The Eighth Edition (2005)
Economic Issues Today: Alternative Approaches
Eighth Edition
By: Robert B. Carson, Wade L. Thomas, and Jason Hecht
Highly accessible and relevant in today's economic environment, Economic
Issues Today provides a unique approach to understanding what the practice
of economics is all about. Fifteen issues are covered, providing
for each an analysis from three different economic perspectives: Conservative,
Liberal, and Radical. Authors Carson,Thomas,and Hecht have again combined their efforts to produce a thoroughly revised and updated book. Economic Issues Today is also available in separate volumes:
Microeconomic Issues Today and Macroeconomic Issues Today.
The eighth edition features:
- New directions in agricultural policy since 2002
- Perspectives on consumer welfare
- Acid rain, pollution control policies, and the immediacy of environmental issues on an international scale
- Broadened examination of industry regulation, corporate scandals, and regulation of the accounting profession
- Updated data on income distribution, poverty, the net worth of America's richest, and use of the Gini index to track inequality
- New issue on the growing crisis with social security
- Recent federal tax cuts
- Renewed focus on productivity growth and the prospects for economic growth
- Outsourcing of American jobs
- The resumption of budget deficits
- Interest rate targeting and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy
- And much more
Like all its predecessors, Economic Issues Today, Eighth Edition
is written specifically for the undergraduate audience; it requires no
background in economic analysis and avoids economic jargon in favor of
plain everyday language.
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