Psyc 294: Seminar on Careers in Psychology Note 11/10/04: As described in the last class, the deadline for submission of your materials for the psychology careers website is Tuesday 11/16/04. All students must submit the materials as an e-mail attachment sent to Tracy Spink (for her e-mail address, click the Teaching Assistants link on my home page) AND with an e-mail copy to me. Please be sure that the SUBJECT line of your e-mail says "Psyc 294 web materials." |
Announcements | To see announcements for this course, click the link at the left OR start from my home page and click on Announcements. |
Course syllabus | The syllabus will be discussed in class. There may be adjustments and modifications announced in class. |
Revised list of topics | Posted 9/6/04 following class discussion. For discussion in class 9/7/04. |
Schedule of dates and topics | Updated 10/25/04. |
Possible topics to cover | This is an initial set of topics for us to cover. It will be discussed in class. |
Homework assignments | A list of homework assignments by date assigned. |
Reading assignments | none yet. |
Handouts | To see a general list of all my handouts, which includes some handouts relevant to this course, click the link at the left OR start from my home page and click on Handouts. |
Websites | A preliminary list of websites related to careers in psychology, with notes and comments on each website. |
Class website from 2003 | This is a preliminary website on careers in psychology, developed entirely by students in Psyc 294 in fall 2003. Hint: you may need to press F11 at the top of your keyboard to see the entire page. |
New Psychology Careers website under construction | New website under construction as of November, 2004 |
Materials on Happiness and Life Satisfaction | This is a link to a page with brief descriptions of a variety of materials on happiness, with brief descriptions of each item. |
Final course grades - corrected 12/20/04 11 AM | Points for individual course components and final course grades, shown by code name. Also includes an explanation and comment on how grades were determined. This is a revision of an earlier posting that had some omissions. |
updated 8/24/04