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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Lat. 7789:
Cicero'sOratio pro Marcello and Laurent de Premierfait's translation of Cicero's De senectute / Livre de vieillesse
after November 5, 1405 (see colophon)

f. 1r
Cicero's Pro Marcello. The text runs from folio 1-7v. This appears to be a separate textual unit from what follows. It looks like a different scribe than what follows (note the lighter ink). There are 28 lines per page while the remaining part of the manuscript has 26 lines of text per page. The decorator is possibly also different from the remaining portions of the manuscripts/ |

f. 8r: Inc. of De senectute: New scribe: darker ink and distinctive do to the "i's". The decorator appears to be the Walters 265 Decorator. |

f. 8r: detail
(possible cw cut off at the bottom of f. 15v)
Cut off cw at the bottom of f. 41v |

f. 34r: Dedication to Duke Louis of Bourbon. |

f. 47v
cw at the bottom of f. 49v, f. 57v, f. 65v, f. 73v. f. 81v, f. 89v |
f. 104: Cy fine le livre de tulle de vieillesse translate de latin en francois du commandment de tres excellant glorieux et noble prince loys duc de bourbon par moi laurent de premierfait cinqueme jour de novembre mill quatre cens et cinq. |