LITR 220-11: Short Fiction (CRN 53)
MTWR 10:10-12:10, HECO 138

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This syllabus is subject to change, and you are responsible for changes announced in class.

  26 May—introduction to class; defining (short) fiction 27 May—read Introduction (xi-xxix) and Frank O’Connor (389-401) 28 May—read Porter (418-27) and Steinbeck (437-49); sign up for presentation topic and date; 1st Angel post due
1 June—read Crane (123-48) and Theroux (449-50) 2 June—read Chopin (120-3) and Gilman (172-89); 2nd Angel post due 3 June—read García Márquez (165-72) and Hawthorne (189-203) 4 June—read Faulkner (155-65) and Welty (469-78); 3rd Angel post due
8 June—read Kincaid (231-3) and Melville (300-36) 9 June—read Joyce (215-22) and Flannery O’Connor (372-89); 4th Angel post due 10 June—read Achebe (3-8) and O’Brien (354-72) 11 June—read Alexie (8-29) and Erdrich (148-55); 5th Angel post due
15 June—read Chekhov (111-20) and Kafka (222-31); Paper due 16 June—read Boyle (61-84) and Voskuil (457-9); 6th Angel post due 17 June—read Carver (84-99) and Hemingway (203-8) 18 June—reading TBA; 7th Angel post due
22 June—reading TBA 23 June—reading TBA; 8th Angel post due 24 June—reading TBA 25 June—reading TBA; 9th Angel post due
29 June—final exam      

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