Physical Education 186

Course Description


Course Description





COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to teach the basic skills necessary to be able
to safely and successfully enjoy the sport of mountain biking. Students will become aware of the
proper fit of helmets and bikes, gear selection, RPM and frame configuration, single-track
of climbing and downhill riding, environmental concerns, and an appreciation of
cardiovascular fitness and health through mountain biking.

FORMAT: The majority of the class will be spent in activity, riding on a variety of trails and
roads near the campus
. Instruction will be given on mountain biking technique, bike care and
maintenance, safety, environmental concerns and physical fitness. The class will be gradually
exposed to longer rides and more difficult trails. Students will be required to maintain and
submit a log of their daily class experiences. 

BOOKS: Mountain Bike Like A Champion. Ned Overend, Rodale Press, 1999.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: There are some bikes and helmets available for use, however
students are encouraged to bring their own bike and/or helmet if available.