Walter vom Saal
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fall 2005 courses |
Seminar on Careers in Psychology
The following guidelines were put together by a previous seminar. They will be used as a basis for class discussion.
Be aware of the difference between being outcome oriented and process oriented. |
Outcome oriented : This term is applied to either an individual or the group as a whole when the individual (or group) focuses on the final result of the project. Process oriented: This term is applied to either an individual or the group as a whole when the individual (or group) focuses on the method being used by the group in order to achieve the final result, and on interactions that are occuring within the group. Groups should strive to include some of this and not be exclusively outcome oriented. |
The main goal of your presentation is to be informative and interesting. |
Be creative. Power Point would be a good asset. Focused discussions and activities getting your peers out of their seats are encouraged. Remember DO NOT READTO CLASS from power point or note cards!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Timing is important to successfully completing all presentations assigned for the day. |
Meet with the other groups presenting the same day as yours and decide the length of time for the presentations. The schedule of times will be written on the board. Each group is responsible for their own group: have a time keeper! You must fill your allotted time: have a meaningful activity as back up. DON’T FORGET: to build in time for setup at the beginning and comments and questions at the end. |
Handouts and References |
A handout of at least one page is required to be distributed to the class with title, date, names of presenters, and an outline of your presentation. It should be informative and a useful resource. Make sure you include references on your handout and if you are putting your Power Point presentation on the website, include references in or at the end of your presentation. References should be in APA FORMAT. |
Website Contributions |
Each group needs to make some form of a website contribution based on your presentation materials. Due date for web contributions is to be announced. |
Evaluations |
You will be evaluated by Dr. vom Saal, your classmates, and group members. It would be a good idea to look over these forms prior to your presentation. |
Homework Assignments |
Each group must give a homework assignment prior to the class that is due the day of the class presentation (or before if you want to use it as part of your presentation.) The homework must involve some reading, thinking, and writing. Clearly write out the assignment and e-mail it to Dr. vom Saal. It will be placed on the class website but you are responsible for announcing it and describing it in class as well. The assignment must be submitted one week prior to the presentation (or one week prior to the due date if the due date is earlier than the presentation). [ADDED: If you e-mail me the assignment, also leave a telephone message for me at x3704 that you have done so.] |
Interactive Activities |
Each group presentation must include at least one Focused Discussion and/or out of seat activity as a way to increase class involvement.. |
ADDED 9/13/05 | |
Folder of materials | At the beginning of the presentation, give me a folder
containing one copy of all materials, including a written copy of the
homework assignment, your handout, a copy of any other materials used
or presented during the presentation. |
Individual group member evaluations of contributions | At the end of the presentation, each member must give
to me a copy of the group member evalution form, filled out separately,
privately, and confidentially. |
Also refer to the handout on
updated 9/13/05