Practice, practice and practice
Practice is the key to Computing Technology!



CSCI 100 Computing Technology (3 credits)

Which I would call it a sampler Dinner (combo, everything a little bit! not the Brooks BBQ)

 Zhang’s Sections


Welcome to CSCI100! This page will be updated regularly as the class goes on. Please check it out (refresh) frequently.



Dr. Sen Zhang



228 Fitzelle Hall



(607) 436-3382





About the course:

·         Course Syllabus ( On Blackboard)

·         General guidelines of handson exams

·         Save your work regularly to avoid unexpected losing of your work!!! Especially during exams.

Important hints and Announcements: (Attention please!)

·         You DO NEED to have and bring the textbook to the class meetings.

·         Use your classroom time wisely, study hard and effectively. Since you need to use some time to work on homework anyway, why not work in the classroom to get your doubts and problems timely addressed by your instructor or classmates and keep a good pace up with your fellow classmates.

·         A makeup, if granted, has to be a written test. I suggest you to try to avoid makeup exams.

·         For general questions about course materials and assignments, please use my college account, PLEASE do NOT use my gmail account, which is used for the exam purpose only. I usually do NOT check out my gmail account on a daily basis.


·         Some basic concepts.

·         Essential

·         Windows 8

·         File systems

·         Internet basics and information literacy

·         Binary-decimal number conversion  (a little bit calculation!)

·         Introduction to Excel

·         Introduction to Access

·         Introduction to PowerPoint

·         Introduction to Frontpage


More links

 Homework Assignments

(Please double check the due dates to better arrange your progress and to avoid unnecessary late penalty. The instructor reserves the right to make proper adjustment to homework assignments based on the overall progress of the classes.)

Attention: Throughout this course

·         Attention please! Save your work regularly. When you save, your data or work will be permanently kept as files on the external storage such as hard disk or jump drive. If you do not save, the data which are being processed in main memory can be totally lost due to some inadvertent mistakes and you have to redo the whole work again. Therefore, remember to save your work periodically, to minimize the chance of losing information.


·         If you are having difficulties in finding out raw data files either because we did not get chance to discuss it or you have missed several classes, here is the instruction for how to get access them. On the desktop screen of any lab computer, you should be able to locate a folder icon called "General Applications". Then click into it, after that look for a folder called something like "office 2010 files"  Enter “Excel” if you want in Excel tutorials, then locate “tutorial.02” if you are interested in tutorial 2, finally “tutorial” for right raw data files. Here, I am using Excel as an example. The logic (the process) is the same for any raw data files, for Word or Excel or something else.  Which files you need to copy depends on which tutorial you are working on. You cannot miss it. From there you copy the raw data files to your own csci100 folder on your P drive. I guess you should be good to go from there.

·         1. Go to a public lab computer.

·         2. On the desktop you can find a folder icon named "General Applications".

·         3. Enter into that folder

·         4. Find a subfolder called Office2010files

·         5. Enter into that folder

·         6. Now if you want to work on Word4 tutorial, enter into that folder

·         7. Enter into Tutorial folder

·         8. Copy those files into your p drive.

·         9. From your p drive, you can open those files, and edit them

·         10. Follow the book to finish the tutorials.


  • Since office_files are located in a public shared storage space,  you have the privilege to read from it, open files from there, but none of you has the privilege to write back to that space. Therefore, you need to copy any raw data files you need for tutorials to your own csci100 folder under your p drive.
  • At Oneonta, we do not need A: drive, we can save our files into p: drive and/or w: drive!! However, if you want to use a  floppy disk, flash memory or jump drive to copy your files, you still can do that whenever you want. Whenever you need to save a file to a:\ drive suggested by the instructions on your textbook, you can save the file to either p:\csci100 or w:\csci100, depending upon whether the file is a webpage or a regular office file.
  • Download the cover page for this course from



Due date

 (See tentative Schedule, also will be announced in classes) If you are not sure about the due dates, please do not hesitate to ask the instructor to clarify.

Also reading assignment

Hw 1

Survey, self-description and email

Preliminary Questions

Operating systems and basic computing skills

Jan. 26

Some questions can be answered in the class.


Hw 2

Check out Angle for Online Activites too!!!!

WD Tutorial 1 & WD Tutorial 2

!!!! Cannot find out the raw data files the textbook talks about??

"Microsoft Office 2013 Sample Files"  in the General Applications and Microsoft Office folders that are located both on the desktop and in the Start Menu.

For raw data files, please copy them from a public folder to your own p drive. To find out the instruction, please scroll up to the front of the table or just click here.


Hw 3

WD Tutorial 3 & Tutorial 4


Hw 4  

EX  Tutorial 1 EX  Tutorial 2 


Hw 5  

EX  Tutorial 3 & Tutorial 4


 You are now half way over the semester, or more precisely, in the sense of the total number of assignments. Keep going!

Hw 6  Click the link for the detailed printout requirement of the homework.

AC  Tutorial 1 & Tutorial 2AC  Tutorial 3 & Tutorial 4

Attention: In order to work out Tutorial 3, and Tutorial 4, you need to have followed all instructions in tutorial 2, because each new tutorial should be built upon the previous tutorial

Attention: In order to work out Tutorial 3, and Tutorial 4, you need to have completed all instructions in tutorial 2, because each new tutorial should be built upon the previous tutorial.

Make sure that you have created your own copy of the raw Access data files.

Hw 7  

. PPT Tutorial 1 & Tutorial 2 & web feature

Website Project

Description of the project is on Blackboard

The instructor reserves the right to make proper adjustment to homework assignments and course schedule.


Review sheets


Typical Steps

Links Description: NEW!

·        Excel jokes.

·        Jokes of words (not Microsoft Word!)

·        jokes

Letter order in a Word

Word Spell Checker


To my dear CSCI 100 students.

I hope you have enjoyed the class and have a nice break soon!!! In the minimum, I hope you like ? if not the ?:). It is my pleasure to have you (very positive and supportive) in my classes. Please also let me know how I can assist your learning in the future!!  Can you figure out what the two ? should be?:)

Sen Zhang