Undergraduate Seminar
Chemistry 398
(CRN 918)
Class, Test Schedule |
(Room: PSci 229 - M 4:00 PM) |
Fall, 2010 |
Instructor: Dr. Terry L. Helser |
Office: PS 227 |
Phone: 607-436-3518 |
E-mail To: HELSERTL@oneonta.edu.
Text: None yet
Catalog Description: This course involves discussions, library research and presenting oral and written reports on student-selected topics in chemistry. Whenever possible
topics of current interest are discussed. This course is required for the chemistry major and the biochemistry track, and can be credited to the chemistry minor. (LA) Prerequisite: JrS or SrS with instructor permission.
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Month & Days |
II. Journal Articles
Reading Assignment |
October 18 |
Review Grant Applications
25 |
Dr. U. Schroeder, Rochester Univ., "Energy Futures" |
November 1 |
Critique Dr. Schroeder's Talk |
Submit Final Grant Application |
November 8 |
Evaluate Research Report Examples
Research Paper Topic |
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Month & Days |
III. Oral Research Reports
Reading Assignment |
November 15 |
Dr. Ephraim Woods, Colgate U. "Sea Spray"
Draft Research Paper |
22 |
Thanksgiving Vacation - No Classes |
via email |
29 |
Critique Dr. Woods' Talk
Submit Research Paper |
December 6 |
Criteria for Oral Reports, Practice
December 11 |
20 min. Oral Reports (Saturday, PSci room 229, |
2 -5:30 PM) |
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100 pts.
Scale: 90-100% A
Grant Proposal
100 pts.
80-89% B
Research Paper
100 pts.
70-79% C
Oral Presentation
100 pts.
60-69% D
Total: 400 pts.
0-59% E
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Grading Policies:
Your point total for each part of a project will be divided by the total
possible for a % of 100 points. Each project is worth a maximum of 100 points
of your total grade.
Final reports must be typed, spaced >1.5 lines, and signed by all
group members. They must contain an objective, introduction, procedure
(flow diagram), safety notes, results (an essay w/ tables, plots), and
discussion/conclusion sections. One point
/day will be subtracted for reports submitted after due dates.
Oral reports are awarded 100 points for
the depth and breadth of the research surveyed, and the individual's stage
presence, poise and participation. Generally, the score is an average of the
evaluations from audience members and the instructor. Copies of the printed
grading form will be available in the class.
You must score 60% on evaluations to pass the course. If you miss more
than 1/3 of the classes, you will earn an E for the course, no matter
what your project scores total. Plagiarism (see your Handbook ) will not
be tolerated.
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Seminar, CHEM 398 Information
If you must miss a class or group meeting, you must inform your
group and instructor. Your group should decide on how you can repay your
responsibilities to the group. Options might be to do extra library research,
proposal or report writing, computer searches or whatever the group decides
is adequate repayment for the loss of your participation. If the group
decides your excuse was not valid, they may consider a loss of credit as
appropriate punishment, and should so inform you and the instructor.
Penalties, generally -1 point a day for reports which are late,
will be assessed against the primary author of that report.
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If you have questions or comments, write the:
Author of this page: Terry Helser - helsertl@oneonta.edu
Web Coordinator: Philip Bidwell - bidwelps@oneonta.edu
Or return to the SUNY @ Oneonta Home
Page to see where we live and work.
Last Modified on 11/1/2010