It has been said that economics students are frequently led through the desert of analysis up to the oasis of current issues, but then not allowed to drink! Economic Issues Today solves that problem by giving students the opportunity to examine a wide range of relevant issues from sharply contrasting conservative, liberal, and radical perspectives. EIT has stood the tests of time and the market. As either a supplement or a stand-alone text, it merits careful consideration by economics teachers and intelligent laypersons.
Campbell R. McConnell
Professor of Economics, Emeritus
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
December 1998
Economic Issues Today is that rarest of books, with a truly unique approach to economics. One by one, the authors take up the central economic problems of our day: from the problem of unemployment to the spread of globalization. However, instead of telling the reader what the right answers are to these problems, Professors Carson, Thomas, and Hecht offer three very carefully composed approaches--conservative, liberal, and radical. that leaves it up to the readers, not the writers to decide which of the three approaches is best. This is a book that ought to be read by every student who is considering whether to take a course in economics, and by his or her parents who failed to take such a course and have often wondered what they missed.
Robert L. Heilbroner
Professor of Economics, Emeritus
New School for Social Research
December 1998