Here is the webpage whole SUNY IITG course portfolio (project outcome page)
Lecture Slides (NOT polished, while many of them are extremely long, some other are currently just place holders for now. Either case needs to be finalized.)
Also if you have some good slides for some topics, please send to me. When you work on a set of slides, please think about five or at least a couple of questions students should be able to find answers from the slides. Send those questions to me if you happen to get some, I will add them to our question bank and post them.
1. Introduction to the Course (Overview and outline etc.) (need more work later)
3. History of Computer and Computing, and Von Neumann architecture
4. Computer Hardware Components
5. Computer Software (OS and Application Software, need to add slides for a quick Survey of Microsoft Office Suite, photoshop moviemaker, etc.)
File System
(file name, file extension, well known file extension, path, absolute,
relative, full name, folder, attributes, etc.)
User Interface and
Interface Design, shortcut keys
8. DOS commands
9. Internet, webserver, browser, HTTP, email, URL, IP, domain name,
HTML, web page
12. Networking, connections, 4G, wireless, wifi, bluetooth, RF
13. Binary number system (bits, bytes, KB, MB, GB, etc, decimal, octal, hexadecimal)
14. ASCII, Unicode, text file, information and data representation
15. How to represent digital color? How
to represent digital music? How to digitize multimedia?
CPU, Instruction sets (machine language) and
Assembly Language (missing instruction set and Assembly part, also need to
reword many slides, can someone take care of this ?: )
17. Programming languages, generations, history of programming languages
18. Logic (Sen is working on that, should be available soon)
19. Basic Imperative Programming constructs (in VB (Howard), Javascript, Php or whatever)
20. A brief survey of computing related subfields and subjects. Computer Science, Computer Technologies, information science, Computer Engineering, computer system and sub fields
21. What is Computational thinking? What are basic computing principles?
22. Big data problem. Where big data is used? How to use big data? Who use big data?
23. Malware, virus, spyware (Currently, posted something for 20,21, 22 has been posted here as one big file. Sen is going to separate them)
24. Privacy, Vulnerability, Virus, Malware
25. cyber attacks and cyber security
of Computing jobs (from job market point of view? Need
Social Network and
Digital Media (need slides)
28. Opportunities and challenges of studying in computing fields?
29. Open source, various open source licenses
30. Computing standardizations and organizations
31. Computer and Society, sustainable Computing, Ethical Computing, & GreenIT
32. Digital Literacy, Digital Ethics, Etiquettes, Copyright
Question Bank (need to be expanded)
The existing pre-test will be posted here.
Vocabulary (list of concepts)
We had a partially done about it, will be expanded and listed here.
Sample syllabi
To be added here again (on the project webpage already)
How far is this from an E-book?
Please let us know anything we should add to this page.
My TLTC has created a sandbox for the course. You probably can’t have access to it, except Howard, as he teaches in both Delhi and Oneonta.
But don’t worry, I am posting the slides we have to this page, and we can work on the slides collectively. Once we all agreed on a version 1.0, I will post them all on the Blackboard Sandbox and create a Common Cartridge for the course for you guys to download and import to your own course management system for the next semester.
Hopefully we can work together to refine, polish and finalize these slides over next a couple of months.