Introductory Biochemistry
CHEM 330-01 (CRN 470), CHEM 330-02 (CRN 913), CHEM 330-03 (CRN 914) & CHEM
330-04 (CRN 1420)
Class, Test Schedule |
(Room: HECO 132; M,W, F 9 AM) |
Fall, 2010 |
Lab Instructor: Dr. Terry L. Helser |
Office: PS 227 |
Phone: 607-436-3518 |
E-mail To:
Text: Biochemistry, 4th Ed., 2008, T. & J. McKee
(Oxford Publishers)
Catalog Description: A survey of the basic biochemistry
one needs to understand recent medical and biotechnological advances. The
structure and functions of molecules and macromolecules in energy and genetic
metabolism are studied. (LA Z) Prerequisite: CHEM 226 or 221.
Click on the highlighted text to move directly to sections 1
, 2 or 3 of the class schedule, to
the grade scale , or to the bottom
of the page for addresses and other options. You also can move to the lab
schedule , the lab grading information, and the general
lab operation. Study guides are linked to the reading assignments.
Class Schedule
Month & Days |
Study Topic |
Reading Assignment |
I. Life's Structure |
Autobiography |
August 25,27 |
Introduction, Co-op Class |
1 |
30, September 1,3 |
Cells, Atoms & Bonds
2 |
6,8,10 |
pH & Water
3 |
13,15,17 |
Amino Acids (Model Building)
Ch. 5
20,22 |
Protein Structure |
24 |
Exam I (Friday, HECO 132, 9 AM)
4,6 |
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Month & Days |
II. Energy Metabolism |
Reading Assignment |
Sept. 29, Oct. 1 |
Fall Break - No Classes, Labs |
27, October 4 |
Enzymes & Energy |
Ch. 6
6, 8 |
Enzyme Kinetics |
6 |
11, 13, 15 |
Structure, Metabolism of Sugars
Ch. 7. Ch.
Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport
25, 27 |
Ox. Phosphorylation
Ch. 10 |
October 29 |
Exam II (Friday, HECO 132, 9 AM)
Ch.11 |
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Month & Days |
III. Genetic Metabolism |
Reading Assignment |
November 1, 3, 5 |
Lipid Structure, ß Oxidation |
12 |
8, 10, 12 |
Nucleic Acids |
Ch. 17
15, 17, 19 |
Ch. 18.1, 18.2
22-28 |
Thanksgiving Vacation - No Classes
29, December 1, 3 |
Transcription & The Genetic Code
Ch. 19
6, 8, 10 |
Translation & Control of Gene Expression |
Ch. 18.3 |
December 15 |
Final Exam (Wednesday, room HECO 132,
8 - 10:30 AM) |
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Hourly Exams
2 x 100 pts. = 200 pts.
Scale: 90-100% A
Final Exam
200 pts.
80-89% B
Lab Research Paper
100 pts.
70-79% C
Laboratory Evaluations
200 pts.
60-69% D
Total: 700 pts.
0-59% E
You may earn up to 35 points for extra credit problem sets given throughout
the semester. Tests have 10% more points than listed so I can challenge
the best.
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Laboratory Schedule (Room:
PSci 205 - Tue/Thr 9-1150 AM; Thr/Fri 1-4 pm) Fall, 2010
Required Materials: Graph Ruled Lab Notebook, Safety Goggles
You can go to the second or third
part of the lab schedule, lab grading procedures or general
on lab time management from here.
Month & Days
Laboratory Topic
Evaluation (Due Date)
August 26, 27
No Labs
31, September 2, 3
Form Groups, Check In, Plan Buffer
1-Oral Progress Rpt.
1-Prop (draft 9/3,7 or 8) |
7, 9, 10
Buffer Experiments
1-Proposal (9/10, 14 or 15) |
14, 16, 17
21, 23, 24
Buffer Reports
#2 Enzyme
Catalyzed Reactions
- 1- Oral
Rpt. , Peer Eval.
- 2-Oral Progress Rpt.
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Month & Days |
Laboratory Topic |
Evaluation (Due Date) |
28, 30, October 1
1-Final Report (10/1)
2-Proposal (10/1, 5, 6) |
5, 7 , 8 |
2-Proposal (10/8, 12, 13) |
12, 14, 15
Enzyme Catalyzed
Reactions |
2-Proposal (10/15, 19, 20) |
19, 21, 22
Enzyme Reactions
#3 Enzyme
Purification |
2-Oral Rpt. , Peer Eval.
3-Oral Progress Rpt. |
26, 28, 29
Purification |
2-Final Rpt. (10/22, 26, 27)
3-Proposal (10/22, 26, 27) |
November 2, 4, 5
Purification |
3-Proposal (10/29, 11/2, 3) |
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Month & Days |
Laboratory Topic |
Evaluation (Due Date) |
9, 11, 12 |
Enzyme Purification
3-Oral Rpt. , Peer Eval.
3-Final Rpt. (11/12, 16, 17)
16, 18, 19
4-Proposal (11/12, 16, 17) |
23, 25, 26 |
No Labs - Thanksgiving Break |
30, December 2, 3 |
4-Proposal (11/19, 30, 12/1) |
7, 9, 10 |
Cholesterol Analysis Report
The Gene Game (Check Out)
4- Oral Rpt. , Final Rpt. (12/10, 13) |
December 15
Final Exam (Wednesday, room HECO 132,
8-10:30 AM |
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Lab Grading Policies:
Departmental policies apply to this course, except where modified or expanded below:
Your point total will be divided by the total possible for a % of 200 points.
The final report for which you were primary author is worth a maximum of
100 points of your total grade.
Final reports must be typed, spaced ≥1.5 lines, and signed by
all group members. They must contain an objective, introduction, procedure
(flow diagram?), safety notes, results (an essay w/ tables, plots), discussion/conclusion,
and reference sections.
The weekly proposals, with objective, equipment
and reagents needed, procedure (flow diagram), safety notes and references,
which proves you are prepared to do each experiment safely, must be
accepted by your instructor before you will be allowed to do the
lab ( submit an email no later than two days before the lab). One point /day will be subtracted for reports submitted after due dates.
Oral reports are awarded ≤100 points,
of which 80% is for the group's presentation and 20% for the individual's
stage presence, poise and participation. Generally, the score is an average
of the peer evaluations from other teams and the instructor's. Copies of
the printed grading form are available in the laboratory.
Lab notebooks may be collected at the instructor's whim.
Please note: You are to use your notebook to prepare for each
lab with suitable notes on procedures, flow charts, tables for data,
etc.; to make notes and take data during the lab; and to do calculations
and write your results and conclusions after the lab. Each of
these parts may be evaluated.
You must be credited as the major author of at least 1 lab report and score
60% on lab evaluations to pass the course. If you miss more than 1/3 of
the labs, you will earn an E for the course, no matter what your
test scores total. Plagiarism (see your Handbook ) will not
be tolerated.
Approved clothing and safety goggles must be worn when any
experimental work is occurring. Doing unauthorized experiments or procedures
is prohibited. If in doubt, ask the instructor. All accidents involving
personal injury, however minor, must be reported immediately to the instructor.
The instructor has the right to expel anyone from the laboratory without
credit for unsafe or offensive behavior or dress.
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Introductory Biochemistry, Chemistry
330 Lab Information
1st Week, T/Th/F lab:
Oral (group) report from prior project in 1st part.
Receive and study the next project. Groups work on the procedures
and techniques they will need, including doing trials with known materials.
Last 1/2 hour, teams do oral brainstorming as a lab group on how they will attack
the problem. Turn in requests for materials, equipment needed.
- On Friday, the tuesday lab groups submit the group's proposal for
the problem (objective (why), materials and equipment needed, procedure,
flow chart (how), safety and how to handle data) by e-mail. Must
be accepted by management before you can do the lab! - 1 point/day off project
total for late or inadequate proposals.
2nd Week:
- On T(Thr Labs) or Wed (F lab), submit the group's proposal for
the problem (objective (why), materials and equipment needed, procedure,
flow chart (how), safety and how to handle data) by e-mail.
Must be accepted by management before you can do the lab! - 1 point/day
off project total for late or inadequate proposals.
Also on the next lab day, turn in typed, final report on any
prior project. (Each
member of the group signs it to affirm they proofread it and accept responsibility
and credit earned for the work (≤ 100 points).
Clearly state the primary author.
On T, Th or Friday: Do the experimental work in the laboratory.
Turn in notebooks at end of lab, if requested.
Provide the whole group with a progress report about the project at end of
lab, if requested.
- On Friday, the Tue lab groups submit the group's proposal for
the problem (objective (why), materials and equipment needed, procedure,
flow chart (how), safety and how to handle data) by e-mail. Must
be accepted by management before you can do the lab! - 1 point/day off project
total for late or inadequate proposals.
4th Week:
On T(Thr Labs) or Wed (F lab), submit the group's proposal for
the lab, if needed, by e-mail. Must be accepted by management before
you can do the lab! - 1 point/day off project total for late or inadequate
Week after experiments are completed:
On T, Th or Friday, give oral
report on results (peer groups and instructor evaluations averaged ≤ 100
points. Both individual and group contributions evaluated). Use feedback from
forms and other team reports to produce a final, group report.
On the following lab day, turn in typed, final report on project
(each member of the group signs it to indicate they have proofread it and
accept responsibility and credit for the work ≤ 100 points). Clearly state
the primary author of the report. Spelling and grammar will be evaluated
along with content.
Oral (group) report ≤ 100 points
Group's proposal; Emailed by Fri,T or W ≤ 10 points
Final reports ≤ 100 points
Notebook, Quiz ≤ 10 points each
- 1 point/day late off project total = % of 200 points
Final reports earn up to 100 points for the primary
author out of the 300 point total for the lab part of the course. S/he
be clearly identified on the first page, and each member must be
the primary author on at least one final report. A separate grade may
be given for the primary author's work.
If you must miss a class, lab or group meeting, you must inform your
group and instructor. Your group should decide on how you can repay your
responsibilities to the group. Options might be to do extra library research,
proposal or report writing, computer searches or whatever the group decides
is adequate repayment for the loss of your participation. If the group
decides your excuse was not valid, they may consider a loss of credit as
appropriate punishment, and should so inform you and the instructor.
Team members who fail to participate adequately with their team may
be fired, and justification must be provided to them and the instructor.
The member must then find a new team to hire him/her or do the projects
on their own, including all reports and proposals.
Penalties, generally -1 point a day for group reports which are late,
will be assessed against the primary author of that report, not the rest
of the group members, if requested by the group in writing or by email.
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Author of this page: Terry Helser -
Web Coordinator: Philip S. Bidwell -
Or return to the SUNY @ Oneonta Home
Page to see where we live and work.
Last Modified on 9/1/2010