LITR 243: Major Author in Children’s and YA Literature: J.K. Rowling (CRN 273)
MWF 9:00-9:50, HECO 126
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This syllabus is subject to change, and you are responsible for changes announced in class.
**Note: I may assign critical articles in addition to the books.** | 16 Jan—Intro to class and a fan warning | 16 Jan—Read Thompson article (handout) |
21 Jan—Read Sorcerer’s Stone chapters 1-12 | 23 Jan—Read Sorcerer’s Stone chapters 13-15; sorting; Blackboard post due by 5 | 25 Jan—Read Sorcerer’s Stone chapters 16-end; Blackboard responses due by 5 |
28 Jan—Read Chamber of Secrets chapters 1-11 | 30 Jan—Read Chamber of Secrets chapters 12-14; Blackboard post due by 5 | 1 Feb—Read Chamber of Secrets chapters 15-end; Slytherin-led discussion; Blackboard responses due by 5 |
4 Feb—Read Prisoner of Azkaban chapters 1-10 | 6 Feb—Read Prisoner of Azkaban chapters 11-13 | 8 Feb—Read Prisoner of Azkaban chapters 14-16; Gryffindor-led discussion; Blackboard post due by 5 |
11 Feb——Read Prisoner of Azkaban chapters 17-end, and Goblet of Fire chapters 1-7; Blackboard responses due by 5 | 13 Feb—Read Goblet of Fire chapters 8-10; last chance to send me rough draft of paper (due noon) | 15 Feb—Read Goblet of Fire chapters 11-13; Ravenclaw-led discussion |
18 Feb—Read Goblet of Fire chapters 14-22; paper due by 5 | 20 Feb—Read Goblet of Fire chapters 23-24 | 22 Feb—Read Goblet of Fire chapters 25-26; Hufflepuff-led discussion; Blackboard post due by 5 |
25 Feb—Read Goblet of Fire chapters 27-end; Blackboard responses due by 5 | 27 Feb—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 1-3 | 1 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 4-5 |
4 Mar—Break | 6 Mar—Break | 8 Mar—Break |
11 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 6-18 | 13 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 19-21 | 15 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 22-23 |
18 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 24-31 | 20 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 32-34; Blackboard post due by 5 | 22 Mar—Read Order of the Phoenix chapters 35-end; Ravenclaw-led discussion; Blackboard responses due by 5 |
25 Mar—Read Half-Blood Prince chapters 1-10 | 27 Mar—Read Half-Blood Prince chapters 11-13 | 29 Mar—Read Half-Blood Prince chapters 14-15; Slytherin-led discussion |
1 Apr—Read Half-Blood Prince chapters 16-24 | 3 Apr—Read Half-Blood Prince chapters 25-27; Blackboard post due by 5 | 5 Apr—Read Half-Blood Prince chapters 28-end; Hufflepuff-led discussion; Blackboard responses due by 5 |
8 Apr—Read Deathly Hallows chapters 1-11 | 10 Apr—Read Deathly Hallows chapters 12-14 | 12 Apr—Read Deathly Hallows chapters15-16; Gryffindor-led discussion |
15 Apr—Read Deathly Hallows chapters 17-24; Blackboard post due by 5 | 17 Apr—PCA—no class work on project | 19 Apr—PCA—no class work on project |
22 Apr—Read Deathly Hallows chapters 25-end; Blackboard responses due by 5 | 24 Apr—last chance to send me draft of project (due noon) | 26 Apr—wrap-up discussion |
29 Apr—final exam discussion; project due by 5 | 1 May—Study Day | Final Exam: Monday, May 6, 8:00-10:30 |
Background from Backgrounds Archive