LING 201-01: Language and Society (CRN 837)
MWF 11:00-11:50, HIRC 7

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List of Sociolinguistics Journals

This list of journal, from which you may choose articles for your annotations, is just a small list of possible journals to choose from. If you are not sure if your article/journal is acceptable for the annotation, ask me. I will be updating this list periodically, so if you have suggestions, please let me know. Some of these journals are available online, but most require you to search through one of the online databases available from the Milne Library site.

Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Current Issues in Language Planning
English Language and Linguistics
Gender and Language
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism
International Journal of Multilingualism
The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law
Journal of Child Language
Journal of East Asian Linguistics
Journal of Language & Politics
Journal of Multicultural Discourses
Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Language Awareness
Language, Culture & Curriculum
Language Documentation & Conservation
Language in Society
Language Policy
Language Problems and Language Planning
Languages in Contrast
Linguistics and Education
Sociolinguistic Studies
Spanish in Context (articles in both Spanish and English)
World Englishes
Written Language and Literacy

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