Dr. Terry L. Helser, Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
227 Physical Sciences Building, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607)436-3193 or -3518 or Email to:
Just click on the highlighted text to see the course
description, the schedules for Fall,Spring
or Summer
sessions or information on the lab.
You can link to internet sites of interest
or leave me a message. Also, you should read the
information on the cooperative
format I use, or go back to my home
This course is a survey of the basic biochemistry needed to understand
the current advances in biotechnology,
medicine, agriculture, etc. The structure and properties of atoms, molecules,
water and proteins are studied in the first third of the course. This leads
to the functions of enzymes in metabolism and energy flow, and the chemistry
of carbohydrates and lipids in the second part. The final third focuses
on the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein and metabolism.
Whenever possible topics of current interest are discussed.
Class sessions (3 hours a week) and laboratories (3 hours a week) are
required, with cooperative
teamwork used extensively. 2 hourly exams and a cumulative final exam
are evaluated. Extra credit puzzles and problem sets are also given. The
laboratory teams produce library and internet research reports in oral,
poster and written formats, based on discovery-type projects. Electronic
mail (email) and the Internet are used extensively.
Text: Biochemistry, 4th Ed., 2008, T. & J. McKee (Oxford Publishers), safety
goggles and a quad ruled notebook are required. Students must obtain their
usercode at a PC or Mac (PSci 122A) to access email. Copies of prior tests,
student papers and handouts are available in Milne Library for perusal
or reproduction.
This course, with a prerequisite of organic chemistry (Chem 226 or
satisfies the requirement for the Liberal Arts: Biology Major, the Dietetics
Major in Human Ecology and qualifies for LA attribute.
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Internet Resources
Links to most major search
For searches specific to human
genetics, chromosomes, WAIS and Medline
Lots of biochemistry Links
Lab Safety - MSDS list or
to search and Contact
Search for properties and information on individual
My lab
appendix also has some procedures specific to this course.
and THE site for links to all types of chemical
education resources
If that is not enough, try the Journal
of Chemical Education for more links
Sequences of Genomes
Links to Biotechnology and Genetic
Information on Natural
Polymers like cellulose, starch, etc.
An Image Gallery of Biochemicals
- well worth a look around
Download Rasmol or Rasmac
to look at DNA models
If you have questions or comments, write the:
Author of this page: Terry Helser -
Web Coordinator: Philip S. Bidwell -
Or return to the SUNY @ Oneonta Home
Page to see where we live and work.
Last Modified on 6/1/2010