Psyc 294: Seminar on Careers in Psychology

Announcements To see announcements for this course, click the link at the left OR start from my home page and click on Announcements.
Course syllabus The syllabus will be discussed in class. There may be adjustments and modifications announced in class.
Schedule of dates and topics Schedule of class dates and topics. Revised as of 3/3/05.
Description of topics This is an initial set of topics for us to cover. It will be discussed in class.
Homework assignments A list of homework assignments by date assigned.
Website assignments A list of website assignments by date assigned. These assignment relate to our class effort to improve and expand the existing class website on Psychology Careers.
---->>Web assignments submitted A spreadsheet showing the records of materials submitted for website assignments. This record is being maintained by the student web team. It shows materials submitted as of 5/3/05
Group presentation guidelines Guidelines for group presentations as discussed in class on 2/1/05, as written up by Stacy Czamara
Reading assignments none yet.
Handouts To see a general list of all my handouts, which includes some handouts relevant to this course, click the link at the left OR start from my home page and click on Handouts.
Websites A preliminary list of websites related to careers in psychology, with notes and comments on each website.
Psychology Careers website under development Class w ebsite under construction as of November, 2004
New Psychology Careers website under development New website under construction as of April, 2005.
Group Powerpoint presentations Click to see a list of Powerpoint presentations developed by groups for spring 2005, with links to the presentations.
Materials on Happiness and Life Satisfaction This is a link to a page with brief descriptions of a variety of materials on happiness, including an outline of my lecture on happiness, and several questionnaires related to happiness.
pages have been viewed on this website since 2/4/05.

