Walter vom Saal


Walter vom Saal

Note: some handouts are available as either Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files or Microsoft Word files. You may view the document in either version, but it is often easier to view the pdf version. If you want to print the document, select the pdf version. If you want to edit or modify the document, or if it is a form you want to fill in, select the Microsoft Word version.

Scroll down or click to see:

General handouts for all courses.

Handouts for Psyc 100: General Psychology.  

Handouts for Psyc 220: Research Methods.

Handouts for Psyc 257: Psychology of Human Sexuality.

Handouts for Psyc 345: Psychology of Adulthood and Aging.

Handouts for Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants.

Handouts for retirement research.

Complete list of all handouts.

General handouts for all courses.

Guidelines for writing papers (pdf file).
NOTE: students who are considering writing a paper for additional credit
or to replace a course component should read page 2 of
Guidelines for writing papers.
Some notes on writing and grammar
Form for assessment of group members' contributions to group projects

Goals of education.
Goals of education (PDF format)
Group work: guidelines for effective group work.
Guidelines for Internships
Guidelines for self-change projects.
APA reference format for references to web sites.  
Event attendance report.
Retirement calculator ("how to become a millionaire")
Website review form.
Website review instructions.
Extra credit options (pdf file).
Form for letters of reference (Microsoft Word file) (Use this for electronic submission as an e-mail attachment).
Form for letters of reference (pdf file)
Assertiveness lecture (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].
Assertiveness questionnaire, long form (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].
Assertiveness questionnaire short form (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].
Assertiveness interview (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].

Handouts for Psyc 100: General Psychology.

Evolutionary psychology (PDF format).
Evolutionary psychology   
Abnormal behavior is normal.
Abnormal behavior is normal (b)

Handouts for Psyc 220: Research Methods.

Key terms and concepts in Psyc 220: current version (dated 6/25/03)
Key terms and concepts in Psyc 220: initial version for fall 2003 (dated 6/25/03)
Statistical significance.

Mnemonic device for remembering key questions in Psyc 220
Grading sheet for APA reports (pdf file).
Group work: guidelines for effective group process.
Guidelines for writing papers (pdf file).  
Guidelines for oral presentations in Psyc 220.
Poster session guidelines (pdf file).
Poster session guidelines (Word document with figures) (Click OPEN to view file).
Poster session guidelines (web document, text only).
Statistical significance of correlations (NOTE: multiply by 2 for 2-tailed test!)
Websites for Research Methods.

Handouts for Psyc 257: Psychology of Human Sexuality.  

Statement on Class Expectations, Ground Rules, and Sexual Harassment
Issue Analysis Sheets to prepare for Taking Sides discussions.
Issue Team Guidelines for teams presenting issues in Taking Sides discussions.
Sexual Value Systems.
Evolutionary psychology   
Evolutionary psychology (PDF format).
The concept of Romantic Love.
Additional thoughts on love.
Gender differences in communication styles.
Guidelines for successful relationships.
Homosexuality: discussion outline.
Sexual problems: possible contributing factors.
Group presentations: guidelines and grading (pdf file).
Group presentations: evaluation form for audience member (pdf file).
Group presentations: evaluation form for group members (pdf file).
Group work: guidelines for effective group process.

Handouts for Psyc 345: Psychology of Adulthood and Aging.  

---General handouts for Psyc 345.

Bias and discrimination based on age
Critical issues in aging.
Critical issues in aging #2.
Demographic data on aging and retirement.
Reaction paper on Tuesdays with Morrie.
Stress: symptoms of stress.
Stress: causes of stress.
Stress: ways of dealing with stress.
Happiness Materials. Includes descriptions and links to the following:
- Life satisfaction homework assignment
- Life satisfaction questionnaire
- Life satisfaction review
- Values survey on Personal Characteristics I Consider Important
- Values survey on What I Want Out of Life
- Values survey on Life Priorities
Websites on aging.

---Psyc 345 handouts on Service Learning.

---Psyc 345 handouts on Interviews:

------Possible interview topics:

Critical issues in aging (pdf form).
Critical issues in aging #2 (pdf form).
Group presentations: possible topics.
Guidelines for successful relationships.

------General guidelines for how to conduct interviews:

Interviews: Guidelines for conducting interviews (pdf file).

------Suggestions for interview topics and questions:

Interviews: Possible topics and questions (pdf file).  
Interviews: Families (pdf file).
Interviews: Relationships, friendships, and marriage (pdf file).
Interviews: Wisdom (pdf file).
Interviews: Final interview.  
--- You also may wish to use the three handouts on stress (above).
--- You also may wish to use the happiness questionnaire (above).
--- You also may wish to use the two values surveys (above).

------Guidelines for writing the interview report:

Interviews: Guidelines for writing the interview report.

--Psyc 345 handouts on Group Presentations:

Group presentations: guidelines and grading (pdf file).
Group presentations: evaluation form for audience member (pdf file).
Group presentations: evaluation form for group members (pdf file).
Group presentations: possible topics.
oup work: guidelines for effective group process.

Complete list of all handouts.  

Abnormal behavior is normal.
Additional thoughts on love.
Agencies: questions about agencies and living facilities for the elderly.
APA reference format for references to web sites.
Assertiveness lecture (pdf file)
OR [Microsoft Word file].
Assertiveness questionnaire, long form (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].
Assertiveness questionnaire short form (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].
Assertiveness interview (pdf file) OR [Microsoft Word file].
Bias and discrimination based on age
Concepts of Romantic Love.
Critical issues in aging (pdf file).
Critical issues in aging #2 (pdf file).
Demographic data on aging and retirement (pdf file).
Event attendance report.  
Evolutionary psychology   
Evolutionary psychology (pdf file).
Extra credit options (pdf file). 
Form for assessment of group members' contributions to group projects
Form for letters of reference (Microsoft Word file) (Use this for electronic submission as an e-mail attachment).
Form for letters of reference (pdf file).
Gender differences in communication styles.

Goals of education.
Goals of education (pdf file) 
Grading sheet for APA reports (pdf file).
Group presentations: guidelines and grading (pdf file).
Group presentations: evaluation form for audience member (pdf file).
Group presentations: evaluation form for group members (pdf file).

Group presentations: possible topics.
Group work: guidelines for effective group work.
Guidelines for Internships.
Guidelines for oral presentations in Psyc 220.
Guidelines for self-change projects.
Guidelines for soup kitchen report.
Guidelines for successful relationships.

Guidelines for writing papers (pdf file).
Happiness Materials.
Homosexuality: discussion outline.
Interviews: Guidelines for conducting interviews (pdf file).
Interviews: Guidelines for writing the interview report.
Interviews: Possible topics and questions (pdf file).  
Interviews: Families (pdf file).
Interviews: Relationships, friendships, and marriage (pdf file).
Interviews: Wisdom (pdf file).
Interviews: Final interview.
Issue Analysis Sheets to prepare for Taking Sides discussions.
Issue Team Guidelines for teams presenting issues in Taking Sides discussions.
Key terms and concepts in Psyc 220: current version (dated 6/25/03)
Key terms and concepts in Psyc 220: initial version for fall 2003 (dated 6/25/03)
Life satisfaction homework assignment
Life satisfaction questionnaire
Life satisfaction review
Mnemonic device for remembering key questions in Psyc 220  
Facilities for the elderly in Oneonta.
Poster session guidelines (PDF format).
Poster session guidelines (Word document with figures) (Click OPEN to view file).
Poster session guidelines (web document, text only).
Questions about agencies and living facilities for the elderly - revised format.
Questions about agencies and living facilities for the elderly - PDF format.

Reaction paper on Tuesdays with Morrie.
Retirement calculator ("how to become a millionaire")
Sexual problems: possible contributing factors.Sexual Value Systems.
Some notes on writing and grammar.
Statement on Class Expectations, Ground Rules, and Sexual Harassment.
Statistical significance of correlations (NOTE: multiply by 2 for 2-tailed test!)
Statistical significance.
Stress: symptoms of stress.

Stress: causes of stress.
Stress: ways of dealing with stress.

Values survey on Personal Characteristics I Consider Important
Values survey on What I Want Out of Life
Values survey on Life Priorities

Website review form.

Website review instructions.
Websites for Research Methods.
Websites on aging.




updated 8/21/05