Dr. Terry L. Helser, Professor of Chemistry
227 Physical Sciences Building, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607)436-3518 or Email to: HELSERTL@oneonta.edu.
Just click on the highlighted text to see the course
description, the schedules for Fall
You can also jump to the next extra credit puzzle or project, links to
sites of interest or leave me a message. You should
read the information on the cooperative
format I use, or you can go back to my home
This course involves doing discussions, library research and presenting oral
and written reports on selected topics in chemistry
Class sessions (1 hour a week) are
required, with cooperative teamwork
used extensively. Research reports, 2 hourly exams
and a cumulative final exam are evaluated. Extra credit puzzles and
problem sets are also given. The teams produce research reports,
both oral and written, based on projects of their own choosing. Electronic mail
(e-mail) and the Internet are used extensively.
required. Students must obtain their usercode and password at http://helpdesk.oneonta.edu
to access E-mail. Copies of prior tests, student papers and handouts are
available in Milne Library for perusal or reproduction.
This course, with prerequisites of Junior or Senior standing and instructor
permission, satisfies the liberal arts requirement for the Basic Curriculum
(LA attribute); see your advisor. It is required for the chemistry major and
the biochemistry track, and can be credited to the chemistry minor. You
must attend 70% of the class meetings and pass the report evaluations to pass
the course.
Absence from the first class session may from the course! Inform the
immediately if you have any problem attending.
Emergency Evacuation/Shelter-in-Place Procedures
In the event of an emergency evacuation (i.e., fire or other emergency), classes
meeting in this building are directed to
reassemble at Chase Gym so that all persons can be accounted for. Complete
details of the emergency evacuation, shelter-in-place, and other emergency
procedures can be found at http://www.oneonta.edu/security.
Would you like to go to the top
of the page, or back to my home
Internet Resources
Links to most major search
Lab Safety - MSDS lists
and Contact
Search for properties and information on individual
THE site for general lab
procedures, but the videos take forever to load
and THE site for links to all types of chemical
education resources
If that is not enough, try the Journal
of Chemical Education reviews for more links
Science Room from an OK high school with lots of links to news, etc.
A UK site with free Computer
Aided Instruction software to download
science news
site called NOVA - interesting and current
Our own Dr. Pence has a page on chemistry
careers, but it is useful for all job hunters
Information on Natural
Polymers like cellulose, starch, etc.
chemist's art gallery
with tons of neat images
If you have questions or comments, write the:
Author of this page: Terry Helser - helsertl@oneonta.edu
Web Coordinator: Philip Bidwell - bidwelps@oneonta.edu
Or return to the SUNY @ Oneonta Home
Page to see where we live and work.
Last Modified on 6/1/2010