LITR 306: Children's Literature (CRN 729)
MWF 9:00-9:50, HECO 217

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Topic Suggestions for Group Presentation

African American Literature
Latino Literature (can be broken down by Latino culture—Chicano, etc.)
Asian American Literature (can be broken down by region/country—East Asia, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, etc.)
Native American Literature (can be broken down by specific tribe/nation or region—Plains tribes; Canadian First Nations; Kiowa, etc.)
Disabilities (can be broken down by specific disability—Deaf/hearing impaired; wheelchair-bound; ADHD, etc.)
Religious (can be broken down by specific religion—Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, etc.)
International (can be broken down by specific country or continent—Scandinavian, Australian, Asian, South American, etc.)
Historical (MUST be broken down by historical period or event—Middle Ages, Roman Britain, Civil War, Holocaust, World War II, etc.)
Non-Fiction (MUST be broken down by area—Biograpy/Autobiography, Science, Nature, History, Grammar, etc.)
Fantasy/Science-Fiction (MUST be divided or narrowed by type of fantasy—Animal Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy, High Fantasy, etc.)
Folktales (can be traditional and/or revisions; can be narrowed by culture)
Mythology (can be narrowed by type of mythology)
Classic/Golden Age of Children’s Literature
Contemporary Realism (can be narrowed by type/topic—domestic fiction, loss/death, divorce, etc.)
Banned/Challenged Books (can be narrowed by reason for banning/challenging—language, occult issues, challenging authority, etc.)
Mystery/Detective/Suspense Literature
Horror/Scary Literature
Boys’ Books
Girls’ Books
Humorous Literature
Environmental Children's Literature

You may, of course, suggest different options for the presentation topic. There will be no overlapping of topics, so have a couple of options in mind. If you want suggestions of books that fit into a category, see me (or do a little research).

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