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Arth 109

Art and Architecture from the time of Augustus

Slide List 13


 Augustus of Primaporta, c. 20 B.C.  Arringatore (Orator), Aulus Metellus, 1st c. B.C.

Heads of Augustus with Civic Crown. Left=Louvre; Right=Munich  Polykleitos, Doryphoros, 450-440 B.C.
Augustus as Pontifex Maximus. Augustus became Pontifex maximus in 13 BCE Togatus statue of Augustus, Louvre, head dated between 30-20BC; the body probably comes from the 2nd century AD. It represents Augustus as a magistrate.


 Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace), 13-9 B.C.  Tellus Relief (Earth, Air, and Sea personified), from the Ara Pacis.

 Aeneas Sacrificing, from the Ara Pacis.  


 Imperial Procession from the Ara Pacis  Detail of the Panathenaic procession from the Parthenon, c. 447-432 B.C.


 Model of the Forum of Augustus with the Temple of Mars Ultor, late 1st c. B.C.  Remains of the Temple of Mars Ultor.

Plan of the Forum of Augustus.  Temple of Fortuna Virilis, late 2nd c. B.C.

Caryatid from the Porch of Maidens that is part of the Erechtheum on the Acropolis, late 5th century BCE.

Caryatids from the attic of the Forum of Augustus.

 Maison Carée, c. 19 B.C., Nîmes, France.  Pont du Gard (Aqueduct), late 1st c. B.C., near Nîmes, France.


Imperator: this was originally a title for a commander of the military during the Roman Republic. As commander of the military Augustus was identified as "imperator." This term ultimately expands to embrace all the authority of the Roman leader or Emperor.

Cuirass statue: image of a Roman general or leader wearing a military breastplate or cuirass.

Ad locutio: the gesture of the arm raised to signify the active speaker. It is the gesture of authority in Roman art.

Togatus: figure wearing a toga, the formal, civilian dress of Rome.

Supplementary Web page

Roman Power and Roman Imperial Sculpture

Excerpts from Virgil's Aeneid.

Wikipedia pages: Augustus, Aeneas, Romulus and Remus

Questions for Review


 Panathenaic Frieze from the Parthenon, c. 447-432 B.C. Imperial Procession from the Ara Pacis, 13-9 B.C.

It is believed that the artists of the Ara Pacis were dependent upon the Parthenon frieze. Why would they have copied the older frieze, and what is distinctively Roman about the Ara Pacis frieze?


 Polykleitos, Doryphoros, c. 450-440 B.C.  

Art historians have shown that the portrait of Augustus is dependent on the Greek work. Why would a Roman artist have been interested in basing his work on the Doryphoros? What is essentially Roman about the Augustus statue?


 Arringatore (Orator), Aulus Metellus, 1st c. B.C.  Augustus of Primaporta, c. 20 B.C.

Discuss the differences in style of Roman portraiture documented by this comparison. Discuss why Roman portraiture would have gone through such a dramatic shift in style.


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