LING 210: Traditional Grammar: English
MWF 8:00-8:50, HECO 126 (CRN 60)

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Instructor: Dr. Amie A. Doughty
Office: 322 Netzer Administration Building
Office Hours: MWF 10:00-11:00 and by appointment
Phone: 436-3035 (direct line) or 436-3446 (for the English Department secretary)
Web Address:

Required Text and Materials:
Packet of materials available at the Campus Shop*
Lined notebook paper.
A black or blue pen or a pencil.
A red pen or pencil (pink is acceptable).

*Please note that the course packet for LING 210 was revised for Fall 2013. If you have a version from previous semesters, it will not match the page numbers (or chapter numbers) of the newer edition.

Course Description:
Catalog Description: Covers traditional English grammar, including preferred usage.

Translation: We're going to examine the grammar of English from a sentence structure perspective. Beginning with parts of speech and sentence patterns, we will progress to parts of sentences and how the sentences are constructed to make meaning. You will demonstrate your understanding of these concepts through diagramming sentences using the Reed-Kellogg system. We will also discuss the relationship of grammar to mechanics in writing.

General Education Attributes: LA and CPA

Course Policies:
Contacting Me: My preferred method of communication outside of class is via e-mail, and I am usually quick to respond to e-mail. If you send me an e-mail message, you should hear back from me within 24 hours during weekdays. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, try again because it means that I have not received your message. I check my e-mail periodically Sunday through Friday between 8 and 5. I am offline on Saturdays. You may also contact me via phone or come by my office during office hours. You do not need an appointment to see me during office hours, though I recommend making one during busy times of the semester (i.e. pre-enrollment, near finals). You can either make an appointment directly with me or by contacting the English Department secretary.

Attendance: You are expected to attend class and to be prepared to discuss the assigned reading as well as to participate in the review of homework. Because the content of this course is cumulative, chronic absences will be difficult to overcome. If you are unable to come to class, it is your responsibility to make up the work you missed and to get notes, handouts, and announcements from a classmate or from me (during my office hours). See below for the University Policy on WIs due to excessive absences.

Class Discussions: I like to make my courses student-centered, so I try to limit lectures. There will be times that I need to present materials in lecture format, but you are always welcome to ask questions as they occur to you. I will also try to spend a significant amount of time on classroom activities and exercises to help you better understand the grammatical terms and concepts that you are reading about. I expect everyone's full participation in each activity, including board work, though I do not expect perfection in class. Do not be afraid to make mistakes (or to answer if you think you might be wrong) because you cannot learn without making mistakes.

Assignments: Your final grade will be calculated based on the following assignments. Please note that each of the exams will be open note, open book. Tentative dates for the exam are on the syllabus.

Late Work: I will accept work no more than one week late. All late work will lose 10%. If you know that you won’t be able to get work in on time, see me before the due date, and we may be able to make arrangements for an extension.

Grading Scale: The number percentages will be calculated as follows for letter grades:

94-100 A  87-89 B+  77-79 C+  67-69 D+  0-59 E
90-93 A-   84-86 B 74-76 C 64-66 D  
  80-83 B- 70-73 C-  60-63 D-  

Cell Phones, Pagers, and Portable Music Players: These devices must be turned off (not just put on vibrate for phones) for the duration of the class period. If your phone rings in class, you will be asked to leave. Do not use class time to text message. If I catch you texting in class, you will be asked to leave. If you believe you should be excluded from the cell phone restriction, see me individually.

Classroom Etiquette: You are expected to comport yourself politely in class. I expect you to refrain from talking to your classmates during class lectures and discussions unless you are asked to work in groups. If you have a question about what is being presented, ask me. Students whose behavior disrupts the class will be asked to leave the classroom.

Emergency Evacuation/Shelter-in-Place Procedures: In the event of an emergency evacuation (i.e., fire or other emergency), classes meeting in this building are directed to reassemble in the Chase Gymnasium so that all persons can be accounted for.  Complete details of the College’s emergency evacuation, shelter-in-place and other emergency procedures can be found at <>.

CADE Services Statement: Your professor is an excellent resource for assistance in this course. Please visit office hours to seek clarification of concepts and processes that you are required to master for this course. For additional support, the Center for Academic Development and Enrichment (CADE) provides a variety of tutoring services. Students can receive professional tutoring for writing, reading, study skills, and basic math. Students can also receive peer tutoring in course content for most 100-level and some 200-level courses. For several courses, drop-in tutoring is offered.

University Policies: The following policies can be found in your Student Handbook or the Code of Student Conduct (both available online) and are particularly applicable to this class.

Flagrant Non-Attendance
• Students missing 25% or more of class, any time from the second week of class up until the last day to withdraw from an individual course (see Keydates and Deadlines or Faculty Reference Guide for specific dates) may be removed from the course by the instructor.
• The Registrar will assign a “WI” (Involuntary Withdrawal) grade.
• Students appearing on the final grade sheet will be assigned a final grade (not a “W”, Incomplete or Pending grade), regardless of student’s class attendance.

Final Exams
Instructors must follow the final exam schedule as posted in Keydates and Deadlines ( The final exam week is part of the 15 class weeks required by the State Education Department. If an instructor does not hold a final examination, the final examination period must be used as the final class day. Exceptions to this may be made only in an emergency and only with prior approval of the department chair and the division dean. Under no condition shall a study day be used to administer a final exam. Students are held responsible for selecting a course schedule with the final exam schedule in mind. There is no policy preventing a student from having exams in one day.

Student Disability Services (SDS)
SDS provides a base of personal and academic support for students with a documented history of disability. The office provides consultation, advocacy, referral, testing and classroom accommodations. Students should call for an appointment (607) 436-2137. Located at 209 Alumni Hall.

All individuals who are diagnosed with a disability are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As such, you may be entitled to certain accommodations within this class. If you are diagnosed with a disability, please make an appointment to meet with Student Disability Services (SDS), 209 Alumni Hall, ext. 2137. All students with the necessary supporting documentation will be provided appropriate accommodations as determined by the SDS Office.
It is entirely your responsibility to contact SDS and concurrently supply me with your accommodation plan, which will inform me exactly what accommodations you are entitled to. You will only receive accommodations once you provide me with an SDS accommodation plan.

Academic dishonesty is defined as any act by a student that misrepresents or attempts to misrepresent to an instructor or any College official, the proficiency or achievement of that student or another student in any academic exercise for the purpose of influencing a grade on a piece of assigned work, on an examination or quiz or in a Course as a whole, or that is intended to alter any record of a student's academic performance by unauthorized means.
A Student deemed guilty of an act of academic dishonesty may, depending on the nature of the offense, be subject to one or more of the following measures: failure of the assignment or examination, failure of the course, or dismissal from the College. Furthermore, for a second offense, referral of the case to the Standing Disciplinary Board is mandatory. The penalties that may be assessed by the Board are listed under the Procedures of the Standing Disciplinary Board as published in this publication; however, the normal penalty is suspension or dismissal.
It is the Student's responsibility to read and understand the policy on all aspects of academic dishonesty as published in this publication and the Undergraduate Catalog. However, individual faculty members may wish to explain the policy as it relates to their courses. It is emphasized that a student who has any questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty has the responsibility of clarifying them by conferring with his/her instructors.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty:
The following examples, although not all-inclusive, are intended to help students understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. Other acts should not necessarily, be considered as falling outside the scope of this policy because of their absence from this list.
• Plagiarism that is, using materials from another's work without acknowledgment, using quotations without  identification as such or paraphrasing without specific identification of the source.
• Copying and/or modifying another person's computer file, program, printout, or portion thereof for use in an assignment without permission of the instructor.
• Knowingly permitting one's computer file, program, printout, or portion thereof to be copied or modified by another student for use in an assignment without permission of the instructor.
• Unauthorized giving or receiving of information on an examination, laboratory procedure, or other exercise.
• Taking an examination for another student or allowing another student to take an examination for you.
• Altering or attempting to alter a grade on any piece of graded work, a grade written in an instructor's personal records, or a grade written on any College form or transcribed in any official College record.
• Submitting a College form with a forged signature.

Background from Backgrounds Archive