Walter vom Saal
This page will be used to post announcements regarding courses. Announcements will be posted with most recent announcement at the top of the list. Old announcements will be retained for reference until the end of the semester.
12/13/04. Psyc 257 (Human Selxuality) students. Points earned for several of the course components are now posted. See the course home page.
11/16/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. Results of the core concept practice examinaton are posted. See the course home page.
11/10/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. This is a reminder of what was discussed in our last class. The deadline for submission of your materials for the psychology careers website is Tuesday 11/16/04. All students must submit the materials as an e-mail attachment sent to Tracy Spink (for her e-mail address, click the Teaching Assistants link on my home page) AND with an e-mail copy to me. Please be sure that the SUBJECT line of your e-mail says "Psyc 294 web materials."
11/5/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students AND Psyc 257 (Human Sexuality) students. In class next week we will discuss guidelines for group work. One resource that I will suggest each group discuss is a set of guidelines for effective group work that were put together by a previous class.
- Psyc 220 students can get to these guidelines from a link on the page on Research Projects and Assignments.
- Psyc 257 students can get to these guidelines from a link on athe home page for that course.
11/5/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. Study questions for Chapter 15 have been posted. There is a link to them in the reading guidelines.
11/5/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. I've found a website that has a good summary of information on how to cite references and the proper style for writing references in an APA paper. It includes information on how to give a reference for information located on the web. To get to this website, go to the course home page and click on "Websites and Resources."
11/4/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. The revised worksheet we created in class is now available for your use in doing data analysis for Research Project #2. Go to the Psyc 220 home page and click on Research Project Assignments and Notes, then click on Research Project #2: Write Report. On that page you will find more complete INSTRUCTIONS for writing Report #2, and a LINK TO THE DATA to be used.
11/2/04. Psyc 257 (Human Sexuality) students. Information about requirements for the advocacy projects, as discussed in class 11/2/04, is now posted. Go to the home page for Psyc 257 and click on the link there, or click here.
10/17/04. Psyc 257 (Human Sexuality) students. Points earned for Taking Sides presentations are now posted. Go to the home page for the course and click on the link, or click here.
10/25/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. The schedule of dates and topics has been revised to reflect our class discussion and decision to have a guest 10/26/04.
10/21/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. I have posted the new requirements I described in class. See "New Requirements" on the home page for Psyc 220.
10/21/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. I have posted the questionnaire to be used in Research Project #2. Please go to the home page for Psyc 220 and click on Research project assignments and notes.
10/17/04. Psyc 257 (Human Sexuality) students. Exam results are now posted. Interim grade reports will be based on the exam results. To see the exam results, go to the Psyc 257 home page.
10/11/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. Initial versions of homework assignments #8 and #9 are posted. I may expand on them in class.
10/5/04. All students. The following annoucement is also posted on my EVENTS page:
Wednesday, 10/13/04, 3pm, Morris Complex, Craven Lounge. Psychology Department Colloquium: Dr. Jane Stafford of Hartwick will speak on Dialectical Behavior Therapy and the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder.
DBT is a new therapy approach to that is proving successful and may be really important. . Dr. Stafford provided the following description of her presentation:Borderline personality disorder, which is often characterized by self-injurious behaviors such as cutting, has been very resistant to treatment.... Not only has DBT provided mental health professionals with a new framework in which to view this disorder but it also is a very effective treatment. An overview with DBT will be provided along with a case sample.
All students interested in counseling, clinical or social work should try to attend
10/4/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. I have put up links to several more websites with information on careers and career preparation on psychology. Click on the link to websites on the Careers Seminar home page.
10/4/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. I have put up a link to information on Forensic Psychology. Click on the link to websites on the Careers Seminar home page.
10/4/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. I have put up a link to the APA reference guide for citing electronic resources. Use this guide when you are citing web pages. To see it, go to the Psyc 220 home page and click on websites and resources, then go to the bottom of that document.
9/29/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. I have put a link to various materials on the topic of happiness on the Psyc 294 home page. You also can click here to see those materials. I will describe and discuss some of these materials during my class presentation on Thursday, 9/30/04.
9/13/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students:
Heather will be in the basement of Schumacher, either in the computer lab or in one of the study lounges, from about 1:30 to 2:00 before class on Tuesday. You may ask her for help if you would like assistance with the homework or the study material.
I have posted several additional and revised items on the website. First, I added additional information to Homework Assignment #3 that describes the extra credit options announced in class. If you are going to submit that extra credit, please read this material first. In particular, please read about the format in which I want the extra credit material submitted.
Second, I added some material on the first research project. I will discuss that material more in class. It can be read by going to the Psyc 220 home page and clicking on "Research Project Assignments and Notes." Please print and bring to class the general notes titled Research Projects for Psyc 220, fall 2004, and also the specific page on Research Project #1.
9/6/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. Based on our prior class discussion and feedback from you, I have drafted a tentative schedule of topics for the semester. Please go to the course home page and click on the links to the revised list of topics and the schedule of dates and topics. You may need to click the REFRESH icon on your web browser (or usually F5 at the top of the keyboard will work) to refresh the page and be sure the most recent version is showing. PRINT a copy of each (use Print Preview first!) document and bring it to class tomorrow. THINK ABOUT what group presentations you would like to be involved in. We will determine groups on Tuesday.
By the way, I also made some notes on the handout regarding possible items to put in your Portfolio. If the list seems like a lot, don't panic! Remind me to talk about it in class - it's not as bad as it seems.
9/2/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students.
Although we did not have class as originally scheduled on Thursday, we will NOT simply push back all classes. We will continue with the planned lecture classes on Tuesdays. The material I had planned to cover in Thursday’s class will be made up at a later date (I’ll discuss that when we meet again). However, the homework assignments that had been due on Thursday will now be due at our next class on Tuesday 9/7/04.
On Tuesday 9/7/04 we will have the class on Chapter 2 and parts of chapter 14 as indicated on the original schedule of dates. That means you should read the material from Chapter 2 and Chapter 14 as described in the reading guidelines, and be prepared for a quiz on that material.
There is no homework assignment for Tuesday other than to bring in the assignment that was originally due on Thursday 9/2, and be prepared for the quiz on apostrophes and the discussion of math tricks that had been planned for Thursday 9/2.
9/2/04. Psyc 294 (Careers Seminar) students. When we meet in class on Tuesday, we will hold class as originally planned. I will bring in a tentative schedule of topics. We will discuss the tentative schedule, adjust it as necessary, and form groups to coordinate the presentations about the various topics.
9/1/04. ALL STUDENTS: Please make sure you register your preferred e-mail address
Please be sure you have registered your preferred e-mail address to be used by the college. It's important to have your correct e-mail because many professors (including me) may communicate to their students via e-mail. Register your preferred e-mail through Oneonta Web Services at
8/31/04. Psyc 257 (Human Sexuality) students. I have written up the three homework assignments announced in class. See the home page for Psyc 257 and click on the link to homework assignments.
8/27/04. Psyc 257 (Human Sexuality) students. The course syllabus and several related documents have now been posted to the website. Be aware that these will be discussed in the first class. The documents now posted are initial versions, and some changes may be made. Also, the ROOM FOR THIS COURSE HAS BEEN CHANGED. The course was originally scheduled to meet in Schumacher Hall, but now will meet in Fitzelle 319.
8/25/04. Psyc 294 (Career Seminar) students. The course syllabus and several related documents have now been posted to the website. Be aware that these will be discussed in the first class. The documents now posted are initial versions, and some changes may be made.
8/22/04. Psyc 220 (Research Methods) students. The course syllabus and several related documents have now been posted to the website. Be aware that these will be discussed in the first class. The documents now posted are initial versions, and some changes may be made.
8/6/04. All students. Course syllabi and handouts for fall 2004 are now being prepared. In some cases, I have posted drafts on the website to test them (I test whether certain pages show up properly, whether links work properly, etc.). Be aware that any DRAFTS may change significantly. I will post a note here on this Announcements page when material is complete and ready to be viewed and printed.
date of last revision is top date above.