vom Saal |
Walter vom Saal
This page will be used to post announcements regarding courses. Announcements will be posted with most recent announcement at the top of the list. Old announcements will be retained for reference until the end of the semester.
1/1/06. All students. I am on leave for spring 2006. If you want to get in contact with me, you may send me an e-mail, or get in touch with the department secretary.
9/8/05. All students. I received the following announcement. Student's I've known who have participated in this program have found it very enjoyable and beneficial:
Sign up for the Emerging Leaders program. Emerging Leaders is a 2 day fall semester leadership program for students. This year Emerging Leaders will be held on Friday, October 21 3pm-10pm at College Camp and Saturday, October 22 9am-5pm in the Hunt Union. To pick up an application for Emerging Leaders stop by the Office of Campus Life on the 2nd floor of the Union or call x3591.
9/7/05. Psyc 202 students (Careers). I have posted the homework assignments for Group 5 and Group 6. See the link to the homework assignments on the home page for Psyc 202.
9/1/05. Psyc 202 students (Careers). I sent the following e-mail to all students on Thursday, September 01, 2005, 1:20 pm. If you didn't get it, please confirm that your e-mail on file with the college is the correct one (see instructions in a previous announcement below).
Because we are just getting started, Group 5 has not had a chance to give you the homework assignment for their presentation, which is planned for 9/8/05 (a week from today). Here is what we will do:
- Group 5: e-mail me the assignment.
- I will post it on the website under “homework assignments”
- EVERYONE look at the website to see the assignment. I cannot guarantee when I will get it there, but if everything works out it will be there tonight. Otherwise, keep checking and hopefully it will be there soon.
- The assignment will be due on Thursday 9/8/052. TO GROUP 5: please send me the assignment ASAP. Unfortunately, I will be out of town from Friday 2 pm until late Monday, and I may not be able to access the internet while I am away. Try to get me the assignment by late tonight (Thursday) if possible.
3. TO GROUP 5: someone returned the Landrum book, which has a four-year timetable you may want to refer to. I’ll leave the book in the Psych Department office for you to pick up. EW-mail each other about who wants to get it.
4. TO EVERYONE: Please be sure to sign out books when you borrow them and sign them back in when you return them. Be sure to sign out on the card for the correct copy. I am trying to keep the correct card for each book inside the back cover of the book until the book is signed out, at which time the card should be filled out and given to me.
5. To Hope Eaton and Catlin Eggleston: The book card shows both of you signed out Landrum Copy 1. Someone returned it. It is possible that one of you still has Copy 2. Can you send me a return e-mail to clarify who had Copy 1, who returned it, and who still has Copy 2?
Have a nice weekend!
Walter vom Saal
8/17/05. ALL STUDENTS: College Resources. Here are some college resources that may help you in your academic work:
CADE: Center for academic Development and Enrichment. 225 Alumni Hall, 607-436-3010, or this program offers tutoring in writing skills, study skills, and selected specific courses. I have given blanket permission that authorizes personnel at CADE and at the Writing Center to work with students in my courses on papers and other work submitted. Make use of this valuable resource to improve your writing and to help you with your study skills! [NOTE: also please contact CADE if you wish to serve as a paid tutor for Psyc 100, which I highly recommend as a valuable lerning experience.]
TIPS: Technology Instruction Program for Students. This newly initiated program offers assistance with computer applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and others. Services provided include individual and group tutoring, interactive training CDs that his may be borrowed, and print on demand instruction sheets.
8/30/05. ALL STUDENTS: REMINDER: Please make sure you register your preferred e-mail address. This may be done on the Oneonta website.
8/30/05. Psyc 202 students (Careers). I have put a link to the PowerPoint presentations from a previous class on the home page for the Careers course. You are welcome to review the PowerPoint presentations from previous years. If you wish to use these to assist you in creating your own materials, you may do so. It is NOT plagiarism if you use these materials and clearly state that you are using them (including information about the degree to which you are using the previous materials and the degree to which the work is your own new contribution). IT IS PLAGIARISM to use these materials without such a statement.
Since I am allowing you to use materials from previous years, I also am expecting that you will add significant materials of your own in terms of the actual presentations you make, including the homework assignment, class presentations, and class activities.
8/26/05. Psyc 202 students (Careers). All students in this class should MARK YOUR CALENDARS and plan to attend the Graduate and Professional School Fair on Monday, October 31.
8/23/05. Psyc 257 students (Human Sexuality). I forgot to mention in class that you should read the relevant text material before each lecture, and that there are READING ASSIGNMENTS for this text on this website. The Reading assignments also contain READING GUIDELINES that tell you what pages to emphasize and what pages you may omit. The reading guidelines are available from the home page for Psyc 257. Please look at them and read the relevant sections of the text before the next class.
8/23/05. Psyc 257 students (Human Sexuality). A preliminary syllabus and material to allow us to discuss the schedule of topics is now available. Be aware that these will be discussed in class and may be changed.
8/23/05. Psyc 202 students (Careers). A preliminary syllabus and material to allow us to discuss the schedule of topics is now available. Be aware that these will be discussed in class and may be changed.
8/22/05. Psyc 294/83 students (Positive Psychology). We will be using BlackBoard to have on-line discussions in our class. To allow this, each student must enroll in the course using BlackBoard. BlackBoard is set up so that students self-enroll themselves in courses. Click the link to BlackBoard at the top of this page, log in, and then find Psyc 294/83 using the course catalog, and click the enroll button. (I got these instructions from the course administrator, but it is not possible for me to try this myself, so please let me know if you have problems.)
8/22/05. Psyc 294/83 students (Positive Psychology). A preliminary syllabus and schedule of topics is now available. Be aware that these will be discussed in class and may be changed.
8/17/05. ALL STUDENTS: Please make sure you register your preferred e-mail address. This may be done on the Oneonta website.
8/17/05. All students. Course syllabi and handouts for fall 2005 are now being prepared. In some cases, I will post drafts on the website to test them (I test whether certain pages show up properly, whether links work properly, etc.). Be aware that any DRAFTS may change significantly. I will post a note here on this Announcements page when material is complete and ready to be viewed and printed.
updated on most recent date above