LING 150: Introduction to Language and Linguistics (CRN 790)
MWF 11:00-11:50, FITZ 206

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This syllabus is subject to change, and you are responsible for changes announced in class.

  25 Aug—Intro to class 27 Aug—Overview of language issues
30 Aug—Read 1-7—Prescriptivism and language equality 1 Sept—Read 8-13—Social Elements of Linguistics 3 Sept—Read 14-15—Language and Thought
6 Sept—Read 17-23—Language and Identity 8 Sept—Read 24-37—Language and Identity 10 Sept—Read 38-47—Language and Identity
13 Sept—Read 48-65—Language and Identity 15 Sept—Read 81-87—The Structure of Language 17 Sept—Read 88-99—The Structure of Language
20 Sept—Read 100-107—The Structure of Language 22 Sept—Read 112-119—The Structure of Language 24 Sept—Review
27 Sept—Exam 1 29 Sept—Break 1 Oct—Break
4 Oct—Read 154-161—Speaking and Listening 6 Oct—Read 162-170—Speaking and Listening 8 Oct—Phonetics practice
11 Oct—Read 171-177—Speaking and Listening 13 Oct—Read 179-183—Writing and Reading 15 Oct—Read 184-195—Writing and Reading
18 Oct—Read 196-209—Writing and Reading 20 Oct—Read 210-219—Writing and Reading 22 Oct—Read 221-227—Signing and Seeing
25 Oct—Review 27 Oct—Exam 2 29 Oct—Read 229-241—Child Language Acquisition
1 Nov—Read 242-249—Child Language Acquisition 3 Nov—Read 250-257—Child Language Acquisition 5 Nov—Read 259-265—Language and the Brain
8 Nov—Read 266-283—Language and the Brain 10 Nov—Review 12 Nov—Exam 3
15 Nov—Read 285-293—The Languages of the World 17 Nov—Read 294-305—The Languages of the World 19 Nov—Read 306-329—The Languages of the World
22 Nov—Thanksgiving Break 24 Nov—Thanksgiving Break 26 Nov—Thanksgiving Break
29 Nov—Read 330-341—The Languages of the World 1 Dec—Read 343-353—Languge in the World 3 Dec—Read 354-361—Languge in the World
6 Dec—Read 362-371—Languge in the World 8 Dec—Read 399-407—Language and Communication 10 Dec—Review

Final Exam Wednesday, 15 December, 2:00-4:30

Background from Backgrounds Archive