COMP 100-05: Composition (CRN 253)
MWF 9:00-9:50, SCHU 207

Home -- Policy Statement -- Syllabus -- Assignments Sheet -- Key for Writers Online -- Angel -- Research Links

Library Research Page (from Spring 2007) -- Library Guide (Fall 2007) -- Milne Library

This syllabus is subject to change, and you are responsible for changes announced in class.

29 Aug—Intro to class 31 Aug—Diagnostic—bring writing materials to class
3 Sept—Start of Caught’yas (bring lined paper, a blue or black pen or pencil and a red pen/pencil to class) 5 Sept—Defining technology 7 Sept—Developing Preliminary topics; The Prospectus; Caught’ya due
10 Sept—Caught’ya due; The Library Research Narrative 12 Sept—No Class 14 Sept—No Class
17 Sept—Library Day—meet in Milne Library 108; First day to take online Grammar test 19 Sept—Library Day—meet in Milne Library 108 21 Sept—Last day to take online Grammar test (you must finish by 5); Grammar and Mechanics Policy; Caught’ya due
24 Sept—Library Research Narrative due by 5; Grammar and Mechanics Policy 26 Sept—Rough draft Prospectus due (3 copies) 28 Sept—Caught’ya due
1 Oct—Final Draft Prospectus due by 5; Sign up for Conferences 3 Oct—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class 5 Oct—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class
8 Oct—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class 10 Oct—MLA format (look through Raimes 151-72) 12 Oct—Bring 2 sources to class; Caught’ya due
15 Oct—The Annotated Bibliography 17 Oct—Evaluating sources 19 Oct—Drafting the Annotated Bibliography; Caught’ya due
22 Oct—2 Annotations due by 5; Sign up for conferences 24 Oct—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class 26 Oct—No Class
29 Oct—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class 31 Oct—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class 2 Nov—Drafting and researching; Caught’ya due
5 Nov—Drafting and researching 7 Nov—The Research Paper rubric 9 Nov—Argument structures; Caught’ya due
12 Nov—Source integration (bring 2 print sources to class) 14 Nov—Source work (avoiding plagiarism) 16 Nov—Final draft of Annotated Bibliography due by 5; Caught’ya due
19 Nov—Thanksgiving Break 21 Nov—Thanksgiving Break 23 Nov—Thanksgiving Break
26 Nov—Drafting 28 Nov—Drafting 30 Nov—Rough Draft of Research Paper due (3 copies); Sign up for conferences; Caught’ya due
3 Dec—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class; First day to take Final Exam online 5 Dec—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class 7 Dec—Conferences (in Netz 313); no class; Final Day to take final exam online
10 Dec—Revising the Research Paper 12 Dec—Last chance to ask questions about Research Paper and Portfolio 14 Dec—Portfolio due by 5; Caught’ya due

Final Exam Slot: Wednesday, 19 Dec. 8:00-10:30 (attendance is required)

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