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Welcome to the homepage of the Enhanced Learning Studio Project at Oneonta State University

About the project

The Enhanced Learning Studio (ELS) project was started in the summer/fall of 2008 by Robert Lipari with a grant from the SUNY Oneonta T.L.T.C. Picture of the studio

The purpose of the ELS is to provide music students with a more focused and efficient learning environment that will allow them to achieve a better understanding of fundamental drum set and stick control techniques.

The ELS gives the instructor the ability to record audio and video of key elements of each lesson with the individual student. This enables the instructor to provide exact information about the student's own movements in an easily reviewable way and help ensure effective use of practice time.

In addition this also provides the instructor with a clear record of a student's progress from week to week, and the ability to create personalized work-out videos for individuals which would focus on more long-term goals, extending past the scope of one semester.

More Information

If you are interested in more information about the project, its progress, and other resources, please follow the links provided below.

| ELS Home | In Depth | Progress | Downloads | Exercises | Feedback |