

Mapping of known/estimated 2006 flood heights in Otsego County, NY



Flood Mapping Agencies

Otsego County’s June 2006 Flood Data, with flooded areas for the main valleys, road closures, etc.

Dartmouth’s flood map for the 2006 flood, derived from MODIS satellite imagery


Flood heights and maps


Mt. Vision—Angel Road

Mt. Vision—County 11b




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Flood heights can be derived from USGS gage station records (of which there are very few, unfortunately—note the gage locations with red dots are the only ones active during the 2006 flood), georeferenced photographs of flood heights, and surveyed heights of flood debris. Otsego County’s GIS office provides map resources that show the spatial extent of flooding.  Such efforts document the substantial amount of flooding that hit most of the larger valleys.

I have used photographs of flood waters to estimate flood extent at a few locations (see the Laurens map and others in the links at left). I coupled the photographic evidence with the National Elevation Dataset layer from the USGS to map the flood extent in a GIS software (Global Mapper). I halted my initial efforts at this sort of mapping, as the limitations of the underlying USGS topography became apparent (see Topographic limitations).

My efforts focus on reconstructing flood surfaces in the smaller tributaries (see Silver Creek, SUCO campus and my recent poster on flood mapping), relating flood heights with channel bed roughness, and characterizing the strength of the flow with regards to cobble and boulder transport. Each of these areas admittedly are somewhat academic, especially when no property is under threat from erosion or inundation, but understanding the underlying hydraulics and stream processes is extremely important for river management. This flood offers an extraordinary view into such processes during very high flows—something we rarely get a good look at. Thus, I intend to map as much this flood’s effects as possible before the evidence fades.


Page maintained by Les Hasbargen:
Les is solely responsible for the content of this website
Last modified February 22, 2009

Page Initialized in May 2008