Dr. Terry L. Helser, Professor of Chemistry
227 Physical Sciences Building, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607)436-3518 or Email to: HELSERTL@oneonta.edu.
Study Guide - Biochemistry, The Molecular Basis of Life, 4th Ed.,
2009, T. & J.R. McKee (Oxford Univ. Press)
Chapter 17: Nucleic Acids
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The SECRET OF LIFE is its ability to reproduce = HEREDITY
Chemical Basis of heredity = NUCLEIC ACIDS
Who 1st isolated "Nuclein" from Pus, then Salmon Sperm? When?
What are the two forms of nucleic acids called? What is the
major function of each?
How do we know that DNA = Gene?
1903 __________ linked genes to chromosomes in grasshopper testis microscopy
Chromosomes = about ____% DNA + about ____% Proteins
1928 ___________ (USPHS) studies vaccine for Diplococcus pneumoniae
What are the S and R strains? How were they used to try to immunize
What experiment gave the surprising result of dead mice and live S?
What controls proved this was a genetic change?
What did he name this process? This was really a bioassay for a
1944 Oswald T. Avery (C. MacLeod, M. McCarty) showed _____ = Gene
"Transforming Principle" copurified with _____ (not best= how pure?)
What controls proved this genetic change was due to ___, not protein?
1952 Drs. ___________ and ________ confirmed that DNA = Gene.
What is a "bacteriophage?"
They used ____ labeled DNA and ____ labeled Protein as specific tags.
Describe why they concluded that DNA passes from parent to offspring as
do genes.
What is the basic subunit of NAs? Nucleo _______
Their 3 parts are: a ________, a _______ (-NH2), and a ___________
(acid) group.
How does a Nucleoside differ from a Nucleotide?
Give the acronyms and full names of the two kinds of nucleic
acid. What does the name tell you about the structure? How do they differ?
How many phosphate residues are present in AMP, ADP & ATP? Where
are they?
How many bases are found in NAs? Which nucleic acid bases are
purines, and which pyrimidines? Which are found in DNA
and which in RNA?
How is 5-methyl uracil different from 5'-methyl uridine?
How are nucleotides used to make RNAs and DNAs?
Nucleotides are linked by ____________ bonds = Sugar-O-P-O-Sugar ->
Linear polymers that have direction: a ___ end and ___ end on each strand.
What would the quantities of each base be if the tetranucleotide hypothesis
were correct? What are Chargaff's Rules?
What were Rosalind Franklin's and Watson and Crick's contributions to
nucleic acid structure?
DNA is an Informational Macromolecule.
What does that mean about its structure? What are the four characteristics
of information? How do the structures of nucleic acids show these properties?
What are the three major RNAs produced and their functions in cells?
(see p. 591ff)
What are restriction endonucleases, sticky ends , recombinant
DNA (rtDNA) and genetic engineering? (See Supplement 17.1)
Read Biochemical Connections : pp. 220, 230,
End of chapter review questions: 1., 2., 4.-15., 17.-22., 27. 31., 34.-50.
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Last Modified on 7/16/2008