I would like you to complete two surveys in preparation for our class next week. I will also ask you to look at some other surveys that are optional: I’d like you to skim them and refer to them, but there is no need to fill them out unless you want to.
Please bring all of this material next week so we can use it as a basis for discussion.
1. Life Satisfaction Questionnaire. Please fill out this sheet and bring it next week.
2. Life Satisfaction Review. Please fill out this sheet and bring it next week. In filling this out, you may wish to refer to the four surveys named below, but there is no need to fill them out unless you want to do so for your own interest.
3. Value Survey: What I Want Out of Life.
4. Values Survey: What I Want Out of Life #2 .
5. Personal Characteristics I Consider Important.
Please skim the above four surveys. You do not need to fill these out, but you may if you wish. You also may wish to use extra copies to give to a friend, a partner, or a spouse.
NOTE ON POSSIBLE PROBLEM: I have found that in some browsers some of the above surveys will not open in a separate window, due to settings in the browser to prevent pop-ups. Often you can click something on the browser to allow the pop-up. In some cases you can hold the Ctrl key down when you click on the link, and then the document will be shown in a new window.
How to use these surveys.
These surveys can be used in several ways:
- rate your values as stated on the surveys.
- have someone else rate you and compare what you say to what they say.
- rate your stated values and your actual behavior (for example: you might
rate “being calm” as very important in theory, but not something
you do well in practice). Take note of the subset of items with the greatest
discrepancy between theory and reality.
- Note the values and characteristics that have changed most for you.