Dr. Terry L. Helser, Professor of Chemistry
227 Physical Sciences Building, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607)436-3518 or Email to: HELSERTL@oneonta.edu.
You can go back to the Fall,
or Summer
schedules, to information on the lab,
or leave me a message.
During this course you will be required to give several
oral presentations to your peers. This is intended to help you prepare
more effective presentations.
Each presentation is a group effort with interesting material for each
person to present. One possible distribution (varied as needed) might be:
Group Leader gives an introduction and background material, tells
why the group chose this project and the rationale behind the group's strategy.
Assistant Leader describes the strategy and experimental setups,
procedures, safety.
Record Keeper gives the results, what happened and how the strategy
changed after the initial experiment(s).
Counselor gives the discussion, what you learned, any unexpected
results and how your group would continue the project.
Plan to teach your audience what you did and learned, not just report
on it. Your audience is your peers, not the instructor. You are the expert
on this work, not them, so make sure you keep everyone with you. Involve
them in it.
Use visual aids. Draw on the board, show charts or graphs, use a computer
graphic. You are required to have at least one handout to
summarize your work for us.
A well-organized presentation, and a well-organized presenter, will be
remembered favorably. If your listeners can see how your points relate
to each other and an overall theme, those points will be understood correctly.
Since each group will be presenting similar work in some cases, it is your
job to make your presentation interesting and memorable to the
audience. Think of alternate and creative ways to present the information.
will not be penalized for making your presentation more interesting.
Since each group will be graded on how they answer questions, the listening
groups are expected to ask them. Each group is responsible for asking
the presenters at least one question. Your group will lose your
points for answering questions if you fail to ask each of the other
presenters questions.
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If you have questions or comments, write the:
Author of this page: Terry
Helser - helsertl@oneonta.edu
Web Coordinator: Philip S. Bidwell - bidwelps@oneonta.edu
Or return to the SUNY @ Oneonta Home
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Last Modified on 7/14/2008