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Robert began playing drums at age 8, and drum set seriously around age 12. After graduating from Berklee College of Music in 1995, he began teaching jazz drum set lessons at Hartwick College in Oneonta. In ‘99 he was hired by SUNY Oneonta and began teaching drum set, percussion ensemble, and rock combos.

Also an active performer, Robert has played with many local rock and jazz bands, and continues to perform regularly around upstate New York.

Always focusing on improving his teaching, Robert was recently awarded a SUNY Oneonta Teaching, Learning and Technology Center Faculty Fellowship Award which you can read about HERE. This website was created as part of that project. He is also working on an instructional book that synthesizes the methods used and lessons learned throughout his years of teaching.

If you want to know more about me, look around this site, it represents most of my interests and passions.