Dr. Terry L. Helser, Professor of Chemistry
227 Physical Sciences Building, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607)436-3518 or Email to:

Study Guide - Biochemistry, The Molecular Basis of Life, 4th Ed., 2009, T. & J.R. McKee (Oxford Univ. Press)  

Chapter 8: Glycolysis

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Which of the major pathways are catabolic (exergonic) or anabolic (endergonic) and which might better be characterized as amphibolic ?

What two coenzymes shuttle energy between catabolism and anabolism ? What form of chemical energy does each represent?

Why are there so many steps in glycolysis? Why are the intermediates all phosphorylated?

What cofactor is used by kinases? dehydrogenases?

How many ATPs are used, and produced by substrate level phosphorylation during glycolysis? Where are they used and produced?

We will consider pyruvate the end of aerobic glycolysis. How does fermentation (anaerobic glycolysis) differ? How does animal fermentation differ from that in microbes and plants?

Why is ethanol produced by plants and microbes? What is the benefit to them?

What is fetal alcohol syndrome? How can it be prevented? Read Biochemical Connections, p. 483.

How do you treat acute methanol (wood alcohol) poisoning?

How does gluconeogenesis differ from glycolysis? What is its purpose?

End of chapter Review questions: 1 .-9. 13.-17. 19.-28. 30.-38. 40.-51.

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