PROJECT IN CAD Fall, Spring, Summer Utilizing current computer aided drafting solid modeling software, students will apply the drafting and design standards they have learned to solid modeling designs. Applying the required standards, students will design a machine to be assigned by the instructor, and produce detailed drawings, parts lists, assembly instructions, an introduction and an assembly diagram. Prerequisite:  CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or equivalent. 3-3-4.

CADD 215 CAD APPLICATIONS IN BUILDING MECHANICALS Spring Lab fee will be required. This course will cover the basics of HVAC, piping and electrical applications in CAD. It will give the student a basic understanding of electrical and electronic drafting and exposure to the creation of various drawings used in the electrical and related industries. Included is the ability to recognize and draw designations and functions of electrical/electronic components, graphs, logic circuits, schematics, and block diagrams, among others. Architectural wiring diagrams and electronic packaging will also be covered. It will also cover the basics of piping and plumbing drafting and exposure to the various symbol libraries used in the industry and understanding of piping schematics. Structural steel detailing and drafting and the basics of nomenclature and callouts used in the steel industry will be covered.  Sheet metal drafting and a basic understanding of HVAC drawings will be taught and students will be able to understand these drawings and diagrams and produce industry standard drawings. Prerequisite: CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or equivalent. 2-3-3.

CADD 230 COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING PRACTICUM Summer This course will provide students with a total of 192 hours in practical work experience, plus 12 hours of seminar, group discussion and lecture. Field experience will occur in engineering, manufacturing and contracting firms, companies and agencies that utilize computer aided drafting (CAD.) Open only to matriculated Computer Aided Drafting students. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of all coursework within the Computer Aided Drafting Certificate program. 4 Credits.

CADD 232 CAD SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT AND DESIGN Spring Lab fee will be required This course is a comprehensive development of the automation systems inherent in CAD systems, centering on the customization of a system environment, to make the user more productive.  It includes a detailed inspection of the automation process of the user interface, inter- action to external programs and systems, and uses for CAD output are integral to the cause.  The development of a systematic process for CAD system selection and implementation in an industrial environment also will be introduced and developed. Pre-requisites: CADD 100, Topics in 2D AutoCAD or CADD 105, Microcomputer Drafting - AutoCAD and MECT 100, Interpreting Engineering Drawings. 2-3-3.

Computer Information Systems

CISS 100 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course introduces and develops computing and information sciences concepts that include: (a) emergent and contemporary computer technology and its nomenclature, (b) information and data abstraction, representation, manipulation and storage, (c) operating systems, (d) networking and the Internet, (e) programming languages and formal mathematical logic; (f) software engineering and information systems development, (g) decision support systems, (h) database systems management (i) computer graphics and multimedia; (j) artificial intelligence; (k) computer and net- work security, and (l) the theory of computation. Integrated throughout the course is a focus on computer and information privacy, security and ethics and computing’s impact on society. Students will demonstrate comprehension of these concepts in assignments and exams. To provide students with a solid understanding of contemporary heterogeneous computer systems, every student will be led through the development of either a virtualized Linux OS environment or a bootable Linux OS USB thumb drive. These individual Linux OS environments will subsequently be used for Linux/Unix based graphical user inter- face (GUI), command line interface (CLI), networking and security laboratory assignments. The Linux OS component will conclude with implementation and configuration of a Backtrack Linux VM instance to investigate network security and a LAMP stack (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP) to create a WordPress Web/Content Management System (CMS) instance. 4-0-4.

CISS 101 BUSINESS COMPUTING APPLICATION AND ANALYTICS DEVELOPMENT Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course focuses on developing computer applications and computing business analytics for businesses and end users, using a continually evolving best practices case-based approach. The computing applications include the development of Database Management Systems (DBMS) that are used to organize, store and retrieve business information and spreadsheets that serve as a basis for Decision Support Systems (DSS). Together, these application components are integrated to create business computing applications capable of supporting today’s operational, tactical and strategic business operations and planning. Open only to matriculated Computer Information Systems students. 3-0-3.

CISS 102 UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course will cover the basics of the Unix operating sys- tem and text editor used at Hudson Valley Community College.  The emphasis will be on using these tools to effectively write computer programs in a Unix environment.  File management, customizing the environment, multitasking and text editing will be covered. 1-0-1.

CISS 105 IT ESSENTIALS (A+): PC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Fall, Spring, Summer This course which maps to the Cisco IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software and CompTIA curricula, provides an introduction to the computer hardware and software skills needed to help meet the growing demand for entry-level information and communication technology (ICT) professionals. The curriculum covers the fundamentals of PC technology, networking and security, and also provides an introduction to advanced concepts in these areas. IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software is a hands-on, career-oriented solution with an emphasis on practical experience to help students develop fundamental computer skills along with essential career skills. The curriculum helps students prepare for entry-level ICT career opportunities and the CompTIA  A+ certification, which helps students differentiate themselves in the marketplace to advance their careers in these areas. 3-1-3.

CISS 110 PROGRAMMING AND LOGIC I Fall, Spring, Summer, DL A first course in computer logic and programming, this course investigates the basic operations of computer systems and introduces students to software development methodologies. Structured programming and introductory object oriented design principles will be used to pro- vide a disciplined approach to computer program design. Students will solve interesting real-world problems. 4-0-4.

CISS 111 PROGRAMMING AND LOGIC II - DATA STRUCTURES Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This is the second course in computer logic and programming and focuses on commonly used abstract data structures and their implementation in an object oriented environment. Programming topics include: recursion, references, memory management and analysis of algorithms. Data structure topics include: stacks, queues, lists, trees, and collections and their proper application. Object oriented programming topics include encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Advancing programming techniques will be introduced to assist students in acquiring a greater proficiency in writing applications and applets of increasing complexity. Pre-requisite: CISS 110, Programming and Logic I with a final grade of “C” or better. 4-0-4.

CISS 120 NETWORKING I- INTRO TO DATA COMMUNICATION Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course will introduce the student to the organization and design of data networks, and provide the foundation for the first part of Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification (ICND1 640-822).  Topics include net- working media, ethernet technology, the TCP/IP protocol suite, subnets, routers and routing protocols, wide area net- works (WANs), and fundamentals of network management. This is a hands-on course utilizing both the Hudson Valley Community College Networking Laboratories and the Cisco Network Academy resources. 3-1-3.

CISS 121 NETWORKING II- INTRO TO NETWORK ADMINISTRATION Fall, Spring, Summer This course builds on the foundation developed in CISS 120, and extends students’ capability to understand and manage data networks.  Completion of this course prepares the student for the second part of Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification (ICND2 640-816 or CCNA 640-802). Topics include classless routing, OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols, LAN design, virtual LANs (VLANS), WAN design, PPP, frame relay, ISDN, and network administration. This is a hands-on course utilizing both the Hudson Valley Community College net- working laboratories and the Cisco Network Academy resources. Pre-requisite: CISS 120, Networking I-Introduction to Data Communication. 3-1-3.

CISS 125 COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SECURITY Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course will introduce Computing and Information Science students and professionals to Information Security (e.g. computer and network security). Information Security plays a vital role in today’s integrated networked information systems by securing an organization’s critical data and systems from inside and outside threats. This course will examine general security concepts that include: communication security, infrastructure security, operation/organizational security, basic cryptography and steganography.

Students will learn and apply defacto security best practices administering clients, servers and firewalls in a dedicated computer network laboratory. Through virtualization, students will have the opportunity to assess vulnerabilities and administrate Information Security on a multitude of operating systems. Presently the Computer and Information Sciences department has standardized on VMware as a virtualization platform. Distance learning students will need their own computer to complete the necessary coursework. Pre-requisites: CISS 100, Introduction to Computing and Information Sciences and CISS 110, Programming and Logic I or permission of CIS department chair. 3-0-3.

CISS 150 OPERATING SYSTEMS Fall, Spring, DL This course will further develop the applied operating sys- tem, system administration and virtualization concepts introduced in CISS 100, Introduction to Computing and Information Sciences. Operating system theory and practice will be explored in both the Linux and Windows environments. Theoretical topics include:  process management, communication and synchronization, memory management, device management, file systems, system administration and security. Practical application will be applied to a host Linux system running on an external hard drive. Students will build and maintain a VMware-based virtual environment to support four additional guest operating systems. This virtual environment allows simulation of multiple server and client environments in a heterogeneous networking environment.  This environment will include, but is not limited to, basic network design, use of Network Address Translation (NAT), server software installation and management, account/username maintenance, authentication subsystems and integration, disk and file system maintenance, application installation and configuration, basic networking, printing and the use of directories (e.g. LDAP and Active Directory). Pre-requisites: CISS 100, Introduction to Computing and Information Sciences; CISS 110, Programming and Logic I; CISS 111, Programming and Logic II-Data Structures or CISS 121, Networking II-Introduction to Network Administration or permission of department chair. 4-0-4.

CISS 200 COBOL PROGRAMMING Spring, DL This course will provide thorough coverage of problem solving and structured programming in the study of the systematic technique of program construction.  After completing this course, students will have a firm foundation in the concepts and techniques of structured pro- gram design and structured COBOL programming and will have solved a wide variety of business-related application problems using COBOL utilizing the Hudson Valley Community College computer system. Open only to matriculated Computer Information Systems students. Pre-requisite: CISS 110, Programming and Logic I or permission of department. 4-0-4.

CISS 201 ADVANCED COBOL PROGRAMMING Fall, Spring, DL This course will expand on the theme of providing extensive coverage of problem solving and structured programming in the study of the systematic technique of program construction. This course is intended to be both theoretical and practical. Students will explore the study of advanced COBOL features, development of style as a programming tool, for- mal presentation of simple data structures and fundamental algorithms, and practical study of disk file access techniques. After completing this course, students will have a comprehensive and absolute understanding of the concepts and techniques of structured program design and structured COBOL programming. Students also will have solved a wide variety of business-related and academic-oriented application problems using COBOL and utilizing the Hudson Valley computer system. Additionally, students will enhance their skill using the UNIX operating system by using important UNIX tools, utilities and shell programming. Pre-requisite:  CISS 200, Introduction to COBOL Programming or permission of department. 3-2-4.

CISS 210 INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course presents a practical approach to systems analysis and design topics using traditional development theory with current technologies.  It emphasizes the use of modern methods, tools, and group processes to identify the functionality that is necessary to provide end-users with application-specific information systems. Students taking this course should have a thorough background in computer fundamentals as well as programming languages. Open only to Information Systems students. Prerequisites: CISS 101, Business Computing Application and Analytics Development; CISS 110, Programming and Logic I;  CISS 111, Programming and Logic II- Data Structures or CISS 121, Networking II- Introduction to Network Administration or CISS 220, Introduction to Web Design and Development or permission of CIS department. 3-0-3.

CISS 211   INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This is a continuation of CISS 210.  Students will prototype the system they designed in CISS 210, and will plan and coordinate all systems development phases using recommended project management techniques. They also will participate in group walk-throughs and prepare a formal presentation of their completed system.  Open only to Information Systems students. Prerequisite: CISS 210, Information Systems Analysis and Design. 3-0-3.

CISS 215 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Fall, Spring, Summer, DL Project management is defined as the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. This course will cover project management knowledge areas (PMBOK) and the associated skills, tools and techniques required to complete project activities. The emphasis will be the application of concepts using real world examples and simulations. Pre-requisite: CISS 101, Business Computing Application and Analytics Development or CMPT 101, Computer Concepts and Applications I with a grade of “C” or better or permission of department chair. 4-0-4.

CISS 220 INTRODUCTION TO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course introduces students to best practices W3C standards compliant web design and development, pro- viding a foundation for the development of rich interactive user Web experiences available on any device. Course topics include but are not limited to: the history and architecture of the Internet and the World Wide Web, HTML, Extensible HTML (XHTML), HTML 5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XML, User Centered Design (UCD), standards compliant accessibility, multi- media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content management. This is a hands-on, project based course, conducted and tested in multiple operating systems (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux, Apple iOS, Android), browsers (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer) and environments. Pre- or Co-requisite: CISS 100, Introduction to Computing and Information Sciences and CISS 110, Programming and Logic I or permission of department. 3-0-3.


Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course extends the W3C standards compliant con- tent presented in CISS 220 Introduction to Web Design and Development and adds interactive user-centered content on the client side using JavaScript. Topics include but are not limited to: user centered design (UCD), virtual customer experience (VCE), the document-object model (DOM), form processing and validation, cookie management, browser and platform identification, Dynamic HTML, Javascript integration with HTML5 and CSS, Javascript Libraries (e.g. JQuery) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). This is a hands-on, project-based course, conducted and tested in multiple operating systems (e.g.  Windows, Mac, Linux, Apple iOS, Android), browsers (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer), and environments. Pre-requisites: CISS 110, Programming and Logic I and CISS 220, Introduction to Web Design and Development or permission of department. 3-0-3.


Fall, Spring, DL This course extends the W3C standards compliant con- tent presented in CISS 220–Introduction to Web Design and Development and adds the back-end generation of dynamic Web content from server side programming using PHP and MySQL. Topics include but are not limited to: user centered design (UCD), tailoring and optimizing virtual customer experience (VCE), cookie and session management, system security, file management and MySQL database access and management. This is a hands-on, project-based course, conducted and tested in multiple operating systems (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux, Apple iOS, Andriod), browsers (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer), and environments. Pre-requisites: CISS 110, Programming and Logic I and CISS 220, Introduction to Web Design and Development of department.

CISS 227 XML AND ADVANCED WEB AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Fall, Spring, DL This course extends and integrates the XML, client-side and server-side programming, and Web architecture and management content introduced in CISS 220 Introduction to Web Design and Development, CISS 221 Web Design–Client Side Programming with JavaScript and CISS 225 –Web Design–Server Side Programming with PHP and MySQL to create enterprise Web services and Web applications. Course content includes but is not limited to: Web administration, management, security and architecture, tailored adaptive content, accessibility, user-centered design (UCD), XML Web service and Web application technologies (e.g. XSL, XML DOM, DTDs and XSDs, XML Schemas, XQuery, SOAP, WSDL, RDF, RSS and AJAX), social networking and mobile computing and location based services. Pre-requisite: CISS 221, Web Design-Client Side Programming  with JavaScript and CISS 225, Web Design–Server–Side Programming with PHP and MySQL or permission of department. 3-0-3.

CISS 229  MOBILE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES Fall, Spring This course will discuss the theory and practices of programming mobile devices for modern technologies. The students will have the opportunity to program as well as test application programming for current smart phones and other 3g and 4g devices. This class is meant to be a hands-on class in mobile computing application programming. Platforms will include, but are not limited to, the iPhone OS and Google Android OS architectures. Pre-requisite: CISS 100, Fundamentals of Information Processing; CISS 110, Programming and Logic I; CISS 220, Web Site Development and Design or permission of CIS department chair. 3-0-3.

CISS 230  OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN WITH VB.NET Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course will teach the fundamentals of object-oriented programming using Visual Basic to reinforce and expand the essential tools of the language and programming environment as it relates to system application development. Utilizing design methodologies to explore and expand the full potential of Visual Basic, students will learn to become application developers. Students, using their own design, will create a visual basic application. Pre-requisite: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II- Data Structures or permission of department. 4-0-4.

CISS 231 ADVANCED VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING Fall, Spring This course deals with objects and object-oriented development and database access with Visual Basic. The aim of the course is to introduce the student to all the key techniques and ideas behind object-oriented programming and how these objects can interact with databases.  Students will develop, test and debug robust, maintainable and reusable applications that will address the needs of accessing data and building inter- faces to make interfaces to make interaction with data simple. Pre-requisite: CISS 230, Object Oriented Design with VB.NET. 2-2-3.

CISS 233 C# PROGRAMMING Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course is an introduction to the C# programming language and the .NET framework, the Microsoft Visual Studio.Net or an equivalent Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Students will be provided with the essential foundation necessary to design and develop robust and secure .NET applications using C#, Windows forms, and the .NET framework. This course will cover the following topics: classes, objects, multi-threading, the .NET framework, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, XML and Web Services. Pre-requisite: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II - Data Structures or permission of department chair. 4-0-4.

CISS 240 OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN WITH JAVA Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course will cover the basics of programming in Java, an object-oriented programming language that allows for platform independent code development. Students will learn how to plan and program Java applets and applications. Topics include classes, objects, variables and expressions, control structures, graphical user interface development, processing data using files and arrays, inheritance, multithreading and multimedia. Corequisites: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II- Data Structures or permission of department. 3-1-3.

CISS 241 ADVANCED JAVA PROGRAMMING Spring, Summer, DL This course provides an in-depth study of object oriented design (OOD) and advanced Java topics using an integrated development environment (IDE). This course presents and applies a “best practices” approach to: exception handling, Java database connectivity (JDBC), multithreading and synchronization, collections, net- working, serialization and marshalling, remote method invocation (RMI), graphical user interface (GUI), development using Swing, enterprise JavaBeans, and server- side programming with servlets and JavaServer pages. Students should possess a strong fundamental knowledge of object oriented design and Java. Pre-requisite: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II - Data Structures or permission of department chairperson. 4-0-4.

CISS 250 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course provides a solid and practical foundation for the design, implementation and management of a database system. It familiarizes students with the basic data base models –hierarchical, Network/CODASYL, relational and object-oriented, and their capabilities with standard data base management systems. Its main focus is the combination of data base design and manipulation principles with hands-on experience. Database design is emphasized using both theory and end-user requirements, as they relate to description support activities. The overall objective is to provide the basis for a solid education in the fundamentals of data base technology and, in particular, to pave the way for an understanding of the direction in which the field is currently developing and is likely to develop in the future. Open only to matriculated Computer Information Systems students. Pre-requisite: CISS 210, Information Systems Analysis and Design or permission of department. 4-0-4.

CISS 251 STRUCTURED 2-0-2 QUERY LANGUAGE (SQL) Fall, Spring, Summer, DL Database manipulation using Structured Query Language (SQL) will be emphasized using both theory and end-user requirements as they relate to description support activities. The students will have hands-on experience with a relational database model (e.g. Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server) exploring its basic structures and its methods of manipulation--both as an end user and as a programmer utilizing a programming language for database connectivity (e.g. PL/SQL, SQL*PLUS, Java, VB.Net, PHP, COBOL). Pre-requisite: CISS 210, Information Systems Analysis and Design or permission of department chair.

CISS 260 INTERNSHIP  Fall, Spring The student will participate in a Computer Information Systems internship at an approved local organization to gain professional experience in applications programming, sys- tem and network administration, Web design and development or other technological areas during the last term of study. Prior to registration, prospective CISS 260 - Internship students must prepare a resume in accord with the Center for Careers and Employment resume guidelines and submit this resume to the Business Advisement Center in Brahan 205 or the CIS department via email. <> Students will receive additional registration information after submitting their resume. Please note that internship placement occurs on a first-come, first-serve basis; therefore, students are encouraged to submit their resumes and register early. Students may find their own internship site; how- ever, the site must be approved by the department prior to the first day of the semester. Students who are not placed in an internship will be required to take an alternative course as approved by the department chair. Open only to matriculated Computer Information Systems or Telecommunications Technology students with 2.0 grade point index. Prerequisite:  CISS 210 Information Systems Analysis and Design or permission of department. 1-6-3.

CISS 270 ADVANCED ROUTING AND WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) INFRASTRUCTURE Fall This course provides an in depth exploration of Wide Area Network (WAN) design through an understanding of the related protocols. It combines sound theoretical foundations with hands-on lab experiences to provide the students depth and experience in understanding and managing net- works. Topics include hierarchal design of scalable net- works, advanced IP addressing, advanced features of EIGRP, OSPF and BGP routing protocols, multicasting, route maps, policy based routing, and managing traffic flow between different routing domains. This course builds on the inter- mediate routing lessons from CISS 121, and assumes the student has a working knowledge of standard WAN protocols and the Cisco Internetwork Operating System. The course content will align with the topics covered in the Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks certification exam (CCNP BSCI 640-901) and will help prepare students for successful completion of that certification. This is a hands-on course utilizing the Hudson Valley Community College CCNP networking laboratories and the Cisco Network Academy resources. Prerequisite: CISS 121, Networking II- Introduction to Network Administration. 3-3-3.

CISS 271 ADVANCED SWITCHING AND NETWORK MANAGEMENT Spring The purpose of this course is to ground students in the concepts of modern LAN design, and to provide an under- standing of the growing operational requirements of today’s changing networks. These changes are rooted in the continued growth in size and criticality of LANs and by the convergence of voice, streaming applications and data net- works on to a common network infrastructure. Students will explore topics including network redundancy, multilayer switching, security, Rapid Spanning Tree, Quality of Service (QoS), queuing, wireless networking, Voice over IP and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) in depth. These concepts are underscored and reinforced through hands-on labs using the latest available networking equipment and software. Many of the labs are adapted from the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) curriculum. This course builds on the intermediate switching lessons from CISS 121 and assumes the student has a working knowledge of standard LAN protocols and the Cisco Internetwork Operating System. The course content will align with the topics covered in the Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Network certification exam (CCNP BCMSN 640-812) and will help prepare students for successful completion of that certification. Pre-requisite: CISS 121, Networking II-Introduction to Network Administration. 3-1-3.

CISS 272 ADVANCED 4-0-4 NETWORKING TOPICS- VOIP AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES Spring This course will present evolving and emerging topics in net- working to advanced networking students. The two main focal points of this course will be VoIP (Voice over IP) and 802.11n wireless implementation and advanced troubleshooting as presented in the Cisco Certified Network Associate and Professional (CCNA and CCNP) exam curriculums. These components will necessarily be presented with an integrated approach citing their interdependence in accord with the Enterprise Composite Network Model (ECNM). The VoIP component will present implementation and QoS (Quality of Service) concepts and challenges in both small and large business environments. The wireless component will focus on the newer 802.11n wireless technology and will give students the knowledge base to survey, analyze, design, implement, configure and deploy a secure wire- less infrastructure. The course will include a substantial troubleshooting component to provide students with advanced experience in correcting errors and solving complex routing and switching issues in a deployed production setting. Pre-requisite: CISS 121, Networking II- Introduction to Network Administration. Pre- or co-requisite: CISS 271, Advanced Switching and Network Management or permission of department chair. 4-0-4.

CISS 273 NETWORK SECURITY  Spring This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the principles and practice of network security design. This course allows students to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to address the growing need for secure networks. The course emphasizes both an under- standing of the underlying theory and the practical experience required to implement network security. Using state- of-the-art equipment, students learn to install, troubleshoot and monitor network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices. Pre-requisite: CISS 121, Networking II- Introduction to Network Administration and CISS 125, Computer and Information Security. 3-0-3.

CISS 280 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE AND COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Fall, Spring, DL This course offers an introduction to assembly language and computer architecture. Topics include Boolean logic, date representation, processor and computer architecture, memory management, registers, machine instruction sets, addressing, subroutines, parameter passing, assembly and linking. Prerequisite: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II - Data Structures with a grade of “C” or better or permission of department chair. 4-0-4.

CISS 290 C++ PROGRAMMING  Fall, Spring, DL This course covers the features of the C++ programming language including class design and data structures. A modern, object-oriented approach is followed with regard to data structures and their use in programming, unified around the notion of the Standard Template Library (STL) container classes. The most useful concepts are stressed so students can begin writing programs immediately to solve real world problems. Students should possess a strong fundamental knowledge of programming concepts and control structures. Pre-requisite: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II - Data Structures with a grade of “C” or better or permission of Department Chair. 4-0-4.

CISS 295 PERL PROGRAMMING 4-0-4 Fall, Spring, Summer, DL This course covers the features of the Perl programming language including scalars, strings input, output, files and data structures. The use of the Perl language and the available Perl modules, particularly the CGI modules, provides the foundation for creating robust server-side web applications. The most useful concepts are stressed so students can begin writing programs immediately to solve real world problems. Students should possess a strong fundamental knowledge of programming concepts and control structures. Pre-requisite: CISS 111, Programming and Logic II- Data Structures with a grade of “C” or better or permission of department chair. 4-0-4.

Criminal Justice

CRJS 218 COMPUTER SECURITY Fall This course will examine the concept of a total program of protection from the conventional aspects of physical security to sophisticated protection of hardware, software and communications. 3-0-3.

Electrical Engineering Technology

ELET 115 C/C++ FOR TECHNOLOGIES Fall This course is designed to provide students enrolled in the technology fields with a comprehensive understanding of the C and C++ Programming Language.  Students will be able to apply C/C++ programming techniques to their major field of study.  Major topics covered are: arrays, pointers, structures, classes, linked lists, file input/out, etc.  The emphasis is on technical applications of programs written for the PC.  This course is intended mainly for the School of Technologies students. 3-3-4.

ELET 120 PERSONAL COMPUTER HARDWARE ESSENTIALS Fall This course will provide students with a foundation in the hardware and system software aspects of the personal computer. The lecture portion covers hardware, operating systems, and start-up procedures. The lab offers hands-on experience with computer hardware, parts replacement, troubleshooting, and the basic net- working as well as study of DOS, Windows 9.x and Windows XP operating systems. 2-3-3.

ELET 245 INTRODUCTION TO MICROCONTROLLERS Fall Lab fee will be required This is an introductory course in microcontrollers and micro- processors. The course emphasizes high-level language (PBASIC, C, etc.) programming using the BasicStamp, the PIC or an equivalent instruction set, and explores the application of microcontrollers in electronic systems. Pre- or Co- requisite: ELET 210, Digital Electronics. 3-3-4.

ELET 260 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKING Spring This course covers the essentials of computer networking. This course will cover the installation and maintenance of computer networks and the hardware and software required. Topics include network architecture types (LANs, WANs, etc.), topologies, media, adapters, cabling, and other network devices; operating systems, client-server and peer-to-peer systems; network printing; World Wide Web server setup and administration. This is a hands-on course with special emphasis in the hardware features of networks. 3-3-4.

Fine Arts

ARTS 262 2D WEB NARRATIVE ANIMATION Fall, Spring, Summer This course is an introduction to animation as a con- temporary art form. Students will use Adobe Creative Software Flash or industry equivalent to create stand- alone and interactive animations based upon a story or theme. The course will begin with an introduction to the history, types and basic principles of animation as well as an overview of animation software. Students will continue to develop skills through concept-based assignments. Students may be responsible for the purchase of some necessary course supplies. Pre-requisite: ARTS 115, Two Dimensional Design or ARTS 145, Introduction to Electronic Art or by permission of the instructor and department chair. 2-4-3.

ARTS 264 NET ART Fall, Spring, Summer This hands-on studio course is an introduction to the process of making art using Web-based technology. Throughout the course, students will explore the aesthetics arising from the advent of Web culture as well as examine the preceding art movements. Students will receive a survey of Web-oriented software and programming which will enable them to create their own artistic Web-based projects. This course is aimed at those who already have some Web-based software knowledge but wish to expand upon their skills and knowledge of the Internet. Students may be responsible for the purchase of some necessary course supplies. Pre-requisite: ARTS 145, Introduction to Electronic Art or by permission of the instructor and department chair. 2-4-3.


MATH 155 COMPUTING TOOLS FOR MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE * MAT, MT Offered on demand This course is an introduction to problem-solving techniques using the tools available to aid in the analysis and solution of problems in mathematics and the natural sciences. Topics include, but are not limited to: methods of organizing and analyzing data, elementary statistics and graphical analysis. The uses of appropriate computer algebra systems, spreadsheets, statistical software, and graphing calculators are explored. Pre-requisite: MATH 150, College Algebra with Trigonometry or higher level math course. 4-0-4.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

MECT 115 COMPUTER GRAPHIC APPLICATIONS Spring  A conceptual course designed to introduce the use of computer-aided drafting and design as a productivity tool by using commercial CAD software, as well as the interaction of software and hardware. Upon successful completion, students will be proficient in the use of a CAD system for 2-D and 3-D mechanical component design and drafting, dimensioning techniques, drawing layout and presentation. 1-4-3.

MECT 230 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING Spring Lab fee will be required This course introduces students to the major topics in modern manufacturing.  Included in this course are computerized machining, inventory control, and computerized quality control methods. The modern languages used for CNC programming and robotics are covered. Contact the Civil, Construction, Industrial and Mechanical Technologies department to confirm current software. Pre-requisites: MECT 120, Manufacturing Processes. 3-3-4.

Telecommunications Technology

TELT 102 COMPUTER 2-2-3 APPLICATIONS IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS Fall, DL This introductory course in the basic computer orientation and implementation of hardware and software applications in telecommunications.  Students will use various software packages to create documents, spreadsheets, graphs, databases and presentations. The student will utilize this knowledge to solve problems and transfer information via electronic medium. Lectures, interactive learning, demonstrations will be employed.  Laboratory exercises will be required. 2-2-3.


Jamestown Community College


BUS 1220 College Keyboarding    Students will master the keyboard and develop skills and techniques in accuracy, proofreading, speed, and document production. Basic letters, one-page reports, and a variety of business documents are introduced and keyed using the computer. Skill building is emphasized through individualized instruction. No prerequisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; online fall, spring. 3 credit hours.

BUS 1320 Word Processing    Students will learn to create, edit, save, and print documents. Preparation of business letters and reports will enhance basic and production skills and office simulation activities. The ability to produce and edit professional business documents is strengthened. The course provides hands-on training in word processing software. Prerequisite: BUS 1220. J fall, spring, C fall, spring, online fall, spring. 3 credit hours.

BUS 2320 Word Processing Production    Students will refine basic skills mastered in word processing and practice more sophisticated features of Microsoft Word for multi-page documents including page formatting, footnotes, macros, merge, document assembly, sort, select, tables, and graphics. Documents similar to those encountered in business organizations are prepared. Projects simulating real-life situations will reinforce word processing and desktop publishing skills. Prerequisite: BUS 1320 or equivalent experience. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. 3 credit hours.

Computer Science

CSC 1300 Computer Basics for the Novice    Designed for the newcomer to computers, this course introduces personal computer hardware and software by presenting the fundamentals of a Windows operating system and provides an expo- sure to word processing, graphics, spreadsheets, and other standard programs. Students may be concurrently enrolled in CSC 1510. This course will not count toward degree credits if the student has previously taken any other CSC course. No prerequisites. J occasionally; C occasionally. 1 credit hour.

CSC 1310 Introduction to World Wide Web    Students will learn to use a various browsers to access information on the Internet and work with its multimedia capabilities. This course is appropriate for students in any discipline and requires no prior computer experience. No prerequisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. 1 credit hour.

CSC 1320 Introduction to Electronic Word Processing    Students will learn fundamental concepts of electronic word processing including creating, editing, formatting, printing, spell checking, and grammar checking documents. Students implement solutions to assigned problems using software such as Microsoft Word. This course is appropriate for students in any discipline and requires no prior computer experience. A student enrolled concurrently in or with prior credit in CSC 1560 cannot apply this course toward graduation. No prerequisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. 1 credit hour. 

CSC 1330 Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet    Students will learn fundamental concepts of electronic spreadsheets including design, formatting, and working with charts and functions. Students implement solutions to assigned problems using software such as Microsoft Excel. This course is appropriate for students in any discipline and requires no prior computer experience. A student enrolled concurrently in or with prior credit in CSC 1560 cannot apply this course toward graduation. Corequisite: MAT 0500. J fall, spring. 1 credit hour.

CSC 1510 Introduction to Computer Science    Students will develop computer literacy by studying an overview of computing and a brief introduction to programming. Topics include a history of computers and computing, computer system components, data representation, the impact of computers on society, computer ethics, an Introduction to data communications, networking, word processing, spreadsheets, programming in a structured language, and e-mail. Students will also use the Internet and a web browser. Less than 20% of class time is spent on lab exercises. No prerequisites. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; online fall, spring. 3 credit hours.

CSC 1530 Web Publishing    Students will study advanced HTML language concepts, usability concepts, and JavaScript programming basics. Students will design home pages using tables, frames, forms, cascading style sheets, and JavaScript. Students will also learn how to publish a home page with video clips, sound, and animation. Prerequisite: Some knowledge of HTML required. J fall; C fall; online fall. 3 credit hours.

CSC 1560 Microcomputer Applications I    Students use application software such as Microsoft Office to study word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software. The integration and practical application of these topics is stressed throughout the course. Students will spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Prerequisite: MAT 0500 or higher; must meet minimum college level reading score: Accuplacer 80+. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; online fall, spring. 4 credit hours.

CSC 1570 Programming Concepts/Applications    Students will learn the components of the programming cycle including problem analysis, algorithm development, design implementation, debugging, and acceptable documentation standards. Students will implement their algorithms using an object-oriented programming language. Corequisite: MAT 0600. J fall, spring; C fall; online fall, spring. 3 credit hours.

CSC 1580 Microcomputer Hardware Systems/ Software    Students will study the design, installation, configuration, and maintenance of hardware and software components of an IBM compatible microcomputer. Interior components covered include memory, disk drives, expansion cards, and power supplies. Other common I/O devices and peripherals such as printers and the mouse are studied. Major categories of system software, operating systems, and diagnostic utilities are covered. Prerequisite: Computer knowledge equivalent to CSC 1510. J fall, spring; C spring; online spring. 3 credit hours.

CSC 1590 Computer Programming     Students will learn algorithm development and object- oriented program design using an object-oriented language such as Java. Topics include control structures, program debugging, documentation, user-defined methods, parameter passing, graphical user interfaces, arrays, and user-defined classes. Students spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Prerequisite: CSC 1570; Corequisite: MAT 1590; must meet minimum college level reading score: Accuplacer 80+. J spring; C spring; online spring. 4 credit hours.

CSC 1600 Data Structures     This course continues the study of algorithm development involving data structures, data abstraction, recursion, sorting, and searching. Topics in data structures include stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees. Large programming systems with multiple modules are designed and implemented using an object-oriented programming language such as Java. Prerequisite: CSC 1590; Corequisite: MAT 1600. J occasionally; C occasionally; online occasionally. 4 credit hours.

CSC 1630 Web Technologies     Students will be in- troduced to a programming framework to develop code to be used in web development. Students will develop, manage, and publish code to the “cloud” using various tools consistent with the framework used. The integration and practical ap- plication of framework development technologies will be stressed. Students will spend a substantial amount of ou-of-class time on computer projects which require a reliable Internet connection. Pre- requisite: CSC 1530 and CSC 1570. J occasion- ally. 3 credit hours.

CSC 1680 Introduction to Visual Basic     Students will learn to develop user-friendly, Windows-based business applications using Microsoft Visual Basic.Net. Topics include screen design, program organization, control structures, sub- programs, arrays, and fi le maintenance. Students use Visual BASIC to communicate with other Windows-based applications such as Microsoft Excel and Access. Problem solving techniques and structured programming practices are emphasized. Prerequisite: CSC 1590 or equivalent programming experience. online occasionally. 3 credit hours.

CSC 1720 Numerical Analysis I     Students will explore methods for the numerical solution of a variety of mathematical problems using various analysis tools such as Excel, MAPLE, and/or Mathematica. Topics include limits and derivatives, Newton’s method and min-max problems, numerical integration, Monte-Carlo methods, interpolation, and approximation theory. Corequisite: MAT 1710. J spring. 1 credit hour.

CSC 1760 Microcomputer Applications II     Students will further their study of topics from CSC 1560 using a software package such as Microsoft Office. Database topics include action queries, custom reports and forms, macros, and modules. Students spend a major portion of the semester developing an application using a relational data- base. Spreadsheet topics include macros, charts, and data analysis tools. Some advanced features of word processing such as directories and forms are included. Prerequisite: CSC 1560. J occasionally; C occasionally; online fall. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2010-2020 Computer Science Internship     Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college intern- ship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: At least a 2.0 GPA and either sophomore standing or one semester completion in an appropriate certificate program. J occasionally; C occasionally. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2330 Applications/Troubleshooting Computer User Specialist     This course is designed to provide Information Technology majors and other computer related majors, with communications skills and technical skills necessary for troubleshooting and user support. Topics include: problem solving methodologies, operating systems (installation, customization, compatibility, and troubleshooting), help desk operation, service request tracking and analysis, hardware and soft- ware needs assessment, training and instructional methodology and application troubleshooting. Prerequisites: CSC 1560 and CSC 1580. J occasionally; C occasionally; online occasionally. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2410 Web Programming     Students will study client and server side programming techniques using current scripting languages. Projects will emphasize the design of websites that interface with databases. Students will spend a substantial amount of out-of-class time working on computer projects. Prerequisite: CSC 1530 and CSC 1590 or programming experience. J occasionally; C occasionally; online fall. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2450 CIT Capstone     Students investigate current topics in computer information technology. Regular class sessions center on investigation of these issues with students leading the discussion. Students will reflect on and discuss ethics as it pertains to the field of computing. Students prepare for entry into the workplace through professional writing assignments and discussions of workplace survival skills. Prerequisite: Student must be within one semester of graduation in the A.A.S. Information Technology or Computer Information System degree program or have permission of the instructor. online spring. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2470 Network Administration     This course introduces the fundamentals of local area network administration. After a brief review of computer network hardware, students are introduced to and examine leading network operating systems. Students will gain familiarity and experience in the installation, configuration, and management of network operating systems through a combination of lecture and hands-on lab. Corerequisite: CSC 2510. J occasionally; C occasionally; online fall. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2480 Advanced Networking/Computer/ Security     Students will gain a greater understanding of computer networks with an emphasis on network security. Topics will include law and ethics, network policies, IT audits, system inventorying, remote control, traffic monitoring and routing, malicious codes such as viruses, WAN interfacing, the Internet, addressing, TCP/ IP utilities, RAS, VPN, firewalls, encryption, and security issues. Students will use a variety of soft- ware tools to evaluate the security effectiveness and operational efficiency of different computer systems and configurations. Prerequisites: CSC 1580 and CSC 2510 or equivalents. J occasionally; C occasionally; online occasionally. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2510 Introduction to Networks     Students will explore topics in computer networking including networking design and architecture, data transmission, standards, and protocols. Local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) will be studied along with the technologies that support the Internet. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate knowledge of these topics and have the ability to work with these concepts. Students will have some hands-on experience in this course. Prerequisite: CSC 1570 or equivalent programming experience; Corequisite: CSC 1580. J fall, spring; C spring; online fall. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2540 Introduction to Systems Analysis      Systems analysis and design determines the direction and scope of information system projects. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate the ability to discuss solutions to business problems, interviewing techniques, process analysis, the system life cycle, construction of data flow diagrams, interface design options, and project management. Students will apply the concepts to real problem situations. Prerequisite: CSC 1590; CSC 1560 is strongly recommended. J occasionally; C occasionally; online occasionally. 3 credit hours.

CSC 2650 Numerical Analysis II     Students will apply computer numerical methods to the concepts encountered in intermediate calculus. Topics include limits of sequences, sums of series, point-wise approximations of functions using Taylor polynomials, interval-wise approximations of functions using LaGrange and Chebyshev polynomials and Fourier series, and multiple integration. Students will use analysis tools such as Excel, MAPLE, and/or Mathematica. Prerequisite: CSC 1720 or Corequisite: MAT 2650. J fall. 1 credit hour.

CSC 2660 Database Management     Students will learn about database design methodology, exploring various data models, particularly the relational model. Topics include relational algebra, query languages, design techniques, security considerations, and database implementation. Students will use a database management system such as Oracle or MySQL. Prerequisite: CSC 1590 or CSC 1760. J occasionally; C occasionally; online occasionally. 4 credit hours.

CSC 2670 Computer Organization     Upon course completion, students will demonstrate the ability to discuss the hierarchy of a computer system including digital-logic level, machine level, operating system level, and assembly level. Students will also be able to list major differences between various computer systems. Students work on projects that might include assembly language programming, internal organization of a typical PC, number systems, and digital logic. Prerequisite: CSC 1590 or equivalent programming experience. J occasionally; C occasionally; online occasionally. 4 credit hours.

CSC 2680 Numerical Analysis III     Students learn computer numerical methods to solve differential equations. Topics include one-step methods such as Euler and Runge-Kutta, multi-step methods such as Adams-Bashford and Milne-Simpson, extensions of the Runge-Kutta method to solve higher order equations and systems of differential equations, solving boundary value problems using shooting and finite difference methods, and solving certain partial differential equations. Students will use various analysis tools such as Excel, MAPLE, and/or Mathematica. Prerequisite: CSC 2650 or Corequisite: MAT 2680. J spring. 1 credit hour.

Mechanical Technology

MCT 1280 Computer Numerical Control/ Machine Tools      Students will learn the programming and operation of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools. Manual programming of two and three axis mills and lathes using canned cycles will be covered. Topics discussed will include CNC machine components, absolute and incremental programming, preparatory functions (G-codes), miscellaneous functions (M codes), work piece offsets, tool length offsets, cutter compensation and cutting tools and workholding methods for CNC. Lab projects provide hands-on experience for students on CNC controllers. Prerequisite: MCT 1270; Corequisite: MAT 1220 or MAT 1590 or higher. J spring. 3 credit hours.

MCT 1390 AutoCAD      Students will learn the concepts and fundamental principles of computer-aided drafting using AutoCAD software. Through both lecture and laboratory assignments, students will apply the commands and functions used in industry to create working mechanical drawings. Prerequisite: MCT 1240. J fall. 2 credit hours.

MCT 2280 Advanced CNC Programming Students will continue learning computer numerically control (CNC) programming, but move into advanced programming of three, four, and five-axis CNC machines. CAD/CAM is introduced and illustrated. Students will be exposed to Fanuc and Haas controllers. Prerequisites: MCT 1280 and MAT 1220 or MAT 1590 or higher. J fall. 3 credit hours.

MCT 2410 Computer-Aided Manufacturing      Students will gain exposure to the principles and procedures used in PC-based CAD/CAM part programming and manufacturing. Course is based on the use of local industry standard CAM software. The PC-based CAM system will be used to produce complex machined parts from detailed solid models on advanced CNC machine tools. Prerequisites: MCT 1380, 2280, and 2300. J spring. 3 credit hours.


Jefferson Community College


ACC 220  ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS This course provides an introduction to accounting information systems. The course presents the principles of systems concepts in an accounting environment and approaches to systems analysis. Special emphasis will be placed on computer and manual accounting systems, accounting cycle, internal controls, and ethics in the accounting profession. Experience in using the computer will be provided with laboratory assignments utilizing a general ledger accounting software package. Prerequisite: ACC 102 and BUS 160. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab.


ART 150  COMPUTER-AIDED ART This course is designed for students who want to learn the skills of drawing with a microcomputer (Macintosh) and for those experienced with computer aided art and design who want to extend and sharpen their skills. Students will practice graphic thinking patterns and use the microcomputer to apply these patterns in the creation of attractive, precisely drawn visuals. During the process, students will also, by practice and exposure, improve composition and hand drawing skills. Topics will be chosen according to the student’s interests and/or career orientation. Ownership of, or off-campus access to, a microcomputer is desirable but not essential. 3 cr. 3 Lec.  This course fulfills the following SUNY General Education learning outcome: The Arts.

ART 250  ADVANCED COMPUTER GRAPHICS Advanced Computer Graphics is designed for students wanting to learn advanced graphics art and design such as rendering images, scanned image manipulation, masking, cropping, and layering. Prerequisite: ART 150. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab. This course fulfills the following SUNY General Education learning outcome: The Arts.


BUS 160  SPREADSHEET APPLICATIONS This course provides an in-depth introduction to a spreadsheet program. Topics include formulas, functions, charting, formatting worksheets, absolute cell references, working with large worksheets, what-if analysis, financial functions, data tables, amortization schedules, cell protection, worksheet database manipulation, lookup functions, database functions, templates, working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, find and replace, and additional spreadsheet capabilities. No prior knowledge of computers or spreadsheets is assumed. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab.

BUS 206  LEGAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY This course presents an overview of the structure, functions, and dissemination of information in the legal environment. Different specialty areas of law are explored in depth from the perspective of document preparation and information management. Students will have opportunities for practical applications, including computer assisted legal research, use of the Internet, and software applications, in order to gain and improve skills. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of word processing software and be able to key 30 words per minute. Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab.

Computer Information Systems

CIS 100  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ORIENTATION This course is designed to help beginning information technology students gain a better understanding of their field of study. The course introduces such topics as ethics and professional responsibility, written and oral communication, and succeeding in information technology. Placement testing at or above ENG 100 is recommended. Not recommended for students testing at REA 099. 1 cr. 1 Lec.

CIS 110  INTRO TO COMPUTING/MICROCOMPUTERS This is a non-programming course designed to familiarize the student with the use of modern microcomputers as tools for problem solving. Students will complete projects using application software for word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, telecommunications/Internet, and presentation software. Basic computer experience is required (i.e. operating system usage, fundamental word processor usage, etc.) Not recommended for students who test below MTH 125 or students testing into CLS 099. 3 cr. 3 Lec. 1 Lab.

CIS 111  OPERATING SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTS This course will familiarize students with both conventional and modern operating system environments. Basic concepts of operating system structure, elements, functions, and operation will be addressed. The course will also explore the concepts of  disk management, file system management, user management, and security management through operating system utilities. Students will be provided with an introductory, hands-on experience with command-line operating system interfaces based on MS-DOS and UNIX-based environments. 2 cr. 1.5 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 116  INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING This is an introductory course designed to familiarize the student with the use of a structured programming language and the microcomputer system. A structured approach to problem solving and the development of algorithms will be presented and applied to the writing of computer programs. This course is designed for those with little or no experience with computer programming. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MTH 125. 3 cr. 2 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 119  INTRO TO WEB PAGE DESIGN This is an introductory course designed to familiarize the student with the history of the World Wide Web; its use as a means of information sharing; Web site design; basic Web coding; aesthetics and functionality of Web pages. Basic computer experience is required (i.e. operating system usage, fundamental word processor usage, etc.). Prerequisite: None. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab. 

CIS 210  ADVANCED COMPUTING W/MICROCOMPUTERS This is a non-programming course designed to provide the student with advanced skills in applications software use and customization with an emphasis on Information Technology. Students will complete projects using application software for databases, word processing, and spreadsheets. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of problems and implementation of technology solutions using application software. Significant computer experience is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 110. 3 cr. 2 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 212  ANALYSIS AND LOGICAL DESIGN Students with information technology skills will learn to analyze and design information systems. Students will practice project management during team-oriented analysis and design of a departmental level system. This course examines the system development and modification process. It emphasizes the factors for effective communication and integration with users and user systems. It encourages interpersonal skill development with clients, users, team members, and others associated with development, operation, and maintenance of the system. Structured and object-oriented analysis and design approaches, use of modeling tools, adherence to methodological life cycle and project management standards are presented. Prior knowledge of software design methodologies along with knowledge of a programming language and/or database management software is important. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 116. 3 cr. 2 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 216  ADVANCED PROGRAMMING This course is designed to use modern programming language in the solution of advanced problems in the areas of business and science. Topics include recursion, data structures, file organization and processing, structures, and numerical methods. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 116 - Introductory Programming. 4 cr. 3 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 221  COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE This course covers technical computer topics to the extent necessary to allow the student to develop an understanding of the interrelationships between computer hardware design and systems and application software. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 116 - Introductory Programming, or, NET 100 - Networking Fundamentals. 3 cr. 3 Lec.

CIS 222  PHYSICAL DESIGN/IMPLEMENTATION Students will learn to develop the detailed physical design and implementation of a logical design. This course covers information systems design and implementation within a software development or database management system environment. Students will demonstrate their mastery of the design process acquired in earlier courses by designing and constructing a physical system using software development tools or database software to implement the logical design. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 212 - Systems Analysis and Design. 3 cr. 2 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 225  ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE This course is a study of assembly language programming techniques. Topics include basic machine organization, machine representation of instructions and data, addressing techniques, character and bit operations, and  macro-instructions. Extensive programming in an assembly language is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 216 Advanced Programming. 3 cr. 2 Lec. 2 Lab.

CIS 250  DATA STRUCTURES This course is a further study of topics in program and algorithm development. Topics include structured and object-oriented programming concepts, arrays, structures, string processing, stacks, queues, linked lists, pointer variables, recursion, and internal searching and sorting methods. Prerequisite: Successful completion of CIS 216 - Advanced Programming. 3 cr. 3 Lec.

Engineering Science

ENS 101  ENGINEERING GRAPHICS This course is designed to give the student a basic knowledge of graphical concepts and relationships including orthographic projection, dimensioning, sectioning, tolerancing, spatial analysis, and two and three-dimensional relationships. These concepts are studied via the use of a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software package. Students will create detailed two-dimensional drawings and generate accurate three- dimensional wire frame models of objects. The course includes a project where the students will design and build an object and then present it to the class. 3 cr. 2 Lec. 2 Lab.


NET 100  NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS This course introduces the student to the underlying concepts of data communications, telecommunications and Networking. It focuses on the terminology and technologies in current networking environments. It is meant to provide a general overview of the field of networking as a basis for continued study in the field. Basic computer skills are required for this course (the ability to use the operating systems and applications such as word processing, Internet browsers, and email). 3 cr. 3 Lec.

NET 131  LOCAL AREA NETWORKS Students in this course learn the concepts, technologies, components and protocols inherent in today’s local area networking environments. They will see how computers are connected together to form peer-to-peer and server-based networks, back-bone networks and discover the functionality and uses of a router, bridge, switch, hub and repeater. Commonly used network operating systems today such as Microsoft Windows, Unix, and Novell’s NetWare, are also introduced in this course. The various LAN technologies such as Ethernet, FastEthernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Token- Ring, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, VLANs, and wireless LAN are also explained. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Net 100. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab.

Office Technology

OFC 121  BEGINNING KEYBOARDING This course is designed to develop basic professional keyboarding skills. Instruction is given utilizing keyboarding and word processing software. Production work will include centering, letters, tables, manuscripts, memorandums, reports, and other business documents. The average speed attainment will be 30-45 wpm. No prerequisite. 2 cr. 3 Lec./Lab.

OFC 122  INTERMEDIATE KEYBOARDING This course is designed to increase the professional speed and accuracy levels of the keyboarding student. Instruction is given utilizing keyboarding and word processing software. An increased level of production of letters, manuscripts, memorandums, tables, and complex business documents will be expected. The average speed attainment will be 45-55 wpm. Prerequisite: OFC 121. 2 cr. 3 Lec./Lab.

OFC 211  ADMINISTRATIVE SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS This course is designed to provide software training in the efficient use of administrative-related software. Students will apply word processing/ software presentation principles and theories to produce administrative and clerical projects, such as business letters, envelopes, labels, memos, formal reports, tables, charts, resumes, merged documents, slides, presentations, etc., to meet business and industry standards. The use of the On-Line Help function, Internet resources, dictionary, reference materials, procedures manuals, etc. will be stressed along with the skill of proofreading. This course incorporates advanced software functions such as sorting, columns, footnotes, graphics, page layout, slide templates, and design. Prerequisite: OFC 121 or successful completion of department- approved proficiency exam. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab. 

OFC 222  INTEGRATED BUSINESS APPLICATIONS This course is designed to integrate advanced software applications with administrative-related tasks. Students will simulate comprehensive workplace projects which tie together various skills, administrative knowledge, and computer applications learned in prior courses. These scenario-based projects will require students to prioritize work, handle business case situations from conception to completion, and employ appropriate software as problem-solving tools under production-style standards. Emphasis is placed on efficiently handling complex situations encountered in professional settings within appropriate time frames. Prerequisites: OFC 122 and OFC 211. 3 cr. 4 Lec./Lab.


Maritime College


Computer Science

CS 100  Introduction to Business Computing  2 class hours, 2 credits. General computer literacy, with emphasis on computers in the business environment. Major concepts and recent developments in hardware, operating systems, applications software, database management, and the internet are presented. Societal and ethical concerns, including issues such as cyber security and software piracy, are also considered. [Fall and Spring]  CS 101  Computer Laboratory  2 laboratory hours, 1 credit. A laboratory course covering word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and graphics using Microsoft Office applications. [Fall and Spring] 

CS 131  Introduction to Computer Programming 4 hours, 3 credits. An introduction to computer programming in an object-oriented language (such as Java).  Topics include: an overview of computer organization; program compilation and execution; primitive data types and operations; branching and looping; static  methods;  introduction to objects via strings; user-written object-oriented methods and encapsulation; arrays and basic searching/sorting algorithms.  Other possible topics include exception handling and introduction to graphical user interfaces. Prerequisites: MATH 101 or 111, CS 101. Placed in Courses in Reserve 3/27/13. 

CS 301  Data Structures  4 hours, 3 credits. Techniques and algorithms for organizing and processing data.  Data structures considered may include:  text and binary files; contiguous and linked lists; stacks and queues; linked lists; trees; graphs.   For each data structure, relevant processing algorithms (e.g., for traversing, searching, and sorting) will be considered, including recursive methods.  Throughout the course, an object-oriented viewpoint via the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism will be emphasized. Prerequisite: CS 131. 

CS 401  Database Systems  4 hours, 3 credits. Survey of standard file organizations; introductory database concepts; the relational model and normalization; use of a relational database management system; object- oriented model; transaction management; distributed databases; database security. Prerequisite: CS 131. 

CS 480  Computer Engineering I  2 class hours, 2 laboratory hours, 3 credits. An introduction to the design, construction, programming and operation of a micro- computer system; topics include: overall computer organization, CPU group, memory interfacing, assembly language programming, testing and debugging techniques; the initial phases of the design and construction of a microcomputer are included. Prerequisite: ENGR 388.       

CS 490  Computer Engineering II  2 class hours, 2 laboratory hours, 3 credits. Continuation of Computer Science 480. The input/output sections of a computer; types of I/0 devices; interfacing and programming; design projects including the design and construction of the I/0 portion of the computer, the interfacing of the display, keyboard and robot arm.  Prerequisite: CS 480.


ENGR 100 Engineering Graphics  1 lecture hour, 1 credit.  Interpret and create basic engineering drawings following the standard conventions of engineering graphical communication.  Course includes use of computer-aided drafting and basic drafting techniques such as orthographic and axonometric projection with a focus on the concepts of descriptive geometry and improvement of spatial ability.   [Fall and Spring]

ENGR 428  Computerized Control Systems 2 class hours, 2 laboratory hours, 3 credits.        This course has the dual goal of introducing students to computerized control systems and C programming.  Students will use C to program single-board computers to monitor physical phenomena.  In turn, the operations of the computer will be used to verify the correctness of the C programs.  Students will be exposed to all fundamental aspects of C programming including:  language syntax; sequence, selection, and repetition structures; procedures and functions; program design techniques, debugging, and maintenance.      Prerequisite: ENGR 345 or 383. [Spring]

ENGR 430  Data Networks  2 class hours, 2 laboratory hours, 3 credits. This course is a survey of hardware, software, and protocols commonly used in constructing computer networks, with an emphasis on data transfer over TCP/IP networks. The objectives of this course are to (1) enable to student to design and implement small scale computer networks, (2) enable the student to troubleshoot and add units to existing networks, and (3) enable the student to write requirements and specifications for large scale networks. Lab periods will require students to use computers running a variety of operating systems. Prerequisites: ENGR 200, 299. 

ENGR 432  Information Assurance 2 class hours, 2 laboratory hours, 3 credits. This course further develops networking protocols from ENGR 430 Data Networks with an emphasis on information assurance and security. The objectives of this course are (1) gain a basic understanding of the various types of network exploits that must be prevented, (2) gain an understanding of the software and network tools available for evaluating information assurance, and (3) gain experience in hardening networks and systems against intrusion, denial of service, and other security lapses.  Lab periods will require students to use computers running a variety of operating systems. Prerequisite: ENGR 430.


Mohawk Valley Community College

Administrative Assistant

AA107   Keyboarding-Personal                   P-2         Cr-1 This course develops touch control of the computer keyboard, proper techniques, and building speed and accuracy. Not for Administrative Assistant majors.

AA111   Keyboarding-Basic                           C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course introduces proper computer keyboarding techniques, builds speed and accuracy, and provides practice in formatting personal and business documents.

AA112   Keyboarding-Intermediate                          C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course concentrates on increasing keyboarding speed and accuracy, and providing practice on more advanced word processing and desktop publishing projects. Prerequisite: AA111 Keyboarding - Basic.

AA214   Keyboarding-Advanced                                C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers advanced word processing and desktop publishing skills. Decision-making, editing, abstracting information, setting priorities, and maintaining a smooth workflow are emphasized. Government, medical, legal, and business documents are keyboarded. Prerequisite: AA112 Keyboarding - Intermediate.


AC127   Computerized   Accounting         Systems                               C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course uses a variety of standard computerized business systems such as general ledger, purchasing, accounts payable, inventory, payroll, cash receipts, and accounts receivable to enter, process and store data in operational-level transaction processing. Prerequisites: AC115 Financial Accounting and either IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

Computer Graphics

CG134   Digital    Applications       for          the         Animator                             C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces digital imaging and digital illustration techniques, and software used by the animator. It explores the aesthetic and technological potential of digital imaging and digital illustration software. The use of digital media and the creation of computer-based imagery are emphasized. It includes advanced technical instruction in the use of software and peripheral devices (scanners, printers, file storage, and other technologies).

CG144   Digital    Animation           1                              C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers the developmental elements of computer animation. Topics include user interface, various 3D modeling techniques, texture mapping, and timing. The course builds on the basic principles of traditional animation with the techniques of computer animation and production processes. Prerequisites: CG133 Introduction

CG145   Digital    Animation           2                              C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course further develops digital animation skills and techniques. Topics include character modeling, mapping, materials, animation, and production techniques. Prerequisites: CG144 Digital Animation 1, CG146 Storyboarding, and CG147 Sculptural Procedures for the Animator.

CG213   Graphic                Design  for          the         World    Wide     Web                      C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course explores design concepts for the World Wide Web (WWW) while developing expertise in web-based typography, image file formats and sizes, hexadecimal color, frames, cascading style sheets, tables, and site interactivity. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of browser constraints, hypertext markup language (HTML), site planning, and site structure. Prerequisites: GD110 Digital Design or both GD141 Digital Illustration and GD142 Digital Imaging. PT207 Digital Photography may be substituted for GD142 Digital Imaging.

CG300   Independent     Study    in            Computer           Graphics                              Cr-1-4


Computer and Information Sciences

CI110     Principles             of            Programming     (C2)                        C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces to computer programming methods and techniques of problem-solving using structured programming. It develops the ability to analyze problems and organize effective solutions. Techniques of problem-solving include defining the problem, specifying required input and output, developing the algorithm, and testing the solution. It covers translating the algorithms introduced in class to the C++ programming language. Prerequisite: An appropriate Mathematics Placement test result or MA115 Intermediate Mathematics.

CI112     Networking        Fundamentals                   C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces the basics of computer networking from concepts and terminology to materials and equipment. Topics form the foundation for further networking courses, with a solid grasp of fundamentals that lead to experience with equipment. The majority of this course deals with theory, with equipment used for demonstration. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI121     Microcomputer                Techniques         for          Science                 C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course provides hands-on training and experience involving scientific word processing, computer-based data analysis, graphical analysis techniques, interfacing hardware and software, data management concepts, scientific simulation methods, imaging technology, and presentation software. It uses a variety of hardware and software currently in the scientific community. Prerequisite: One year of college preparatory mathematics.

CI124     Windows             Systems               Security                I                               C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course provides an understanding of Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Professional, or its current version. It focuses on configuring, optimizing, and securing this software. It introduces principles of server and client hardware selection, server installation and configuration, server monitoring and tuning, and problem troubleshooting. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI130     Programming     in            C++                        C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course provides a comprehensive study of C++ with an emphasis on sound structured programming principles, good style, and top-down method of program design. It covers the designing, coding, executing, and debugging of C++ programs to solve problems in a variety of fields. Corequisite: CI110 Principles of Programming.

CI132     Unix       Operating            System &             Security                                C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course provides an understanding of the UNIX operating system, covering commands, utilities, and scripts. It focuses on the skill development needed to administer a UNIX system, emphasizing file management, security issues, upgrades, and backups. The installation and maintenance of UNIX systems are addressed. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI142     Computer           Forensics                             C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers the acquisition and analysis of data recovery from computer networks to identify potential security or legal evidence. Topics include data recovery after deletion, and the roles and methods of discovering inappropriate data use. It covers operating systems and their vulnerabilities, and techniques about data recovery for use in litigation and future protection. It examines forensic cases. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI212     Internet               Security                                C-2         P-2         Cr-3 The course provides an overview of computers and network security, addressing the balance of access and security in standard practices and performance issues. It covers the effective design, implementation, and support of security policies for large-scale enterprise networks. It deals with preventive and post-event recovery tools. Prerequisite: CI112 Networking Fundamentals, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI220     FORTRAN                            C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course studies of the logical structure of the current version of FORTRAN. It applies analytical problem-solving techniques to design, code, execute, and debug both numerical and non- numerical programming applications. Topics will include algorithms, simple FORTRAN statements, input/output, format, functions, and subroutines and subscripted variables. Prerequisite: CI110 Principles of Programming.

CI224     Windows             Systems               Security                II                             C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course helps to develop a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, or its current version. Topics include server and client hardware selection, server installation and configuration, network printing services, remote access services, network inter-operation, Internet set up, server monitoring and tuning, and problem troubleshooting. Prerequisite: CI124 Windows Systems Security I, and IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI226     COBOL                  C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course presents a comprehensive study of COBOL, including specification and syntax of the language. It includes the writing of a number of programs that collectively represent the range of the language. Prerequisite: CI110 Principles of Programming.

CI230     Data       Structures                           C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces advanced programming concepts. It emphasizes data encapsulation and abstraction through development of static and dynamic data structures. It covers stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, and graphs along with recursion as a programming tool as well as searching and sorting techniques. Prerequisite: CI130 Programming in C++.

CI232     Security                Policies                 C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers the design, implementation, and support of security policies for large-scale enterprise networks. It addresses security analysis/defensive tools, including implementation and circumvention. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

CI242     CISCO    Networking                        C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course addresses LAN and WAN setup and configuration. It covers specific routing protocols and their application to physical networks. It builds upon the vocabulary and theory of networking fundamentals through hands-on experience.

CI245     JAVA     Programming                     C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and the general purpose JAVA programming language. Topics include data abstraction, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, class structures, application and applet programming, data types, selection and loop structures, graphical user interface programming with the abstract windowing toolkit, exception handling, data streams, and internet applications. Prerequisite: CI130 Programming in C++.

CI260     Microcomputer                Programming                     C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course focuses on assembler language programming of the 8086 microprocessors. It reviews of the binary number system and arithmetic operations and signed binary numbers, and studies the architecture of the 8086 and its associated family of chips. It covers addressing modes and their applications with respect to the instruction set. It introduces interfacing techniques in preparation or advanced courses. Prerequisite: CI130 Programming in C++.

CI271     Database             Design  &             Implementation                               C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers database management systems and query languages, including relational database and procedural query languages. It includes projects using database file organization, data structures, and development techniques to design application databases. It emphasizes the role of database in system development and information system design. Prerequisite: Any three-credit programming language.

CI272     Visual    Basic                      C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces object-oriented programming techniques in a Windows environment. It covers the fundamentals of event driven programming by use of the Rapid Application Development tool Visual Basic. It emphasizes planning, programming, and debugging VB applications using modern programming techniques and practicing good graphical user interface design. Prerequisite: CI130 Programming in C++.

CI280     Computer           Graphics              1                              C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces the field of 3D computer graphics. Topics include 2D vector algebra, 3D model creation, 3D transformation theory, texture and shader techniques, lighting effects, camera basics, mesh creation of model resources, user interactivity, animation techniques, and methods for achieving physically realistic behaviors. It uses a professional graphics package and 3D design package to complete programming and laboratory assignments. Prerequisites: CI245 JAVA Programming and MA121 Fundamentals of College Mathematics 1.

CI285     Systems               Operations         &             Management                    C-3         Cr-3 This course introduces operating system concepts, including history, multi-tasking, management of processes, devices, memory and files, scheduling, security, virtual, real-time, and distributed systems. Prerequisite: Any three-credit programming language.

CI300     Independent     Study    in            Computer           Science Cr            1-4

Civil Engineering Technology

CT102    Engineering        Drawing               and        MicroStation      CAD       C             -1            P-4         Cr-3 This course includes both basic technical drawing techniques and MicroStation CAD to support engineering design. Topics include line types, dimensioning, scaling, auxiliary views, sectioning, and notations. This course also introduces the use of MicroStation software. Topics include operational concepts; main palette use; projecting elements; entity construction and editing; entity manipulations; and text and dimensioning parameters.

CT263    Digital    Mapping                              C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course covers remote sensing along with metric analysis and interpretation of digital images. Photo interpretations and digital image analysis include satellite and aerial platforms. Topics include concepts and theories of geographic information systems and traditional photogrammetry. Prerequisite: CT151 Surveying 1. (Spring semester)

CT265    Introduction       to            Geographic         Information        Systems                                                               C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces the techniques and concepts of GIS. The mapping software package ArcGIS is used to display, analyze, and query spatial data sets. Topics include coordinate systems/datums, symbology, classifications, digital imagery, and global positioning systems. (Fall semester)

CT266    Capstone             GIS                         C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This independent study capstone course involves the creation of a project using GIS. Proposals must have instructor approval. Projects incorporate collecting GPS data, building an attribute geo-database, and are completed using ArcGIS software. Final presentations are required, which explain data collection techniques, analysis, and project success. Prerequisite: CT265 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). (Spring semester)

CT267    Advanced            GIS                         C-2,        P-2,        CR-3 This course focuses on advanced topics and applications in analyzing and visualizing geospatial data. Topics include spatial modeling, advanced editing, geodatabase creation, and three- dimensional modeling. Prerequisite: CT265 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems.

Engineering Technology

ET105    Computer           Control Fundamentals                   C-1         P-2         Cr-2 This introductory course covers the personal computer and its software for electrical service technicians. It includes a survey of fundamental personal computer hardware: the keyboard, microprocessor, mouse, disk drives, and printers. It introduces DOS and Windows operating systems and hands-on experience with software packages such as word processing and spreadsheets. It concludes with an introduction to BASIC, which is used to solve practical problems in the electrical/electronic field. (Fall Semester)

ET141    Programmable  Logic      Controllers                          C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course is a study of the types, applications, and use of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). It includes methods for developing PLC ladder programs, PLC installation, wiring, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Experience is provided using Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC500, and Compactlogix PLCs, as well as the Logixpro PLC Simulator. Corequisites: ET152 Circuits 2 and ET102 Technical Electricity 2.

ET154    Computer           Programming                     C-1         P-2         Cr-2 This course uses a high-level programming language and examines the available structure on a typical personal computer platform. Programming techniques and algorithm development are presented with real-world examples from the electrical field. The programming techniques may be used to solve practical problems in other EET courses. The course introduces the use of schematic capture and electrical circuit simulation software. This is a foundation course in computer programming for students in the Electrical Engineering Technology program. No previous programming knowledge is assumed.

ET245    Microprocessor                Technology                         C-3         P-3         Cr-4.5 This course applies knowledge of binary logic and circuits to elements, diagnostic procedures, and methods of operating and repairing microprocessor-based home and automated industrial equipment. Laboratory components include using personal computers and development systems to create microcontroller applications. An introduction to the architecture of the IBM 80x86 architecture is provided, and methods of assembly upgrading and maintaining PCs are presented. Prerequisites: ET103 Technical Electronics, ET235 Digital Logic.

ET246    Industrial             Computer           Applications                       C-3         P-4         Cr-5 This course introduces hardware and software applications of the personal computer. It covers applications involving interfacing, digital Input/Output, analog Input/Output, data acquisition, and computer control of external electrical devices. Hardware components are studied for an understanding of computer systems, and BASIC is used to write input/output instructions. Experiments include wiring, testing, and debugging of a digital/analog circuit board and trainer. Prerequisite: ET233 Industrial Electrontcs (Spring semester)

ET254    C             Programming     for          Technology                         C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course details C programming language and how it is applied to problems in the technology field. A complete examination of the language is presented. Laboratory exercises are concerned with typical problems encountered in the electrical field. The focus is on desktop and embedded system development. Prerequisites: ET154 Computer Programming or equivalent. Corequisite: ET181 Digital Electronics 1.

ET272    Digital    Computer           Systems               (Verizon)                             C-3         P-2         Cr-4 This course introduces personal computer hardware and software with a focus on installation. Printers and peripheral devices are set up. The course covers management, support, configuration, and customization of computers running Windows operating systems. Computer maintenance and troubleshooting fundamentals are introduced. This course is restricted to Verizon NextStep students. Prerequisites: ET180 Digital Computer Fundamentals and IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts. Corequisites: MA119 Technical Algebra & Trigonometry 2.

ET283    Microprocessor                Fundamentals                   C-3         P-2         Cr-4 This course presents the microprocessor/microcontroller as the principal component of embedded systems, providing information on the architecture and programming model using the C language. C programming techniques for arithmetic and logic operations along with flow control are introduced. The use of functions, I/O instructions, and timers are presented with laboratory experiments. Prerequisite: ET181 Digital Electronics 1.

ET286    Microprocessor                Applications                       C-3         P-2         Cr-4 This course covers assembly language programming used with 80x86 based computers and microprocessors in the development of interface and system control applications. Prerequisites: ET283 Microprocessor Fundamentals and ET282 Digital Electronics 2.

Graphic Design

GD110   Digital    Design                  C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course introduces the principles, techniques, and technologies used to produce graphic design on the computer. The visual elements and language of graphic design are taught through the demonstration and mastery of programs and problem-solving methods. It includes becoming technically proficient in the use of software, learning the methodology of graphic design, and demonstrating problem-solving ability.

GD111   Graphic                Design  Theory  1                              C-1         P-6         Cr-4 This course introduces the elements and principles of design, including basic composition theory, graphic design methodology, and production and presentation skills. Emphasis is placed on technical proficiency in the handling of tools and materials, and the mastery of a visual language via problem-solving. The course also introduces design on the desktop computer and use of technology in a studio environment.

GD121   Digital    Typography                        C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course covers the fundamentals of typesetting and typography. It includes a study of the development of type designs, typesetting methods, type measurement, and page layout. Computers are used to prepare multi-color mechanicals while becoming familiar with one or more software programs appropriate for typesetting and page construction.

GD141   Digital    Illustration                          C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces computer graphics and digital illustration by using desktop computers, video interfacing equipment, desktop scanners, and other devices to generate and output computer graphic images.

GD142   Digital    Imaging                                C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces digital imaging technologies impacting graphic communication. It explores the potential of imaging software, scanners, dye sublimation printers, and other technologies. The use of digital media and the creation of computer-based imagery are emphasized. It is balanced between aesthetic potential and technological mastery. It covers input image and text, and how to combine and manipulate those visual elements.

GD143   Digital    Illustration          2                              C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course focuses on advanced digital illustration techniques. Tutorials and demonstrations focus on the further development of digital illustration skills and techniques, while instruction provides insight to the more complex features of illustration software, including figure creation, realistic environments, and seamless program integration. Prerequisite: GD141 Digital Illustration.

Graphic Technology

GT122   Digital    Prepress                              C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course introduces prepress procedures that include document layout on the desktop computer, digital image assembly, planning and preparation for production, and printing output procedures. It provides practical, hands-on experience with equipment, materials and knowledge used in the industry and in subsequent courses. Prerequisite: GD121 Digital Typography.

Information Systems

IS100     Introduction       to            Computer           Applications       &             Concepts             C-2         P-4         Cr-4 This course satisfies the IS101 Computer Applications and Concepts 1 requirement for students with little or no prior computer experience. It focuses on providing a solid foundation in basic computer skills and terminology, and an understanding of how computer technology works. Experience is provided with a variety of microcomputer software applications, including word processing, electronic spreadsheets, and graphics, file management, and integrated software. Concepts and terms focus on preparing for a technology oriented society and using the computer as a tool for productivity, research and communication.

IS101     Computer           Applications       &             Concepts             1              (C2)                        C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course provides knowledge of relevant computer skills and a solid foundation in the terminology and concepts of computer technology. Experience is provided with a variety of microcomputer software applications, including word processing, electronic spreadsheets, graphics, file management, and integrated software. Concepts and terms focus on preparing for a technologically oriented society and using the computer as a tool for productivity, research, and communication.

IS102     Computer           Applications       &             Concepts             2                              C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course increases knowledge and productivity with the personal computer. Students gain knowledge of hardware and software and, by working with popular business applications software packages, increase their overall computer competency. The course emphasizes the use of the computer in the management of information. Areas of study include the MS DOS operating system, WINDOWS operating environment, sharing files among applications, incorporating graphics, report generation, and communications. Current computing issues such as computer ethics, computer crime and security are discussed. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS120     Computer           Operating            Systems               &             Environments    C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers the role of computer operating systems. It emphasizes operating systems and environments used with Intel-compatible equipment and discusses additional platforms. Command-line, menu-driven, and graphical user interface (GUI) systems are covered. Topics include storage devices, operating environment, system startup, menus, memory management, software package installation, and multitasking. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS125     Introduction       to            Multimedia         Applications       for          Business                                                              C-2         P-2               Cr-3 This course covers graphic tools used in business environments, including multimedia programs such as graphic, animation and web design software. Multimedia files are imported and exported into documents and presentations. Topics include web design theory; color and composition; and graphic, animation and presentation software. It culminates with the integration of multimedia concepts incorporated into an integrated business project/presentation. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS130     Desktop               Publishing           for          Business                              C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces the principles of desktop publishing in a business environment. Professional quality business documents are designed and produced that combine text, graphics, illustrations, and photographs in documents such as letterheads, business cards, flyers, brochures, promotional documents, and newsletters. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS140     Electronic            Business              Presentations                    C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course focuses on the development and delivery of effective electronic presentations. Business presentations are prepared, organized, and delivered using presentation graphics packages. Topics include supporting material, outlining, appropriate use of visual materials, and elements of interpersonal communication in business performance reports, training workshops, and sales presentations. Techniques include linking and embedding objects from spreadsheets, charts, word processing documents, and databases. Prerequisites: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN106 English 1: Composition and Reading, and IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS200     Spreadsheet      Concepts             &             Applications                       C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course expands the knowledge of those already familiar with the basic elements of electronic spreadsheets. It examines the various uses for a spreadsheet in business. Intermediate and advanced spreadsheet techniques are examined, including the power of functions, formatting, analytical graphics, and macros. Prerequisites: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts; and a Mathematics Placement test result appropriate for MA110 Elementary Statistics or MA115 Intermediate Mathematics, or completion of MA045 Basic Math Skills or MA050 Introductory Mathematics.

IS201     Principles             of            Computer           Security                                C-3         Cr-3 This course provides a comprehensive view of the field of computer and network security. Topics include the types of threats

to computer hardware and software, public key infrastructure (PKI), certificate authorities, the protocols and standards involved in establishing PKIs, intrusion detection systems, and the laws which govern aspects of computer security. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 is recommended but not required.

IS208     Practical               Computing          for          the         Twenty-First      Century                Professional                       C-3         Cr-3 This course introduces the concepts and issues related to the use of computers in the professional environment today. It examines the history of computer information systems as well as local and wide-area networking, file formats, data compression, operating systems, and the application of internet technologies. It covers basic procedures for selecting, installing, configuring, and maintaining hardware and software components. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS210     Database             Design  &             Management                    C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course enhances knowledge of database concepts with a focus on designing and structuring databases to meet the objectives of management. Database management systems are used, along with query capabilities and report generation. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS102 Computer Applications & Concepts 2 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS220     Visual    Basic      with       Business              Applications                       C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course introduces event-driven programming for a better appreciation of Windows applications used in the business world. Controls, properties, and code are used to develop applications to solve business problems. Topics include decision-making statements, loops, multiple forms, and graphical displays. Prerequisites: IS200 Spreadsheet Concepts & Applications, and IS210 Database Design & Management.

IS240     Networking        Essentials                            C-3         Cr-3 This course provides an overview of networking concepts. Topics include LAN topologies, transmission media, protocols, network operating systems, and the OSI Model. Network security issues and network-to-network connections are also discussed. Through lecture and classroom demonstrations, students are exposed to the procedures involved in administering a LAN. Prerequisite: IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts.

IS250     Web      Development    1                              C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course focuses on the Internet and World Wide Web as valuable resources in gathering and disseminating business information. Information is gathered with various techniques and evaluated as to its quality. Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) protocols and search engines are explored, and the techniques involved in creating a basic Web page are covered. Prerequisite: IS125 Introduction to Multimedia Applications for Business.

IS280     Web      Development    2                              C-2,        P-2,        Cr-3 This course emphasizes the development of effective and interactive Websites on the World Wide Web. Students create and code interactions to transform static Websites into dynamic Web applications. Focus is on hand-coded languages, such as PHP, ASP, VBS Script, and ColdFusion Markup Language. Students familiarize themselves with Website and database interaction using MySQL as a driving source behind the site. Specifically, students are exposed to web development programs that use features such as cascading style sheets, templates, frames, and behaviors, as well as the many other features common in web development programs, such as inserting and editing HTML. Students also study database elements and utilize coding in order to manipulate and display data on a web page. Prerequisite: IS250 Web Development 1 or CI110 Principles of Programming.

IS300     Independent     Study    in            Information        Systems                               Cr            1-3

Media Marketing and Management

MD255  Media   Computer           Applications                       C-2         P-2         Cr-3 This course covers the applications of data processing equipment to solving media problems. It includes media problem simulation using the DONMAR simulator. Prerequisite: MD151 Fundamentals of Media.

MD256  Digital    Media   Applications                       C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course introduces digital imaging, word processing, and digital video editing techniques used by the media professional. The aesthetic and technological potential of the software is explored. The use of digital media and editing of computer-based imagery are emphasized. Advanced instruction is included in software and peripheral devices, including scanners, printers, file storage media, and video editing equipment. Prerequisite: MD141 Digital Video & Copyrighting.

Health Information Technology

MR203  Information        Systems               in            Health   Care                       C-1         Cr-1 This course introduces computer applications in the health care field with emphasis on Health Information systems in acute care facilities. Prerequisites: MR101 Health Information Introductory Concepts, MR104 CPT Procedural Coding, MR105 International Classification Systems (Health Information Technology majors only), and either IS101 Computer Applications & Concepts 1 or IS100 Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts. Corequisites: MR200 Allied Health and MR204 Quality Review in Health Care (Health Information Technology majors only). (Fall semester)

Mechanical Engineering Technology

MT128  Computer           Applications:      Mechanical                         C-1         P-2         Cr-2 This course introduces computer programming techniques using a variety of tools such as BASIC and spreadsheets. Case studies emphasize computer applications to mechanical engineering technology. (Fall semester)

MT140  Drafting                and        Design  Using     AutoCAD                             C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course provides the foundation and problem-solving skills necessary to develop and interpret engineering drawings using the computer-aided drafting software (AutoCAD). Topics include assembly and detail drawing composition; design for assembly/ manufacturing (DFA/DFM); geometric dimensioning and tolerancing; tolerance control and standard fits; fasteners; gearing; sheet metal developments; weldments; functional drafting techniques; and the development of 2-D and 3-D CAD generated drawings and system operations.

MT171  Computer           Applications       -              Trades                  C-1         P-2         Cr-2 This course introduces the use of personal computers as engineering tools for work enhancement. It provides hands-on experience with the computer and its hardware, a comparison of operating systems, and internet-based functions. Computer-aided design,word processing, spreadsheets, and digital presentations are covered.

MT207  Computer           Aided    Manufacturing                  C-2         P-4         Cr-4 This is an advanced processes course dealing with the fundamental theory and application of CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) technology. Programming methods include conversational, G-M Code, and Symbolic FANUC Automatically Programmed Tools. Tool selection and calibrations, part zero, tool offsets, program editing, troubleshooting, and fixturing are also stressed. Rapid prototyping, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), group technology, robotics, and CAD/CAM systems are also discussed. Prerequisites: MT140 Computer-Aided Drafting and Design, and MT141 Machining Fundamentals. (Fall semester)

MT232  MicroStation      CAD                       C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course introduces use of MicroStation software. Topics include basic theory and operational concepts; main palette use; projecting elements; entity construction and editing; entity manipulations; and text and dimensioning parameters. Corequisites: CT101 Drafting, or permission of the Dean for Mathematics, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Applied Technology.

MT242  Advanced            MicroStation      CAD                       C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This is an advanced level course using MicroStation. Topics include theory and operational concepts for three-dimensional CAD drawings and models, solid modeling, rendering, display, and editing techniques. Prerequisites: CT102 Engineering Drawing and MicroStation CAD, or permission of the Dean for Mathematics, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Applied Technology.

MT244  Computer           Numerical           Control (CNC)                    C-2         P-6         Cr-5 This course introduces the technology and programming methodology for CNC (computer numerical control) machine tools. Programming methods include Conversational, G-M codes and Symbolic FANUC Automatically Programmed Tools (FAPT). Emphasis is placed on programming methods, tool selection, set-up, fixturing, troubleshooting and editing of programs. Prerequisite: MT141 Machining Fundamentals or MT107 Basic Machine Shop Practice.

MT250  Computer-Integrated    Manufacturing  (CIM)                    C-2         P-6         Cr-5 This course covers the automation of a manufacturing environment, with all processes and functioning under digital computer control. It studies the components that form a functional CIM installation. Topics include software/hardware introduction, manufacturing control programming, AS/RS automated systems programming, program upload/download, systems testing, and debugging of the FMS line. Prerequisites: MT244 Computer Numerical Control (CNC),MT204 Automatic Controls. Corequisite: MT247 Introduction to Robotics.

MT251  Advanced            AutoCAD                             C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This is an advanced course using AutoCAD. Topics include menu customization, theory and operational concepts for three- dimensional CAD drawings and models, solid modeling, rendering and editing techniques. Prerequisites: MT140 Drafting and Design Using AutoCAD or permission of the Dean for Mathematics, Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Applied Technology.

MT255  Pro/Engineer     CAD                       C-1         P-4         Cr-3 This course introduces the Pro/Engineer software and feature based, parametric, 3-D modeling concepts. Topics include creating models using features such as protrusions, cuts, rounds, blends, revolving, and sweep modeling techniques. Model planning, design intent, and menu management are stressed. Assemblies, drawings, documentations, and detailing are covered. Prerequisites: MT140 Computer-Aided Drafting and Design or MT232 MicroStation CAD.


PH114   Science of            Digital    Imaging                                C-3         P-2         Cr-4 This course provides an overview of the science underlying the field of digital imaging. Topics include the historical development of digital imaging technology, introduction to computers, color theory and color calibration, how image input and output devices work, the science of digital image manipulation, computer generation and display of 3-D images, and real-world applications and their impact upon the individual and society. Image manipulation software is used to demonstrate and explore concepts. Prerequisite: An appropriate Mathematics Placement test result, or MA045 Basic Math Skills, or MA050 Introductory Mathematics.

PH115   Science of            Multimedia         (N2)                       C-3         P-2         Cr-4 This course examines the scientific and computer concepts to understand and use multimedia methods. Topics include an introduction to computers, color science, digital imaging, analog and digital sound concepts, video theory, animation techniques, authoring software, and multimedia distribution on the Internet as well as the testing and quality control of multimedia productions. Hardware and software packages are used to explore and demonstrate concepts.

PH116   Science of            Multimedia         2                              C-3         P-2         Cr-4 This course extends the scientific and computer concepts developed in PH115 to 3-D multimedia. It provides hands-on experience using a professional 3-D graphics engine. Topics include vectors and vector operations, transformation theory, design of 3-D Graphical User Interfaces, 3-D lighting, 3-D cameras, multi- texturing, 3-D optimization techniques, mesh generation, third-party model generation, 3-D node hierarchy, using a 2-D mouse in a 3-D world, generation of physically accurate simulations, and 3-D game development. Hardware and software packages are used to explore and demonstrate concepts. Prerequisites: PH115 Science of Multimedia; and an appropriate Mathematics Placement test result, or MA121 Fundamentals of College Mathematics 1, or MA125 College Algebra and Trigonometry.


Monroe Community College

Applied Art and Design

AAD 167  (formerly COM 167) Web Design:  Graphics 3 Credits A Graphic Design course that provides instruction in various processes that involves the planning for, and designing of Internet-based information publishing. Introduces students to the theoretical principles of visual language and also affords the practical opportunity to apply the principles using modern Internet publishing tools. Topics include; image design and preparation, typography, viewer expectations, precedence (guiding the eye), navigation, usability and accessibility practices, and some techniques for the evaluation of web design.

- Course takes place within a Macintosh environment utilizing Adobe software. - Students will be required to purchase art supplies and materials. - Students may be required to print at a local service bureau.  Prerequisite:  AAD 104 and AAD 105, or permission of instructor


BUS 220 Applied Business Applications   3 Credits A case study approach to the use of office productivity software to solve business problems and manage business processes. Emphasis will be on the use of spreadsheet and database applications to analyze data. Word processing and presentation software will be used to document and present solutions. Several major projects will be assigned to be completed outside of class. Each student will create a semester-long portfolio of related work. Basic knowledge of the PC, keyboard, and mouse are required. Two lecture hours. Two lab hours.  Prerequisite:  BUS 104 with a grade of C or higher

Computer Information Systems

CIS 100 Information Processing Fundamentals 4 Credits This is an introductory course in digital computers and information processing concepts. The focus of this course will be on key components of information systems - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Students will meet in a networked PC classroom for lab and will be assigned projects to be completed outside of class and laboratory time. Successful completion of this course with a grade of C or better is required for further progress in Computer Information Systems degree programs. Three class hours, two laboratory hours. 

Prerequisite: MTH 104 with a grade of C or better, or Algebra II with Trigonometry with a grade of C or better.

CIS 101 Programming for Information Systems 4 Credits This is a first course in programming for the computer information systems student. Emphasis will be placed on program specification, analysis, problem solving, documentation and implementation of a three-tiered application using an object oriented language. Topics include an introduction to objects, their properties and methods, UML models, variables, constants, performing calculations, coding sequence, selection, and repetition control structures, procedures with parameter passing, multiple forms, arrays, arrayLists, database file processing, validation, error trapping, exception handling, and basic SQL. Students will use programming software during class and lab to reinforce and apply concepts. Major programming projects will be assigned to be completed outside of lab and class. Three class hours and two lab hours. 4 Credits. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in CIS 100 or CPT 114

CIS 110 A+ PC Repair and Operating Systems   3 Credits This course is designed to prepare the student to support personal computers. Students build a desktop personal computer component by component, install and configure multimedia and mass storage devices, develop hardware troubleshooting skills, learn how to troubleshoot Windows operating system problems, and learn how to optimize the Windows operating system for improved performance. Students also install and work with a non-windows operating system on the same personal computer. The students who complete this course would be eligible to sit for an A+ certification exam.  Two class hours and two lab hours.  Prerequisites: CIS 100 or CSC 101 or CPT 114, all with a grade of C or better.

CIS 201 Introduction to Web Site Programming and Design 3 Credits This course will provide the student with an introduction to programming and design concepts used in developing a Web site. Topics include coding HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, universal design, programming with JavaScript, multimedia and interactivity, e-commerce, Web promotion, file transfer protocols, and implementation on a server. Students will develop an interactive, multi page Web site as a portfolio project. A solid understanding of file management (i.e. file paths and directory hierarchies) is required; programming experience strongly recommended. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Three credits.

CIS 209 Systems Analysis and Design   3 Credits A study of the skills required to perform the role of systems analyst. Emphasis will be placed on developing these systems analyst skills as they apply to the designing, developing and implementing business application software that runs on large mainframe to client-server systems. Topics include: project management tools, sampling and investigating hard data, questionnaires, observations, prototyping, developing UML diagrams to graphically depict a system, developing process specifications, designing effective input and output, developing an E-Commerce based business, database design with normalization, and designing effective user interfaces. Students are expected to work on a team project during the entire semester to develop and present a system proposal to the class. Two class hours and three lab hours.  Prerequisite:  CSC 101 or CIS 101 with a grade of C or better.

CIS 211 Applied Database Concepts   3 Credits A sound introduction to database concepts with Microsoft Access. Emphasis will be on using Access to build and maintain relational databases. The student will create databases, queries, custom forms, and reports, use macros and modules using the Visual Basic for Applications for programming languages and SQL. Two class hours, two laboratory hours.  Prerequisites:  Prerequisites: CSC 101 or CIS 101 with a grade of C or better.

CIS 221 Applied Database Concepts with an Oracle Database 3 Credits A sound introduction to database concepts using the database Oracle. Emphasis will be on using Oracle to build and maintain relational databases. The student will create databases, queries, custom forms and reports, and use PL/ SQL. Two class hours and two lab hours.  Prerequisite:  CSC 101 or CIS 101 with a grade of C or higher.


Civil and Construction Technology

CIT 112 CAD for Construction 2 Credits CAD for Construction. Applications will include roof truss, concrete and steel reinforcing, welding, site plans, contour lines, property lines, DOT highway plans, piping plans, and bridge plans. One class hour, three laboratory hours. Spring semester only. 


COM 115 Computer Generated Images   3 Credits This course presents introductory hands-on experiences in exploring the potential of multimedia computer software, special graphic effects and computer imaging techniques as a creative medium.  The focus of the course is on exploring how computers and traditional photographic and video technologies are coming together as tools for creating unique graphic images.  Three class hours. 

COM 262 Multimedia Authoring 3 Credits Introduces the student to the basics of the authoring process involved in the creation of a multimedia event.  From audience definition and concept to scripting and flowcharting, students will learn how to build the multimedia structure from the bottom up.  How to plan and design linkages between content areas, and the

Course Descriptions 159

appropriate interaction of visual and audio materials will be explored.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours.

COM 263 Design for Interactive Multimedia   3 Credits Introduces students to the basics of designing for interactive multimedia.  User-interface design, transitions, interactive links between content areas and creating the overall look and feel of a project will be covered.   Emphasis will be in the visual aspects of individual elements and how they work together as a means of creating an effective interactive multimedia project.  Students work on their own projects which will be completed in the Multimedia Production lab.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisites: All first semester electronic publishing courses, or permission of instructor.

COM 268 3D Animation 3 Credits An introduction to the basic aspects of designing and producing three-dimensional animation on the Macintosh computer.  Course proceeds from the assumption that students are already familiar with the basics of three- dimensional modeling on the Macintosh.  Creation of storyboards for planning narrative sequences, camera moves, rendering techniques and thinking and working in time and space will all be explored.  Students will be required to create a short animated piece in wireframe mode.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisites: All first semester electronic publishing courses and COM 265, or permission of instructor.

Computer Technology

CPT 101 Programming in Python 4 Credits A gentle introduction to basic programming concepts using Python. Python is a high-level, interpreted object oriented programming language with built in data structures and dynamic data typing. This results in programs that are typically much shorter than programs written in Java or C++. Python’s built in debugger allows the developer to inspect variables, set breakpoints and evaluate expressions in real-time. The underlying C and Java like structure and modularity allow for easy integration or linkage to existing programs in these languages. The combined features of Python are well suited for rapid program development leading to enhanced productivity. Practical applications of Python may be found in the prominent fields of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics. This course utilizes an electronic-classroom setting to introduce the beginner or curious programmer to Python and basic programming concepts through a series of practical hands-on exercises interlaced with the discussion material. Three class hours, two lab hours. MTH 104 with a grade of C or better, or MCC level 8 mathematics placement.

CPT 114 Problem Solving and Robotics   3 Credits This course is designed to develop and/or enhance practical problem solving skills and apply these skills to Robotics.  Challenging exercises and robotics projects are designed to foster critical thinking that is particularly useful to students interested in the engineering, computational and networking disciplines. The course focuses on the analysis, design and implementation phases in developing a complete solution to a given problem.  Major concepts discussed include algorithm development,number systems conversions, logic flow diagram development, and solution testing.  Appropriate use of data types, conditional selection, repetitive, and iterative solutions are emphasized throughout the course.  A data flow programming approach using LabView is utilized extensively throughout the course to implement and test  concepts.   Projects make use of the exciting and challenging Lego Mindstorms Robotics system to create real-life applications that build on the skills developed throughout the course. Prerequisite:  MTH 104 or higher level Algebra course

CPT 115 Introduction to Networks 3 Credits This course corresponds to the first semester of the Cisco Networking Academy Exploration track. It introduces students to the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. It uses the OSI and TCP layered models to examine the nature and roles of protocols and services at the application, network, data link, and physical layers. The principles and structure of IP addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for further studies in computer networking. Hands-on labs for this course use a “model Internet” to allow students to analyze real data without affecting production networks. At the end of the course, students build simple LAN topologies by applying basic principles of cabling, performing basic configurations of network devices such as routers and switches, and implementing IP addressing schemes.   Two class hours, two laboratory hours.

CPT 120 Introduction to Cybersecurity   3 Credits Designed for students with no security experience or background, this course will cover basic terminology and concepts. Included will be the basics of computers and networking such as Internet Protocol, routing, Domain Name Service, and network devices. This course will introduce students to the basics of cryptography, security management, wireless networking, and organizational policy. Topics will include: an overview of the information security framework, network infrastructure security, security and cryptography, information security policy, and defense in depth. Other topics covered in this course include: basic security terminology and professional terms, network basics, tracert, nslookup, ipconfig, ping, DNS, DoS attacks, overview of malware, rules for avoiding viruses and vulnerabilities. Three class hours. Two lab hours. Three credits.

CPT 125 Physical Security 3 Credits This course focuses on the design and implementation of network physical security policies and mechanisms. Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, programs, networks, and data from physical circumstances and events that could cause serious losses or damage to an enterprise, agency, or institution. This includes protection from fire, natural disasters, burglary, theft, vandalism, and terrorism. Two class hours.  Two lab hours.  Three credits. CPT 120.

CPT 210 Operating Systems and Peripherals   3 Credits Fundamental multitasking/multi-user operating system concepts, as applicable to modern day computer systems, are studied. Major topics include priority boosting, priority and round robin scheduling, virtual memory management, paging, mapping, swapping, and process management. Applications that interface to the outside world via the PC's external I/O ports are examined in the laboratory. Emphasis is placed on developing simple "device drivers" using a combination of low and high level language tools. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisites:   A grade of C or better in CIS 101 or CSC 101

CPT 215 Routing Fundamentals 3 Credits This course corresponds to the second semester of the Cisco Networking Academy Exploration track. It describes the architecture, components, and operation of routers, and explains the principles of routing and routing protocols. Students analyze, configure, verify, and troubleshoot the primary routing protocols RIPv1, RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF. By the end of this course, students will be able to recognize and correct common routing issues and problems.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisites: CPT 115 with a grade of C or better.

CPT 216 Advanced Networking Concepts   3 Credits This course focuses on securing local and wide area networks from the network administrator and an outside point of view. With successful completion of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of how outsiders attack networks and how to prevent these attacks from being successful. Students will also have a thorough understanding of current technologies that run over LANs and WANs and demand robust security. These technologies will be covered in depth throughout this course. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: CPT 215 with a grade of C or better.

CPT 217 LAN Switching 3 Credits This course corresponds to the third semester of the Cisco Networking Academy Exploration track and provides a comprehensive, theoretical, and practical approach to learning the technologies and protocols needed to design and implement a converged switched network. Students learn about the hierarchical network design model and how to select devices for each layer.  The course explains how to configure a switch for basic functionality and how to implement Virtual LANs (VLAN), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP), and Inter-VLAN routing in a converged network. The different implementations of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) in a converged network are presented, and students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to implement a wireless local-area network (WLAN) in a small-to-medium network. Pre-requisite:  CPT 215

CPT 218 WAN Systems 3 Credits This course corresponds to the fourth semester of the Cisco Networking Academy Exploration track. It explores the WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in enterprise networks. The course uses the Cisco Network Architecture to introduce integrated network services and explains how to select the appropriate devices and technologies to meet network requirements. Students learn how to implement and configure common data link protocols and how to apply WAN security concepts, principles of traffic, access control, and addressing services. Finally, students learn how to detect, troubleshoot, and correct common enterprise network implementation issues.  Prerequisite:  CPT 217

CPT 220 Applied Computer Security Concepts   4 Credits This course would provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to secure organizational resources. Topics covered include: a review of networking protocols, IOS and router filters, physical security, information assurance, computer security policies, contingency planning, business impact analysis, password management, information warfare, intrusion detection, honey pots, attack vectors, firewalls and perimeters, risk assessment and auditing, cryptography and steganography, PGP, wireless, operational security, permissions and user rights, service patches, securing network services, security baseline analyzers, Linux, and virtual machines. Three class hours.  Two lab hours.  Four credits. CPT 120 INTRODUCTION TO CYBERSECURITY OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR.

CPT 225 Network Perimeter Security   4 Credits This course focuses on the design and implementation of network perimeter security. Topics include: threat vectors, encapsulation at OSI layers 2, 3, 4, and 5, packet decoding, static filters, stateful filters, stateful inspection, intrusion detection and prevention, Network Address Translation (NAT), Access Control Lists (ACLs), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), proxies, border routers, firewall rule bases, web application and database firewalls, securing the OS and services, firewall assessment, vulnerability assessment, baseline audits, forensics, logging, encryption, authentication, VPNs, wireless, network access control, and security tools. Four credits. CPT 120

Computer Related Curricula

CRC 101 Practical Computer Literacy   3 Credits This course is designed for persons with no experience using a computer.  Focus will be on personal computers (PC) using the Microsoft Windows operating system, but other operating systems will be discussed.  Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to execute basic commands for creating, saving, deleting and locating files on a PC, prepare and print documents in Microsoft Word, design and set up a spreadsheet with basic functions and graphs using Microsoft Excel, identify major components of a computer system, operate a computer in a network environment, work with e-mail, use an Internet browser, communicate effectively with computer personnel, and understand and use appropriate terminology, especially as it relates to purchasing and operating a PC. This is a hands-on course. Several major projects will be assigned to be completed outside of class time. Students are not required to own a computer.  Three class hours. Open to any student. Keyboarding skills are recommended.

CRC 110 Introduction to Web Site Design   1 Credit Hands-on practice designing and writing HTML documents. Students will learn  to create WEB pages for fun, education, and business. Students will also discover how to add tables, images, sound, video and forms to their WEB pages. Project required. BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF MICROSOFT WINDOWS INCLUDING FILE MANAGEMENT IS REQUIRED. One class hour.

CRC 111 Surfing the Internet 1 Credit A hands-on introductory course on accessing the Internet using a browser program. Students will learn the history of the Internet and it's impact on society. Students will be taught the basic tools of the World Wide Web for searching, uploading, and downloading. E-mail, newsgroups, and chat rooms will also be covered. Projects required. Basic knowledge of the PC, keyboard, mouse, and Windows are required. Five class hours per week for 3 weeks.

CRC 112 Introduction to Microsoft Windows   1 Credit An introduction to the Windows operating system. Students will learn the basics of mouse functions, managing your  computer's desktop, opening programs, switching between windows, and file management.  One class hour.

CRC 113 Introduction to Microsoft Excel   1 Credit This course is designed to cover the main features of Excel and demonstrate the advantages of using a powerful electronic spreadsheet. This hands-on course will give the student an overview of creating and formatting worksheets, manipulating data, and designing charts. Project required. Basic knowledge of the PC, keyboard, and mouse are required. One class hour.

CRC 115 Introduction to Microsoft Word   1 Credit A word processing course designed to introduce Word. Students will learn how to create, modify, and print documents. This hands-on course includes specially prepared exercises that give practical experience in using Word's tools. Project required. Basic knowledge of the PC, keyboard, and mouse are required.  One class hour.

CRC 116 Introduction to Microsoft Access   1 Credit An introduction to database theory and practice using the features of Access. Students will learn to create and modify the database, design and create queries, and use forms and reports in a 'hands-on' lab environment. Project required. Basic knowledge of the PC, keyboard, and mouse are required. One class hour.

CRC 117 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint   1 Credit This course covers PowerPoint's major features. Students will be able to create and customize multimedia presentations.  Specially prepared exercises will provide 'hands-on' learning.  Project required.  Basic knowledge of the PC, keyboard, and mouse are required. One class hour.

CRC 118 Basic Personal Computer Operations and Maintenance 1 Credit This course is designed for persons who own or plan to purchase a personal computer, but have limited experience in the basic operations and maintenance of a computer. Topics covered will include key components of a computer system, computer purchase considerations, software installation and upgrades, installation of peripheral devices, and basic maintenance. Students will get hands-on experience. One class hour.

CRC 119 Introduction to Dreamweaver MX   1 Credit Introduction to web site design using Dreamweaver MX software. Topics include the Dreamweaver interface, lists, links, tables, images and frames. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows including file management required. This course will be taught in an electronic classroom. One class hour.

CRC 120 Introduction to Health Information Processing 3 Credits A study of information technology concepts as they relate to health information.  Topics include an overview of information processing concepts and computer hardware and software.  Learning and lab activities involve use of the Internet and Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint, as used in health care related settings.  Spring semester only.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours.

CRC 121 Introduction to Macromedia Flash MX 1 Credit An introduction to creating multimedia using Macromedia Flash MX software. In a hands-on computer environment using a guided approach, the student will learn to combine graphics, animation, and sound to create engaging web-based multimedia. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows including file management required.

CRC 122 Computer Animation Using Alice   3 Credits This course focuses on the fundamentals of computer programming using the programming environment called Alice. This is an introductory course in object-oriented programming using animation. Alice enables you to create animation projects in a small virtual world using 3-dimensional models. Using the Alice programming language you can be a director of a movie, or creator of a video game where 3D objects in an on-screen virtual world move around according to the directions you provide. Basic knowledge of the personal computer, including file maintenance, is required. It is assumed that all students have experience using personal computers, an electronic mail system, and the Internet. Three class hours. Offered Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters. Prerequisite: MTH 098 must be completed or up to Math Level 6

CRC 125 (formerly ITG 102) [formerly CIS 121] Microsoft Office 4 Credits Provides an indepth, hands-on introduction to major application software programs found in the Microsoft Software Package: Microsoft Office. The following software packages will be utilized: Microsoft Word (word processing), Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet), Microsoft Access (database management), and Microsoft Powerpoint (presentation). Several major projects are assigned. Basic knowledge of the PC keyboard and mouse are recommended prior to enrollment in this course. Course is not open to students who have taken CRC 113, CRC 115, CRC 116, and CRC 117. Students can earn credit for only one of the following courses: CIS 121,  ITG 102, CRC 125.

CRC 170 Spreadsheet Applications Excel   3 Credits An intensive course covering Microsoft Excel. Objectives include preparing, formatting, and enhancing worksheets, applying formulas and functions, charting, using analysis, linking, workgroup features, and increase productivity through use of macros and templates. This course is designed to teach skill sets needed for the Microsoft Office Certification Exam. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard and mouse is strongly recommended. Three class hours.

CRC 171 Microsoft Access-Records Management 3 Credits An intensive course that covers Microsoft Access. Objectives include planning and designing databases; building and modifying tables, forms, and reports; advanced manipulation of data; defining relationships; modification of  report properties; subforms, switchboards, PivotTables, and importing/exporting data. This course is designed to cover skill sets needed for the Microsoft Office Certification Exam. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard, and mouse is strongly recommended. Three class hours.

CRC 172 Microsoft PowerPoint--Presentations   2 Credits This course will offer a thorough coverage of the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation package. Areas covered include all skill sets needed for Microsoft Office Certification Exam. Instruction will cover animation, use of color and objects, and importing and exporting data and images. Activities include creating a slide show as well as delivering the presentation. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard, and mouse is strongly recommended. Two class hours.

CRC 174 Microsoft Publisher--Desktop Publishing 2 Credits This course will focus on the production, assembly, and design of administrative publications through the use of Microsoft Publisher using the personal computer. Topics will include designing page layout, creating graphics, using templates, manipulating text and graphics, using style sheets, scanning images, and adding special effects. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard, and mouse is strongly recommended. Two class hours. 

CRC 201 Introduction to UNIX 1 Credit This course provides the student with hands-on experience with UNIX command-line functions, the VI editor, file management tools, and command shells. The student will learn user-level commands and gain basic knowledge about the UNIX operating system. A project will be assigned to be completed outside of class time.  One class hour. Prerequisite: CSC 101 or CIS 101 with a grade of C or higher.

CRC 202 UNIX Shell Scripts 1 Credit This course is a continuation of CRC 201.  The student will learn to create simple scripts for sed, awk, and the shell using basic user-level and advanced commands. Implementation of case, if-else, and iteration techniques will be taught. Additional topics presented will include grep, regular expressions, meta-characters, user and system variables, and the UNIX file system. A project will be assigned to be completed outside of class time. One class hour. Prerequisite: CRC 201 with a grade of C or better.

Computer Science

CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science   4 Credits A first course in programming for the Computer Science student.  Emphasis will be on program specification, analysis, problem solving and implementation using an object-oriented language such as JAVA. Topics include definitions of classes and objects, algorithm development and methods, primitive and reference data types, arrays, strings, and operators. Successful completion of this course with a C or better is required for further progress in Computer degree programs. Several major programming projects will be assigned to be completed outside of class and lab. Three class hours, two laboratory hours. Completion of this course with a C or better is required before taking any other CSC courses. Prerequisite:  MTH 172 or MTH 175, or CIS 100 and MTH 165, or MTH 165 and CPT 114, all with a grade of C or better

CSC 103 Introduction to Data Structures   4 Credits An introduction to basic data structures, and a continuation of CSC 101 for Computer Science majors. Topics include sequential lists, linked lists, stacks, queues, recursion, binary trees, searching and sorting. Other topics include algorithm analysis and design, inheritance, polymorphism. An object oriented language such as Java will be used to implement algorithm and further develop general programming skills. Students will be required to complete several programming projects outside of class.  Three class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: CSC 101 with a grade of C or better.

CSC 202 Assembly Language Programming of Embedded Microcontrollers   4 Credits The student will learn how to program, interface and troubleshoot a modern embedded processor such as the Motorola 68HC12. Microcontroller architecture will be stressed. Other topics include logic building blocks such as counters, registers, decoders and memory devices. Laboratory work will focus on program development implementation and debugging techniques. Several programming projects will be assigned to be completed outside of class and lab.  Three class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or  CSC 101 with a grade of C or better.

CSC 206 Digital Computer Organization   3 Credits This course provides an introduction to the design of the digital computer.  Topics include number systems, digital gates, Boolean Algebra, design and implementation of combinational and sequential circuits,  decoders, encoders, multiplexors, flip-flops, counters, registers and memory devices. Laboratory experiments include building combinational and sequential circuits. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: CSC 101 or CIS 101 with a grade of C or better.

CSC 214 Electronic Vision and Image Processing 3 Credits This course introduces the student to the basic elements of digital image acquisition and processing by examining how CCD's (charge coupled devices) function and how they are used in a camera to capture an image.  Practical hands-on laboratory projects reinforce concepts while the student learns how a truly scientific grade, low noise CCD camera is built from ground-up using discrete components. The students problem solving skills are put to the test as they work in small specialized groups to attack challenging problems. Practical programming skills are developed as the student learns how to apply a high level programming language such as Java, C, Python and/or LabVIEW to facilitate in design, experimentation, data acquisition, image processing and analysis.  Topics covered include: types of image sensors, performance characteristics, noise, digitization, scaling, color and gray scale rendition.  This course is typically offered in the Spring, biannually. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite(s):  MTH 165 or higher and an introductory programming course such as CIS 101 or CSC 101 or CIS 223.

CSC 215 Introduction to Linux 3 Credits A course designed to introduce the student to the Linux operating system. Topics will include system installation and configuration, basic system administration, system updates, network services configuration, printer configuration, system services, and scripting. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): CIS 101 or CSC 101, both with a grade of C or better.

CSC 223 Computer Programming - "C++"   3 Credits This course presents the principles of computer programming using the C++ language.  Topics covered include the use of variable types, expressions, control structures, pre-processor commands, functions, arrays, strings, pointers, structures, classes, objects, and files.  Several major programming projects will be assigned to be completed outside of class and laboratory time.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours.  Students can earn credit for only one of the following courses: CIS 223, ITP 202, CSC 223.  CSC 101 or CIS 208 with a grade of C or better.

CSC 225 Advanced JAVA Programming   3 Credits A second course in Java programming focusing on advanced language features. Topics will include Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), methodologies, automatic documentation generation using JAVADOC, Graphical User Interface (GUI) development, threads, database programming using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), network programming using Common Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), object serialization and remote objects, and collections. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Students can earn credit for only of the following: CIS 225, ITP 201, CSC 225.  Prerequisite: CSC 101 or CSC 223 with a grade of C or better.

Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics

ELT 206 Digital Systems and Microprocessors   5 Credits A study of digital systems and the building blocks that make up digital systems.  The emphasis will be on microprocessor-based systems hardware, programming and interfacing.  The major topics include arithmetic circuits, multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders, encoders, tri-state bus devices, DACs and ADCs, memory devices (SRAM, DRAM, Flash, PLD's, ROM), microprocessor architecture, microcomputer architecture, I/O modes and interfacing, digital communication standards.  The student will learn to program an 8-bit microprocessor (MC68HC11) in assembly language, and will develop the hardware and software for microprocessor-controlled applications.  The student will be introduced to a 16-bit microprocessor (MC68000).  Major differences between 8-bit and 16-bit microprocessors will be discussed.  The lab portion of the course will concentrate on building, testing, and troubleshooting of digital systems including MC68HC11 and MC68000 based microcomputer systems, using oscilloscope, logic analyzer, signature analyzer and computer.  Spring semester only.  Three class hours, five laboratory hours. Prerequisite: ELT 202 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of department.

Engineering Science

ENR 157 Digital Electronics and Microcontrollers 4 Credits A course which introduces students to digital electronics and microcontroller interfacing. Digital electronic topics will include basic logic gates, Boolean algebra, number systems, digital arithmetic, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops, registers, counters, magnitude comparators, and analog to digital and digital to analog conversion. Microcontroller interfacing projects will include voltage regulation, switches and LEDs, sensing infrared and visible light, DC and servo motors, 555 timers, and closed-loop temperature control. A final project will require students to work in teams to design and build a microcontroller controlled prototype, create a written design report, and make an oral presentation.  Three class hours, three laboratory hours. Prerequisite: MTH 165 or higher.

ENR 161 Engineering Computing 1 3 Credits An introduction to practical and theoretical problem solving. Students learn how to solve a variety of engineering related problems using a spreadsheet program such as Excel and a graphical programming language such as Labview or similar. Students also implement a solution to a design problem using Lego Mindstorm or similar programmable robotics platform and prepare and deliver written and oral reports documenting their design process. Three class hours. Three credits.  Prerequisite:  MTH 210 taken concurrently or previously completed.

ENR 261 Engineering Computing 2 3 Credits A course that develops problem solving methodologies with structured program design and numerical techniques using MATLAB or other suitable software. These techniques include statistical analysis, Boolean operations, numerical methods, matrices. Programming assignments require students to write functions, short script files and create dynamic models using Simulink software. Symbolic solutions to various types of problems are also presented. Three class hours.  Prerequisites:  MTH 211; ENR 161 with a grade of C or better, or CSC 101.


GEG 130 Digital Earth 3 Credits Introductory geospatial skills will be covered, including geography, as well as hands on use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), GPS, and remote sensing. Topics such as sustainability, renewable energy, and the economy will be integrated into the course through the use of GIS. One project will provide students the opportunity to use geospatial technology and real data to create original maps that begin to provide a solution to a real world problem. Prior computer knowledge such as creating, saving, deleting, and locating files on a PC, as well as preparing and printing Microsoft Word documents, using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, creating Microsoft PowerPoint slides, using e-mail and the Internet will be required to be successful in this course. A sustainability elective (GR). This is a lab course.  (SUNY-NS)

Health Information Technology

HIM 213 Health Information Systems   3 Credits An introduction to health record applications, system design and security, and the health information manager's roles and responsibilities.  Spring semester only.  Three class hours. Prerequisites: HIM 208 and CRC 120, each with a minimum grade of C.

Interior Design

IDE 160 CAD for Interiors 3 Credits Provides students with the basic knowledge necessary to complete two-dimensional architectural drawings using CAD software. Emphasis will be placed on development of multiple views and integration of revisions. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: IDE 121 with a grade of C or better.

IDE 260 CAD for Interiors II 3 Credits This course continues the development of computer aided drafting skills begun in IDE 160. Emphasis will be placed upon advanced operations including 3D modeling, surface effects and rendering, and lighting effects. Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: IDE 160 with a grade of C or better; Co-requisite:  IDE 201

Industrial Instrumentation Technology

INT 210 Digital Process Control Systems   5 Credits An introduction to and survey of the principles and process control applications of digital logic elements, Boolean algebra, binary arithmetic, digital computers, and digital computer interface hardware.  Mini- and micro-computer internal organization and digital handling techniques are emphasized.  Digital computer control of simple basic processes will be investigated.  Also an introduction to programmable controllers and their use in process control will be covered.  Three class hours, four laboratory hours. Prerequisite: ELT 111 or ELT 232.

Mechanical Technology

MET 101 Technical Graphics 3 Credits A course which combines the basic skills needed to communicate ideas in a graphical format with the understanding and use of a 2D and 3D CAD program (AutoCAD).  The student will be able to generate 3 view drawings and pictorial sketches.  The student will also be able to interpret and understand fully dimensioned drawings and create their own drawings using AutoCAD software.  Understanding of the basic principles of 2D and 3D CAD will be reinforced to allow the student to quickly learn additional software packages in the future.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: Some experience with mechanical drawing is desirable, since most students in this course have had one or more terms of drawing.

MET 121 Computer Aided Drafting/Design - Solid Modeling 3 Credits An introductory course in Solid Modeling using SolidWorks software.  Through a combination of lecture and hands-on laboratory experiences, the student will learn the basics of solid modeling design.  Projects will focus on the importance of design intent and geometric relations to maximize the efficiency of the design process.  Two class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite:  MET 101 or MET 111 or CIT 111 or permission from Department.

Manufacturing Technology: Automation / Robotics

MFG 201 Computer Aided Manufacturing   2 Credits Through lecture and lab exercises, the student learns to transfer CAD data to a computerized numerically controlled machine and create actual parts.  CNC and post processor fundamentals will be emphasized.  One class hour, three laboratory hours. Prerequisites: MET 101 or permission of department.

Office Technology

OFT - Office Technology OFT 110 Keyboarding 3 Credits A course designed to learn touch keyboarding and to develop speed and accuracy. An introduction to the Windows environment and word processing using Microsoft Word for the creation of basic business documents. Open to all students. Recommended for those with no keyboarding experience or those who key less than 25 words per minute.  Four class hours.

OFT 111 Intermediate Word 3 Credits Development of formatting skills through Microsoft Word.  Preparation of business documents including letters, memorandums, reports and tables, and an introduction to newsletters and electronic communication. Emphasis on proofreading, production, and mailability skills.  Recommended for those who type more than 30 NWAM for five minutes within five errors.  Students should have had a minimum of one semester of keyboarding instruction. Five class hours. Prerequisite: OFT 110 or permission of instructor.

OFT 112 Advanced Word I 3 Credits An intermediate course emphasizing enhanced formatting skills utilizing Microsoft Word. Production of mailable business documents with advanced features. Composition and creation of business correspondence will be infused throughout the course. Integrating decision making and problem solving skills are stressed. Continued emphasis on speed development and accuracy. Five class hours. 3 Credits. Prerequisite: OFT 111 with a grade of C- or better.

OFT 121 Introduction to Keyboarding 1 Credit This course will cover alphabetic, numeric and symbol keys. Straight copy speed and accuracy rates are developed, as well as proofreading skills. No word processing skills are covered. No prior computer skills necessary. One class hour.

OFT 141 Professional Grammar and Communications 4 Credits A presentation and review of grammar, including punctuation, capitalization, number styles, and sentence structure, for accurate business usage. A three-level learning approach is used to facilitate comprehension and to promote a mastery level of grammar by providing graduated learning segments. Students will apply grammar skills in the composition and formatting of business documents to include letters, memos, e-mail messages, and reports. Successful completion of TRS 105 or placement at English 101 or higher. Four class hours. 4 Credits Completion of TRS 105 or placement in ENG 101 or higher.

OFT 170 Spreadsheet Applications Excel   3 Credits An intensive course covering Microsoft Excel. Objectives include preparing, formatting, and enhancing worksheets, applying formulas and functions, charting, using analysis, linking, workgroup features, and increase productivity through use of macros and templates. This course is designed to teach skill sets needed for the Microsoft Office Certification Exam. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard, and mouse is strongly recommended. Three class hours.

OFT 171 Microsoft Access Professional   3 Credits An intensive course that covers Microsoft Access. Objectives include planning and designing databases; building and modifying tables, forms and reports; advanced manipulation of data; defining relationships; modification of  report properties; subforms, switchboards, PivotTables, and importing/exporting data. This course is designed to cover skill sets needed for the Microsoft Office Certification Exam. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard, and mouse is strongly recommended. Three class hours.

OFT 173 Microsoft Multimedia Communications 3 Credits This course will offer a thorough coverage of Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Publisher for the office professional. Microsoft PowerPoint instruction will cover animation, use of color and objects, and importing and exporting data and images. Activities include creating a slide show as well as delivering the presentation. Microsoft Publisher will focus on production, assembling, and the design of administrative publications. Topics will include designing page layout, creating graphics, using templates, manipulating text and graphics, using style sheets, scanning images, and adding special effects. Microsoft Outlook covers uses of communicating by e-mail, managing contacts, calendaring, address book, and schedule management. Knowledge of the personal computer, keyboard, and mouse is strongly recommended. Three class hours. 3 Credits. 

OFT 201 Advanced Word II 2 Credits Advanced formatting skills of complex business documents utilizing Microsoft Word applications. Orientation to collaborative work concepts. Topics covered include graphics, complex mail merges, electronic forms, macros, and long document production utilizing master and subdocuments. Projects integrate decision-making, problem-solving, and language arts skills. Continued development of speed and accuracy. Three class hours. 2 Credits. Prerequisite: OFT 112 with a grade of C- or better.

OFT 202 Office Simulations 2 Credits This course covers office simulations and projects that draw from all aspects of Microsoft Office Professional software. Realistic workplace projects integrate business vocabulary, critical thinking strategies, and web-research skills into document processing. Two class hours. Prerequisite/Corequisite: OFT 201, or permission of instructor.

Computer Security

SCR - Computer Security SCR 111 Computer-Related Crime and Security 3 Credits A study of computer crime including use of the computer to commit fraud, embezzlement, theft; pirating of software; theft of new developments in computer hardware and software.  Areas of computer vulnerability, as well as physical security, protective, preventive, and investigative procedures will be explored.  Statutes to prosecute offenders will be analyzed.  Three class hours.

SCR 112 Physical Security of Computer Systems 3 Credits Study of physical computer security requirements including: location of computer in facility; securing facility and computer from improper, unauthorized, or illegal access; hazardous conditions; industrial and foreign espionage or sabotage; bombs and bomb threats; arson; securing electrical and telecommunications systems; camera and other surveillance techniques; backup records and their security; natural disaster controls.  Three class hours.

SCR 151 Introduction to Security 3 Credits A study of the functions of industrial security forces in protecting industry, retail businesses, and educational institutions, emphasizing relationships between private security agencies and public law enforcement organizations.  Consideration of organizational structure, authority, and responsibilities of security forces.  Fall semester only.  Three class hours.  (Open to any student when seats are available after all Criminal Justice students have registered.)

SCR 211 Computer Security I 3 Credits This course will discuss the dimensions of the computer security problem, the types of computer-related, computer-assisted, or computer-abuse crimes, a profile of the electronic criminal; infiltration by organized crime; the selection of personnel; establishment of a code of ethics, policies, procedures, a master plan, and methods of insuring adherence; potential sources of attack and security measures to prevent or protect against.  Three class hours.

SCR 212 Computer Security II 3 Credits This course provides the student with the knowledge and skills to prevent data theft, protect intellectual property, thwart identity theft, ensure compliance with security- related laws, counter cyber-terrorism, and prevent loss of productivity from security breaches.  Prerequisite: SCR 211

SCR 215 Computer Forensics and Investigations 4 Credits Computers can be used to commit crimes, and crimes can be recorded on computers, including violations of company policies, records of embezzlement, email harassment, murder, leaks of proprietary information, and even terrorism. Law enforcement, network administrators, attorneys, and private investigators now rely on the skills of professional computer forensics experts to investigate criminal and civil cases. This course is intended to provide a foundation in computer forensics, and provide hands-on practice in applying forensics techniques. Three class hours, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: SCR 212

Tooling and Machining

TAM 245 Computer Aided Manufacturing   3 Credits This course teaches the basics of computer aided manufacturing. Students will be able to create part drawings, select tooling needed to manufacture the part, and generate the tool paths. They will be able to verify tool paths, post process paths for various controllers, and edit the tool path output. This will be done through a series of projects and lab exercises. Three class hours. Prerequisite(s): TAM 101, TAM 123, TAM 132, TAM 139, and TAM 142 or 143;  corequisite: TAM 255.

TAM 246 Computer Aided Manufacturing 2   3 Credits Building on the basic skills learned in TAM 245, this course expands the student's skills in the areas of tool path modifications, program verification, advanced contouring, and advanced pocketing. Three class hours. Prerequisite: TAM 245.

TAM 255 Computer Aided Manufacturing Laboratory 3 Credits Students will apply the work developed in TAM 245. This will involve the setup and operation of various CNC equipment to manufacture parts. Vertical machining centers, CNC lathe, and EDM equipment could be used in this laboratory. Tooling problems, material differences, and program editing and revisions will be included in this course. The goal is to have complete support documents with the accurate manufactured parts. Six laboratory hours. Prerequisite(s): TAM 139, TAM 142, TAM 155, TAM 241 and TAM 245.


TEK 101 Computer Applications for Technicians 2 Credits Introduction to the IBM compatible PC as a tool for the technician.  Introduction to DOS, Windows and Windows-based programs as used in technical work such as a database, spreadsheet, graphing, drawing, technical report word processing, data acquisition, and data entry.  Technical specialty programs will be introduced.  Fall semester only.  (Occasionally offered during other semesters.)  Three laboratory hours.

TEK 200 Laboratory Data Preparation and Analysis with MathCad 2 Credits A course for individuals who acquire and analyze data in science, engineering or technology environments. MathCad is a widely used program in this arena and representative of this class of  analysis programs. Students will import data into MathCad from text files and Excel files. Using this data, representative statistical and physical science calculations will be performed in MathCad. Graphs and text commentary will be prepared in MathCad. A typical "formal" laboratory report will be written. One class hour, two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: MTH 140 or higher; one physics, engineering, or technical course with a laboratory recommended.


Morrisville State College


ACCT 103 - COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING Introduces students to the advanced automated accounting system used in today’s business environment. Teaches skills to convert accounting data into a format that can be processed through contemporary accounting software packages.  Exposure to advanced accounting problems incorporates knowledge from the Financial and Managerial Accounting courses.  Students will work with spreadsheets, databases, Internet, presentation software, and general ledger programs. Prerequisite: ACCT 102, minimum grade of C 3 credits, spring semester

Business Administration

BSAD 375 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS This course introduces students to solving business problems and developing new solutions using spreadsheet and database software. Topics include business information systems, E-business (how businesses use information systems), achieving competitive advantage with information systems, IT infrastructure, and foundations of business intelligence.  Further topics include telecommunications (the Internet and wireless technology), securing information systems, achieving operational excellence and customer intimacy, E-commerce (digital markets and digital goods), improving decision making and managing knowledge, building information systems, and ethical and social issues in information systems. Prerequisites: BSAD 310, BSAD 325, BSAD 350, ACCT 102 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester

Computer-Aided Design

CAD 181 - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING An introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques of two- dimensional drawing using AutoCAD software.  Topics include file management, the drawing environment, basic drawing and editing commands, multiview object representation, text creation, dimensioning, and section views. 1 credit (2 laboratory hours), fall or spring semester

CAD 183 - ARCHITECTURAL COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING AND DESIGN This course will introduce computer-aided drafting and design (CAD) software specifically designed for utilization in and application to the field of architecture.  Using CAD, students will first learn to generate professional quality two-dimensional drawings and details. Then students will explore three-dimensional projection and material application, culminating in the creation of realistic color renderings of buildings and furnishings. Prerequisite: CAD 181 2 credits (1 lecture hour, two laboratory hours), fall semester

CAD 184 - COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING FOR MECHANICAL DESIGN A comprehensive introduction to two-dimensional drafting techniques.  Topics include file management, drawing environment and coordinate systems, geometry construction and modification, inquiry techniques, text, dimensioning, sectional views, blocking and assembly drawing.  Emphasis is placed on accuracy of object geometry construction. Co-requisite: DRFT 151 or permission of instructor 2 credits (1lecture hour, 2 lab hours), fall semester

CAD 186 – 3D PARAMETRIC SOLID MODELING Utilization of 3D parametric modeling software to develop and document mechanical part component and assembly models.  Topics include the parametric model concept, dimensional and geometric constraints, feature-based modeling techniques, fits in assembly, and plotting dimensioned multiview drawings.  Emphasis is placed on model integrity and documentation.    Prerequisite CAD 184 or permission of instructor 2 credits (1 lecture hour, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester CAD 288 – ADVANCED SOLID MODELING Advanced parametric solid modeling concepts and applications.  Topics include solid modeling with 3D sketches, surface modeling, functional assembly modeling, simple mold design, sheet metal modeling, fasteners, visualization and animation tools, kinematic motion analysis, static stress analysis, and dimensioning with geometric tolerances.  Emphasis is placed on model integrity and documentation. Prerequisite: CAD 186, DRFT 252 2 credit hours (4 laboratory hours), spring semester

Computer Information Systems (omitted 300-400 level courses)

CITA 100 - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS Fundamentals of computer systems. Overview of computer hardware components. Typical software applications including electronic spreadsheets, word processing, graphics, communications, multimedia, and database management systems, will be examined through hands-on experience. Issues and trends in computing technology will also be examined. CITA 100 cannot be taken after successful completion of, or concurrently with CITA 110. 2 credits (3 lecture hours, meets for 10 weeks), fall and spring semester

CITA 101 – PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTERS AND APPLICATIONS This course covers the fundamentals of computer systems and is designed to progress students from an introductory skill level to an intermediate (proficient) skill level in word processing, graphics, communications, multimedia, and spreadsheets.  It includes an overview of computer hardware components and examines the issues and trends in computing technology. This course moves students from early modeling instruction through project-based exercises similar to situations they may encounter in the workplace and requires students to use their critical thinking skills. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall and spring semester

CITA 110 - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS I A survey of equipment and programs used in common computer systems.  Topics include internal storage, input/output devices, operating systems, popular applications packages. Current and future trends will be discussed in reference to networks, mainframe and microcomputers.  (Note:  This course may be challenged with a formal testout process.  Contact your advisor or CIT Dept for information) 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall and spring semester

CITA 112 – INTRODUCTION TO GAME DEVELOPMENT This course involves game development, game concepts, design components and processes, game worlds, character development, storytelling and narrative, creating the user experience, core mechanics, game balancing, and leveling. The creation of 2D games is used to introduce the concepts of game design. No traditional programming languages are involved and no programming experience is required. 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester

CITA 115 - INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET Techniques for accessing , and applications in using , the Internet in both professional and private situations, including gaining access to the Internet, accessing a variety of resources, publishing on the Internet, and legal and ethical concerns associated with use of the Internet are covered in this course. Current Internet access hardware and software will be utilized. The course will be taught through in-class lecture and demonstrations, supported by extensive hands-on experience. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall and spring semester

CITA 120 - COMPUTER CONCEPTS AND OPERATING SYSTEMS A study of the terminology and concepts associated with computer systems hardware and software.  Topics include system hardware components, memory organization and management, operating systems, and troubleshooting fundamentals.  Students will install, configure, test and troubleshoot system software to apply the various concepts covered in the course. Prerequisites: CITA 110 or CITA 101, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester

CITA 123 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS Methods of selecting and acquiring hardware and software are covered in this course, as well as types of information systems: transaction processing, management information, decision support systems, stages in the system development process and implementation of a simulated computer-based information system. A case study and hands-on approach are used. Prerequisite: CITA 101 or 110 1 credit (3 lecture hours, meets for five weeks), fall and spring semester

CITA 125 - SPREADSHEET CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS Individual, hands-on computer instruction, using electronic spreadsheets, will be provided. Spreadsheets organize useful data for decision-makers and demonstrate how a few changes in operation can produce different and perhaps more desirable results. Spreadsheets will be used as a tool to solve a variety of application problems of the “what if” dimension. Prerequisite: CITA 101 or CITA 110,or OFFT 110,  or permission of the instructor 1 credit (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, meets for five weeks), fall and spring semester

CITA 140 - INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING Programming in a high level language emphasizing problem-solving and object-oriented programming techniques. Topics include assignment, input/output, selection, looping, scalar and array data structures, string and numeric data and modular development. Prerequisite: MAGN101 with C or better or placement in MATH102 or higher 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours), fall and spring semester

CITA 150 - DATA MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Advanced object-oriented high-level language programming focusing on internal memory management techniques, programming structures, and programming style. Topics include character string processing, sorting, searching and lists. Prerequisite: CITA 140 (with C or better) or equivalent, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours), spring semester

CITA 190 – INTRODUCTION TO LINUX/UNIX OPERATING SYSTEMS AND ADMINISTRATION Lecture and hands-on instruction in the installation, configuration, and use of the Linux and UNIX operating systems.  Hands-on laboratory exercises are used to help students gain experience with practical application of concepts discussed in lecture.  Upon successful completion of the course, students will understand basic Linux/UNIX terms and history, installation procedures, Linux/UNIX file systems, the command interface, X Windows, managing processes, common administrative tasks, and Linux/UNIX network services and security... Prerequisite: CITA 110 or COSC 111 or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours),  spring semester

CITA 200 - DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING A study of the terminology, hardware, and software associated with data communications and networking systems. Topics include design principles for human-computer dialogues, selection criteria for communications devices, the technology behind data transmission, techniques and message protocols for line control and error processing, networking components, and network topologies, routing and protocols. Prerequisite: CITA 120, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours), fall and spring semester

CITA 210 - VISUAL PROGRAMMING AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Lecture and hands-on instruction in visual programming which is commonly defined as the visual expressions including drawings, animation, or icons that are directly manipulated by the user in an interactive way. Object oriented and event driven programming that include forms, controls, properties, and solutions . Solutions to application problems encountered in the typical business organization. Prerequisite: CITA 140 (with a C or better), or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), fall semester

CITA 212 – FUNDAMENTALS OF GAME DESIGN The design of games, both for education as well as entertainment, is explored in detail.  The course involves programming in a high-level scripting language.  Topics include game concepts, design components and processes, game worlds, character development, storytelling and narrative, creating the user experience, core mechanics, game balancing, and leveling. A user- centric approach to design is emphasized. Prerequisites: CITA 140 or COSC 111, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours) fall semester

CITA 213 - DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS Individual, hands-on computer instruction, using current database management software, will be provided. Database management software allows a user to create an organized collection of data to manipulate and modify it, to retrieve and report it in a form that is meaningful and useful for decision making. Database management software will be used to illustrate record keeping and reporting in a variety of applications settings. Prerequisite: CITA 123 or permission of the department 1 credit (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), fall semester

CITA 220 - SYSTEMS ANALYSIS This course explores the philosophy, objectives and organization of the systems analysis activity. Topics include: the justification of the need for information systems to support management decisions; the impact of information systems on individuals and organizations; life cycle and prototyping methodologies; tools and techniques of systems analysis. Emphasis is on transaction processing systems. Prerequisite: CITA 140, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), fall semester

CITA 230 - NETWORK TECHNOLOGY Survey and evaluation of network media, access methods, and topologies. Design, configuration, operation and maintenance questions are explored. Topics will include end user perspective, network operating systems, cabling, hardware protocols, software, design, and administration. Prerequisite: CITA 200, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester

CITA 240 - WEB AND E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT A study of software, applications and systems used in Web and E-commerce application development.  Topics include basics of application servers and systems, client and server applications, and mobile application development.  Students will install an application server and implement simple applications in enterprise and mobile environments. Prerequisite:  CITA 120 and CITA140 (with C or better), or permission of the instructor.  3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester

CITA 260 - PHOTOGRAPHY AND DIGITAL IMAGING An introduction to the principles of photography. This course will include the use of the camera, processing and printing. Computer scanning and the manipulation of photographic images with software editing tools will be covered. Design and composition will be stressed. Students will be expected to have access to a good camera, and they must purchase additional materials. Prerequisite: CITA 110 or CITA 101 (with C or better), or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), fall semester

CITA 270 – FUNDAMENTALS OF NETWORK SECURITY Survey of fundamental knowledge needed to analyze security risks to systems and implement a workable security policy that protects information assets from potential intrusion, damage, or theft. Students learn to deploy effective countermeasures to thwart potential attacks in a hands-on laboratory environment. Prerequisite: CITA 200, Math 103 eligibility or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester

CITA 280 - TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT This course includes lecture and hands-on instruction in application and database development. Topics include data modeling; database design; the use of database management software, screen and report generators; query languages; 4GLs. Current topics in application development are also discussed. Prerequisite: CITA 220, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester

Computer Science

COSC 111 - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE An introduction to algorithms and programming using a contemporary programming language such as Java.  Students learn object-oriented problem- solving, properties and qualities of algorithms, the software life cycle, data types, flow control, arrays, events, input, output, and interaction.  By the end of the course, students will have written several computer programs and will have been exposed to many of the issues of interest to computer scientists. Co-requisite: MATH 102 or higher 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester

COSC 111L - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE LABORATORY Hands-on sessions where students apply the concepts and techniques covered in the lecture portion of the course.  Students develop interactive applications with an object-oriented language such as Java that include graphics, user interfaces, simple games, and calculations. 1 credit (2 laboratory hours), fall semester

COSC 112 – ELEMENTARY DATA STRUCTURES Continuation of COSC 111 with emphasis on abstract data types and their implementation.  Includes linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees, design and testing principles and software interfaces. Prerequisite: COSC 111 or equivalent with a grade of C or better 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester

COSC 201 - PROGRAMMING WITH C General introduction to fundamentals of programming with the C programming language in a UNIX environment.  Topics include: syntax and semantics, identifiers, data types, functions, arrays, strings, pointers, structures, unions, macros, and applied data structures. Emphasis is on systems programming and the use of standard libraries. Prerequisite: COSC or CIS major with programming experience or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester

COSC 211 - COMPUTER GRAPHICS TECHNIQUES General introduction to the elements and techniques of creating programs that produce graphic images or analyze graphic content.  Covers the basic shapes (points, lines, poly-objects, text, circles) and transformations, and then advances to user interaction, animation, three-dimensional images, fractals and scene analysis. Prerequisite: Knowledge of Java or similar language and permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester

COSC 221 - ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING Basic concepts of computer systems, computer architecture, and programming in an assembly language. Representation and storage of information; components of the hardware; CPU architecture; instruction sets; addressing modes; using the debugger, linking modules, and macros; I/O ports and interrupts; DOS and BIOS services. Prerequisites: COSC 111 or equivalent, and MATH 145, or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester

COSC 231 - ADVANCED PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Utilization and expansion of analysis and programming techniques developed in previous courses.  This course covers various topics of current interest such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, artificial intelligence, finite state machines, and non-procedural languages.  More sophisticated problem- solving techniques are utilized to address typical computing situations. Prerequisite: COSC 112 with a grade of C or better, or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester

COSC 232 - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP Interns develop instructional interactive software applications for use by other departments on campus. Working as a team, interns learn firsthand about designing, creating, delivering, documenting, and maintaining software in a business-like environment. Prerequisite: COSC 112 and permission of instructor 1-3 credits (1-3 laboratory hours), fall or spring semester

Computer-Aided Design Technology

DRFT 151 - ENGINEERING DRAWING Introduction to the graphic language, conventions, and tools of sketching and technical drawing. Topics include lettering, geometric constructions, multiview projection, dimensioning, sectional and auxiliary views, and geometric tolerancing. Co-requisite: MAGN 101 2 credits (1 lecture hour, 2 laboratory hours), fall semester

DRFT 252 - GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING This course covers functional dimensioning, tolerancing and design principles and applications based on ASME Y14.5M - the international engineering language used to communicate the size, form, orientation, and location of part features.  Topics include fundamental rules, symbology, tolerance expression and interpretation, datums, fit systems, inspection techniques and design for manufacture. Prerequisite: CAD 186, MATH 102 2 credits (4 laboratory hours), fall semester

Electrical Engineering Technology

ELEC 290 - DIGITAL CIRCUITS AND MICROPROCESSORS An introduction to the digital circuits and microprocessors for non-electrical majors. Topics include basic electrical circuits using LEDs and switching transistors, use of the oscilloscope, number systems, logic gates, registers, memory devices, data transmission and programming applications. 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 1 recitation hour, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester


JOUR 345 – WEB CONTENT DESIGN Instruction in basic Web design, with the emphasis on the development of skills related to online journalism. Students will be able to edit Web pages for clarity and appearance that enhances readability and access. Students will learn principles of Web design, getting started with Dreamweaver software, and developing a Web site. The course features step-by-step instructions and in-depth explanations of the features of Macromedia Dreamweaver and Flash. Instruction includes working with text and graphics, links, animations and tables. In addition, students will understand and create cascading style sheets and page formatting. Prerequisites: JOUR 270 and JOUR 315 with a C or better, or permission of instructor 3 credits (2 lecture hours and 2 lab hours per week), fall or spring semester.

Manufacturing Technology

MFG 208 - COMPUTER-AIDED MANFACTURING (CAM) - MASTERCAM Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) utilizing Mastercam Software and Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machinery.  Students will generate 2D and 3D drawing files and use the software to program various 2 and 3 axis CNC machining toolpaths.  These programs will then be used to machine projects on our 4-axis machining center Prerequisites:  CAD 186 and MFG 206 2 credits (1 lecture hour, 3 laboratory hours), Spring semester

Office Technology

OFFT 100 - INTRODUCTION TO WORD PROCESSING SOFTWARE This hands-on course introduces the concept of using word processing software to create letters, memos, reports and other documents in a timely manner.  Documents will be created with graphs, charts, and tables to make it easier to convey information.  The course will also cover using borders, shading, bullets, spell check, and creating envelopes and labels.  Window explorer is used to help students organize their files. 1 credit (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring and fall semesters, five weeks

OFFT 106 - PERSONAL COMPUTER KEYBOARDING I The module includes learning the keyboard by touch, learning the use of computer features, and developing proper stroking techniques.  Basic letter and report formatting are included. This course is directed to non-office technology majors. 1 credit (2 lecture hours), fall or spring semester, eight weeks 

OFFT 108 - INTRODUCTION TO PERSONAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE This hands-on course introduces the concepts of using personal management software as a management tool to organize and manage personal and business information.  This tool consists of creating e-mail messages, signatures, distribution lists, contacts, calendar, tasks, notes, and journal. 1 credit (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring and fall semesters, five weeks

OFFT 109 - INTRODUCTION TO PRESENTATION SOFTWARE This hands-on course introduces the concepts of using presentation software to communicate effectively with an audience.  The course will cover the basics of creating a presentation, using the design templates, adding text, tables, graphs, transition and animation to slides, formatting and printing of the presentation to be used as handouts. 1 credit (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring and fall semesters, five weeks

OFFT 110 - INTRODUCTION TO SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE This hands-on course introduces the concept of using spreadsheets, lists and charts.  The course will cover basic data entry into worksheets, formatting the worksheets, using formulas, and creating charts.  Spreadsheets provide the tools needed to manage, present and analyze numeric data for personal or business use. 1 credit (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), spring and fall semesters, five weeks

OFFT 111 - KEYBOARDING 1-A Development of basic keyboarding techniques on computers, including learning the keyboard by touch, learning the use of the computer features/commands and developing proper techniques.  Basic letter formatting is included. 1 credit (2 lecture hours), fall and spring semesters, eight weeks.

OFFT 112 - KEYBOARDING 1-B This course covers the development of computer keyboarding skills as well as speed and accuracy.  Basic business/personal letters from text copy and script with envelopes, memos and tables are also covered.  Students will also develop proofreading skills and use Macintosh software. Prerequisite: OFFT 111 with minimum grade of C 1 credit (2 lecture hours), fall and spring semesters, eight weeks

OFFT 113 - KEYBOARDING 2-A Development of computer keyboarding skills in the production of diverse business letters and memo forms, complex tabulations, reports and manuscripts are covered in this course.  Further development of speed and accuracy on production and straight-copy typing is also covered.  Word software is used. Prerequisite: OFFT 112 with minimum grade of C 1 credit (2 lecture hours), spring semester, eight weeks

OFFT 114 - KEYBOARDING 2-B The development of computer keyboarding skills in the production of business forms and templates such as purchase orders, form letters, business, standard and academic reports are covered in this course.  Word software is used in this course, which also covers further development of speed and accuracy on production and straight-copy typing. Prerequisite: OFFT 113 with minimum grade of C 1 credit (2 lecture hours), spring semester, eight weeks

OFFT 116 MEDICAL KEYBOARDING Sixteen-week, on-line course covering development of basic keyboarding techniques, including learning the keyboard by touch, learning to operate the computer and its menus, icons, and functions, and developing proper stroking techniques.  Students learn the proper formatting of various medical documents including Chart Notes, X-Ray Reports, Consent Forms, History/Physical Forms, Single-Page and Two-Page Letters, and Two-Page Assessments and Referrals. 2 credits (2 lecture hours), fall and spring semesters

OFFT 120 – DOCUMENT DESIGN FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS This introductory course in word processing/information processing emphasizes formatting mailable copy, punctuation, spelling and proofreading.  Development in complex tabulations, report formatting, column writing and designing letterhead as announcements as well as press releases and many other marketing documents used in today’s business are also covered.  Many Microsoft shortcuts/commands are emphasized to increase the productivity of the student. Prerequisite: OFFT 112 or permission of instructor 3 credits (1 lecture hour, 2 laboratory hours), spring semester

OFFT 220 – DOCUMENT DESIGN FOR BUSINESS ANALYSIS This course involves learning Microsoft Excel and Access skills.  It includes topics such as merge, sort, charts, filtering, pivot tables, queries, designing your own table, etc.  Students gain experience and understanding of versatility within the databases. Prerequisites: OFFT 112 with a minimum grade of C 3 credits (1 lecture hour, 2 laboratory hours), fall semester

Resort and Recreation Service Management

RRMT 440 - TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS FOR RESORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT This course covers the applications of various software programs that enhance efficiency in resorts and recreational facilities.  Identification of information management systems and function in various departments as well as necessary interfaces to enhance service recovery and quality will be covered. Prerequisites: TOUR 106, TOUR 153, RRMT 320 4 credits, (2 lecture hours, 2 hours of recitation), fall semester

Travel and Tourism/Hospitality Mangament

TOUR 151 - COMPUTERIZED RESERVATIONS SYSTEM Presents the concepts, procedures and formulas necessary for a working understanding of American Airline’s SABRE Computer Reservation System. Students practice what they learn in a simulated SABRE environment with intensive hands-on computer exercises, case studies and role playing, travel reservations and bookings, travel agency and airline accounting, and legal issues affecting both. 3 credit hours




Nassau Community College

Computer Science (A.S.)

Information Technology (A.A.S.)


CMP 100 - Computer Literacy

Description: This course provides the general liberal arts student with a non-technical approach to computers. The lecture component discusses the role of computers in various disciplines and its impact on individuals, institutions and society. The hands-on approach allows the student to become familiar and comfortable with current technology, popular software and the Internet. ComputerInformation Systems and Computer Sciencemajors will not receive credit for this course.

Credit Hours: 2

Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec


CMP 101 - Introduction to Computers

Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 remediation requirements prior to starting the course.

Description: An introduction to computers applying critical thinking and problem solving strategies in science, mathematics and information/data management. The course will address issues of information validity and value judgments. Students will develop both qualitative and quantitative solutions to college-level applications. Topics include computer hardware and software, security, ethics, connectivity, basic networking (Internet), electronic spreadsheets, report and graph generation, and an introduction to programming concepts. Computer Information Systems and Computer Science majors will not receive elective credit for this course. Laboratory fee applies.

Credit Hours: 3

Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec


CMP 103 - Microcomputer Hardware and Software

Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 remediation requirements prior to starting the course.

Description: This course is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive introduction to microcomputers. Topics include fundamental concepts, hardware components, software products, and trends in computing. Issues related to the impact computers have on society and current changes in technology are also discussed. Students will receive hands-on instruction in popular software applications. (4.5 lecture hours)

Laboratory fee applies.

Credit Hours: 4

Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec


CSC 104 - Programming Logic and Problem Solving

Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 remediation requirements prior to starting the course.

Description: The course is an introduction to programming logic and problem solving including programming concepts and terminology. The focus of the course is on critical thinking skills necessary to write computer programs and provides students with an introduction to programming without focusing on the details of programming syntax. This course is intended for students with little or no object-oriented programming experience. Students who have completed CMP 104 will not get credit for CSC 104. (3 lecture hours)

Credit Hours: 3

Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec


CSC 120 - Computer Science I

Prerequisites: At least a C in CSC 104 or at least a C in MAT 111 or permission of Department. Student must have satisfied all

MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 remediation requirements prior to starting the course.

Description: This course is an introduction to computer programming and algorithmic problem solving using an object-oriented, high level programming language. Emphasis is placed on problem solving strategies that utilize multiple classes and methods. This course will focus on the following concepts: algorithm implementation, modular development, documentation, abstraction and coding along with problem solving strategies. Includes supervised hands-on component. Students who have completed CMP 210 will not get credit for CSC 120. (4 lecture, 2 laboratory hours) Laboratory fee applies.

Credit Hours: 4

Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec



New Paltz, State University College at

Computer Science


CPS100 Computers and Applications

This course will provide students with a broad overview of computers and their uses. Topics include hardware, software, and the Internet/World Wide Web. Various applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and database management systems will be discussed. The course is not intended for Computer Science majors.

Credits 3

Prerequisites Math Placement Level 3 or MAT151 Minimum Grade of C- or MAT093 Minimum Grade of C-


CPS104 Visual Programming

This course covers the Windows environment including files, program groups, Windows Help and applications. It covers visual programming topics such as applications, windows, controls and script writing.

Credits •3

Prerequisites • Math Placement Level 3 or MAT151 Minimum Grade of C- or MAT093 Minimum Grade of C-


CPS210 Computer Science I: Foundations


Algorithms, computer organization, data representation, program structure, programming techniques, numerical and non-numerical problems with emphasis on the analysis of problems and the formulation of algorithms for their solution. Numerous short programming assignments.

Credits •4

Prerequisites • Math Placement Level 4 or MAT152 Minimum Grade of C- or MAT193 Minimum Grade of C- or MAT153 Minimum Grade of C-



Niagara County Community College

Computer Information Systems, AS

Computer Science, AS


CIS 119 - Introduction to Computer Systems 3 Cr.

This introductory course is required for students matriculated in the Computer Information Systems, Computer Science or Local Area Networks curricula. It can also be selected by any student interested in learning current hardware and software concepts. Topics include - computer hardware configurations, system and application software, security, ethics and networking. This course also includes a software applications component using Excel and Access. (Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters.)

Pre-Requisites: AAC 042

Concurrent Requirement: MAT 002 may be met concurrently


CPS 130 - Computer Programming Logic II 3 Cr.

Further development of problem solving skills using the C++ language will be stressed. Topics include: arrays, classes, inheritance and pointers. (Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters.)

Pre-Requisites: CPS 120


CIS 119 - Introduction to Computer Systems 3 Cr.

This introductory course is required for students matriculated in the Computer Information Systems, Computer Science or Local Area Networks curricula. It can also be selected by any student interested in learning current hardware and software concepts. Topics include - computer hardware configurations, system and application software, security, ethics and networking. This course also includes a software applications component using Excel and Access. (Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters.)

Pre-Requisites: AAC 042

Concurrent Requirement: MAT 002 may be met concurrently



North Country Community College

Has no Computer Science or Information Technology Majors.



Old Westbury, State University College at

Computer Science B.S.


CS2510 Computer Programming I 4 cr.

Introduction to program design and analysis: algorithmic processes, basic programming techniques, program specification & structure, program development, debugging and testing. Emphasis on programming methodology and style. Students learn the basic language features of C++/ Java to write basic to intermediate level programs. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: MA1020 or equivalent.


CS2511 Computer Programming II 4 cr.

Continuation of CS2510. Discussion of storage classes, pointers, recursion, files and string manipulation. Basic data structures and algorithms, data abstractions and object-oriented programming. Students write intermediate to advanced level programs in C++/Java.



Oneonta, State University College at

Computer Science


CSCI 101 Computers and Society

CSCI 109 Programming for Non-Majors

CSCI 110 BASIC Programming

CSCI 114 Pascal Programming

CSCI 144 Introduction to the Internet

CSCI 100 Introduction to Computing Technology 3 s.h.

An introduction to word processing, database management, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, multimedia software, com-puter communications (the world-wide-web, Internet and E-mail, library searches, home page creation), hardware and software troubleshooting by installation and maintenance, scanning and digital images. Students will use a hands-on approach to explore a variety of hardware and software tools applied to a number of cross-curriculum projects. (LA)


CSCI 101 Computers and Society 3 s.h.

An introduction to computer hardware, software, applications, and social issues in computing. Emphasizes the social impact of the computer. (LA)


CSCI 116 Fundamentals of Programming 3 s.h.

An introduction to the fundamentals of computer programming using a modern computer language. Topics include primitive data types, expressions and statements, control structures, input and output, arrays, pointers, and structures. Students will write a number of programs with applications taken from mathematics, science and business. (LA)

Prerequisite: MATH 105.


CSCI 200 Practical Computer Course 3 s.h.

Familiarizes the student with aspects of computer technology needed for extensive home, office, or school computer applica-tions and maintenance. The clientele includes current and pros-pective teachers and professionals who wish to handle their own minor software and hardware problems.

Prerequisite: SoS.


CSCI 201 Computer Science Fundamentals 3 s.h.

An introduction to the fundamentals of computer science. This course provides a survey of topics used in later computer science coursework. Course includes an introduction to topics selected from: Data representation, binary arithmetic and radix positional notation, boolean and propositional logic, combinational circuitry, program language specification, assembly language, automata theory, operating systems, computer communication, computational theory, artificial intelligence. Course includes implementa-tion of algorithms in a contemporary computer language (like C++ or Java). (LA)

Prerequisite: grade of "C" or better in CSCI 116.



Onondaga Community College

•Computer Information Systems

•Computer Science


CIS 125 Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems (3 credits)

This is the first course for CIS majors or any student interested in exploring the professional field of Computer Information Systems. The course covers the concepts of computing principles and advanced data use. Topics include software and hardware management tools and techniques, file management, presentation software, database applications and concepts, and current issues in computing and information systems having an impact on today's society. The lessons will be presented using traditional classroom lessons and hands-on computer projects. A collaborative project integrating concepts and techniques will be performed by all students.


CSC 110 Program Design and Development (4 credits)

This is a language dependent introduction course on computer program design and development. Emphasis is on the identification and solution of business problems through systems of computer programs. Programs are described and designed through such tools as program flowcharts, structure charts, and pseudocode. Within this framework, programming languages are treated as tools which can be selected, as appropriate, to implement the designs.


CSC 109 Algorithm Development (1 credit)

This course teaches Computer Science students to develop solutions for simple and complex problems through top-down algorithm and pseudo-code design. Topics will include general program flow structures including linear processing, selection, and iteration. Students will learn the procedures to break problems into smaller pieces in order to develop, refine, and test their algorithms. Co-requisite: CSC 110 or 111, the student's first programming course.


CSC 111 Fundamentals of Computing I (4 credits)

This course provides the foundation for a program of study in computer science. It introduces the discipline of computing and the roles of professionals. A contemporary high-level language with appropriate constructs for structured design and structured types is presented. It integrates an introduction to algorithm design, an understanding of abstraction applied to date types and structures, and an appreciation of imperative and object-oriented programming. Programming assignments are an integral part of this course. Prerequisite: CSC 110 or Permission of Instructor.


CSC 112 Fundamentals of Computing II (4 credits)

This course develops the discipline of computing and the roles of professionals by introducing software engineering early in the learning process. This course formally presents abstract date types (ADTs). The ADTs presented are stacks, queues, lists, trees, graphs and tables. Simple sorting and searching techniques, along with their efficiency are studied. The use of pointers and recursion is covered. Programming assignments are an integral part of this course. Prerequisite: CSC 111.



Optometry, College of

No computer major



Orange County Community College

Computer Science (A.S.)

Computer Networking (A.A.S.)


CSC 101—Computer Science 1 (3 lect., 3 lab., 4 cr.)

An introduction to structured programming using the C++ language. Students will be presented with methodologies for developing, testing and communicating plans for computer solutions of practical problems. Topics include top down

programming, flow block diagrams, input/output structures, choice and loop structures, functions, strings, streams and

stream processing and an introduction to classes. While designed as a first course for Computer Science majors, it

would be open to any student who might desire to learn programming techniques. This course fulfills the math requirement for the A.S. degree

Prerequisite: math placement of MAT 121 or higher


CSC 102—Computer Science 2 (3 lect., 3 lab., 4 cr.)

A continuation of structured programming using the Java language. Students will design and test algorithms for computer solutions. Topics include user defined data classes, arrays, files, algorithm analysis and software engineering concepts. This course fulfills the math requirement for the A.S. degree Prerequisite: CSC 101 or permission of the department chair


CIT 112—Computer Hardware and Software (3 lect., 3 lab., 4 cr.)

This course involves classroom lectures and hands-on exposure to advanced microcomputer software and hardware. Topics include: current hardware technology, microcomputer operating systems, fixed disk management, communications, and local area networks.

Prerequisite: MAT 020 or placement into MAT 101 or higher



Oswego, State University College at

Computer Science BA, BS

Computer Information Systems minor


CSC 212 - Principles of Programming credit: 3


The notion of “object” directs the discipline of programming presented in this course. The Java programming language serves as the medium through which key ideas are introduced. The “smaller” issues of message passing and control flow are presented, as are the “larger” issues of abstraction, encapsulation, and hierarchy. Variables and typing, procedures and parameters are discussed. Functionality provided in specific java packages is employed. Standard algorithms are presented. Problem solving strategies are articulated and exploited.


CSC 221 - Foundations of Computer Science credit: 3

This course will provide students with a broad perspective of computer science and will acquaint them with various formal systems on which modern computer science is based. Students will study the structure and interpretation of four classes of abstract computing machines.





Plattsburgh, State University College at

Computer Science B.A./B.S.

Information Technology Major B.A./B.S..



CSC119 - Introduction to UNIX/Linux (1 cr.)

Study of the features of the UNIX/Linux operating systems from the standpoint of a user. (Fall/Spring).


CSC121 - Introduction to Computing and the Web (3 cr.)

Introduction to computer science through Web-based projects. Describes the basic operations of computers covering hardware and software. Covers the use of communication technology through the Internet. Focuses on problem solving and algorithms. Teaches how programming languages are used to implement solutions to practical problems. Covers social issues associated with computing and computer science. (Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer). Liberal arts.


CSC221 - Introduction to Programming (3 cr.)

Introduces methods for developing and implementing correct and effective algorithms. Uses an object oriented programming language (currently Python). Attention is given to design strategy, data organization, testing, and documentation. 3 hours lecture and 2 hour laboratory. (Fall/Spring). Liberal arts. Corequisites: familiarity with UNIX/Linux or CSC119 or CSC219. Prerequisite: familiarity with programming or CSC121 or CSC123.



Potsdam, State University College at

Computer Science B.S.


CIS 201 – CIS 201 – Computer Science I (4)

Introduction to computer science and information systems. Data types, control structures, arrays, and objects. Introduction to software engineering. Laboratory required. 1 credit hour FS Recitation option.

Prerequisite: MATH 141 or 151 or concurrent registration. Gen Ed: FM credit, FS credit for course if taken with Recitation option. Fall and Spring.


CIS 203 – Computer Science II (4)

Data and mathematical structures: algorithms, basic data types, arrays, linear lists, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees. Introduction to object-oriented programming. Recursion. Laboratory required. Prerequisite: CIS 201. Fall and Spring.I (4) Introduction to computer science and information systems. Data types, control structures, arrays, and objects. Introduction to software engineering. Laboratory required. 1 credit hour FS Recitation option.

Prerequisite: MATH 141 or 151 or concurrent registration. Gen Ed: FM credit, FS credit for course if taken with Recitation option. Fall and Spring.


Purchase, State University College at

No computer majors


Rockland Community College


Computer Information Systems AS


CSP 100 Computer Literacy for ESL Students

An introductory hands-on course for students interested in gaining a general understanding of computer hardware, software and related terminology. The laboratory component of this course introduces the use of Microsoft Word 2003 in a Windows XP environment. The course is designed specifically for students enrolled in the ESL program. The classroom learning activities emphasize speaking, reading and writing about computers.

CSP 101 Introduction to Computers

This course provides an introduction to computers that includes hardware and software concepts and the popular business applications. Through lecture, discussion and guided laboratory sessions, students learn about the components of a computer system, programs and data, files and folders, networks, communications, and computer and data security. This course develops basic conceptual and hands-on skills in the use of Microsoft Office applications in a Windows operating system environment. The course also introduces email, navigating the Internet, and techniques of computer based research and information retrieval using the World Wide Web resources.


CSP 104 Computers in Education

An introductory hands-on course for potential and practicing educators interested in developing a general understanding and basic competency in utilizing computer hardware, software, and their related terminology. Initially the laboratory component f this course introduces the use of Microsoft WORD and the Internet in a Windows environment. In addition, educational applications of Microsoft Office will be examined to include: creating and editing Word documents; designing PowerPoint displays, and using the Excel program to create worksheets and embedded charts. Special emphasis will be placed on developing the technology skills which will prepare students to succeed in a digital society. It is intended that the required project related reinforcement assignments will assist students in integrating technology into their classroom curriculum plans. Such topics as developmentally appropriate software, research topics, email communication, plagiarism, privacy, and professional ethics will also be explored.

CSP 105 Computers in Society (cross-listed with SOC 105)

An introductory hands-on course for students interested in gaining a general understanding of the computer and its effect on society, computer hardware, software and related terminology. The laboratory component of this course introduces the use of Microsoft WORD and the Internet in a Windows environment. Students employ the different qualitative and quantitative research methods social scientists use to explore social phenomena from the sociological point of view. Students also examine the role and impact of the computer on vocabulary, health, science and medicine, business and industry, education and recreation. They also explore concerns such as: computer crime, privacy, security and ethics.

CSP 125 Introduction to Programming/Visual Basic.NET

This is an introductory programming course designed to introduce students to the basic elements of programming using Visual Basic.NET. The emphasis is on problem solving; using the sequence, decision and repetition control structures, fundamentals of the Visual Basic.NET development environment and understanding object-oriented concepts. Students will design and write Windows applications in Visual Basic.NET.

CSP 127 Computer Programming I/Java

This course is an introduction to object-oriented programming.  Topics include the basic syntax, primitive and composite data types, and control structures of the Java programming language.  Students develop algorithms that use computational methods to solve problems.  They write code that uses arithmetic, assignment, comparison, and logic operations.  The focus is on object-oriented program design.

CSP 128 Computer Programming II/Java

This course continues the development of object-oriented program design begun on CSP 127.  The focus is on effective object-oriented class and project design.  Students will develop algorithms and use computational methods to work with advanced collection structures.  They will implement problem solutions that apply the principles of inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction in their programs.  They will work with abstract classes and interfaces. 

CSP 138 Spreadsheet Design/MS Excel

This course presents spreadsheet concepts with a detailed, hands-on study of Microsoft Excel. Topics include formulas, relative, absolute and mixed references, functions, problem solving, templates and consolidation, collaboration, data tables, macros, worksheet databases, charts and Web features.

CSP 139 Database Design/MS Access

This course presents database concepts and rules of good database design with a detailed hands-on study of Microsoft Access.

Computer Support Services AAS


CSP 100 Computer Literacy for ESL Students

An introductory hands-on course for students interested in gaining a general understanding of computer hardware, software and related terminology. The laboratory component of this course introduces the use of Microsoft Word 2003 in a Windows XP environment. The course is designed specifically for students enrolled in the ESL program. The classroom learning activities emphasize speaking, reading and writing about computers.

CSP 101 Introduction to Computers

This course provides an introduction to computers that includes hardware and software concepts and the popular business applications. Through lecture, discussion and guided laboratory sessions, students learn about the components of a computer system, programs and data, files and folders, networks, communications, and computer and data security. This course develops basic conceptual and hands-on skills in the use of Microsoft Office applications in a Windows operating system environment. The course also introduces email, navigating the Internet, and techniques of computer based research and information retrieval using the World Wide Web resources.


CSP 104 Computers in Education

An introductory hands-on course for potential and practicing educators interested in developing a general understanding and basic competency in utilizing computer hardware, software, and their related terminology. Initially the laboratory component f this course introduces the use of Microsoft WORD and the Internet in a Windows environment. In addition, educational applications of Microsoft Office will be examined to include: creating and editing Word documents; designing PowerPoint displays, and using the Excel program to create worksheets and embedded charts. Special emphasis will be placed on developing the technology skills which will prepare students to succeed in a digital society. It is intended that the required project related reinforcement assignments will assist students in integrating technology into their classroom curriculum plans. Such topics as developmentally appropriate software, research topics, email communication, plagiarism, privacy, and professional ethics will also be explored.

CSP 105 Computers in Society (cross-listed with SOC 105)

An introductory hands-on course for students interested in gaining a general understanding of the computer and its effect on society, computer hardware, software and related terminology. The laboratory component of this course introduces the use of Microsoft WORD and the Internet in a Windows environment. Students employ the different qualitative and quantitative research methods social scientists use to explore social phenomena from the sociological point of view. Students also examine the role and impact of the computer on vocabulary, health, science and medicine, business and industry, education and recreation. They also explore concerns such as: computer crime, privacy, security and ethics.

CSP 115 Principles of PC Operating Systems

This course introduces the student to general operating systems concepts, including how system-level software works with computer hardware. The course covers Operating System theory. The student will learn current hardware configurations and PC Operating Systems. Topics will also include MAC OS and UNIX and DOS operating systems. Students will learn the basic functions common to all file systems and basic procedures such as OS initial installation, upgrades and hardware driver installation. Students will learn details of a current upgrade of Microsoft Windows and its various configurations and will review their progress through the use of extensive hands-on exercises and projects.

CSP 125 Introduction to Programming/Visual Basic.NET

This is an introductory programming course designed to introduce students to the basic elements of programming using Visual Basic.NET. The emphasis is on problem solving; using the sequence, decision and repetition control structures, fundamentals of the Visual Basic.NET development environment and understanding object-oriented concepts. Students will design and write Windows applications in Visual Basic.NET. 

CSP 138 Spreadsheet Design/MS Excel

This course presents spreadsheet concepts with a detailed, hands-on study of Microsoft Excel. Topics include formulas, relative, absolute and mixed references, functions, problem solving, templates and consolidation, collaboration, data tables, macros, worksheet databases, charts and Web features.

CSP 139 Database Design/MS Access

This course presents database concepts and rules of good database design with a detailed hands-on study of Microsoft Access.

Cybersecurity AAS (unable to find course descriptions on website)


CYB 106 Networking I/CCNA® 1 & 2


CYB 112 PC Application  Support and Application on XP  


CYB 117 Windows® 7 Configuration


CYB 130 Network Security





Computer Information Systems BS

CS 108     Computing Fundamentals (4)

Fundamental concepts of computing and programming. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. The course also offers an introduction to the historical and social context of computing and an overview of computer science as a discipline. Course taught using the C programming language.  Prerequisites: No programming or computer science experience is required.


Computer and Information Science BS

CS 100     Introduction to Computing Seminar (4)

An introduction to computer information science and computer information systems to include topics such as: structure and organization of modern computers, data representation, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, problem solving, interaction with a computer without using a graphical user interface, operating system basics, and an introduction to programming.

CS 108     Computing Fundamentals (4)

Fundamental concepts of computing and programming. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. The course also offers an introduction to the historical and social context of computing and an overview of computer science as a discipline. Course taught using the C programming language.  Prerequisites: No programming or computer science experience is required.



Schenectady County Community College

Computer Information Systems AAS

CIS 102 Computing Basics

This introductory course provides the student with the computer basics necessary for working with software applications in a personal computer object-oriented environment. Topics include the basics of computer input/output devices, finding and using virtual help sources and file management. Students will be required to make use of personal computers to complete projects.

CIS 129 Programming Fundamentals

This course provides an introduction to computer programming using a modern, object- oriented programming language. It is intended to be a beginning programming course focusing on programming concepts and fundamentals. PR: MAT 128 or higher F,S

CIS 136 Introduction to Web Development

This course provides the student with the essential concepts and process of web page development, starting with Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) coding and building to more complex layouts using cascading style sheets (CSS). The course will emphasize a disciplined approach to software design and coding. Attention will be directed toward the impact of a designer's choices on communication, understanding and accessibility. Upon completion, all students will develop an original, dynamic, multi-paged website suitable for publishing on the WWW. CR: CIS 102 or adequate proficiency in basic computing skills

Computer Networking Systems & Cybersecurity AAS

CIS 110 Architecture and Support I (A+)

This is part one of a two-part, hands-on, lab-oriented course covering the foundations of PC configuration and support. Topics include installation of different versions of the Windows operating system, building, upgrading, repairing, configuring, troubleshooting, optimizing, diagnosing and the preventive maintenance of PC's. Students learn how to build a computer and install different versions of the Windows operating system.

CIS 111 Architecture and Support II (A+)

This is part two of a two-part, hands-on, lab-oriented course. Part two of this course introduces local area networks and servers, preventive maintenance techniques, and specific strategies for troubleshooting hardware and software. PR: CIS 110


CIS 129 Programming Fundamentals

This course provides an introduction to computer programming using a modern, object- oriented programming language. It is intended to be a beginning programming course focusing on programming concepts and fundamentals. PR: MAT 128 or higher F,S

CIS 134 C++/Unix

Students are introduced to commonly used algorithms. Students employ object-oriented design and object- oriented principles in problem solving using the C++ programming language. Students are introduced to the UNIX operating system and shell scripting. Students will be required to make use of computer facilities to complete programming projects. PR: CIS 129 or equivalent

Computer Science AS

CIS 133 Programming in Java

This course provides an introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java programming language, with a focus on developing high quality, functional solutions to problems. Topics include data types, input/output, control structures, GUI interfaces, methods, classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will use computer facilities to complete programming assignments. PR: CIS 129 F,S

CIS 134 C++/Unix

Students are introduced to commonly used algorithms. Students employ object-oriented design and object- oriented principles in problem solving using the C++ programming language. Students are introduced to the UNIX operating system and shell scripting. Students will be required to make use of computer facilities to complete programming projects. PR: CIS 129 or equivalent

SUNY Sullivan

CPT1200 Computer Information Systems
CPT1210 Computer Literacy
CPT1301 Logic and Problem Solving

CPT1225 Microsoft Excel

CPT1303 Introduction to Simulation and Game Development

CPT1408 Web Design

Students study and participate in extensive hands-on experiences in the fundamental principles of computerized information systems and computer processing. These include studies of computer hardware, programming, communications, and commonly used computer applications. New trends and developments in the industry are discussed.

This course is designed to give students an overview of computer technology, terminology, and the role of computers in society. The theoretical concepts that relate to computers and the Internet are discussed. This course provides students with research and critical thinking skills using current technology. Students use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to present their theoretical findings.

Students learn how to create, propose, and test algorithms in order to arrive at possible solutions to real-world problems. Using an efficient combination of a sequence of steps, conditional statements to make decisions, and loops for performing repetitive tasks, students will document and be able to defend their proposed solutions using logical arguments. This course is highly recommended for all students who plan to take a programming language course.

This course is a hands-on, in-depth study of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet component of the Microsoft Office Suite. It covers the commands, features and skill sets of Excel from the basic through advanced levels. Topics include building spreadsheets, simple and complex formulas and functions, creating charts, and the creation of useful forms. It prepares the student to be an accomplished user with the option of testing for the Microsoft "Proficient" level of certification.

This course provides students with an introduction to simulation and game development. Topics include setting, storytelling, narrative, character design, interface design, game play, internal economy, core mechanics, game genres, artificial intelligence (AI), the psychology of game design and professionalism. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the major theoretical aspects of simulation and game design and development.

Students learn to create basic, effective and attractive Web pages and sites using current software. The course is intended for those who need a general background in web production for businesses, organizations or as a supplement to their careers. To be successful students must be Windows literate with an understanding of word processing


CPT 1209 - PC Hardware and Software  Credits: 3

Students study a broad range of PC hardware and software concepts. Emphasis is on configuration, installation, management, maintenance, and resources required.Students will take the LabSim PC Pro certification exam at the end of this course which will prepare them to take the CompTIA A+ certification exam. Prerequisite: CPT 1200 Computer Information Systems.





CPT 1161 - Networking Essentials  Credits: 3

Students examine current network technologies for local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the Internet. Topics include an introduction to the hardware, software, terminology, components, design, and connections of a network, as well as the topologies and protocols for LANs. LAN-user concepts and the basic functions of system administration and operational procedures, as related to computer support, are also covered.Students take the LabSim Network Pro certification exam which prepares them to take the CompTIA Network+ certification exam. Prerequisite: CPT 1200 Computer Information Systems.



Stony Brook University

Computer Science BS

CSE 101: Introduction to Computers and Information Technologies

An introduction to the basics of personal computing and information technologies intended primarily for students majoring in humanities, social and behavioral sciences, or business management. Topics include principles of personal (single-user) computer systems, office automation, and information in a modern, networked (multi-user) computing environment. Emphasis is on conceptual understanding of personal computing rather than use of specific hardware or software. Required participation in computer laboratories. May not be taken for credit in addition to EST 100 or after any CSE or ISE course.

CSE 102: Introduction to Web Design and Programming

An introduction to the design of Web pages, specifically the development of browser and device independent HTML, with an emphasis on the XHTML standards. Includes the use of style sheets (CSS) and tools for page layout and verification. HTML is presented as a mark-up language, exploring the rules of HTML elements and attributes. Students learn the separation of page viewing information from the HTML through CSS style sheets as well as the use of block layout without using HTML tables. Addresses HTML display properties including text, color, image, and graphic elements as well as approaches to HTML validation and techniques.

CSE 110: Introduction to Computer Science

An introduction to fundamentals of computer science. Topics covered include algorithmic design, problem-solving techniques for computer programming, fundamentals of digital logic and computer organization, the role of the operating system, introductory programming methodology including variables, assignment statements, control statements and subroutines (methods), programming paradigms, the compilation process, theoretical limits of computation, social and ethical issues. Intended for students who have not taken any college-level computer science course containing programming assignments in a high-level programming language.

CSE 114: Computer Science I

An introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming methodology. Topics include program structure, conditional and iterative programming, procedures, arrays and records, object classes, encapsulation, information hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, file I/O, and exceptions. Includes required laboratory. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.​

CSE 130: Introduction to Programming in C

Introduces programming concepts using the C language. Variables, data types, and expressions. Conditional and iterative statements, functions, and structures. Pointers, arrays, and strings. Scope of variables and program organization. Includes programming projects of an interdisciplinary nature. Suitable as an introductory programming course for non-CSE majors.

CSE 150: Foundations of Computer Science: Honors

Introduction to the logical and mathematical foundations of computer science for computer science honors students. Topics include functions, relations, and sets; recursion and functional programming; basic logic; and mathematical induction and other proof techniques.

CSE 160: Computer Science A: Honors

First part of a two-semester sequence, CSE 160 and CSE 260. Emphasizes a higher-level, object-oriented approach to the construction of software. Focus on software engineering issues such as programming style, modularity, and code reusability. Includes the way in which software tools can be used to aid the program development process. First considers the construction of small programs, continues by treating the design and implementation of program modules, and culminates in an introduction to object-oriented design techniques suitable for larger programs.

Electrical Engineering BE

ESE 121: Introduction to Audio Systems

Analog and digital audio systems, musical instrument amplifiers and effects, audio instrumentation, samplers, synthesizers, and audio transducers will be studied. Signal and system concepts will be demonstrated using audible examples to develop intuitive and non-mathematical insights. Audio system specifications will be explained and their effects demonstrated.

ESE 123: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

Introduces basic electrical and computer engineering concepts in a dual approach that includes: laboratories for hands-on wired and computer simulation experiments in analog and logic circuits, and lectures providing concepts and theory relevant to the laboratories. Emphasizes physical insight and applications rather than theory.

ESE 124: Computer Techniques for Electronic Design I

An extensive introduction to problem solving in electrical engineering using the ANSI C language. Topics covered include data types, operations, control flow, functions, data files, numerical techniques, pointers, structures, and bit operations. Students gain experience in applying the C language to the solution of a variety of electrical engineering problems, based on concepts developed in ESE 123. Knowledge of C at the level presented in this course is expected of all electrical engineering students in subsequent courses in the major.


Suffolk County Community College

Computer Information Systems AAS

CST111 / CS13


Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology

This course provides a survey of the major areas in computer science and information technology. It examines the history, current status, and future prospects in areas such as software design and programming, operating systems and administration, database design and management, data security, privacy, networking, and digital communications. It provides an opportunity for students to learn the fundamental theories and practices in computer science and information technology and understand their respective expectations. This course does not satisfy a Liberal Arts and Science elective in any curriculum.

CST112 / CS12


Introduction to Programming


This course introduces fundamental programming principles to beginners. Emphasis is placed on algorithm development, structured programming techniques, flowcharting, coding, debugging and libraries. It discusses programming concepts such as variables, conditionals, loops, functions, objects, and arrays. Program output may include graphical elements with images, animation and visualization. The course is designed as a place where many ideas and techniques can mix and is therefore appropriate for a wide audience that includes programmers, as well as people interested in graphical design or analytic fields (science, mathematics, economics, etc.).


CST125 / CS28


 Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows Operating Systems


Comprehensive introduction to implementing, administering and troubleshooting information systems that incorporate Microsoft Windows. Major topics include attended/unattended installation; upgrading from a previous version; deploying service packs; resource administration; installation and troubleshooting of device drivers; monitoring and optimizing system performance and reliability; configuring and troubleshooting the desktop environment; implementing, managing and troubleshooting network protocols and services; and implementing, monitoring and troubleshooting security.


CST126 / CS66



Familiarizes students with Unix operating system by using one of many versions of Unix, such as Linux, on personal computer in lab. Covers concepts as well as practical use of Unix. Topics include most commonly used Unix commands plus others. Also covers similarities and conceptual differences between Unix and Windows operating systems.

CST141 / CS16




Introduces concepts needed to lay solid foundation for understanding object-oriented software development via problem specification, analysis, design, implementation and testing. Topics include methods, decisions, looping, arrays, code re-usability, top-down design and UML. With extensive laboratory exercises, course educates and trains students to develop programs that are easy to understand and maintain.



ELT150 / TE50



The Workings Of Personal Computers



Teaches basics of personal computers, both software and hardware orientation. Hardware orientation taught through disassembly and assembly of personal computers in hands-on lab experience. Software taught in lecture format with some in-class computer work. Students also learn how to deal with upgrades in both hardware and software and problems encountered with them. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory.)


ELT151 / TE51




Covers CISCO Program I and II in one semester. Introduces OSI layers and LAN implementation. First half of semester covers OSI seven-layer model. Second half of semester dedicated to router configuration and five router LAN implementation. Students acquire knowledge to set up and maintain a local network. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory.)

Network Design and Administration AAS

CST111 / CS13


Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology

This course provides a survey of the major areas in computer science and information technology. It examines the history, current status, and future prospects in areas such as software design and programming, operating systems and administration, database design and management, data security, privacy, networking, and digital communications. It provides an opportunity for students to learn the fundamental theories and practices in computer science and information technology and understand their respective expectations. This course does not satisfy a Liberal Arts and Science elective in any curriculum.

CST112 / CS12


Introduction to Programming


This course introduces fundamental programming principles to beginners. Emphasis is placed on algorithm development, structured programming techniques, flowcharting, coding, debugging and libraries. It discusses programming concepts such as variables, conditionals, loops, functions, objects, and arrays. Program output may include graphical elements with images, animation and visualization. The course is designed as a place where many ideas and techniques can mix and is therefore appropriate for a wide audience that includes programmers, as well as people interested in graphical design or analytic fields (science, mathematics, economics, etc.).

CST125 / CS28


 Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows Operating Systems


Comprehensive introduction to implementing, administering and troubleshooting information systems that incorporate Microsoft Windows. Major topics include attended/unattended installation; upgrading from a previous version; deploying service packs; resource administration; installation and troubleshooting of device drivers; monitoring and optimizing system performance and reliability; configuring and troubleshooting the desktop environment; implementing, managing and troubleshooting network protocols and services; and implementing, monitoring and troubleshooting security.

CST126 / CS66



Familiarizes students with Unix operating system by using one of many versions of Unix, such as Linux, on personal computer in lab. Covers concepts as well as practical use of Unix. Topics include most commonly used Unix commands plus others. Also covers similarities and conceptual differences between Unix and Windows operating systems.

CST141 / CS16




Introduces concepts needed to lay solid foundation for understanding object-oriented software development via problem specification, analysis, design, implementation and testing. Topics include methods, decisions, looping, arrays, code re-usability, top-down design and UML. With extensive laboratory exercises, course educates and trains students to develop programs that are easy to understand and maintain.



ELT150 / TE50



The Workings Of Personal Computers



Teaches basics of personal computers, both software and hardware orientation. Hardware orientation taught through disassembly and assembly of personal computers in hands-on lab experience. Software taught in lecture format with some in-class computer work. Students also learn how to deal with upgrades in both hardware and software and problems encountered with them. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory.)


ELT151 / TE51




Covers CISCO Program I and II in one semester. Introduces OSI layers and LAN implementation. First half of semester covers OSI seven-layer model. Second half of semester dedicated to router configuration and five router LAN implementation. Students acquire knowledge to set up and maintain a local network. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory.)


ELT152 / TE52




Second of two-semester sequence in Local and Wide area networking. Building on knowledge gained from ELT151, course uses hands-on laboratory exercises and threaded case studies to train students in skills needed to design, build and maintain small to medium-size computer networks, enabling students to enter workforce and/or further their education and training in computer networking field. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory.)


Tompkins Cortland Community College

Computer Forensics AAS

CIS 108 - Intro to Computer Information Systems 
This is an introduction to computer technology and computer programming designed for Computer Information Systems students. Students are introduced to important hardware/software terminology used in the industry, and to problem solving and programming using a current programming language, such as Visual Basic. Topics include structured program design, algorithm development, testing and debugging, and program documentation. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: MATH 095 if require by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 

CSCI160 - Introduction to Computer Programming 
This course introduces computer programming in a Windows environment to solve problems and process information. Topics include algorithms, decisions, repetition, files, arrays, procedures and graphic interface design using Visual Basic. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: Prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 122 or MATH 132, or three years of NYS Regents Mathematics; RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 

CFOR110 - Security System Design & Analysis 
This course provides an overview of computer security issues, problems and solutions. Topics include encryption, cryptography, firewalls and intrusion detection. Privacy and confidentiality issues, as well as computer use policies, are discussed. Prerequisites: CIS 108 or CSCI 160; MATH 095 and RDNG 116 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (3 Lec.) 

CIS 132 - Network Design 
Covers design, installation, and maintenance of local area networks. Topics include installation of hardware and network software, installation of application software, system configuration, hardware and software testing, setting up directories, user accounts, and user access rights. Discussion of different network topologies, medium, and software are also included. Prerequisites: CIS 108 or CSCI 160; MATH 095 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 

CAPS152 - Web Page Design 
An introduction to the development of web pages for the Internet. Topics include XHTML tags, including links, graphics, backgrounds, and colors. Prerequisites: One CAPS, CIS or CSCI course; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099, MATH 095, and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


Computer Science AS


CAPS131 - Introduction to Databases 
An introduction to the operation and uses of a database management program. The student will learn how to create and manipulate a simple relational database using Access. Topics include creating and modifying tables, addition of and modification of data in tables, using queries to view data in one or more tables, use of forms to view and update tables, and creation of simple reports including mailing labels. Students taking this course in an online format must have access to a computer with Microsoft Access. Prerequisites: Familiarity working in a Microsoft Windows environment is recommended; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 and RDNG 116 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS133 - Advanced Databases 
This course focuses on advanced concepts and techniques in the use of a relational database management program. Students will learn how to establish relationships and manipulate data in multiple tables using Access. Topics include enforcing referential integrity, linking multiple tables in queries, using forms with sub-forms, generating reports with grouping and sub-reports, using calculated controls in forms and reports, and creating switchboards. Students taking this course in an online format must have access to a computer with Microsoft Office. Prerequisites: CAPS 131; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 095, RDNG 116, and ENGL 100 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS152 - Web Page Design 
An introduction to the development of web pages for the Internet. Topics include XHTML tags, including links, graphics, backgrounds, and colors. Prerequisites: One CAPS, CIS or CSCI course; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099, MATH 095, and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CSCI160 - Introduction to Computer Programming 
This course introduces computer programming in a Windows environment to solve problems and process information. Topics include algorithms, decisions, repetition, files, arrays, procedures and graphic interface design using Visual Basic. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: Prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 122 or MATH 132, or three years of NYS Regents Mathematics; RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CIS 108 - Intro to Computer Information Systems 
This is an introduction to computer technology and computer programming designed for Computer Information Systems students. Students are introduced to important hardware/software terminology used in the industry, and to problem solving and programming using a current programming language, such as Visual Basic. Topics include structured program design, algorithm development, testing and debugging, and program documentation. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: MATH 095 if require by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CSCI165 - Computing Fundamentals I 
An introductory computer science course covering problem-solving, algorithm development, and object oriented design in JAVA. Specific topics include control structures, methods, top-down design, arrays, classes, and Graphic User Interfaces. Applications are from a variety of areas. Prerequisites: CSCI 160 or CIS 108; MATH 132 or three years of NYS Regents Mathematics; ENGL 099 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in RDNG 116 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


Computer Information Systems AAS


CAPS121 - Introduction to Spreadsheets 
An introduction to the operation and uses of a spreadsheet program. Topics covered parallel the objectives used for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Core Exam in Excel and include working with cells and cell data, managing workbooks, formatting and printing worksheets, modifying workbooks, creating and revising formulas, creating and modifying graphics, and workgroup collaboration. Students taking this course in an online format should have access to a computer with Excel. Prerequisites: Familiarity working in a Microsoft Windows environment is recommended; RDNG 116 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 and ENGL 099 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS123 - Advanced Spreadsheets 
Advanced topics in Microsoft Excel that fulfill most of the objectives for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Expert Exam in Excel. Topics include importing and exporting data, managing workbooks, formatting numbers, working with ranges, customizing excel, auditing worksheets, summarizing data, analyzing data (Pivot Tables, Goal Seek, and Solver); and workgroup collaboration. Students taking this course in an online format should have access to a computer with Excel. Prerequisites: CAPS 121; RDNG 116 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS152 - Web Page Design 
An introduction to the development of web pages for the Internet. Topics include XHTML tags, including links, graphics, backgrounds, and colors. Prerequisites: One CAPS, CIS or CSCI course; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099, MATH 095, and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 

CIS 108 - Intro to Computer Information Systems 
This is an introduction to computer technology and computer programming designed for Computer Information Systems students. Students are introduced to important hardware/software terminology used in the industry, and to problem solving and programming using a current programming language, such as Visual Basic. Topics include structured program design, algorithm development, testing and debugging, and program documentation. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: MATH 095 if require by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CSCI160 - Introduction to Computer Programming 
This course introduces computer programming in a Windows environment to solve problems and process information. Topics include algorithms, decisions, repetition, files, arrays, procedures and graphic interface design using Visual Basic. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: Prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 122 or MATH 132, or three years of NYS Regents Mathematics; RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CAPS131 - Introduction to Databases 
An introduction to the operation and uses of a database management program. The student will learn how to create and manipulate a simple relational database using Access. Topics include creating and modifying tables, addition of and modification of data in tables, using queries to view data in one or more tables, use of forms to view and update tables, and creation of simple reports including mailing labels. Students taking this course in an online format must have access to a computer with Microsoft Access. Prerequisites: Familiarity working in a Microsoft Windows environment is recommended; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 and RDNG 116 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS133 - Advanced Databases 
This course focuses on advanced concepts and techniques in the use of a relational database management program. Students will learn how to establish relationships and manipulate data in multiple tables using Access. Topics include enforcing referential integrity, linking multiple tables in queries, using forms with sub-forms, generating reports with grouping and sub-reports, using calculated controls in forms and reports, and creating switchboards. Students taking this course in an online format must have access to a computer with Microsoft Office. Prerequisites: CAPS 131; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 095, RDNG 116, and ENGL 100 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CIS 132 - Network Design 
Covers design, installation, and maintenance of local area networks. Topics include installation of hardware and network software, installation of application software, system configuration, hardware and software testing, setting up directories, user accounts, and user access rights. Discussion of different network topologies, medium, and software are also included. Prerequisites: CIS 108 or CSCI 160; MATH 095 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CIS 132 - Network Design 
Covers design, installation, and maintenance of local area networks. Topics include installation of hardware and network software, installation of application software, system configuration, hardware and software testing, setting up directories, user accounts, and user access rights. Discussion of different network topologies, medium, and software are also included. Prerequisites: CIS 108 or CSCI 160; MATH 095 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 



Computer Support Specialist AAS

CAPS111 - Introduction to Word Processing 
An introduction to the operation and uses of a word-processing program that covers topics related to the objectives used for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Core Exam in Word. Topics include inserting and modifying text, creating and modifying paragraphs, formatting documents, managing documents, working with graphics, and workgroup collaboration. Students taking this course in an online format should have access to a computer with Word. Students may not receive credit for both CAPS 105 and CAPS 111 toward their degree program. Prerequisites: Prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090, ENGL 099, and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; familiarity working in a Microsoft Windows environment is recommended. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 

CAPS121 - Introduction to Spreadsheets 
An introduction to the operation and uses of a spreadsheet program. Topics covered parallel the objectives used for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Core Exam in Excel and include working with cells and cell data, managing workbooks, formatting and printing worksheets, modifying workbooks, creating and revising formulas, creating and modifying graphics, and workgroup collaboration. Students taking this course in an online format should have access to a computer with Excel. Prerequisites: Familiarity working in a Microsoft Windows environment is recommended; RDNG 116 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 and ENGL 099 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS123 - Advanced Spreadsheets 
Advanced topics in Microsoft Excel that fulfill most of the objectives for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Expert Exam in Excel. Topics include importing and exporting data, managing workbooks, formatting numbers, working with ranges, customizing excel, auditing worksheets, summarizing data, analyzing data (Pivot Tables, Goal Seek, and Solver); and workgroup collaboration. Students taking this course in an online format should have access to a computer with Excel. Prerequisites: CAPS 121; RDNG 116 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CIS 108 - Intro to Computer Information Systems 
This is an introduction to computer technology and computer programming designed for Computer Information Systems students. Students are introduced to important hardware/software terminology used in the industry, and to problem solving and programming using a current programming language, such as Visual Basic. Topics include structured program design, algorithm development, testing and debugging, and program documentation. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: MATH 095 if require by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CSCI160 - Introduction to Computer Programming 
This course introduces computer programming in a Windows environment to solve problems and process information. Topics include algorithms, decisions, repetition, files, arrays, procedures and graphic interface design using Visual Basic. Students may not apply credit for both CIS 108 and CSCI 160 toward degree requirements. Prerequisites: Prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 122 or MATH 132, or three years of NYS Regents Mathematics; RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CSS 112 - Hardware Repair and Maintenance 
This course prepares students for building, upgrading, maintaining, and repairing personal computers and peripherals. Students acquire an awareness of service shop practice, shop safety, and business practice. They learn through hands-on practice with hand tools and test equipment. Prerequisites: ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 095 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


CAPS131 - Introduction to Databases 
An introduction to the operation and uses of a database management program. The student will learn how to create and manipulate a simple relational database using Access. Topics include creating and modifying tables, addition of and modification of data in tables, using queries to view data in one or more tables, use of forms to view and update tables, and creation of simple reports including mailing labels. Students taking this course in an online format must have access to a computer with Microsoft Access. Prerequisites: Familiarity working in a Microsoft Windows environment is recommended; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 090 and RDNG 116 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS133 - Advanced Databases 
This course focuses on advanced concepts and techniques in the use of a relational database management program. Students will learn how to establish relationships and manipulate data in multiple tables using Access. Topics include enforcing referential integrity, linking multiple tables in queries, using forms with sub-forms, generating reports with grouping and sub-reports, using calculated controls in forms and reports, and creating switchboards. Students taking this course in an online format must have access to a computer with Microsoft Office. Prerequisites: CAPS 131; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH 095, RDNG 116, and ENGL 100 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CAPS152 - Web Page Design 
An introduction to the development of web pages for the Internet. Topics include XHTML tags, including links, graphics, backgrounds, and colors. Prerequisites: One CAPS, CIS or CSCI course; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 099, MATH 095, and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing. 1 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab. for 5 weeks) 


CIS 132 - Network Design 
Covers design, installation, and maintenance of local area networks. Topics include installation of hardware and network software, installation of application software, system configuration, hardware and software testing, setting up directories, user accounts, and user access rights. Discussion of different network topologies, medium, and software are also included. Prerequisites: CIS 108 or CSCI 160; MATH 095 and RDNG 099 if required by placement testing; ENGL 099 or prior completion or concurrent enrollment in ESL 103 if required by placement testing. 3 Cr. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.) 


Ulster County Community College

Computer Science AS

CS 150 Introduction to Computer Science

This course introduces the principles of computer programming. Students develop the design skills needed to promote code reuse, encapsulate function, develop incrementally and test computer programs, while exploring the fundamentals of data representation through static data types, class definition and object instantiation. Programming assignments progress incrementally from simple sequential logic through the full range of the program control structures and use of the array structures. The study of computer organization, machine code, numerical and character representation in various formats provides the conceptual and practical background for future study. This course covers the recommended course of curricula for the Association of Computing Machinery(ACM) and Industrial Electronic Engineering Society (IEEE):CS 1 ¿Structured Programming. The course uses the Java programming language. Corequisite: MAT 160 or equivalent.


Upstate Medical University

No computer-related degree programs


Westchester Community College

Computer Information Systems AAS

CIS 110 - Computer Information Systems

This foundation course for business students acquaints the student with current computer terminology and applications. Concentration is on learning the standard applications of word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and graphical presentation packages. Additionally, the student becomes familiar with file management, computer hardware and connectivity. The Internet is used as a research and communication tool.

CIS 120 - Object-Oriented Programming Logic

This is an introductory programming course. Visual Basic 2005 is taught, emphasizing the design of Object Oriented, Graphical, and Event-Driven Business Programs. The essential programming concepts are taught, including the use of variables, input, output, mathematical operators, selection structures, repetition structures, built-in functions, user defined functions, arrays, objects and GUI techniques.

CIS 135 - PC Operating Systems

This course provides an in-depth study of the Windows Desktop Operating System, and the underlying functions and structure. This knowledge is applied to the installation and configuration of Windows, as well as the troubleshooting and diagnosis of common problems. Students will gain extensive hands-on lab experience in this area and will be prepared to take the Microsoft MCSE exam for Windows.

CIS 140 Networking for Business

This is a course on the networking of computers, oriented toward a Network+ certification. Topics that will be explored include protocols, topologies, architecture, routers, hubs, bridges, repeaters, frame relay, packet switching, network topologies, and configurations and troubleshooting.

CIS 155 - Principles of Information Security (CIS)

A survey course of both managerial and technical aspects of security. Topics include the legal and professional issues of information security, risk management, firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection, access control, cryptography, operating system vulnerabilities, file system security, and the basics of computer forensics. Course learning objectives address knowledge areas of CISSP (Certified information Systems Security Professional) core certification requirements.

Computer Science AS

COMSC 101 - Computer Programming 1

This is an introductory course in computer programming. Topics include object types, expressions, decision structures, looping structures, methods and parameter passing, and arrays. 

COMSC 110 - Computer Programming 2

A continuation of the study of computer programming using object-oriented design. The concepts of modularization, information hiding, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism will be studied. Students will use libraries and object classes, design new object classes, learn how to program with pointers and recursion.

COMSC 116 - LINUX Operating System

An introduction to the LINUX operating system features and functions from four points of view: user, programmer, administrator and designer. Topics are presented in an interactive, hands-on learning environment, enabling students to be productive in LINUX immediately upon completion. This course also covers the LINUX shell programming languages, which enables students to manage repetitive tasks, automatic routing procedures and develop prototypes of application projects.

COMSC 120 - Internship in Computer Science

This course is designed to promote career awareness through work experience in the field of Computer Science. Students integrate classroom theory with a monitored and supervised work experience. Periodic meeting with a faculty advisor and written assignments are required.

Cybersecurity AAS

CIS 110 - Computer Information Systems

This foundation course for business students acquaints the student with current computer terminology and applications. Concentration is on learning the standard applications of word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and graphical presentation packages. Additionally, the student becomes familiar with file management, computer hardware and connectivity. The Internet is used as a research and communication tool.

CIS 130 - Computer Hardware

Students learn the fundamentals of computer hardware and how to diagnose and solve computer problems. In a hands-on environment the students will learn how to upgrade, troubleshoot, and maintain computer hardware, operating systems and simple computer networks. They will be prepared to take the industry standard CompTIA A+ examination.

CIS 135 - PC Operating Systems

This course provides an in-depth study of the Windows Desktop Operating System, and the underlying functions and structure. This knowledge is applied to the installation and configuration of Windows, as well as the troubleshooting and diagnosis of common problems. Students will gain extensive hands-on lab experience in this area and will be prepared to take the Microsoft MCSE exam for Windows.

CIS 140 Networking for Business

This is a course on the networking of computers, oriented toward a Network+ certification. Topics that will be explored include protocols, topologies, architecture, routers, hubs, bridges, repeaters, frame relay, packet switching, network topologies, and configurations and troubleshooting.

CIS 155 - Principles of Information Security (CIS)

A survey course of both managerial and technical aspects of security. Topics include the legal and professional issues of information security, risk management, firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection, access control, cryptography, operating system vulnerabilities, file system security, and the basics of computer forensics. Course learning objectives address knowledge areas of CISSP (Certified information Systems Security Professional) core certification requirements.

CIS 120 - Object-Oriented Programming Logic

This is an introductory programming course. Visual Basic 2005 is taught, emphasizing the design of Object Oriented, Graphical, and Event-Driven Business Programs. The essential programming concepts are taught, including the use of variables, input, output, mathematical operators, selection structures, repetition structures, built-in functions, user defined functions, arrays, objects and GUI techniques.