Dr. Terry L. Helser, Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
120C Physical Sciences Building, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607)436-3518 or Email to: Strand

Any highlighted text will lead to a specific section, like the course description , the schedule for Spring semester, the next extra credit puzzle or project, internet resources , or how to leave us a message . You can see my resume and publications on other pages.

This course is the second part in a two semester biochemistry sequence. It focuses on the macromolecular basis of heredity, including the structure of proteins and nucleic acids with major emphasis on information flow from DNA to RNA to protein and beyond. Also covers recombinant DNA, chromatin structure, gene arrangement, the immune system, and more. Includes laboratory.  Whenever possible topics of current interest are discussed.
Class sessions (3 hours a week) and laboratories (4 hours a week) are required, with cooperative teamwork used extensively. Two hourly exams and a cumulative final exam are evaluated. Extra credit puzzles and problem sets are also given. The laboratory teams produce research reports, both oral and written, based on discovery-type projects. Electronic mail (email) and the Internet are used extensively. Whenever possible, topics of current research interest are discussed.
The text is Biochemistry, 4th Ed., 2009, Trudy & James R. McKee (Oxford University Press). An additional text may be required. Students must obtain their usercode from Phys.Sci. 122A, 106 or other computer to access E-mail and search the Internet. Copies of prior tests, student papers and handouts will be available for perusal or reproduction.
The prerequisite is Introductory Biochemistry (Chem 330), but some exposure to genetics and microbiology will help. The course also qualifies as LA Z and is required in the Biochemistry Track for the B.S. in Chemistry.

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Internet Resources

  • Link to a major search engine
  • Biochemistry Links
  • Sequences of Microbial Genomes, the yeast genome and project
  • Links to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  • Information on Natural Polymers like cellulose, starch, etc.
  • How to join the GenTalk list
  • How to make your own Web page at OSC
  • Extra Credit Puzzles/Projects (Links to be added when they are available.)
    1. Amino Acid Wordsearch
    2. Gene Expression Game

    If you have questions or comments, write the:

      Author of this page: Terry Helser -
        Web Coordinator: Philip S. Bidwell -
    Or return to the SUNY @ Oneonta Home Page to see where we live and work.

      Last Modified on 1/14/2011  Made on a MacMac OS