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Date: 1387-1394 Shelf Nos. Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, ms 96

f. 65v

  Title: Book of Hours
Evidence: Dated between 1387 and 1394. The dating is based on references in a prayer to the Peter of Luxembourg who died in 1387 and to Clement VII as still alive(d. 1394).
Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, figs. 616, 618, 621, 626, and 627; Randall, cat. 76, pp.205-209.
Date: 1401 Shelf Nos.Barcelona, Bibl. Central, ms. 1850  
  Title: Book of Hours
Evidence: Inscription on folio 25v reads: "L'an de grace mil quatre cens et un furent faitez ces heures p[ar] Colin le besc"
Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, figs. 334, 705, 706, 810; Meiss, 1974m p. 306.
Date: Jan 1, 1402 Shelf Nos. Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, ms. 9094.

folio 10: Cleres femmes Scribe A: Cleres femmes B decorator.

  Title: Livre des propriétés des Choses

Account record: A Jaques Raponde, auquel estoit deu par mon dit seigneur la somme de IIIIc escuz d'or, en quoy icellui seigneur luy estoit tenuz pour la vendue et delivrance d'un livre nommé de la Proprieté des Choses tout nuef, escript et ystorié, couvert de velueil en graine a fermouers d'argent doréz, lequel mon dit seigneur fist prendre et achetter ledit pris, si qu'il appert plus a plain par les letres patentes dudit seigneur sur ce faictes donné le IIIe jour de janvier l'an mil IIIIc et I cy rendu avec quictance, ensemble certifficacion sur ce de maistre Richart le barbier, garde des livres et rommant dudit seigneur IIIIc escuz

Dijon, ADCO, B 1526, f. 292v- Cockshaw, 1969, p. 133, no. 45.

Date: Before 1402 Shelf Nos.Paris, Bibl. nat, fr. 282

fol. 173: Miniature by the Virgil Master; decoration by the A Master of the Belles Heures.

  Title: Valerius Maximus, Faits et dits memorable (translated by Simon de Hesdin and Nicholas de Gonesse)
Evidence: Inscription written in gold on folio 411v records that Nicholas de Gonesse, on the request of the Duke of Berry and his treasurer, Jacques Courau, finished the translation on September 28, 1401. An erased ownership inscription of the Duke of Berry appears beneath this note. The manuscript can be identified with an entry in the 1413 inventory of the Duke's collection. This entry states: "Un grant livre de Valerius Maximus, historié et escript de lettre de court, lequel sire Jacques Courau envoya à monseigneur à estraines le I Janvier 1402 (n.s.)."
Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, pp. 21, 56, 62, 104, 116, 408, 410, 415, 436 n. 35; Farber, 1980, 44-49, 151-158.
Date: Before 1402 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibl. nat., fr. 159

folio 10v: Miniature by Coronation Master, decoration by Walters 231 decorator, text by Scribe A of fr. 159.

  Title: Guiart des Moulins, Bible Historiale
Evidence: Ms. illuminated before 1402 when it was given to Jean de Berry by Raoulet d'Auguetonville. Inscription by Flamel and ex libris of Berry on folio B.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, fig. 822; Meiss, 1968, figs. 459-463; Meiss, 1974, p. 383.
Date: Before 1402 Shelf Nos. London, British Library, Royal 19 D I  
  Title: Histoire de Troye, d'Alixandre et des Romains
Evidence: Jean de Berry borrowed ms. from the king to make BN fr. 301. Ms. owned by Jean de Berry.
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 239.
Date: Before 1402 Shelf Nos.Paris, Bibl. nat. fr. 301

folio 1. Miniature attributed by Avril to Perrin Remiet; decoration by the Walters 231 Decorator.

  Title: Paulus Orosius, Histoire Ancienne

Evidence: Ms. illuminated shortly before purchase by Jean de Berry from Bureau de Dampmartin (bourgeois et changeur de Paris) in April, 1402.

Avril (p. 308) identifies fr. 301 with the following entry in the 1413 inventory of Jean de Berry:

Item, un livre de Troye la grant, escript en françois de lettre de fourme, et au commencement du second feuillet a escript: les parolles; et est couvret de veluiau vermeil fermant à deux fermouers d'argent dorez, roons; lequel fut achaté par mondit seigneur de Bureau de Dampmartin, bourgeois et changeur de Paris, ou mois d'avril mil cccc et II.

(Inventaires, I, p. 237, no. 912)

Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, p. 399, fig. 274: Avril, 1969.
Date: 1402 Shelf Nos. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 515

folio 95: miniature attributed by Meiss to the Coronation Master; decoration by the A Master of the Belles Heures.

  Title: Book of Hours, made for the use of Nantes

Evidence: Colophon on folio 216v written by the scribe Yvo Luce states that the ms. was written and illuminated at Nantes in 1402:

"L'an mil IIII et II furent escriptes et enlumines cests matines a la ville de Nantes."

Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, fig. 823; Meiss, 1974, p. 336, fig. 412: Farber, 1980, pp. 58-60,.
Date: 1403 Shelf Nos. Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, Med. Pal. 69  
  Title: Virgil, Ecologues, Georgics, and Aeneid

Evidence: Colophon on folio 265v, states that Pierre de l'Ormel, a licensed bookdealer of the University of Paris, finished this ms. in July 17, 1403, for Jacques Courau. The ex libris is illustrated in Meiss, 1974, fig. 264 (illustrated in Meiss, 1974, fig. 264).

Courau, who was the treasurer and maître d hôtel of Jean de Berry, commissioned several books for the Duke, including a copy of Valerius Maximus (see fr. 282 above) by the same workshop which illuminated the Florence Virgil ms. The Berry inventories include a reference to an additional book: "Un livre de la Cité de Dieu, en deux volumes, escript en francois, de lettre de court, historié en pluseurs lieux, lequel sire Jacques Coureau donna à Monseigneur, le 20 juin 1403." (Delisle, Recherches, III, p. 243).

Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, fig. 841; Meiss, 1974, p. 324, figs. 223 & 264.
Date: 1401-January 1, 1403 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 12420

f. 13v: Miniature: Coronation Master; Decorator: Walters 231 Decorator.

  Title: Boccaccio, Des cleres et nobles femmes
Evidence: Note states that the translation was completed on September 12, 1401. The manuscript was given to Philippe le Hardi on étrennes 1404 by Jacques Rapondi.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, pp. 264-265, no. 160
Date: 1403 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Fr. 380

f. 1r

  Title: Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Le Roman de la Rose, Jean de Meun, Le Testament les Sept Articles de la foi et le Codicille
Evidence: Martin Gouge probably presented this book to Jean de Berry on July 7, 1403.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, p. 238 no. 141.
Date: 1403 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 12201

f. 49: Miniature: Coronation Master; Decorator:

Walters 231 Decorator

  Title: Hayton, Fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient, Liber de toto orbe terrarum
Evidence: On May 24, 1403, Philippe le Hardi paid Jacques Rapondi 300 francs d'or for three copies of this text. Fr. 12201 was owned by the Duke of Burgundy. The other two copies were given to the Dukes of Berry and of Orléans.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, p.139 no. 65
Date: 1404 Shelf Nos. Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, ms. 9508  
  Title: Christine de Pizan, Mutacion de fortune
Evidence: Text completed in November, 1403. Manuscript presented to Philippe le Hardi in January of 1404.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, p. 291, figs. 12, 21, 25, 29, and 33.
Date: 1404 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 598

f. 6v: Miniature: Cleres femmes Master; Decorator: Walters 231 Decorator

  Title: Boccaccio, Des cleres et nobles femmes
Evidence: The book was given to Jean de Berry in February, 1404 by Jean de La Barre, receveur général des finances for Languedoc and Guyenne.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, pp. 264-265, nos. 161.
Date: Feb. 1404 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 425

f. 1r: decoration by the fr. 242 Decorator

  Title: Cy nous dit
Evidence: Bought in Paris from Jehan le Moustardier, escripvain de fourme, by Jean de Berry
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 240
Date: March, 1404 Shelf Nos. The Hague, Kon. Bibl. 78D42  
  Title: Christine de Pizan, Mutacion de fortune
Evidence: The same text as Bibl. Roy. 9508. This copy presented to Jean de Berry in March, 1404.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, p. 291, figs. 14, 19, and 23.


Date: 1404 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 414

f. 1: Virgil Master; Walters 231 Decorator


  Title: Jacobus de Voragine, La Légende dorée
Evidence: Scribe dates the manuscript 1404. The miniature by the Virgil Master is based on the same image from the Belles Heures. The miniature probably dates from about 1407.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, pp. 299-300, no. 187.
Date: c. 1404 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 9684

f. 1: Sallust Decorator

  Title: Sallust, The Conspiracy of Cataline
Evidence: Jean Lebègue completed this copy for the sons of Louis d'Orléans. The arms of the Duke of Orléans appear in the opening initial.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, pp. 204-205, no. 117a; Hedeman, "Making the Past Present: Visual Translation in Jean Lebègue's 'Twin' Manuscripts of Sallust," in Patrons, Authors, and Workshops: Books and Book Production in Paris around 1400, Godfried Croenen and Peter Ainsworth eds., 2006, pp. 173-196.
Date: 1404 or before Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 12559  
  Title: Thomas de Saluces, Chevalier errant
Evidence: The arms of Philippe le Hardi, who died in 1404, appear on the last tent to the right in the miniature on fol. 161v, by the Master of the Cité des Dames.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, p. 381, figs. 18, 47-49, and 56/
Date: 1405 or before Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 117-120

f. 1: Walters 265 Decorator

  Title: Legends of the Holy Grail
Evidence: Manuscript was sold to Jean de Berry for 300 écus in January, 1405 by Regnault du Montet. Erased signature of Jean de Berry appears on fol. 602.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, p. 374
Date: 1405 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 7789
  Title: Cicero, Pro Marcello and De senectute, translation by Laurent de Premierfait
Evidence: Colophon on f. 104r states that Laurent de Premierfait finished the translation for Louis de Bourbon on November 5, 1405.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, p. 240, no. 144
Date: 1405-06 Shelf Nos. Philadelphia, Museum of Art, Philip S. Collins Collection, 1945-65-1?? or 1945-61-1

f. 5

  Title: Saint Augustine, La Cité de Dieu
Evidence: Date for entering the collection of Jean de Berry.
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p.241
Date: 1406 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 926

f. 1: Luçon master and Walters 265 Decorator

  Title: Saint Bonaventura, L'Aiguillon d'amour divin; Henri Suso, L'Horloge de sapience; Jean Gerson, Sermon prononcé au nom ve l'université devant le roi, Le Chapel des trois fleurs de lys, Règle des preudes femmes.
Evidence: On f. 1v there is note saying that the manuscript was completed on the feast of the Pentecost in 1406. Notes on f. 110v and 334 identify the scribe as I. Delacroix. Marie de Berry, daughter of Jean, received this ms. from her confessor Simon de Courcy.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, p. 328 no. 205.
Date: Before 1407 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 8886

f. 1: Luçon Master; Decorator: B Master of the Belles Heures


  Title: Pontifical and Missal for the use of Luçon
Evidence: The manuscript was made for the Bishop Étienne Loypeau who died in 1407.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, 279-280, no. 171
Date: c. 1407 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Fr. 172-173

fr. 172, f. 5: Walters 265 Decorator

  Title: St. Augustine, La Cité de Dieu
Evidence: Ms. given to Jean de Berry by Pierre le Frutier dit Salmon
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 244
Date: October 29, 1407 Shelf Nos. London, British Library, Royal 19 E VI  
  Title: Croniques de Burgues
Evidence: Bought by Jean de Berry on this date.
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 243
Date:Before Nov. 1407 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 606, 835-836  
  Title: Christine de Pizan, Collected Works
Evidence: Jean de Berry repossessed this manuscript which he had given to Louis d'Orléans who had been assassinated on Nov. 23, 1407.
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 243.
Date: Jan 1, 1408 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Lat. 7907A

f. 2

  Title: Terence
Evidence: Date ms. given to Jean de Berry as a New Year Gift by Martin Gouge.
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 244.
Date: 1408 Shelf Nos. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 144


  Title: Book of Hours, use of Paris
Evidence: Note on f. 27: "anno Mo.CCCCo.VIIo. quo ceciderunt pontes Parisius." The bridges were swept away on January 30, 1408 (1407 old style). This indicates the note was written between the end of January and the end of March of 1408.
Date: 1408 Shelf Nos. Sotheby, Tuesday, 24 June, 1969, no. 58 and 58A to 58 K  
  Title: Book of Hours
Evidence: Inscription on fol. 158v: "Factum est Mo CCCCo VIIIo quo ceciderunt pontes parisus."
Bibliography: London, Sotheby and Co., Tuesday, 24 June, 1969, 58 and 58A to 58K, pp. 67-69; Ackland Memorial Art Center, A Medieval Treasury from Southeastern Collections, 1971, nos. 39 & 40, pp. 41-42. Birmingham, Barber Institute, Flight into Egypt (illustrated in Meiss, 1974, fig. 532; London, Sotheby and Co., 14 July, 1981, lot. 21; Manion and Vines, Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts in Australian Collections, 1984, no. 73, pp. 181-182.
Date: After March1408 Shelf Nos. Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS 2657

f. 1v

  Title: Jean Petit, Defense of the Role of the Duke of Burgundy, John the Fearless, in the Death of Duke Louis d'Orléans
Evidence: Jean Petit delivered his defense of Jean sans Peur in March of 1408. The border decoration of both the Paris and Vienna copies are by the same hand who is also responsible for the miniature borders in Douce 144. This hand is likely to have also been responsible for the miniatures in both the Paris and Vienna copies. The miniature shows an allegory of the conflict between Jean sans Peur and Louis d'Orléans. It depicts the lion of Burgundy and the wolf of Orléans fighting over the crown of France before a tent emblazoned with the fleurs de lys.
Date: After March 1408 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 5733

f. 1v

  Title: Jean Petit, Defense of the Role of the Duke of Burgundy, John the Fearless, in the Death of Duke Louis d'Orléans
Evidence: Jean Petit delivered his defense of Jean sans Peur in March of 1408. The border decoration of both the Paris and Vienna copies are by the same hand who is also responsible for the miniature borders in Douce 144. This hand is likely to have also been responsible for the miniatures in both the Paris and Vienna copies. The miniature shows an allegory of the conflict between Jean sans Peur and Louis d'Orléans. It depicts the lion of Burgundy and the wolf of Orléans fighting over the crown of France before a tent emblazoned with the fleurs de lys.
Date: After March 1408 Shelf Nos. Chantilly, Musée Condé, MS 878

f. 2

  Title: Jean Petit, Defense of the Role of the Duke of Burgundy, John the Fearless, in the Death of Duke Louis d'Orléans
Date: 1408-1409 Shelf Nos. New York, The Cloisters Collection

f. 48v

  Title: Belles Heures
Evidence: Meiss's analysis of the inventory of Jean de Berry's collection suggests that this manuscript was give to Jean de Berry before lat. 919: Grandes Heures.
Date: 1409 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Lat. 919
  Title: Grandes Heures
Date: 1409 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 23279

f. 1

  Title: Pierre Salmon, Responses a Charles VI et Lamentation au roi sur son etat
Evidence: Text written by Salmon in 1409 at the request of Charles VI. The text was superseded by Geneva, Bibl. Publique et universitaire, fr. 165 dated after 1411.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, p. 120, no. 51
Date: 1409-Jan. 1, 1411 Shelf Nos. Geneva, Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, fr. 190  
  Title: Boccaccio, Cas des noble hommes et femmes
Evidence: Ms. given to Jean de Berry on this date by Martin Gouge. Laurent de Premierfait completed the translation in 1409. Item, un livre de Jehan Bocace, des Cad des nobles hommes et femmes, translaté de latin en françoys par Laurens de Premierfait, clerc, escript de fourme, bien enluminé et historié; et au commancment du second fueillet a escript: il ont plaisir; couvert de drap de damas noir, et fermant à deux fermouers d'argent dorez, esquelz est escript le nom dudit livre...
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 246
Date: 1410 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1210

f. 1r

  Title: Informacion des rois et des princes
Evidence: Frontispiece in a style derived from the Boucicaut and Bedford Masters. Bought in Feb. 1410 by Jean de Berry from the Parisian bookseller Regnault du Montet.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, p. 314; Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 246.
Date: 1410 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1023  
  Title: Jacques le Grand, Le Livre des Bonnes Moeurs
Evidence: Given by the author to Jean de Berry on March 4, 1410.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1974, p. 344, fig. 671.
Date: Before Sept. 3, 1413 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1454  
  Title: Brut d'Angleterre
Evidence: Ms. acquired by Jean de Berry on September 3, 1413.
Bibliography: Hedeman, Translating the Past, p. 247.
Date: 1411 Shelf Nos. London, British Library, Royal 19 D III  
  Title: Bible Historiale
Evidence: Written in 1411 for Thomas du Val, canon of Notre Dame de Clerefontaine in the diocese of Chartres.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1967, figs. 312, 313.
Date: 1411or after Shelf Nos. Geneva, Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, fr. 165
  Title: Pierre Salmon, Les demandes faites par le roi Charles VI touchant son état et le gouvernement de son royaume, avec les résponses de Salmon
Evidence: Letters dated 1410 and 1411, respectively, appear on fols. 95 and 100v. These letters thus serve as a terminus post quem for the manuscript.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1968, pp. 87-88.
Date: 1411-12 ? Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, MS 664
  Title: Térence des ducs
Evidence: Manuscript was given to Louis duc de Guyenne by his tutor Jean d'Arsonval. Châtelet (2000, pp. 121-123) argued that the manuscript belonged to Charles VI before it belonged to the dauphin. Jean de Berry acquired the ms. in 1416 after the death of the dauphin in 1415.
Date: 1412 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, MS 623
  Title: Missel de Saint-Magloire
Evidence: In August of 1412, the counsellor of the king and the master of the Chambre des comptes, Jean de la Croix and his wife Jeanne Coquatrix established a perpetual mass in the chapel of the Assumption and St. Eustache in the church of Saint-Magloire. This manuscript was given at this time.
Bibliography: Paris 1400, p. 291, no. 182
Date: 1412-1413 Shelf Nos. Paris, Arch. nat., ms MM 397 (Musée 1580)
  Title:Recueil de pièces concernant le Collège de Fortet
Evidence: The documents in this miscellany relate to the foundation in the late fourteenth century of the Collège de Fortet; one of them is an inventory of the library of the Collège as it existed in December 1412. The single miniature is in the Boucicaut style.
Bibliography: Meiss, 1968, pp. 38 and 108, fig. 79
Date: January, 1413 Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 2810
  Title: Livre des merveilles
Evidence: Inscription on a guard folio at the beginning of the book by the Duke of Berry's secretary Flamel, states that it was given as a gift to Jean of Berry from John the Fearless in January, 1413
Date: 1413 (July 4) Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 6474-6475

fr. 6474, f. 1r.

  Title: Froissart, Chroniques
Evidence: Colophon by the scribe Raoul Tainguy dates the copy to Tuesday, July 4. Since July 4 fell on Tuesday in 1402 and 1413, the manuscript can be dated to 1413.
Bibliography: Marie Hélène Tesnière, "Les Manuscrits copiés par Raoul Tainguy," Romania, 107, 1986,pp. 354-359.


Date: 1414 Shelf Nos. Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, MS 251  
  Title: Propriétés des choses
Evidence: Purchased in 1414 for the Duke of Berry's grandson, Amadeus VIII
Date: Before 1415 Shelf Nos. Chateauroux, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 2

f. 282v

  Title: Breviary made for Louis duc de Guyenne
Evidence: Louis died in 1415
Date: 1415 or before Shelf Nos. Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Ms. 406

f. 7

  Title: Missal of Louis duc de Guyenne
Evidence: Manuscript left unfinished at the death of Louis.
Bibliography: Patricia Stirnemann and Claudia Rabel, "The Très riches heures and Two Artists Associated with the Bedford Workshop," The Burlington Magazine, 2005, 147, pp. 534-538.
Date: Shelf Nos.  