Happiness Materials
This page contains links to several different handouts on happiness on my website.
NOTE: Some of the materials below are in Microsoft Word or in Microsoft Excel. To view them, you may have to do one of the following:
In some browsers that prevent pop-ups, you may need to enable pop-ups. Often this can be done by holding down the Ctrl key while you click on the link below.
You also may need to select OPEN when prompted. The documents may take several seconds to appear on your screen after you open them. You also may be given the option to SAVE these files on your computer and then open them from there.
1 |
This is an advance assignment to get you thinking about happiness and life satisfaction. It includes use of several of the other handouts listed below | |
2 |
Life satisfaction
questionnaire Life satisfaction
questionnaire |
This is a paper and pencil test I developed that asks about several factors that various researchers have claimed are related to happiness. You are asked to respond to questions on a 5-point Likert scale, indicating for each item how important you think that factor is for your own personal happiness, and how satisfied you are with your life in that area. |
3 |
Life satisfaction homework
assignment |
A possible assignment to be carried out in advance of a seminar or discussion on life satisfaction |
4 |
Life satisfaction review (Microsoft Word format) |
This one-page handout asks you to review the several of the other handouts below, and write brief narrative conclusions about your own happiness and life goals. |
5 |
Using life satisfaction
surveys |
This is a brief set of instructions about possible ways to use the various life satisfaction surveys that you can find on this website or elsewhere. |
6 |
Values survey on Personal Characteristics I Consider Important Form A: Microsoft Word |
This handout asks you to rate a set of personal characteristics in terms of how important you think they are – that is, how much you want to have these characteristics in your ideal self. Forms A, B, and C have the same content. Form C has expanded instructions. |
7 |
Values survey on What I Want Out of Life Form D:
Microsoft Word |
This handout lists a set of things you might want out of life, and asks you to rate how important each one is to you. Forms D, E, and F have the same content. Form F has expanded instructions. |
8 |
Values survey on
Life Priorities |
Similar to above, with a slightly different and more expanded set of options. This handout contains most of the items on the survey on What I Want. |
9 |
Happiness lecture |
Outline of a class presentation and discussion on the topic of Happiness, Life Satisfaction, and Quality of Life. The outline is somewhat incomplete, and some sections are still in process. However, it is being posted to the web to allow students to use and reflect on the parts that are completed. |
10 |
Research survey 2004 (Microsoft Excel format) Research survey 2004 (PDF format ) |
This is a questionnaire developed by the Psyc 220 Research Method class, fall 2004, in an effort to examine several hypotheses about factors that might be related to life satisfaction. It was used as part of a class research project. |
11 |
Research survey 2005 (Microsoft Excel format) Research survey 2005 (PDF format ) |
This is a questionnaire developed by the Psyc 220 Research Method class, spring 2005, in an effort to examine several hypotheses about factors that might be related to life satisfaction. It was used as part of a class research project. |