Marginal Matters | Catalog of Decorators | Catalog of Manuscripts
Walters 265 Decorator
Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, MS 265: Book of Hours, use of Paris | |
Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, MS 11140: Livre du trésor amoureux, c. 1410. The manuscript appears in the 1420 inventory of the Burgundian collection. | Identified Collaborators: Miniatures have been identified by Meiss (Limbourgs and their Contemporaries, p 384) as related to the Coronation Master. |
Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 77: Pierre Bersuire, Histoire romaine (translation of Titus Livius, Ab urbe condita libri) ca. 1405, ms. owned by Jean de Berry. | Identified Collaborator: Miniatures associated by Meiss (Limbourgs and their Contempories, p. 375) with the Master of Berry's Cleres Femmes. Marginal figures related to those in BN, ms fr. 172-173 and Cotton Domitian AXVII.Bibliography: Imagining the Past in France, no. 34, pp. 211-214. |
Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève, MS fr. 190-2: Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes. | |
fr. 190-1, f. 50r (break in decorators with folio 85 with the beginning of a new gathering. See paragraph marks. Walters 265 decorator returns on f. 86r. The Walters 265 decorator and the second decorator share the next portion of the ms.) |
fr. 190-2, f. 96v |
The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Ms. 72 A 24: Jean de Vignay, Miroir historial (translation of Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum historiale) | Identified Collaborators: Cité des Dames Master |
f. 3 (illustrated in Imagining the Past in France, no. 33, pp. 208-210) | The Hague manuscript is perhaps the fourth volume of a set which began with BnF, Mss. fr. 308-310) |
London, British Library, Bedford Hours | The original portions of the decoration of the Bedford Hours are possibly by the Walters 265 Master. |
Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, MS Ludwig XV 7: Romance of the Rose, fol. 1r | |
Compare the elaborate staffs of fol. 1r to those of Nouv. Acqq. lat. 3107, fol 77 (Adoration of the Magi) |
Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, MS Felton 411/4: Livy, History of Rome: Three Decades (translated by Pierre Bersuire) | Identified Collaborators: Walters 231 Decorator ; workshop of the Cité des dames Master |
Paris, Arsenal, MS 3479-3480: Legends of the Holy Grail: 3479: Merlin, Sir Lancelot of the Lake; 3480: Sir Lancelot of the Lake, The Quest of the Holy Grail, The Death of King Arthur. Ms. associated with a Burgundian account record listing a payment of 300 escus d'or on Feb. 21, 1407 (n.s.) to Jacques Rapondi. The Arsenal manuscript is apparently a twin to Paris, BN, fr. 117-20 which was sold to Jean de Berry in 1405 for 300 écus d'or by Regnault du Montet. | Identified Collaborators: Miniaturists: Master of the Cité des Dames, the Master of the Clères Femmes, and a minor artist, whom François Avril assumed was associated with the Master of the Second Novel of the Rose of the Duke de Berry, from the circle of the Master of the Clères Femmes. Bibliography: Cleveland & Dijon, Art from the Court of Burgundy. p. 117 n. 44. |
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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 117: |
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Fr. 172 & 173: St. Augustine, La Cité de Dieu. Given to Jean de Berry by Pierre Salmon c. 1407. Signature of Jean de Berry appears on folio 304 of fr. 173. |
Identified Collaborator: Miniatures associated by Meiss (Limbourgs and their Contempories, p. 375) with the Master of Berry's Cleres Femmes. Marginal figures related to those in Geneva, fr. 77, Douce 144 and Cotton Domitian AXVII. |
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fr. 173?, f. 117v |
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 174: Saint Augustine, La cité de Dieu, translated by Raoul de Presles | ||
f. 3r, detail |
f. 3r, detail |
f. 3r |
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 926: Saint Bonaventura, L'aiguillon d'amour divin, John of Swabia, L'horloge de sapience. Marie de Berry, daughter of Jean, received this manuscript from her confessor Simon de Courcy. A statement on the verso of the first folio tells us that Courcy commissioned the manuscript and that it was finished in May, 1406. | Identified Collaborators: Luçon Master responsible for all of the miniatures except for fol 52, a Crucifixion by the Master of the Breviary of Jean sans Peur. Bibliography: Meiss, Limbourgs and their Contemporaries, p. 344. |
f. 113r |
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 7789: De senectute / Livre de vieillesse, Paris, c. 1405 | |
f. 8r |
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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Nouv. acq. lat 3107: St. Maur Hours | |
Peterborough, Museum and Art Gallery, Book of Hours | |
Comparison of the Walters 265 Decorator's Elaborate Staffs.